» CORPUS of Ioannes Dantiscus' Texts & Correspondence
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1 IDT  645 Sigismund I Jagiellon to Gdańsk Town Council    Poznań (Posen)    1513-01-28

Manuscript sources:
1fair copy in Latin, in secretary's hand, APG, 300, D/ 5, No. 749
2 IDT  621 Sigismund I Jagiellon to Gdańsk Town Council    Poznań (Posen)    1513-02-10

Manuscript sources:
1fair copy in Latin, in secretary's hand, APG, 300, D/ 5, No. 753


Text & apparatus & commentaryPlain textText & commentaryText & apparatus


Famosis Praeconsulibus et Consulibus civitatis nostrae Gedanensis, fidelibus nostris dilectis.

Gratiam regiam, famosi fideles nostri dilecti.

Veteranus servitor noster Johann von Höfen (Johannes Flachsbinder) (†1528), father of Ioannes DantiscusIohannes FlaxbinderJohann von Höfen (Johannes Flachsbinder) (†1528), father of Ioannes Dantiscus, concivis vester, coram nobis in querela exposuit, quomodo quidam Dirrig Falcke Theodericus FalkeDirrig Falcke temere eum in ius circumducit, propterea quod honestae Katherina, wife of Lucas van TELGHEN KatherinaeKatherina, wife of Lucas van TELGHEN , Lucas van Telghen Luce de TelghenLucas van Telghen relictae, quae Ioannes Dantiscus (Johannes von Höfen, Ioannes de Curiis, Jan Dantyszek, Johannes Flachsbinder) (*1485 – †1548), diplomat, neo-Latin poet and traveller; 1504 royal scribe; 1507 referendary for Prussian affairs at the court of Sigismund Jagiellon; 1508-1513 royal envoy to Prussian towns and to the Prussian assemblies; 1515 secretary of the Polish legation at the imperial court; in 1516-1532 envoy in the service of the king of Poland Sigismund Jagiellon and emperors Maximilian and Charles V of Habsburg; 1529 Kulm canon; 1530-1537 bishop of Kulm; 1537-1548 bishop of ErmlandfilioIoannes Dantiscus (Johannes von Höfen, Ioannes de Curiis, Jan Dantyszek, Johannes Flachsbinder) (*1485 – †1548), diplomat, neo-Latin poet and traveller; 1504 royal scribe; 1507 referendary for Prussian affairs at the court of Sigismund Jagiellon; 1508-1513 royal envoy to Prussian towns and to the Prussian assemblies; 1515 secretary of the Polish legation at the imperial court; in 1516-1532 envoy in the service of the king of Poland Sigismund Jagiellon and emperors Maximilian and Charles V of Habsburg; 1529 Kulm canon; 1530-1537 bishop of Kulm; 1537-1548 bishop of Ermland eiusdem, notario nostro, causam hereditariam ad quam illa avia est, irrevocabiliter appropriavit, assistit et variis machinationibus persequitur. Quapropter eundem commendatum habendo vobis, quorum interest, ne cuipiam temere ea, quae iuris non essent, inferentur, committimus mandando, quatenus praefatum Johann von Höfen (Johannes Flachsbinder) (†1528), father of Ioannes DantiscusservitoremJohann von Höfen (Johannes Flachsbinder) (†1528), father of Ioannes Dantiscus nostrum ab eiusmodi irritamentis et iniuriis defendatis et securum faciatis, ne ob eam causam, quae ad Ioannes Dantiscus (Johannes von Höfen, Ioannes de Curiis, Jan Dantyszek, Johannes Flachsbinder) (*1485 – †1548), diplomat, neo-Latin poet and traveller; 1504 royal scribe; 1507 referendary for Prussian affairs at the court of Sigismund Jagiellon; 1508-1513 royal envoy to Prussian towns and to the Prussian assemblies; 1515 secretary of the Polish legation at the imperial court; in 1516-1532 envoy in the service of the king of Poland Sigismund Jagiellon and emperors Maximilian and Charles V of Habsburg; 1529 Kulm canon; 1530-1537 bishop of Kulm; 1537-1548 bishop of ErmlandfiliumIoannes Dantiscus (Johannes von Höfen, Ioannes de Curiis, Jan Dantyszek, Johannes Flachsbinder) (*1485 – †1548), diplomat, neo-Latin poet and traveller; 1504 royal scribe; 1507 referendary for Prussian affairs at the court of Sigismund Jagiellon; 1508-1513 royal envoy to Prussian towns and to the Prussian assemblies; 1515 secretary of the Polish legation at the imperial court; in 1516-1532 envoy in the service of the king of Poland Sigismund Jagiellon and emperors Maximilian and Charles V of Habsburg; 1529 Kulm canon; 1530-1537 bishop of Kulm; 1537-1548 bishop of Ermland eius, et non ad eum spectat, quomodolibet impediatur. Sic facturi pro gratia nostra.

Datae Poznań (Posen, Posnania), city in west-central Poland, Wielkopolska, on the Warta riverPosnaniaePoznań (Posen, Posnania), city in west-central Poland, Wielkopolska, on the Warta river, feria quinta ante Dominicam Invocavit proxima anno Domini millesimo quingentesimo tredecimo, regni vero nostri anno septimo.

3 IDT  641 Sigismund I Jagiellon to Gdańsk Town Council    Poznań (Posen)    1513-03-05

Manuscript sources:
1fair copy in Latin, in secretary's hand, APG, 300, D/ 5, No. 758

1DEMBIŃSKA 1954 No. 14, p. 43-44 (in extenso)


Text & apparatus & commentaryPlain textText & commentaryText & apparatus


Famosis Gdańsk Town Council praeconsulibus et consulibus civitatis nostrae GdanensisGdańsk Town Council , fidelibus nostris dilectis

Sigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of AustriaSigismundusSigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austria Dei gratia rex Poland (Kingdom of Poland, Polonia)PoloniaePoland (Kingdom of Poland, Polonia), magnus dux LithuaniaLithuaniaeLithuania, Rus (Russia)RussiaeRus (Russia) Prussia, region in central Europe, bordered by Pomerania, Poland, Lithuania and Livonia. From 1466 Prussia was divided into Royal Prussia (Prussia Regalis), which was a part of the Kingdom of Poland, and Teutonic Prussia (Prussia Ordinis Theutonici) – covering the remnants of the former territory of the Teutonic Order’s state in Prussia. In 1525, the Order’s last Grand Master, Albrecht von Hohenzollern, converted to Lutheranism and became the first lay duke in former Teutonic Prussia (dux in Prussia), which from then on was called Ducal Prussia (Prussia Ducalis). At that time, as a result of the treaty of Cracow, Ducal Prussia became a fief of the kings of PolandPrussiaePrussia, region in central Europe, bordered by Pomerania, Poland, Lithuania and Livonia. From 1466 Prussia was divided into Royal Prussia (Prussia Regalis), which was a part of the Kingdom of Poland, and Teutonic Prussia (Prussia Ordinis Theutonici) – covering the remnants of the former territory of the Teutonic Order’s state in Prussia. In 1525, the Order’s last Grand Master, Albrecht von Hohenzollern, converted to Lutheranism and became the first lay duke in former Teutonic Prussia (dux in Prussia), which from then on was called Ducal Prussia (Prussia Ducalis). At that time, as a result of the treaty of Cracow, Ducal Prussia became a fief of the kings of Polandque etc. dominus et heres

Famosi fideles nobis dilecti.

Miramur vos de nobis aliud velle sentire, quam debeatis , et universi regni nostri subditi experiantur, nos scilicet iuribus Gdańsk (Danzig, Dantiscum), city in northern Poland, on the Bay of Gdańsk at the mouth of the Vistula, on the Baltic, the biggest and wealthiest of the three Great Prussian Cities (Gdańsk, Thorn (Toruń), and Elbing (Elbląg)) with representation in the Council of Royal Prussia; a member of the Hanseatic LeaguecivitatisGdańsk (Danzig, Dantiscum), city in northern Poland, on the Bay of Gdańsk at the mouth of the Vistula, on the Baltic, the biggest and wealthiest of the three Great Prussian Cities (Gdańsk, Thorn (Toruń), and Elbing (Elbląg)) with representation in the Council of Royal Prussia; a member of the Hanseatic League istius nostrae, quam manutenemus, contravenire eademque impugnare, propterea quod controversiam vertentem inter Theodoricum Falke Hermanumque suum germanum ab una et Ioannes Dantiscus (Johannes von Höfen, Ioannes de Curiis, Jan Dantyszek, Johannes Flachsbinder) (*1485 – †1548), diplomat, neo-Latin poet and traveller; 1504 royal scribe; 1507 referendary for Prussian affairs at the court of Sigismund Jagiellon; 1508-1513 royal envoy to Prussian towns and to the Prussian assemblies; 1515 secretary of the Polish legation at the imperial court; in 1516-1532 envoy in the service of the king of Poland Sigismund Jagiellon and emperors Maximilian and Charles V of Habsburg; 1529 Kulm canon; 1530-1537 bishop of Kulm; 1537-1548 bishop of ErmlandIohannem FlaxbinderIoannes Dantiscus (Johannes von Höfen, Ioannes de Curiis, Jan Dantyszek, Johannes Flachsbinder) (*1485 – †1548), diplomat, neo-Latin poet and traveller; 1504 royal scribe; 1507 referendary for Prussian affairs at the court of Sigismund Jagiellon; 1508-1513 royal envoy to Prussian towns and to the Prussian assemblies; 1515 secretary of the Polish legation at the imperial court; in 1516-1532 envoy in the service of the king of Poland Sigismund Jagiellon and emperors Maximilian and Charles V of Habsburg; 1529 Kulm canon; 1530-1537 bishop of Kulm; 1537-1548 bishop of Ermland notarium nostrum parte ab altera per scabinos civitatis istius et demum per vos decisam in conventu per nos statuendam in Royal Prussia (Prussia Regalis), region, part of Prussia annexed to the Kingdom of Poland in 1466 under the provisions of the Second Peace of Thornterris PrussiaeRoyal Prussia (Prussia Regalis), region, part of Prussia annexed to the Kingdom of Poland in 1466 under the provisions of the Second Peace of Thorn, parte una, quod sit gravata, conquerente revidendam, si bene processum sit ac bene decretum, commisimus. Tametsi facile credimus, quod vos, qui ex auctoritate nostra istic praesidetis, iustitiam provide in universos exerceatis, tamen interesse nostra nemo sanae mentis dubitat, qui fastigio regio praesidemus (vobis dumtaxat dubitantibus), quod in universum teneamur cuilibet, tam magno, quam minimo, providere, ubi quis se gravatum conqueritur de iustitiae remedio, et nec credimus, quod communitatis mens exsistat, ut in hoc nostrae auctoritati a quopiam derogetur. Quandoquidem difficile esset cuicumque oppresso iustitiae suae aequabile moderamen assequi, si penes nos non esset plena auctoritas relicta pro cuiuslibet iustitia relevanda.

Certum habete, quod cum tam amplissimum Poland (Kingdom of Poland, Polonia)regnumPoland (Kingdom of Poland, Polonia) iustitia moderamur et inde laudamur, quod in istam quoque Gdańsk (Danzig, Dantiscum), city in northern Poland, on the Bay of Gdańsk at the mouth of the Vistula, on the Baltic, the biggest and wealthiest of the three Great Prussian Cities (Gdańsk, Thorn (Toruń), and Elbing (Elbląg)) with representation in the Council of Royal Prussia; a member of the Hanseatic LeaguecivitatemGdańsk (Danzig, Dantiscum), city in northern Poland, on the Bay of Gdańsk at the mouth of the Vistula, on the Baltic, the biggest and wealthiest of the three Great Prussian Cities (Gdańsk, Thorn (Toruń), and Elbing (Elbląg)) with representation in the Council of Royal Prussia; a member of the Hanseatic League nostram, quam fidissimam semper praedecessoribus nostris et nobis fuisse compertum habemus et quam gratia prosequimur in incremetumque eius intendimus, nulla iniuria in suis emunitatibus efficere cogitamus, sed ipsam in gratia fovebimus et in emunitatibus pro viribus, quantum fert aequitas, conservabimus. Et nollemus, ut a quopiam vestrum de nobis aliud cuipiam persuaderi deberet, non ab re itaque illam controversiam ad Provincial Diet of Royal Prussia conventumProvincial Diet of Royal Prussia in Royal Prussia (Prussia Regalis), region, part of Prussia annexed to the Kingdom of Poland in 1466 under the provisions of the Second Peace of ThornPrussiaRoyal Prussia (Prussia Regalis), region, part of Prussia annexed to the Kingdom of Poland in 1466 under the provisions of the Second Peace of Thorn celebrandum detulimus, ut per Council of Royal Prussia consiliarios terrarum PrussiaeCouncil of Royal Prussia statuum omnium plane videatur, quod nos nonnisi ea facere volumus et facimus, quae ad nostram auctoritatem pertinent, iustitia cuilibet salva permanente. Nam in his, quae sunt auctoritatis nostrae, dubitare nolumus, donec nobis ostensum fuerit ad planum, cuius privilegii auctoritate id constitutum sit, quod nostra non interest, gravamine affectis non sucurrere et ideo vos hortamur pro integritate fidei vestrae, quam nobis debetis, ut in his, quae ad nostram auctoritatem spectare dignoscuntur, vos obsequentes exhibeatis, gratiam accumulatiorem nostram ob eam rem habituri.

Datae Poznań (Posen, Posnania), city in west-central Poland, Wielkopolska, on the Warta riverPoznaniaePoznań (Posen, Posnania), city in west-central Poland, Wielkopolska, on the Warta river, Sabbato ante Dominicam Laetare proximo anno Domini millesimo quingentesimo tredecimo, regni vero nostri anno septimo.

Commissio propria regiae maiestatis

4 IDT  637 Paweł Sebastian KRASSOWSKI to Ambrosius STORM    Poznań (Posen)    1513-05-08

Manuscript sources:
1fair copy in Latin, autograph, APG, 300, D/ 6, No. 387, p. 1-2
5 IDT  492 Sigismund I Jagiellon to Provincial Diet of Royal Prussia    Vilnius    1513-08-30

Manuscript sources:
1copy in Latin, 16th-century, BK, 212, f. 286r-v
2copy in Latin, 16th-century, BK, 219, f. 290r

1AT 2 No. 317, p. 237 (in extenso)
2ASPK 6 No. 49, p. 119 (Polish register)
6 IDT  512 Sigismund I Jagiellon to Jan LUBRAŃSKI    Vilnius    1513-09-09

1AT 2 No. 333, p. 242-243
7 IDT  493 Record of Provincial Diet of Royal Prussia    Graudenz (Grudziądz)    1513-09-14 — 1513-09-19

Manuscript sources:
1copy in German, 16th-century, BK, 219, f. 290v-291r

1ASPK 6 No. 52, p. 121-140 (in extenso; Polish register)
8 IDT  494 Record of Provincial Diet of Royal Prussia    Marienburg (Malbork)    1513-11-20 — 1513-11-25

Manuscript sources:
1copy in German, 16th-century, BK, 212, f. 286v–287r

1ASPK 6 No. 57, p. 143-166 (Polish register; in extenso)