» CORPUS of Ioannes Dantiscus' Texts & Correspondence
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Letter #2045

Felix REICH to Ioannes DANTISCUS
Frauenburg (Frombork), 1539-01-11
            received [1539]-01-15

Manuscript sources:
1fair copy in Latin, autograph, BCz, 1597, p. 377-378

1BISKUP 1972 No. 1, p. 374-377 (Polish register; in extenso; Polish translation)
2Kopernik na Warmii No. 464, p. 499 (Polish register)
3RC No. 407, p. 175-176 (English register)
4NCG 6/1 No. 125, p. 244-247 (in extenso; German translation)


Text & apparatus & commentaryPlain textText & commentaryText & apparatus


BCz, 1597, p. 377

Reverendissime in Christo Pater et Domine, domine et patrone mi clementissime.

Ex quo Dominatio Vestra Reverendissima se tam liberalem erga me praestat, de quo ingentes gratias ago, ut omnia exhibeat, quae ad restaurandam valetudinem meam spectare possint, significavi venerabili domino Achatius Trenck (†1551), in the thirties Trenck was one of Dantiscus’ friends and supported his efforts to obtain the Ermland bishopric after the death of Mauritius Ferber; from 1523 Canon of Ermland (Warmia); 1544-1545 Chancellor of the Ermland Chapter; from 1545 its Dean; 1533-1546 administrator of the Chapter’s estates in Allenstein (Olsztyn); in 1548 and 1550 General Administrator of the Ermland bishopric (after the deaths of Ioannes Dantiscus and Tiedemann Giese) (KOPICZKO 2, p. 332; SBKW, p. 255-256)administratori AllensteinensiAchatius Trenck (†1551), in the thirties Trenck was one of Dantiscus’ friends and supported his efforts to obtain the Ermland bishopric after the death of Mauritius Ferber; from 1523 Canon of Ermland (Warmia); 1544-1545 Chancellor of the Ermland Chapter; from 1545 its Dean; 1533-1546 administrator of the Chapter’s estates in Allenstein (Olsztyn); in 1548 and 1550 General Administrator of the Ermland bishopric (after the deaths of Ioannes Dantiscus and Tiedemann Giese) (KOPICZKO 2, p. 332; SBKW, p. 255-256), quae nomine meo a Reverendissima Dominatione Vestra impetrare eum cupiam, quod sine negotio obtenturum spero, modo in potestate sit Reverendissimae Dominationis Vestrae. Cui pro alba cervisia nuper missa gratias itidem ago.

Ceterum, quia video Reverendissimam Dominationem Vestram de amovendo apud ecclesiam scandalo serio solicitam esse, ut non dubitem executionem etiam in promptu fore aliosque honestos canonicos hoc magno desiderio exspectare ultro nunc, et superinscribedetet superinscribed sponte mea praecurro, ut quicquid tam pio operi, consilii aut operae adhiberi, q dum queo, possim, libenter impertiar. Videtur itaque mihi, quod Dominatio Vestra Reverendissima quamprimum per opportunitatem poterit, tribus his fratribus nostris singulariter singulis mandatum iuxta formulam a me dictatam et fideli manu Fabiani amanuensis exceptam cum ipse, cui omnia tuto creduntur, cum ipse prope scribere nequeam, obsignatis litteris mittantur. Et nihilominus mulierculae pariter iuxta formulam a me antea missam moneantur per loci plebanum auctoritate vestra, ut etiam hoc considerato, quod id omittatur in aliarum duarum litteris, quae viros legitimos non habent, quod est in illis pror prioribus, quae ad Anna Schilling cocamAnna Schilling Nicolaus Copernicus (Mikołaj Kopernik) (*1473 – †1543), humanist, physician and astronomer, doctor of canon law; nephew of Łukasz Watzenrode, Bishop of Ermland; 1497-1543 Canon of Ermland (Warmia); 1511-1513, 1520, 1524-1525, 1529 Chancellor of the Ermland Chapter; 1523 General Administrator of the bishopric after the death of Fabian von Lusian (Luzjański) (KOPICZKO 2, p. 161; SBKW, p. 123-124)domini NicolaiNicolaus Copernicus (Mikołaj Kopernik) (*1473 – †1543), humanist, physician and astronomer, doctor of canon law; nephew of Łukasz Watzenrode, Bishop of Ermland; 1497-1543 Canon of Ermland (Warmia); 1511-1513, 1520, 1524-1525, 1529 Chancellor of the Ermland Chapter; 1523 General Administrator of the bishopric after the death of Fabian von Lusian (Luzjański) (KOPICZKO 2, p. 161; SBKW, p. 123-124) legitimum virum habentem pertinent. Incutiet terrorem non parvum, quod mox instituatur etiam contra mulieres processus. Quibus tamen competens terminus concedendus est, ut intra monitionis limites sibi domicilia alia verisimiliter procurare possint. Quae passim hic ferantur de his rebus, venerabilis dominus Achatius Trenck (†1551), in the thirties Trenck was one of Dantiscus’ friends and supported his efforts to obtain the Ermland bishopric after the death of Mauritius Ferber; from 1523 Canon of Ermland (Warmia); 1544-1545 Chancellor of the Ermland Chapter; from 1545 its Dean; 1533-1546 administrator of the Chapter’s estates in Allenstein (Olsztyn); in 1548 and 1550 General Administrator of the Ermland bishopric (after the deaths of Ioannes Dantiscus and Tiedemann Giese) (KOPICZKO 2, p. 332; SBKW, p. 255-256)Achacius administrator AllensteinensisAchatius Trenck (†1551), in the thirties Trenck was one of Dantiscus’ friends and supported his efforts to obtain the Ermland bishopric after the death of Mauritius Ferber; from 1523 Canon of Ermland (Warmia); 1544-1545 Chancellor of the Ermland Chapter; from 1545 its Dean; 1533-1546 administrator of the Chapter’s estates in Allenstein (Olsztyn); in 1548 and 1550 General Administrator of the Ermland bishopric (after the deaths of Ioannes Dantiscus and Tiedemann Giese) (KOPICZKO 2, p. 332; SBKW, p. 255-256) Reverendissimam Dominationem Vestram certiorem reddat. Nihil tamen harum rerum, quae scribo, conscius, utcumque res sit, constanter agat Reverendissima Dominatio Vestra. Cuius bracchium confirmabit Dominus omnipotens, ut quae pro zelo at(?) auspicata est, in felicem exitum perducat. Iuvabimus alii omnes, quantum poterimus, ut res ipsa succedat. Sed nihilominus Dominationi Vestrae Reverendissimae diligenter curandum est, ut quae iuris ordine processum est institutura, ne quid contra iuris seriem et solitum, ut aiunt, stilum futuris suis litteris interserat. Fit enim plerumque, ut vel minima clausula totum vitiet processum, ut, si ad iudicem superiorem devolvatur, irritus pronuntietur.

Commendo me gratiae et favori Reverendissime Dominationis Vestrae, quae diu valeat incolumis.

Eiusdem Reverendissimae Dominationis Felix Reich (*ca. 1475 – †1539), secretary to Łukasz Watzenrode, Bishop of Ermland (Warmia), and his chaplain; from 1518 Chancellor to succeeding Bishops of Ermland: Fabian von Lusian (Luzjański) and Mauritius Ferber; 1518-1525 Provost of Guttstadt (Dobre Miasto) Collegiate Chapter; 1526-1539 Canon of Ermland; 1528 Chancellor of the Ermland Chapter; 1529-1532 administrator of the Chapter's estates in Allenstein (Olsztyn), and in 1538 in Tolkemit (Tolkmicko); 1538-1539 Vicar General of the diocese of Ermland, and Custos of Ermland; 1528-1530 envoy of the Ermland Chapter to the Provincial Diet of Royal Prussia (KOPICZKO 2, p. 265-266; BORAWSKA 1984, p. 176-177; SBKW, p. 200-201)Felix ReichFelix Reich (*ca. 1475 – †1539), secretary to Łukasz Watzenrode, Bishop of Ermland (Warmia), and his chaplain; from 1518 Chancellor to succeeding Bishops of Ermland: Fabian von Lusian (Luzjański) and Mauritius Ferber; 1518-1525 Provost of Guttstadt (Dobre Miasto) Collegiate Chapter; 1526-1539 Canon of Ermland; 1528 Chancellor of the Ermland Chapter; 1529-1532 administrator of the Chapter's estates in Allenstein (Olsztyn), and in 1538 in Tolkemit (Tolkmicko); 1538-1539 Vicar General of the diocese of Ermland, and Custos of Ermland; 1528-1530 envoy of the Ermland Chapter to the Provincial Diet of Royal Prussia (KOPICZKO 2, p. 265-266; BORAWSKA 1984, p. 176-177; SBKW, p. 200-201)