» CORPUS of Ioannes Dantiscus' Texts & Correspondence
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Letter #3309

[Ioannes DANTISCUS] to [Maximiliaan van EGMOND-BUREN?]
s.l., [1547]-04-26

Manuscript sources:
1rough draft in Latin, in secretary's hand, AAWO, AB, D. 70, f. 267r-v

Auxiliary sources:
1register in Polish, 20th-century, B. PAU-PAN, 8250 (TK 12), f. 381


Text & apparatus & commentaryPlain textText & commentaryText & apparatus


AAWO, AB, D. 70, f. 267r

Magnifice etc.

Venit huc ad me ex Gedano superinscribedex Gdańsk (Danzig, Dantiscum), city in northern Poland, on the Bay of Gdańsk at the mouth of the Vistula, on the Baltic, the biggest and wealthiest of the three Great Prussian Cities (Gdańsk, Thorn (Toruń), and Elbing (Elbląg)) with representation in the Council of Royal Prussia; a member of the Hanseatic LeagueGedanoGdańsk (Danzig, Dantiscum), city in northern Poland, on the Bay of Gdańsk at the mouth of the Vistula, on the Baltic, the biggest and wealthiest of the three Great Prussian Cities (Gdańsk, Thorn (Toruń), and Elbing (Elbląg)) with representation in the Council of Royal Prussia; a member of the Hanseatic Leagueex Gedano superinscribed honestus Iacobus Lehmann Dantiscus' relative (patruelis, ohme)Iacobus LehemannIacobus Lehmann Dantiscus' relative (patruelis, ohme), patruelis meus, cui cum mutua nostra amicitia non esset incognita et causam quandam in illis partibus tra per procuratores suos tracta, Gerhard Vilkens citizen of Amsterdam, plenipotentiary of Iacobus LehmannGerhardum VilkensGerhard Vilkens citizen of Amsterdam, plenipotentiary of Iacobus Lehmann et Gerhard de Closter citizen of Amsterdam plenipotentiary of Iacobus LehmannGerhardum de ClosterGerhard de Closter citizen of Amsterdam plenipotentiary of Iacobus Lehmann, cives in Amsterdam (Amstelodamum), city in the Low Countries, County of HollandAmsterdamAmsterdam (Amstelodamum), city in the Low Countries, County of Holland tractanda, qui has Magnificentiae Vestrae reddent, tractandam haberet, obnixe et diligentissime mihi supplicavit, ut Iacobus Lehmann Dantiscus' relative (patruelis, ohme)ipsumIacobus Lehmann Dantiscus' relative (patruelis, ohme), eius causam et praememoratos suos constitutos Gerhard Vilkens citizen of Amsterdam, plenipotentiary of Iacobus Lehmann

Gerhard de Closter citizen of Amsterdam plenipotentiary of Iacobus Lehmann
procuratoresGerhard Vilkens citizen of Amsterdam, plenipotentiary of Iacobus Lehmann

Gerhard de Closter citizen of Amsterdam plenipotentiary of Iacobus Lehmann
Magnificentiae Vestrae commendarem, quo illa ad meam intercessionem illis patrocinium suum non denegaret et litteris suis superinscribedsuissuis superinscribed ad senatum apud Middelburg Town Council senatum MiddelburgensemMiddelburg Town Council vel dominos ibidem iudices eos ita promoveret, ut tanto fa citius causa ea, quae ibi tractanda veniet, decideretur.

Quae ita se habet: Convenit superiori anno dictus Iacobus Lehmann Dantiscus' relative (patruelis, ohme)patruelisIacobus Lehmann Dantiscus' relative (patruelis, ohme) meus, tunc temporis in EnglandAngliaEngland existens, cum quodam nauclero nomine John Cutte (Ioannes Otte, John Koet, John Kuth) Ioannis OtteJohn Cutte (Ioannes Otte, John Koet, John Kuth) , ut ex portu Dartmouth, town and port in southwestern England, Devon, on the mouth of the Dart river, 42 km E of PlymouthDortmoeDartmouth, town and port in southwestern England, Devon, on the mouth of the Dart river, 42 km E of Plymouth France (Gallia, Francia), the kingdomGalliamFrance (Gallia, Francia), the kingdom versus navigaret[1], dando illi tantum pecuniae, ut ea ta medietatem navis, de qua secum transegerat, sale oneraret adscribedtt adscribed posset, et inde recta vela Gdańsk (Danzig, Dantiscum), city in northern Poland, on the Bay of Gdańsk at the mouth of the Vistula, on the Baltic, the biggest and wealthiest of the three Great Prussian Cities (Gdańsk, Thorn (Toruń), and Elbing (Elbląg)) with representation in the Council of Royal Prussia; a member of the Hanseatic LeagueGedanumGdańsk (Danzig, Dantiscum), city in northern Poland, on the Bay of Gdańsk at the mouth of the Vistula, on the Baltic, the biggest and wealthiest of the three Great Prussian Cities (Gdańsk, Thorn (Toruń), and Elbing (Elbląg)) with representation in the Council of Royal Prussia; a member of the Hanseatic League versus written over mmss written over m verteret, quod John Cutte (Ioannes Otte, John Koet, John Kuth) nauclerusJohn Cutte (Ioannes Otte, John Koet, John Kuth) se facturum sancte recepit. Postquam vero inde ex eo Dartmouth, town and port in southwestern England, Devon, on the mouth of the Dart river, 42 km E of PlymouthportuDartmouth, town and port in southwestern England, Devon, on the mouth of the Dart river, 42 km E of Plymouth solvisset superinscribed in place of crossed-out movissetmovisset solvisset solvisset superinscribed in place of crossed-out movisset et France (Gallia, Francia), the kingdomGalliamFrance (Gallia, Francia), the kingdom satis feliciter attigisset, oblitus sponsionem suam et contractum, quem cum Iacobus Lehmann Dantiscus' relative (patruelis, ohme)patrueliIacobus Lehmann Dantiscus' relative (patruelis, ohme) meo inierat, denuo navem suam mercatori written over eeii written over e Gallico promisit et, accepto eo superinscribed in place of crossed-out ab ab eoeo superinscribed in place of crossed-out ab naulo, sale mercatoris eandem replevit pecuniam vero Iacobus Lehmann Dantiscus' relative (patruelis, ohme)patruelisIacobus Lehmann Dantiscus' relative (patruelis, ohme) mei apud se retinens ea condicione, ut sal illud ex eo loco Galliae in alias partes France (Gallia, Francia), the kingdomGalliaeFrance (Gallia, Francia), the kingdom transportaret, interim vero pecuniam Iacobus Lehmann Dantiscus' relative (patruelis, ohme)patruelisIacobus Lehmann Dantiscus' relative (patruelis, ohme) mei, quam illi pro coemendo sale dederat, apud se retinuit[2].

Tandem, cum vela soluisset, France (Gallia, Francia), the kingdomGalliamFrance (Gallia, Francia), the kingdom reliquit et (simili ratione mercatorem Gallicum, qua Iacobus Lehmann Dantiscus' relative (patruelis, ohme)patruelem meumIacobus Lehmann Dantiscus' relative (patruelis, ohme), decipiens) written over epit)epit)ipiens)ipiens) written over epit) et Zeeland (Zealand, Selandia), county in the Low Countries, belonging to the Habsburg Netherlands, with Middleburg as its capital. It covers the islands in the estuary of the Schelde (Scheldt) and Maas (Meuse) rivers, today a province of the NetherlandsSelandiamZeeland (Zealand, Selandia), county in the Low Countries, belonging to the Habsburg Netherlands, with Middleburg as its capital. It covers the islands in the estuary of the Schelde (Scheldt) and Maas (Meuse) rivers, today a province of the Netherlands pervenit, ubi postquam superinscribedpostquampostquam superinscribed sal mercatoris Gallici vendidisse<t> et, se cum navi sua in insulam quandam, Sancti Martini[3] dictam, recepit, secu securum et tutum se ibi fore putans. John Cutte (Ioannes Otte, John Koet, John Kuth) QuemJohn Cutte (Ioannes Otte, John Koet, John Kuth) cum mercator Gallicus inseque written over uuee written over uretur superinscribed in place of crossed-out tus fuissettus fuissetreturretur superinscribed in place of crossed-out tus fuisset et ibi in eo loco[4] eum comprehendisset, coniectus fuit in carcerem eumque iuridice accusavit et obtinuit, ut in carceres coniceretur, donec illi pro illato damno satisfaceret. Quem cum parva quadam navi, quam in EnglandAngliaEngland emerat, contentum reddidisset. Coactus fuit insuper superinscribedinsuperinsuper superinscribed pro nautis suis fide i(?) fideiubere et tam diu in carce, quod ex ea AAWO, AB, D. 70, f. 267v insula[5] nusquam nullibi, quam in portum quendam, France (Gallia, Francia), the kingdomGalliaeFrance (Gallia, Francia), the kingdom HabelnoweHabelnoweHabelnowe dictam, cum altera navi, quam Iacobus Lehmann Dantiscus' relative (patruelis, ohme)patruelisIacobus Lehmann Dantiscus' relative (patruelis, ohme) meus conduxerat, essent navigaturi, et in carceribus detinebatur, donec id ita factum esse certo rescisse resciretur. Nautae verum vero, cum dolum John Cutte (Ioannes Otte, John Koet, John Kuth) naucleri suiJohn Cutte (Ioannes Otte, John Koet, John Kuth) animadvertentes, non cum inde navisat(?) navigassent, non portum France (Gallia, Francia), the kingdomGalliaeFrance (Gallia, Francia), the kingdom, qui illis constitutus erat, petebant, sed vela vertentes Zeeland (Zealand, Selandia), county in the Low Countries, belonging to the Habsburg Netherlands, with Middleburg as its capital. It covers the islands in the estuary of the Schelde (Scheldt) and Maas (Meuse) rivers, today a province of the NetherlandsSelandiamZeeland (Zealand, Selandia), county in the Low Countries, belonging to the Habsburg Netherlands, with Middleburg as its capital. It covers the islands in the estuary of the Schelde (Scheldt) and Maas (Meuse) rivers, today a province of the Netherlands pervenerunt, relicto in carcere John Cutte (Ioannes Otte, John Koet, John Kuth) naucleroJohn Cutte (Ioannes Otte, John Koet, John Kuth) suo.

Hoc ubi procuratores Iacobus Lehmann Dantiscus' relative (patruelis, ohme)patruelis meiIacobus Lehmann Dantiscus' relative (patruelis, ohme) resciverunt, ilico navim eam primi superinscribedprimiprimi superinscribed arrestarunt, et nunc actio de facto ut superinscribed in place of crossed-out quoquo ut ut superinscribed in place of crossed-out quo ex divendita navi Iacobus Lehmann Dantiscus' relative (patruelis, ohme)patruelisIacobus Lehmann Dantiscus' relative (patruelis, ohme) meus hidden by binding[us]us hidden by binding recompensam illati damni et expositam pecuniam consequi posset. Nunc autem futurum est, ut ea actio de facto arresto paper damaged[o]o paper damaged coram dominis iudicibus in Middelburg (Medioburgum), city in the NetherlandsMiddelburgMiddelburg (Medioburgum), city in the Netherlands proponatur.

Quamplurimum rogo, cum haec causa sit iustissima et Iacobus Lehmann Dantiscus' relative (patruelis, ohme)patruelis hidden by binding[is]is hidden by bindingIacobus Lehmann Dantiscus' relative (patruelis, ohme) meus non parum ab n insidioso John Cutte (Ioannes Otte, John Koet, John Kuth) naucleroJohn Cutte (Ioannes Otte, John Koet, John Kuth) circumventus superinscribed in place of crossed-out deceptusdeceptus circumventus circumventus superinscribed in place of crossed-out deceptus sit et procuratores mercatores, qui non adm... illegible...... illegible magnam scientiam iuris habere solent, procuratores superinscribedprocuratoresprocuratores superinscribed habeat, Magnificentia Vestra, quae consuetum hidden by binding[m]m hidden by binding ius et consuetudinem patriae cognitam de iure et consuetudine patriae edocta est, velit non gravatim meo nomine pa in hac causa Iacobus Lehmann Dantiscus' relative (patruelis, ohme)patrueliIacobus Lehmann Dantiscus' relative (patruelis, ohme) meo, homini in illis terris peregrino, et suis Gerhard Vilkens citizen of Amsterdam, plenipotentiary of Iacobus Lehmann

Gerhard de Closter citizen of Amsterdam plenipotentiary of Iacobus Lehmann
procuratoribusGerhard Vilkens citizen of Amsterdam, plenipotentiary of Iacobus Lehmann

Gerhard de Closter citizen of Amsterdam plenipotentiary of Iacobus Lehmann
operam suam impartiri et iuvare, ne longius ea causa superinscribedcausacausa superinscribed protrahatur, sed citius absolvatur.

Quod ego ut una cum Iacobus Lehmann Dantiscus' relative (patruelis, ohme)patrueliIacobus Lehmann Dantiscus' relative (patruelis, ohme) meo omni gratitudine erga M promerebimur erga Magnificentiam Vestram[6]. Quam prosperrime superinscribed in place of crossed-out felicissimefelicissime prosperrime prosperrime superinscribed in place of crossed-out felicissime cum omnium rerum felicissimo successu valere opto ex animo.

[1] navigare above the letter ncrossed-out symbol (checkmark) indicating the letter u

[2] retinuit above the letter ncrossed-out symbol (checkmark) indicating the letter u

[3, 4, 5] These could be Guernsey, island, a British Crown Dependency in the English Channel off the coast of NormandyGuernseyGuernsey, island, a British Crown Dependency in the English Channel off the coast of Normandy or JerseyJerseyJersey islands.

[6] Vestram two extra strokes at the end of word