» Korpus Tekstów i Korespondencji Jana Dantyszka
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List #3992

Ioannes DANTISCUS do [Johann von LUSIAN (LUZJAŃSKI)?]
Löbau (Lubawa), 1537-04-12

Rękopiśmienne podstawy źródłowe:
1brulion język: niemiecki, autograf, AAWO, AB, D. 7, k. 32r (b.p.)


Tekst + aparat krytyczny + komentarzZwykły tekstTekst + komentarzTekst + aparat krytyczny


Das E(wer) H(erlichkei)t mit krankeit befalln(n), / ist uns leidt. Wuste wir dar superinscribed in place of crossed-out worwor dar dar superinscribed in place of crossed-out worinne der selbig(en) zu helff(en), / thet wir gern(n). / Wollen auch in unserm(m) zcoge uff negste Provincial Diet of Royal Prussia tagfartProvincial Diet of Royal Prussia gen Thorn (Toruń, Thorunium), city in northern Poland, on the Vistula river in its lower reaches, main residence of the bishops of Kulm (Chełmno); one of the three Great Prussian Cities (along with Gdańsk and Elbing) which had representatives in the Council of Royal Prussia; a member of the Hanseatic LeagueThornThorn (Toruń, Thorunium), city in northern Poland, on the Vistula river in its lower reaches, main residence of the bishops of Kulm (Chełmno); one of the three Great Prussian Cities (along with Gdańsk and Elbing) which had representatives in the Council of Royal Prussia; a member of the Hanseatic League den pherd(en) vorbey on the marginden pherd(en) vorbeyden pherd(en) vorbey on the margin E(wer) H(erlichkei)t unbesvert lassen(n), / so wir die hyn zu komen(n) im synne zuvor superinscribedzuvorzuvor superinscribed nicht gehabt. / Goth der almechtige gebe E(wer) H(erlichkei)t gutte gesuntheit, / dem wir dieselbte E(wer) H(erlichkei)t thun befho written over eeoo written over elen.