» Korpus Tekstów i Korespondencji Jana Dantyszka
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List #461

Bologna, 1530-01-10

Rękopiśmienne podstawy źródłowe:
1czystopis język: łacina, autograf, BNW, BOZ, 2053, TG 11, Nr 1284, k. 80-81
2kopia język: łacina, XVI w., BJ, 6557, k. 258r-259v
3kopia język: łacina, XVIII w., BCz, 44 (TN), Nr 4, s. 33-36
4kopia język: łacina, XVIII w., BCz, 274, Nr 178, s. 326-328

Pomocnicze podstawy źródłowe:
1regest język: polski, XX w., B. PAU-PAN, 8242 (TK 4), a.1530, k. 2

1AT 12 Nr 13, s. 14-15 (in extenso)


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Ekscerpty dotyczące podróży Dantyszka


BNW, BOZ, 2053, TG 11, No. 1284, f. 81r

Reverendissimo in Christo Patri et Domino, domino Piotr Tomicki (*1464 – †1535), humanist, statesman, diplomat, one of the most trusted collaborators of King Sigismund I of Poland; 1500-1503 Chancellor of Cardinal Fryderyk Jagiellon, 1502 Gniezno Cantor, Archdeacon of Cracow, 1503-1505 servant of Jan Lubrański, Bishop of Poznań, 1504-1510 Canon of Poznań, 1506 royal scribe, 1507-1519 Grand(?) Secretary, 1509 Canon of Włocławek, 1510-1514 - of Gniezno, 1511 Custos in Kielce and Sandomierz, 1514 Bishop of Przemyśl; 1515 Crown Vice-Chancellor, 1520 Bishop of Poznań, 1523 - of Cracow; from 1524 (at least) General Collector of świętopietrze (Peter's pence), 1509 royal envoy to the Dukes of Pomerania and to Mecklenburg, 1510 - to Wallachia, 1510, 1511, 1512, 1513 - to Hungary (WYCZAŃSKI 1990, p. 268)Petro Dei gratia episcopo Cracoviensi etc. et regni Poloniae vicecan text damaged[vicecan]vicecan text damagedcellarioPiotr Tomicki (*1464 – †1535), humanist, statesman, diplomat, one of the most trusted collaborators of King Sigismund I of Poland; 1500-1503 Chancellor of Cardinal Fryderyk Jagiellon, 1502 Gniezno Cantor, Archdeacon of Cracow, 1503-1505 servant of Jan Lubrański, Bishop of Poznań, 1504-1510 Canon of Poznań, 1506 royal scribe, 1507-1519 Grand(?) Secretary, 1509 Canon of Włocławek, 1510-1514 - of Gniezno, 1511 Custos in Kielce and Sandomierz, 1514 Bishop of Przemyśl; 1515 Crown Vice-Chancellor, 1520 Bishop of Poznań, 1523 - of Cracow; from 1524 (at least) General Collector of świętopietrze (Peter's pence), 1509 royal envoy to the Dukes of Pomerania and to Mecklenburg, 1510 - to Wallachia, 1510, 1511, 1512, 1513 - to Hungary (WYCZAŃSKI 1990, p. 268), domino meo gratiosissimo.

BNW, BOZ, 2053, TG 11, No. 1284, f. 80r

Reverendissime in Christo Pater et Domine, Domine Gratiosissime, humillimam commendationem.

cf. [Ioannes DANTISCUS] to Piotr TOMICKI Bologna, 1529-12-31, CIDTC IDL 440Scripsicf. [Ioannes DANTISCUS] to Piotr TOMICKI Bologna, 1529-12-31, CIDTC IDL 440 1529-12-31ultima praeteriti Decembris1529-12-31 cum hoc nuntio, qui istas fert, Dominationi Vestrae Reverendissimae ea, quae tunc se offerebant, cum vero adhuc scribendi opportunitas mihi relicta est, nolui committere, ut ea, quae postea se obtulerunt, Dominationem Vestram Reverendissimam laterent.

Superiori die dominus Cornelius Scepperus, Dominationi Vestrae Reverendissimae licet ignotus, deditissimus, ex mandato caesareae maiestatis in consistorio cardinalium publice contra reverendissimum dominum archiepiscopum Gneznensem et eius nepotes multos articulos pro destitutione eiusdem proposuit fuitque, ut certo intellexi, libenter auditus iniunctumque ei subinde, ut cum fiscali, ut vocant, ea de re conveniret atque colloqueretur; cras idem in consistorio iterum debet proponere. Quid in his fiet, Dominationi Vestrae Reverendissimae cum primis perscribam. Ego tamen coram domino cardinali Gattinari stain[ari]ari staino, magno caesareae maiestatis cancellario, protestatus sum, quod ea in actione nihil fieret in praeiudicium maiestatis regiae et regni, sicque futurum spero. Aliud hic non possum, cum sim sine mandato et nihil mihi sit commissum etc.

Conquestus sum in prioribus de domino Jan Lewicki (†1555), before 1522 sollicitator for Primate Jan Łaski's affairs in Rome, 1522 Latin secretary to Queen Bona Sforza; ca. 1524 Cantor in Płock; 1535 superintendent of Płock cathedral; 1535 presented to the parish in Biała and to the canonry of St. Michael's collegiate church in Płock; 1538 Commendatory Abbot of the monastery of Canons Regular of the Lateran in Czerwińsk; Queen's envoy to Charles V of Habsburg (POCIECHA 2, p. 96-97)LevicioJan Lewicki (†1555), before 1522 sollicitator for Primate Jan Łaski's affairs in Rome, 1522 Latin secretary to Queen Bona Sforza; ca. 1524 Cantor in Płock; 1535 superintendent of Płock cathedral; 1535 presented to the parish in Biała and to the canonry of St. Michael's collegiate church in Płock; 1538 Commendatory Abbot of the monastery of Canons Regular of the Lateran in Czerwińsk; Queen's envoy to Charles V of Habsburg (POCIECHA 2, p. 96-97), sed cum 1530-01-09heri1530-01-09 ab eo cf. Jan LEWICKI to Ioannes DANTISCUS Naples, 1530-01-05, CIDTC IDL 7120, letter lostlitterascf. Jan LEWICKI to Ioannes DANTISCUS Naples, 1530-01-05, CIDTC IDL 7120, letter lost acceperim, datas Naples (Napoli, Neapolis), city in Italy, on the coast of the Tyrrhenian Sea, capital of the region of CampaniaNeapoliNaples (Napoli, Neapolis), city in Italy, on the coast of the Tyrrhenian Sea, capital of the region of Campania 1530-01-055 huius1530-01-05, omnem ei remitto culpam, licet adhuc de provisione mea nihil expediverit, quod quantum me afficiat, cum iam amicis debeam prope 500 ducatos et paulo post Bologna (Bononia), city in Italy at the southern end of the plain of the Po valley, between 1506 and 1860 it belonged to the Papal StatehincBologna (Bononia), city in Italy at the southern end of the plain of the Po valley, between 1506 and 1860 it belonged to the Papal State Rome (Roma), city in central Italy, on the Tiber river, seat of the Holy SeeRomamRome (Roma), city in central Italy, on the Tiber river, seat of the Holy See versus simus ituri, scribi nequit. Dabitur tamen opera a me ope amicorum, quod sine detrimento oratoriae dignitatis Charles V of Habsburg (*1500 – †1558), ruler of the Burgundian territories (1506-1555), King of Spain as Charles I (1516-1556), King of Naples and Sicily, King of the Romans (1519-1530), Holy Roman Emperor of the German Nation (elected 1519, crowned 1530, abdicated 1556); son of Philip I the Handsome and Joanna the Mad of CastilecaesaremCharles V of Habsburg (*1500 – †1558), ruler of the Burgundian territories (1506-1555), King of Spain as Charles I (1516-1556), King of Naples and Sicily, King of the Romans (1519-1530), Holy Roman Emperor of the German Nation (elected 1519, crowned 1530, abdicated 1556); son of Philip I the Handsome and Joanna the Mad of Castile, quemadmodum mihi mandatum est, sequi possim. Supplico nihilominus Dominationi Vestrae Reverendissimae, ut apud Sigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austriaregiam maiestatem Sigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austriaintercedat, si ulterius hic immorari cogar, quo mihi ad eam dignitatem conservandam, in his praesertim papae et caesaris aulis, sumptus suppetat.

1530-01-10Hodie1530-01-10 ad me misit Clement VII (Giulio de' Medici) (*1478 – †1534), 1523-1534 PopepontifexClement VII (Giulio de' Medici) (*1478 – †1534), 1523-1534 Pope, ut 1530-01-11cras1530-01-11 hora 19 me ad consistorium conferrem, ubi de bello contra Turcas et generali expeditione erit tractandum, quam videntur iam serio assumere; cumque neque mandatum neque commissionem habeam, volui me excusare, sed responsum est mihi, quod ea de re ad me missum sit, ut venirem ad consistorium, quod pontifex mihi decrevit iniungere, ut scriberem pro habendo mandato ad maiestatem regiam et interea id, quod mihi videretur ad expeditionem eam expedire, dicerem. Hoc mihi negare non licuit dicturusque sum ea, quae accommoda videbuntur, relinquens tamen testatum me non habere commissionem.

BNW, BOZ, 2053, TG 11, No. 1284, f. 80v

Congressus hic pro ea expeditione cum domino Cornelio plerique, sed vix mihi videtur meo saeculo futura; utinam saltem in Hungaria, ne ulterius progrederentur, Turcas detinere possimus. Deo omnia sunt possibilia; si illius misericordia nos non tuebitur, actum erit.

Mitto hic Dominationi Vestrae Reverendissimae exemplum bullae, quam pontifex pro adiuvando serenissimo Ferdinando rege emisit. Congeretur magna pecunia, sed nescio, in quos usus cessura. Oppugnatur adhuc Florentia, cuius in the other hand, superinscribed in place of crossed-out cuiuscuiuscuiuscuius in the other hand, superinscribed in place of crossed-out cuius 4 oratores pacem petentes cras huc venturos dicunt. De duce Ferrariae adhuc non est conclusum; caesar partes eius tuetur sicque ea non fient, quae pontifex paper damaged[tifex]tifex paper damaged postulat.

Fratrem meum Bernhard von Höfen (Bernhard Flachsbinder) (†after 1548), Ioannes Dantiscus' brother, stayed with Dantiscus in Spain, as a member of his mission's retinue, and was used as a trusted courier to Poland at least from 1526; after 1530 Starost of LöbauBernhardumBernhard von Höfen (Bernhard Flachsbinder) (†after 1548), Ioannes Dantiscus' brother, stayed with Dantiscus in Spain, as a member of his mission's retinue, and was used as a trusted courier to Poland at least from 1526; after 1530 Starost of Löbau adhuc non possum Bologna (Bononia), city in Italy at the southern end of the plain of the Po valley, between 1506 and 1860 it belonged to the Papal StatehincBologna (Bononia), city in Italy at the southern end of the plain of the Po valley, between 1506 and 1860 it belonged to the Papal State expedire, mit paper damaged[mit]mit paper damagedtam tamen eum, antequam discedemus, quod dicunt futurum intra dies paper damaged[ies]ies paper damaged [...] paper damaged[...][...] paper damaged

Caesar etiam instat multis rationibus, ut concilium fiat, sed paper damaged[sed]sed paper damaged ad paper damaged[ad]ad paper damagedhuc cf. Ter. Hau. 222 ne ille haud scit quam mihi nunc surdo narret fabulam surdis fabula haec canitur.cf. Ter. Hau. 222 ne ille haud scit quam mihi nunc surdo narret fabulam Ego etiam quosdam paper damaged[m]m paper damaged ver paper damaged[ver]ver paper damagedsiculos in cf. De nostrorum temporum calamitatibus silva Ad lectorem before 1529-12-09, CIDTC IDP 41;
De nostrorum temporum calamitatibus silva before 1529-12-09, CIDTC IDP 42
silvamcf. De nostrorum temporum calamitatibus silva Ad lectorem before 1529-12-09, CIDTC IDP 41;
De nostrorum temporum calamitatibus silva before 1529-12-09, CIDTC IDP 42
congessi, quibus indutias nostras cum Turca paper damaged[Turca]Turca paper damaged defendo, quae hic passim male audire coeperunt, eosque paper damaged[osque]osque paper damaged Reverendissimae paper damaged[Reverendissimae]Reverendissimae paper damaged Dominationi paper damaged[Dominationi]Dominationi paper damaged Vestrae mitto et una mecum humiliter commendo rogoque, non paper damaged[n]n paper damaged dedignetur me de omnibus et de reditu meo superinscribed, in the hand of othermeomeo superinscribed, in the hand of other, quem summopere cupio, certiorem reddere cum primis et, quod ardentissime desidero, me gratia sua prosequi solita non desinat.


Quid futurum sit de pace nuper facta inter pontificem, caesarem, Venetos et ducem Franciscum Sforciam, nescio; ea, quae inter caesarem et regem Angliae paulo ante fuit confecta, iam incipit exspirare. Rex enim ille repudiavit coniugem suam, amitam caesaris, neque dicit se curare ea in re pontificem, cum habeat duos primates et legatos natos in suo regno, asserens eos tantum habere facultatis, quantum pontifex. Vereor, ne isti novi motus aliquid tale superinscribed, in the hand of othertaletale superinscribed, in the hand of other etiam inter caesarem et regem Galliae pro tempore solutionis, quod instat pro Martio futuro, efficiant. Sic transit orbis etc(?).