» CORPUS of Ioannes Dantiscus' Texts & Correspondence
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Letter #3890

[Ioannes DANTISCUS] to [Johann TYMMERMANN]
s.l., [1539-08-21 or shortly after]

English register:

Dantiscus reprimands the [Ermland (Warmia)] Chapter for their lack of response to the letter about the peddling of benefices by the cathedral.

He asks that the paternal character and kindly nature of his reprimands be pointed out to the canons. He promises to write more extensively when he is able to entrust the letter to the Allenstein (Olsztyn) administrator [Achatius Trenck].

Manuscript sources:
1office copy in Latin, in secretary's hand, AAWO, AB, D. 7, f. 103v

1CEID 1/2 No. 97, p. 312 (in extenso; English register)


Text & apparatus & commentaryPlain textText & commentaryText & apparatus



AAWO, AB, D. 7, f. 103v

Non fuisse venerabili capitulo consentaneum vel necessarium, ut litteris meis, quarum hidden by binding[rum]rum hidden by binding misi exemplum, responderet, relinquo in suo sensu, significari tamen non dedecuisset, si illas perceperint nec ne, vel saltem, si honestum habeat [...] paper damaged[...][...] paper damaged ecclesiasticis apud ecclesiam mercari.

Ego quidem, quod scribo, non nisi paterno ac optimo scribo animo ms. amico(!) animoanimo ms. amico(!) , cuius integritatem fratribus nostris commenda hidden by binding[a]a hidden by bindingtam esse velim. De quibus aliquando cum Dominatione Vestra per venerabilem dominum administratorem Allensteinensem latius.

Quae iterum bene valeat etc.