List #2664
Sigmund von HERBERSTEIN do Ioannes DANTISCUSVienna, 1543-10-11
odebrano Heilsberg (Lidzbark Warmiński), 1544-03-12 Rękopiśmienne podstawy źródłowe:
Pomocnicze podstawy źródłowe:
Tekst + aparat krytyczny + komentarzZwykły tekstTekst + komentarzTekst + aparat krytyczny
Reverendissimo domino, domino
Reverendissime Domine Praesul, domine observandissime. Servitiorum meorum perpetuam commendationem.
Et ut Vestrae Reverendissimae Dominationis mandato satisfaciam, perstringam breviter omnia, quae apud nos acta sunt.
Erant circa
Turcica classis, cui praeest
Eur gnaden bit ich vmb ain pernstain oder als wir sprechn ain aigstain, obs gleich nur fragmenta sein, ist alles guett[45].
Eiusdem Vestrae Reverendissimae Dominationis obsequentissimus
[1 ] A reference to Dantiscus’ request from letter cf.
[2 ] Elizabeth von Habsburg was persecuted by the mother of her husband and heir to the throne Sigismund II Augustus, queen Bona. Bona challenged her son’s marriage, which not only gave him an escape from her control but primarily gave him political independence in view of the approaching prospects for his becoming the ruler of Poland and Lithuania. The estates demanded that this take place even while Sigismund I was still alive, in view of his advanced age and poor health. Herberstein also informed Duke Albrecht von Hohenzollern of Elizabeth’s situation, in his letter of December 6, 1543 (see cf. Johannes Voigt, "Briefwechsel des Freih. Sigismund von Herberstein mit dem Herzog Albrecht von Preußen", in: Archiv zur Kunde österreichische Geschichtes-Quellen vol. 17/2, Wien, p. 265-293 ⌊Voigtcf. Johannes Voigt, "Briefwechsel des Freih. Sigismund von Herberstein mit dem Herzog Albrecht von Preußen", in: Archiv zur Kunde österreichische Geschichtes-Quellen vol. 17/2, Wien, p. 265-293 ⌋, p. 287; cf. cf.
[4 ] Herberstein also informed Duke Albrecht von Hohenzollern about Suleiman I’s Hungarian campaign in greater detail, in his letter from Vienna dated December 4, 1543 (see cf. Johannes Voigt, "Briefwechsel des Freih. Sigismund von Herberstein mit dem Herzog Albrecht von Preußen", in: Archiv zur Kunde österreichische Geschichtes-Quellen vol. 17/2, Wien, p. 265-293 ⌊Voigtcf. Johannes Voigt, "Briefwechsel des Freih. Sigismund von Herberstein mit dem Herzog Albrecht von Preußen", in: Archiv zur Kunde österreichische Geschichtes-Quellen vol. 17/2, Wien, p. 265-293 ⌋, p. 286)
[5 ] Valpó seized by the Turks on June 23, 1543, it remained under their rule until 1687. The capture of Valpovo enabled the Turkish army to cross the Drava and seize Siklós (see cf. Andrzej Dziubiński, Stosunki dyplomatyczne polsko-tureckie w latach 1500-1572 w kontekście międzynarodowym, Wrocław, Fundacja na rzecz Nauki Polskiej, 2005 ⌊DZIUBIŃSKIcf. Andrzej Dziubiński, Stosunki dyplomatyczne polsko-tureckie w latach 1500-1572 w kontekście międzynarodowym, Wrocław, Fundacja na rzecz Nauki Polskiej, 2005 ⌋, p. 154; cf. Joseph von Hammer-Purgstall, Vom Regierungsantritte Suleiman des Ersten bis zum Tode Selim's II. 1520-1574, vol. III, Pest, 1828, series: Geschichte des Osmanischen Reiches, grossentheils aus bisher unbenützten Handschriften und Archiven ⌊Hammer-Purgstall IIIcf. Joseph von Hammer-Purgstall, Vom Regierungsantritte Suleiman des Ersten bis zum Tode Selim's II. 1520-1574, vol. III, Pest, 1828, series: Geschichte des Osmanischen Reiches, grossentheils aus bisher unbenützten Handschriften und Archiven ⌋, p. 251-252)
[6 ] The town was seized by the Turks on July 5, 1543, the castle surrendered three days later (cf. Joseph von Hammer-Purgstall, Vom Regierungsantritte Suleiman des Ersten bis zum Tode Selim's II. 1520-1574, vol. III, Pest, 1828, series: Geschichte des Osmanischen Reiches, grossentheils aus bisher unbenützten Handschriften und Archiven ⌊Hammer-Purgstall IIIcf. Joseph von Hammer-Purgstall, Vom Regierungsantritte Suleiman des Ersten bis zum Tode Selim's II. 1520-1574, vol. III, Pest, 1828, series: Geschichte des Osmanischen Reiches, grossentheils aus bisher unbenützten Handschriften und Archiven ⌋, p. 252-254, cf. cf. Andrzej Dziubiński, Stosunki dyplomatyczne polsko-tureckie w latach 1500-1572 w kontekście międzynarodowym, Wrocław, Fundacja na rzecz Nauki Polskiej, 2005 ⌊DZIUBIŃSKIcf. Andrzej Dziubiński, Stosunki dyplomatyczne polsko-tureckie w latach 1500-1572 w kontekście międzynarodowym, Wrocław, Fundacja na rzecz Nauki Polskiej, 2005 ⌋, p. 154, cf. cf. Elementa ad fontium editiones 37. Documenta ex Archivo Regiomontano ad Poloniam spectantia VII pars H B A, B 2, 1543-47, ed. by Karolina Lanckorońska, Roma, 1976 ⌊EFE 37cf. Elementa ad fontium editiones 37. Documenta ex Archivo Regiomontano ad Poloniam spectantia VII pars H B A, B 2, 1543-47, ed. by Karolina Lanckorońska, Roma, 1976 ⌋, No. 800, p. 34)
[7 ] Péter Perényi in the dispute between Ferdinand I and János I Zápolya over the Hungarian Crown changed sides several times. After 1526 he was a supporter of Zápolya, but sought an agreement with Ferdinand I. In 1537 he openly supported Zápolya, but in 1540 went over to Ferdinand I again, who made him a chancellor. In 1540-1541 he took part in the siege of Buda, and in 1542 - in the siege of Pest. He was also the chief commander of the Hungarian army. Imprisoned by Ferdinand I in 1542, he regained his freedom shortly before his death (cf. Fodor Pál, "Ottoman Policy Towards Hungary, 1520-1541", in: Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae XLV (2-3), 1991, p. 271-245 ⌊PÁLcf. Fodor Pál, "Ottoman Policy Towards Hungary, 1520-1541", in: Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae XLV (2-3), 1991, p. 271-245 ⌋, p. 320, footnote 154; cf. cf.
[8 ] Pécs was prepared for defense, but the defection of the Walloon and Flemish merchants, among others, led the bishop of Pécs to surrender the town (July 29, 1543), cf. cf. Joseph von Hammer-Purgstall, Vom Regierungsantritte Suleiman des Ersten bis zum Tode Selim's II. 1520-1574, vol. III, Pest, 1828, series: Geschichte des Osmanischen Reiches, grossentheils aus bisher unbenützten Handschriften und Archiven ⌊Hammer-Purgstall IIIcf. Joseph von Hammer-Purgstall, Vom Regierungsantritte Suleiman des Ersten bis zum Tode Selim's II. 1520-1574, vol. III, Pest, 1828, series: Geschichte des Osmanischen Reiches, grossentheils aus bisher unbenützten Handschriften und Archiven ⌋, p. 254; cf. Johannes Voigt, "Briefwechsel des Freih. Sigismund von Herberstein mit dem Herzog Albrecht von Preußen", in: Archiv zur Kunde österreichische Geschichtes-Quellen vol. 17/2, Wien, p. 265-293 ⌊VOIGT 1857cf. Johannes Voigt, "Briefwechsel des Freih. Sigismund von Herberstein mit dem Herzog Albrecht von Preußen", in: Archiv zur Kunde österreichische Geschichtes-Quellen vol. 17/2, Wien, p. 265-293 ⌋, p. 286
[9 ] Australes - an adjective formed from the name Austria, to denote its residents
[10 ] The crown jewels of the Kingdom of Hungary were kept at the upper castle in Visegrád until 1526 (cf. letter cf.
[11 ] The siege of Esztergom by the Turkish army, with the participation of Suleiman I himself, was conducted from land and by the fleet that came along the Danube. It lasted from July 26 to August 8, 1543 (cf. Joseph von Hammer-Purgstall, Vom Regierungsantritte Suleiman des Ersten bis zum Tode Selim's II. 1520-1574, vol. III, Pest, 1828, series: Geschichte des Osmanischen Reiches, grossentheils aus bisher unbenützten Handschriften und Archiven ⌊Hammer-Purgstall IIIcf. Joseph von Hammer-Purgstall, Vom Regierungsantritte Suleiman des Ersten bis zum Tode Selim's II. 1520-1574, vol. III, Pest, 1828, series: Geschichte des Osmanischen Reiches, grossentheils aus bisher unbenützten Handschriften und Archiven ⌋, p. 254-257; cf. Andrzej Dziubiński, Stosunki dyplomatyczne polsko-tureckie w latach 1500-1572 w kontekście międzynarodowym, Wrocław, Fundacja na rzecz Nauki Polskiej, 2005 ⌊DZIUBIŃSKIcf. Andrzej Dziubiński, Stosunki dyplomatyczne polsko-tureckie w latach 1500-1572 w kontekście międzynarodowym, Wrocław, Fundacja na rzecz Nauki Polskiej, 2005 ⌋, p. 154-155; cf. cf. Elementa ad fontium editiones 37. Documenta ex Archivo Regiomontano ad Poloniam spectantia VII pars H B A, B 2, 1543-47, ed. by Karolina Lanckorońska, Roma, 1976 ⌊EFE 37cf. Elementa ad fontium editiones 37. Documenta ex Archivo Regiomontano ad Poloniam spectantia VII pars H B A, B 2, 1543-47, ed. by Karolina Lanckorońska, Roma, 1976 ⌋, No. 798, p. 29, No. 800, p. 31, No. 801, p. 35-37, No. 803, p. 40-42, cf. Elementa ad fontium editiones 49. Documenta ex Archivo Regiomontano ad Poloniam spectantia XIX pars H B A, B 4, 1542-1548, ed. by Karolina Lanckorońska, Roma, 1980 ⌊EFE 49cf. Elementa ad fontium editiones 49. Documenta ex Archivo Regiomontano ad Poloniam spectantia XIX pars H B A, B 4, 1542-1548, ed. by Karolina Lanckorońska, Roma, 1980 ⌋, No. 453, p. 59; cf. Johannes Voigt, "Briefwechsel des Freih. Sigismund von Herberstein mit dem Herzog Albrecht von Preußen", in: Archiv zur Kunde österreichische Geschichtes-Quellen vol. 17/2, Wien, p. 265-293 ⌊VOIGT 1857cf. Johannes Voigt, "Briefwechsel des Freih. Sigismund von Herberstein mit dem Herzog Albrecht von Preußen", in: Archiv zur Kunde österreichische Geschichtes-Quellen vol. 17/2, Wien, p. 265-293 ⌋, p. 286)
[12 ] Probably a reference to the heavy Turkish attack of August 7, 1543, which Krzysztof Konarski describes in a letter to Duke Albrecht von Hohenzollern in late August (cf. Elementa ad fontium editiones 37. Documenta ex Archivo Regiomontano ad Poloniam spectantia VII pars H B A, B 2, 1543-47, ed. by Karolina Lanckorońska, Roma, 1976 ⌊EFE 37cf. Elementa ad fontium editiones 37. Documenta ex Archivo Regiomontano ad Poloniam spectantia VII pars H B A, B 2, 1543-47, ed. by Karolina Lanckorońska, Roma, 1976 ⌋, No. 803, p. 41, 44, cf. No. 807, p. 47-48, No. 808, p. 49)
[13 ] The act of capitulation agreed upon by the commanders of the Esztergom (Gran) defense was signed on August 10, 1543 (cf. footnote 19, 20; cf. Elementa ad fontium editiones 37. Documenta ex Archivo Regiomontano ad Poloniam spectantia VII pars H B A, B 2, 1543-47, ed. by Karolina Lanckorońska, Roma, 1976 ⌊EFE 37cf. Elementa ad fontium editiones 37. Documenta ex Archivo Regiomontano ad Poloniam spectantia VII pars H B A, B 2, 1543-47, ed. by Karolina Lanckorońska, Roma, 1976 ⌋, No. 808, p. 50-51)
[14 ] Herberstein also informed Jost Ludwig Decius about Martin Lascano being the commander of Esztergom’s (Gran’s) defense (see Decius’ letter of August 19, 1543 to Duke Albrecht von Hohenzollern, cf. Elementa ad fontium editiones 49. Documenta ex Archivo Regiomontano ad Poloniam spectantia XIX pars H B A, B 4, 1542-1548, ed. by Karolina Lanckorońska, Roma, 1980 ⌊EFE 49cf. Elementa ad fontium editiones 49. Documenta ex Archivo Regiomontano ad Poloniam spectantia XIX pars H B A, B 4, 1542-1548, ed. by Karolina Lanckorońska, Roma, 1980 ⌋, No. 452, p. 57; cf. cf. Joseph von Hammer-Purgstall, Vom Regierungsantritte Suleiman des Ersten bis zum Tode Selim's II. 1520-1574, vol. III, Pest, 1828, series: Geschichte des Osmanischen Reiches, grossentheils aus bisher unbenützten Handschriften und Archiven ⌊Hammer-Purgstall IIIcf. Joseph von Hammer-Purgstall, Vom Regierungsantritte Suleiman des Ersten bis zum Tode Selim's II. 1520-1574, vol. III, Pest, 1828, series: Geschichte des Osmanischen Reiches, grossentheils aus bisher unbenützten Handschriften und Archiven ⌋, p. 255)
[15 ] According to Joseph Hammer-Purgstall, this was not Juan but Francisco Salamanca, the same man who accompanied Hieronim Łaski on his mission to Constantinople in 1541 (see cf. Joseph von Hammer-Purgstall, Vom Regierungsantritte Suleiman des Ersten bis zum Tode Selim's II. 1520-1574, vol. III, Pest, 1828, series: Geschichte des Osmanischen Reiches, grossentheils aus bisher unbenützten Handschriften und Archiven ⌊Hammer-Purgstall IIIcf. Joseph von Hammer-Purgstall, Vom Regierungsantritte Suleiman des Ersten bis zum Tode Selim's II. 1520-1574, vol. III, Pest, 1828, series: Geschichte des Osmanischen Reiches, grossentheils aus bisher unbenützten Handschriften und Archiven ⌋, p. 255; cf. Andrzej Dziubiński, Stosunki dyplomatyczne polsko-tureckie w latach 1500-1572 w kontekście międzynarodowym, Wrocław, Fundacja na rzecz Nauki Polskiej, 2005 ⌊DZIUBIŃSKIcf. Andrzej Dziubiński, Stosunki dyplomatyczne polsko-tureckie w latach 1500-1572 w kontekście międzynarodowym, Wrocław, Fundacja na rzecz Nauki Polskiej, 2005 ⌋, p. 138-141, cf. cf. Elementa ad fontium editiones 37. Documenta ex Archivo Regiomontano ad Poloniam spectantia VII pars H B A, B 2, 1543-47, ed. by Karolina Lanckorońska, Roma, 1976 ⌊EFE 37cf. Elementa ad fontium editiones 37. Documenta ex Archivo Regiomontano ad Poloniam spectantia VII pars H B A, B 2, 1543-47, ed. by Karolina Lanckorońska, Roma, 1976 ⌋, No. 801, p. 36-37)
[16 ] Suleiman I sent renegades to besieged Esztergom (Gran): a Spaniard, an Italian and a German, to persuade their compatriots to surrender (cf. Joseph von Hammer-Purgstall, Vom Regierungsantritte Suleiman des Ersten bis zum Tode Selim's II. 1520-1574, vol. III, Pest, 1828, series: Geschichte des Osmanischen Reiches, grossentheils aus bisher unbenützten Handschriften und Archiven ⌊Hammer-Purgstall IIIcf. Joseph von Hammer-Purgstall, Vom Regierungsantritte Suleiman des Ersten bis zum Tode Selim's II. 1520-1574, vol. III, Pest, 1828, series: Geschichte des Osmanischen Reiches, grossentheils aus bisher unbenützten Handschriften und Archiven ⌋, p. 256-256)
[18 ] The commander of the defense of Tata in 1543 was Annibale Tasso. Tata’s voluntary surrender took place on August 16 (cf. Andrzej Dziubiński, Stosunki dyplomatyczne polsko-tureckie w latach 1500-1572 w kontekście międzynarodowym, Wrocław, Fundacja na rzecz Nauki Polskiej, 2005 ⌊DZIUBIŃSKIcf. Andrzej Dziubiński, Stosunki dyplomatyczne polsko-tureckie w latach 1500-1572 w kontekście międzynarodowym, Wrocław, Fundacja na rzecz Nauki Polskiej, 2005 ⌋, p. 154, cf. cf. Elementa ad fontium editiones 37. Documenta ex Archivo Regiomontano ad Poloniam spectantia VII pars H B A, B 2, 1543-47, ed. by Karolina Lanckorońska, Roma, 1976 ⌊EFE 37cf. Elementa ad fontium editiones 37. Documenta ex Archivo Regiomontano ad Poloniam spectantia VII pars H B A, B 2, 1543-47, ed. by Karolina Lanckorońska, Roma, 1976 ⌋, No. 808, p. 49-50)
[19 ] Heydoci (Haiduci) - a name for lightly armed foot soldiers, from the Hungarian haidu - servant, guard, foot soldier (synonym of the Ger. Landsknecht)
[20 ] According to the report of Giovanni Marsupino from late July 1543, Székesfehérvár was defended by 4,000 Italians, 2,000 Germans and 1,000 Hungarian horsemen sent there by Ferdinand I. The Austro-Hungarian garrison of Székesfehérvár capitulated after a few attacks in early September. According to Jan Ocieski’s report, the Turks executed the commander of Székesfehérvár, Georg Varcocs (see cf. Andrzej Dziubiński, Stosunki dyplomatyczne polsko-tureckie w latach 1500-1572 w kontekście międzynarodowym, Wrocław, Fundacja na rzecz Nauki Polskiej, 2005 ⌊DZIUBIŃSKIcf. Andrzej Dziubiński, Stosunki dyplomatyczne polsko-tureckie w latach 1500-1572 w kontekście międzynarodowym, Wrocław, Fundacja na rzecz Nauki Polskiej, 2005 ⌋, p. 154-155, cf. cf. Joseph von Hammer-Purgstall, Vom Regierungsantritte Suleiman des Ersten bis zum Tode Selim's II. 1520-1574, vol. III, Pest, 1828, series: Geschichte des Osmanischen Reiches, grossentheils aus bisher unbenützten Handschriften und Archiven ⌊Hammer-Purgstall IIIcf. Joseph von Hammer-Purgstall, Vom Regierungsantritte Suleiman des Ersten bis zum Tode Selim's II. 1520-1574, vol. III, Pest, 1828, series: Geschichte des Osmanischen Reiches, grossentheils aus bisher unbenützten Handschriften und Archiven ⌋, p. 259; cf. Gratae posteritati Sigismundus liber baro in Herberstein Neyperg et Guettenhag, primarius ducatus Carinthiae hereditariusque et camerarius … actiones suas a puero ad annum usque aetatis suae septuagesimum quartum brevi commentariolo notatas reliquit, Vienna, Raphael Hofhalter, 1560 ⌊HERBERSTEIN 1560cf. Gratae posteritati Sigismundus liber baro in Herberstein Neyperg et Guettenhag, primarius ducatus Carinthiae hereditariusque et camerarius … actiones suas a puero ad annum usque aetatis suae septuagesimum quartum brevi commentariolo notatas reliquit, Vienna, Raphael Hofhalter, 1560 ⌋, f. E2v; cf. Elementa ad fontium editiones 37. Documenta ex Archivo Regiomontano ad Poloniam spectantia VII pars H B A, B 2, 1543-47, ed. by Karolina Lanckorońska, Roma, 1976 ⌊EFE 37cf. Elementa ad fontium editiones 37. Documenta ex Archivo Regiomontano ad Poloniam spectantia VII pars H B A, B 2, 1543-47, ed. by Karolina Lanckorońska, Roma, 1976 ⌋, No. 800, p. 33, No. 808, p. 49)
[21 ] The reports of Giovanni Marsupino, Habsburg agent in Poland, say of 4,000 Italian soldiers sent by the pope and 8,000 German soldiers sent to Vienna by Ferdinand I (see cf. Elementa ad fontium editiones 37. Documenta ex Archivo Regiomontano ad Poloniam spectantia VII pars H B A, B 2, 1543-47, ed. by Karolina Lanckorońska, Roma, 1976 ⌊EFE 37cf. Elementa ad fontium editiones 37. Documenta ex Archivo Regiomontano ad Poloniam spectantia VII pars H B A, B 2, 1543-47, ed. by Karolina Lanckorońska, Roma, 1976 ⌋, No. 800, p. 33, cf. cf. Elementa ad fontium editiones 49. Documenta ex Archivo Regiomontano ad Poloniam spectantia XIX pars H B A, B 4, 1542-1548, ed. by Karolina Lanckorońska, Roma, 1980 ⌊EFE 49cf. Elementa ad fontium editiones 49. Documenta ex Archivo Regiomontano ad Poloniam spectantia XIX pars H B A, B 4, 1542-1548, ed. by Karolina Lanckorońska, Roma, 1980 ⌋, No. 452, p. 58)
[22 ] On June 27, 1543, Herberstein was appointed to Ferdinand I’s War Council. According to Krzysztof Konarski, with Leonard von Fels as the chief commander (see cf. Elementa ad fontium editiones 37. Documenta ex Archivo Regiomontano ad Poloniam spectantia VII pars H B A, B 2, 1543-47, ed. by Karolina Lanckorońska, Roma, 1976 ⌊EFE 37cf. Elementa ad fontium editiones 37. Documenta ex Archivo Regiomontano ad Poloniam spectantia VII pars H B A, B 2, 1543-47, ed. by Karolina Lanckorońska, Roma, 1976 ⌋, No. 800, p. 33) and Niklas II zu Salm (see letter cf.
[23 ] Most likely a reference to the reinforcements sent by Bavarian dukes Wilhelm IV and Ludwig X, and also by Konrad von Bibra!!!, who used the title dux in Franconia (Ger. Franken), elected Prince-Bishop of Würzburg (1540-1544)
[24 ] According to Giovanni Marsupinoüs reports, Ferdinand I intended to gather 40,000 soldiers by about August 10 (see cf. Elementa ad fontium editiones 37. Documenta ex Archivo Regiomontano ad Poloniam spectantia VII pars H B A, B 2, 1543-47, ed. by Karolina Lanckorońska, Roma, 1976 ⌊EFE 37cf. Elementa ad fontium editiones 37. Documenta ex Archivo Regiomontano ad Poloniam spectantia VII pars H B A, B 2, 1543-47, ed. by Karolina Lanckorońska, Roma, 1976 ⌋, No. 800, p. 33)
[28 ] Herberstein is referring to the consultations held in 1543 with the Austrian, Czech and Moravian as well as Hungarian estates on increasing taxes to raise an army against the Turks, to which the Czech and Moravian estates did not consent at the time. The meetings in Pressburg did not bring the expected result, either. The army was sent home, and was supposed to gather again on St. George’s day (April 23/24) in 1544 (see cf. Paula Sutter Fichtner, Ferdinand I of Austria: The Politics of Dynasticism in the Age of Reformation, New York, 1982 ⌊Fichtnercf. Paula Sutter Fichtner, Ferdinand I of Austria: The Politics of Dynasticism in the Age of Reformation, New York, 1982 ⌋, p. 133, cf. cf. Elementa ad fontium editiones 37. Documenta ex Archivo Regiomontano ad Poloniam spectantia VII pars H B A, B 2, 1543-47, ed. by Karolina Lanckorońska, Roma, 1976 ⌊EFE 37cf. Elementa ad fontium editiones 37. Documenta ex Archivo Regiomontano ad Poloniam spectantia VII pars H B A, B 2, 1543-47, ed. by Karolina Lanckorońska, Roma, 1976 ⌋, No. 810, p. 53-54, cf. Elementa ad fontium editiones 49. Documenta ex Archivo Regiomontano ad Poloniam spectantia XIX pars H B A, B 4, 1542-1548, ed. by Karolina Lanckorońska, Roma, 1980 ⌊EFE 49cf. Elementa ad fontium editiones 49. Documenta ex Archivo Regiomontano ad Poloniam spectantia XIX pars H B A, B 4, 1542-1548, ed. by Karolina Lanckorońska, Roma, 1980 ⌋, No. 460, p. 69)
[29 ] In August 1543 Düren was besieged by the forces of Charles V, seized, plundered and burned on August 24 (cf. Robert Jean Knecht, Renaissance Warrior and Patron: The Reign of Francis I, Cambridge, 1994 ⌊Knechtcf. Robert Jean Knecht, Renaissance Warrior and Patron: The Reign of Francis I, Cambridge, 1994 ⌋, p. 487; cf. Manuel Fernández Álvarez, Charles V Elected Emperor and Hereditary Ruler, London, 1975 ⌊Fernández Álvarez 1975cf. Manuel Fernández Álvarez, Charles V Elected Emperor and Hereditary Ruler, London, 1975 ⌋, p. 128; cf. Vincent de Cadenas y Vincent, Diario del Emperador Carlos V (Itinerarios, permanencias, despacho, sucesos y efemérides relevantes de su vida), Madrid, Hidalguia, 1992 ⌊Cadenas y Vicentcf. Vincent de Cadenas y Vincent, Diario del Emperador Carlos V (Itinerarios, permanencias, despacho, sucesos y efemérides relevantes de su vida), Madrid, Hidalguia, 1992 ⌋, p. 302)
[30 ] The subject Caesar is missing a predicate
[31 ] After the death of Karl von Egmond, duke of Guelders, in 1538, Wilhelm V started a dispute over the succession to Guelders with Charles V. Francis I joined the conflict for his own political reasons, bringing about the
marriage of his niece and Wilhelm, and supporting him militarily (cf. Robert Jean Knecht, Renaissance Warrior and Patron: The Reign of Francis I, Cambridge, 1994 ⌊Knechtcf. Robert Jean Knecht, Renaissance Warrior and Patron: The Reign of Francis I, Cambridge, 1994 ⌋, p. 486-487,cf. letter cf.
[32 ] The obeisance of Wilhelm, duke of Jülich-Cleves-Berg, before Charles V took place in Venló (in today’s province of Limburg) on September 7, and a peace treaty ending the war over Guelders was signed the next day (see cf. Manuel Fernández Álvarez, Charles V Elected Emperor and Hereditary Ruler, London, 1975 ⌊Fernández Álvarez 1975cf. Manuel Fernández Álvarez, Charles V Elected Emperor and Hereditary Ruler, London, 1975 ⌋, p. 128; cf. Vincent de Cadenas y Vincent, Diario del Emperador Carlos V (Itinerarios, permanencias, despacho, sucesos y efemérides relevantes de su vida), Madrid, Hidalguia, 1992 ⌊Cadenas y Vicentcf. Vincent de Cadenas y Vincent, Diario del Emperador Carlos V (Itinerarios, permanencias, despacho, sucesos y efemérides relevantes de su vida), Madrid, Hidalguia, 1992 ⌋, p. 303; cf. footnote 49)
[34 ] Under the treaty of Venó signed on September 8, 1543, ending the war over the succession to Guelders, duke Wilhelm V lost Guelders and the county of Zütphen to the emperor, who returned the Duchy of Jülich to the duke as a fiefdom while retaining rule over the towns of Sittard, Heinsberg, Ravenstein (cf. Paul Heidrich, Der Geldrische Erbfolgestreit 1537-1543, Kassel, 1896 ⌊HEIDRICH 1896cf. Paul Heidrich, Der Geldrische Erbfolgestreit 1537-1543, Kassel, 1896 ⌋, p. 107; cf. Elementa ad fontium editiones 37. Documenta ex Archivo Regiomontano ad Poloniam spectantia VII pars H B A, B 2, 1543-47, ed. by Karolina Lanckorońska, Roma, 1976 ⌊EFE 37cf. Elementa ad fontium editiones 37. Documenta ex Archivo Regiomontano ad Poloniam spectantia VII pars H B A, B 2, 1543-47, ed. by Karolina Lanckorońska, Roma, 1976 ⌋, No. 810, p. 53)
[35 ] On September 24, 1543 Charles V was in Diest, in Flemish Brabant whichbordered on Wallonia. In Diest, the Estates-General were debating a counteroffensive against France (cf. Vincent de Cadenas y Vincent, Diario del Emperador Carlos V (Itinerarios, permanencias, despacho, sucesos y efemérides relevantes de su vida), Madrid, Hidalguia, 1992 ⌊Cadenas y Vicentcf. Vincent de Cadenas y Vincent, Diario del Emperador Carlos V (Itinerarios, permanencias, despacho, sucesos y efemérides relevantes de su vida), Madrid, Hidalguia, 1992 ⌋, p. 304)
[36 ] Francis I occupied Luxembourg twice, first in September 1542 and then from September 12, 1543 to August 6, 1544 (cf. cf. Elementa ad fontium editiones 37. Documenta ex Archivo Regiomontano ad Poloniam spectantia VII pars H B A, B 2, 1543-47, ed. by Karolina Lanckorońska, Roma, 1976 ⌊EFE 37cf. Elementa ad fontium editiones 37. Documenta ex Archivo Regiomontano ad Poloniam spectantia VII pars H B A, B 2, 1543-47, ed. by Karolina Lanckorońska, Roma, 1976 ⌋, No. 810, p. 53, No. 817, p. 58; cf. letter cf.
[38 ] In early September 1543, Barbarossa forced upon Francis I maintenance of his fleet. Francis I gave him Toulon as its base (after the Christian inhabitatnts left the town) and till May 23 1544, it was a kind of Turkish colony (see cf. Ion Ursu, La politique orientale de François I-er, Paris, 1908 ⌊URSUcf. Ion Ursu, La politique orientale de François I-er, Paris, 1908 ⌋, p. 144-152; cf. Robert Jean Knecht, Renaissance Warrior and Patron: The Reign of Francis I, Cambridge, 1994 ⌊Knechtcf. Robert Jean Knecht, Renaissance Warrior and Patron: The Reign of Francis I, Cambridge, 1994 ⌋, p. 489, cf. cf. Elementa ad fontium editiones 49. Documenta ex Archivo Regiomontano ad Poloniam spectantia XIX pars H B A, B 4, 1542-1548, ed. by Karolina Lanckorońska, Roma, 1980 ⌊EFE 49cf. Elementa ad fontium editiones 49. Documenta ex Archivo Regiomontano ad Poloniam spectantia XIX pars H B A, B 4, 1542-1548, ed. by Karolina Lanckorońska, Roma, 1980 ⌋, No. 452, p. 58)
[39 ] For more on his role during the Turkish attack on Nice see cf. Corpus Documental de Carlos V, vol. 2 (1539-1548), ed. by Manuel Fernández Álvarez, Salamanca, 1975 ⌊CDCV 2cf. Corpus Documental de Carlos V, vol. 2 (1539-1548), ed. by Manuel Fernández Álvarez, Salamanca, 1975 ⌋, No. 261, p. 161-162
[40 ] The Turks attacked Nice on August 6-7, 1543. After two weeks of bombardment the town surrendered on August 22. The fortress endured the siege till September 8, when the Turks withdrew (see cf. History of the German People at the Close of the Middle Ages, vol. 6, St. Louis, 1903 ⌊Janssen VIcf. History of the German People at the Close of the Middle Ages, vol. 6, St. Louis, 1903 ⌋, p. 235; cf. Ion Ursu, La politique orientale de François I-er, Paris, 1908 ⌊URSUcf. Ion Ursu, La politique orientale de François I-er, Paris, 1908 ⌋ 143-144; cf. Robert Jean Knecht, Renaissance Warrior and Patron: The Reign of Francis I, Cambridge, 1994 ⌊Knechtcf. Robert Jean Knecht, Renaissance Warrior and Patron: The Reign of Francis I, Cambridge, 1994 ⌋, p. 487-488)
[42 ] Alfonso d’Avalos in 1525 he took part in the battle of Pavia on Charles V’s side; commander general of the infantry in Italy (1525), in 1529 he conducted military operations in Apulia, in a bid to protect queen Bona’s estates; in 1535 he was the commander of an expedition to Tunis; in 1538 he became the governor of Milan and Piedmont and the commander general of the imperial forces in Italy; in 1544 he was defeated by the French forces at Ceresole. He was a correspondent of Dantiscus (cf. Alfred Kohler, Karl V. 1500-1558. Eine Biographie, München, 1999 ⌊KOHLER 1999cf. Alfred Kohler, Karl V. 1500-1558. Eine Biographie, München, 1999 ⌋, p. 193, 256, 280; cf. Władysław Pociecha, Królowa Bona (1494-1557). Czasy i ludzie Odrodzenia, vol. 1, Poznań, PWN, 1949 ⌊Pociecha 1cf. Władysław Pociecha, Królowa Bona (1494-1557). Czasy i ludzie Odrodzenia, vol. 1, Poznań, PWN, 1949 ⌋, 176; cf. Władysław Pociecha, Królowa Bona (1494-1557). Czasy i ludzie Odrodzenia, vol. 4, Poznań, PWN, 1958 ⌊Pociecha 4cf. Władysław Pociecha, Królowa Bona (1494-1557). Czasy i ludzie Odrodzenia, vol. 4, Poznań, PWN, 1958 ⌋, 234; cf. Letter cf.
[43 ] A reference to the forces of Florence which was ruled by duke Cosimo I d’Medici (1519-1574) from 1537
[44 ] A reference to the forces of Genoa under Andrea Doria’s command (see letter cf.
[45 ] Herberstein brought in white amber from Prussia for medicinal purposes. In his letter of November 14, 1543, Duke Albrecht von Hohenzollern informed Herberstein that he had sent the amber. We know that Herberstein received a similar parcel from Duke Albrecht also in 1538 and then in September 1539. In 1540 Mikołaj Nipszyc sent Herberstein an amber rosary as a gift (see cf. Elementa ad fontium editiones 47. Res Polonicae ex Archivo Regiomontano, XVII pars (AD. 1536-1538), vol. 47, ed. by Karolina Lanckorońska, Roma, 1979 ⌊EFE 47cf. Elementa ad fontium editiones 47. Res Polonicae ex Archivo Regiomontano, XVII pars (AD. 1536-1538), vol. 47, ed. by Karolina Lanckorońska, Roma, 1979 ⌋, No. 298, p. 191, cf. Elementa ad fontium editiones 48. Res Polonicae ex Archivo Regiomontano, XVIII pars (AD. 1539-1541), vol. 48, ed. by Karolina Lanckorońska, Roma, 1979 ⌊EFE 48cf. Elementa ad fontium editiones 48. Res Polonicae ex Archivo Regiomontano, XVIII pars (AD. 1539-1541), vol. 48, ed. by Karolina Lanckorońska, Roma, 1979 ⌋, No. 305, p. 5, No. 351, p. 93, cf. Elementa ad fontium editiones 56. Res Polonicae ex Archivo Regiomontano, XXVI pars (AD. 1539-1540), vol. 56, ed. by Karolina Lanckorońska, Roma, 1982 ⌊EFE 56cf. Elementa ad fontium editiones 56. Res Polonicae ex Archivo Regiomontano, XXVI pars (AD. 1539-1540), vol. 56, ed. by Karolina Lanckorońska, Roma, 1982 ⌋, No. 1539, p. 9, cf. Elementa ad fontium editiones 57. Res Polonicae ex Archivo Regiomontano, XXVII pars (AD. 1541-1542), vol. 57, ed. by Karolina Lanckorońska, Roma, 1983 ⌊EFE 57cf. Elementa ad fontium editiones 57. Res Polonicae ex Archivo Regiomontano, XXVII pars (AD. 1541-1542), vol. 57, ed. by Karolina Lanckorońska, Roma, 1983 ⌋, No. 2161, p. 213; cf. Johannes Voigt, "Briefwechsel des Freih. Sigismund von Herberstein mit dem Herzog Albrecht von Preußen", in: Archiv zur Kunde österreichische Geschichtes-Quellen vol. 17/2, Wien, p. 265-293 ⌊VOIGT 185cf. Johannes Voigt, "Briefwechsel des Freih. Sigismund von Herberstein mit dem Herzog Albrecht von Preußen", in: Archiv zur Kunde österreichische Geschichtes-Quellen vol. 17/2, Wien, p. 265-293 ⌋7, p. 273, 285-286; cf. Faber, "Nachrichten über den Briefwechsel des Herzogs Albrecht mit dem Freiherrn Siegmund von Herberstein", in: Beitrage zur Kunde Preußens 7 ⌊FABER 1825cf. Faber, "Nachrichten über den Briefwechsel des Herzogs Albrecht mit dem Freiherrn Siegmund von Herberstein", in: Beitrage zur Kunde Preußens 7 ⌋, p. 532)