» Korpus Tekstów i Korespondencji Jana Dantyszka
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List #5757

Alfonso de VALDÉS do Ioannes DANTISCUS
s.l., [1529-04-18 — 1529-06-20?]

Regest polski: Valdes zawiadamia, że po odesłaniu Pratensisa [Lodewijka van Praet] ma wreszcie chwilę odpoczynku. Rozbawił go bardzo przesłany przez Dantyszka za pośrednictwem Stacha(?) epigramat o przemianie Valdesa w Lalemanda. Odebrał go wraz z listem siedząc przy obiedzie z kanclerzem [Mercurino Gattinarą]. Valdes przesyła Dantyszkowi list cesarza. Drugi list, w sprawie Bari (a może do arcybiskupa Bari?) nie został jeszcze podpisany.

Rękopiśmienne podstawy źródłowe:
1kopia język: łacina, XVIII w., BK, 222, Nr 53, s. 198 (t.p.)
2kopia język: łacina, XVIII w., BCz, 40 (TN), Nr 258, s. 1001
3regest z ekscerptami język: łacina, angielski, XX w., CBKUL, R.III, 31, Nr 302.27
4lost czystopis język: łacina, AAWO, AB, D.130, Nr 27

Pomocnicze podstawy źródłowe:
1regest język: polski, XX w., B. PAU-PAN, 8246 (TK 8), k. 40

1BOEHMER 1899 s. 398 (in extenso)
2DE VOCHT 1961 Nr DE, 60, s. 42 (in extenso)
3VALDÉS 1996 Cartas y documentos, Nr 53, s. 129 (in extenso)
4CEID 2/3 (Letter No. 35) s. 220-221 (in extenso; angielski regest; polski regest)


Tekst + aparat krytyczny + komentarzZwykły tekstTekst + komentarzTekst + aparat krytyczny



Abegimus Louis of Flanders Lord of Praet (a Prato, de Prato, Lodewijk van Praet, Pratensis, Ludovicus a Flandria, Louis de Flandres Seigneur de Praet, Cat(h)o) (*1488 – †1555), diplomat and politician in the service of the Habsburgs, friend and patron of many scholars and writers, admirer of Erasmus of Rotterdam; 1515-1522 High-Bailiff of the city of Ghent, 1523-1549 - of Bruges, 1517 member of the Privy Council of Charles V, 1522-1525 resident ambassador in England, 1525 ambassador at the court of the regent of France, Louise of Savoy, 1530 Chamberlain to the Emperor, 1536 member of the Council of State (as a close adviser to Regent Mary of Hungary); 1540 head of the Finance Council; 1544 Governor of Holland, Zeeland and Utrecht (CE, vol. 2, p. 41-42; DE VOCHT 1961, p. 38-39; DBE, vol. 20, p. 174-176)PratensemLouis of Flanders Lord of Praet (a Prato, de Prato, Lodewijk van Praet, Pratensis, Ludovicus a Flandria, Louis de Flandres Seigneur de Praet, Cat(h)o) (*1488 – †1555), diplomat and politician in the service of the Habsburgs, friend and patron of many scholars and writers, admirer of Erasmus of Rotterdam; 1515-1522 High-Bailiff of the city of Ghent, 1523-1549 - of Bruges, 1517 member of the Privy Council of Charles V, 1522-1525 resident ambassador in England, 1525 ambassador at the court of the regent of France, Louise of Savoy, 1530 Chamberlain to the Emperor, 1536 member of the Council of State (as a close adviser to Regent Mary of Hungary); 1540 head of the Finance Council; 1544 Governor of Holland, Zeeland and Utrecht (CE, vol. 2, p. 41-42; DE VOCHT 1961, p. 38-39; DBE, vol. 20, p. 174-176). Iam mihi paululum respirare licet, nam his totis diebus ne respiravi quidem. Cum mihi cf. Ioannes DANTISCUS to Alfonso de VALDÉS 1529-04-18 — 1529-06-20?, CIDTC IDL 6788, letter lostepistoliumcf. Ioannes DANTISCUS to Alfonso de VALDÉS 1529-04-18 — 1529-06-20?, CIDTC IDL 6788, letter lost simul cum cf. [Ex Valdesio Lalemantus] 1529-04-18 — 1529-06-19, CIDTC IDP 177, poem lostepigrammatecf. [Ex Valdesio Lalemantus] 1529-04-18 — 1529-06-19, CIDTC IDP 177, poem lost tuum reddit Stach[1], sedebam in prandio cum Mercurino Arborio di Gattinara (*1465 – †1530), humanist, jurist, trusted and influential advisor to Charles V; 1501 entered the service of the Habsburgs as legal counsel to Duchess Margaret of Austria, 1504 advisor and President of the Privy Council of Margaret of Austria, after the governoship of the Netherlands was entrusted to her, 1518 Grand Chancellor of Castile and later of Charles V as Roman Emperor, 1529 Cardinal of St. Giovanni a Porta Latina (after the death of his wife, Andreetta Avogadro) (DE VOCHT 1961, p. 12; CE, vol. 2, p. 76-80)cancellarioMercurino Arborio di Gattinara (*1465 – †1530), humanist, jurist, trusted and influential advisor to Charles V; 1501 entered the service of the Habsburgs as legal counsel to Duchess Margaret of Austria, 1504 advisor and President of the Privy Council of Margaret of Austria, after the governoship of the Netherlands was entrusted to her, 1518 Grand Chancellor of Castile and later of Charles V as Roman Emperor, 1529 Cardinal of St. Giovanni a Porta Latina (after the death of his wife, Andreetta Avogadro) (DE VOCHT 1961, p. 12; CE, vol. 2, p. 76-80). Cum cf. Ioannes DANTISCUS to Alfonso de VALDÉS 1529-04-18 — 1529-06-20?, CIDTC IDL 6788, letter lostepistoliumcf. Ioannes DANTISCUS to Alfonso de VALDÉS 1529-04-18 — 1529-06-20?, CIDTC IDL 6788, letter lost lego, in quo mones, ut cf. [Ex Valdesio Lalemantus] 1529-04-18 — 1529-06-19, CIDTC IDP 177, poem lostepigrammacf. [Ex Valdesio Lalemantus] 1529-04-18 — 1529-06-19, CIDTC IDP 177, poem lost boni consulam, obstupui. Quasi nescires nihil me posse non boni consulere, quod ex te proficiscatur. Cum autem ad cf. [Ex Valdesio Lalemantus] 1529-04-18 — 1529-06-19, CIDTC IDP 177, poem lostepigrammacf. [Ex Valdesio Lalemantus] 1529-04-18 — 1529-06-19, CIDTC IDP 177, poem lost venio, vix (ita me Deus amet) a risu temperare potui, ubi vidi me ex Valdesio Jean Lalemand (Ioannes Alemanus) (*1470 – †1560), friend of Erasmus of Rotterdam, adherent of Charles de Lannoy, Viceroy of Naples, personal enemy of Alfonso de Valdés, whom he charged with Lutheranism on the basis of his work "Dialogo de las cosas ocurridas en Roma"; secretary to Charles V, in December 1528 accused of betrayal and imprisoned, never regained the Emperor's favourLalemantumJean Lalemand (Ioannes Alemanus) (*1470 – †1560), friend of Erasmus of Rotterdam, adherent of Charles de Lannoy, Viceroy of Naples, personal enemy of Alfonso de Valdés, whom he charged with Lutheranism on the basis of his work "Dialogo de las cosas ocurridas en Roma"; secretary to Charles V, in December 1528 accused of betrayal and imprisoned, never regained the Emperor's favour effectum, cui os et clauditur, et reseratur offis.



Mitto litteras Charles V of Habsburg (*1500 – †1558), ruler of the Burgundian territories (1506-1555), King of Spain as Charles I (1516-1556), King of Naples and Sicily, King of the Romans (1519-1530), Holy Roman Emperor of the German Nation (elected 1519, crowned 1530, abdicated 1556); son of Philip I the Handsome and Joanna the Mad of CastilecaesarisCharles V of Habsburg (*1500 – †1558), ruler of the Burgundian territories (1506-1555), King of Spain as Charles I (1516-1556), King of Naples and Sicily, King of the Romans (1519-1530), Holy Roman Emperor of the German Nation (elected 1519, crowned 1530, abdicated 1556); son of Philip I the Handsome and Joanna the Mad of Castile ad te, aliae autem pro negotio tuo Barrensi[2] nondum subscriptae sunt a caesare.

Iterum vale.

[1 ] Stach servant of Ioannes DantiscusStachStach servant of Ioannes Dantiscus – probably Dantiscus’ servant, perhaps identical with Stanislaus, mentioned in cf. Johan WEZE to Ioannes DANTISCUS Toledo, 1526-05-09, CIDTC IDL 287IDL 287cf. Johan WEZE to Ioannes DANTISCUS Toledo, 1526-05-09, CIDTC IDL 287). If the lectio in the manuscript copies is right, probably Suárez, physician of Madrid (Xuárez), Erasmianist (CE, vol. 3, p. 296)SuárezSuárez, physician of Madrid (Xuárez), Erasmianist (CE, vol. 3, p. 296)

[2 ] If a correction from tuo to negotio tuo or causa tua is wrong, Barrensis can be identified as Esteban Gabriel Merino (*1472 – †1535), correspondent and defender of Erasmus of Rotterdam; Dantiscus dedicated to him his propaganda booklet Victoria Serenissimi Poloniae Regis contra Vayevodam Muldaviae (first edition Leuven, 1531); 1513-1530 Archbishop of Bari, 1516-1523 Bishop of León, 1523-1535 Bishop of Jaén, from 1526 member of the Council of State of Emperor Charles V and diplomat in his service, 1530-1535 Patriarch of the West Indies, 1533 elevated to cardinal in the consistory of February 21, 1533, received the red hat and the title of S. Vitale on March 3, 1533 (MIRANDA, http://www2.fiu.edu/~mirandas/bios1533.htm)Esteban Gabriel MerinoEsteban Gabriel Merino (*1472 – †1535), correspondent and defender of Erasmus of Rotterdam; Dantiscus dedicated to him his propaganda booklet Victoria Serenissimi Poloniae Regis contra Vayevodam Muldaviae (first edition Leuven, 1531); 1513-1530 Archbishop of Bari, 1516-1523 Bishop of León, 1523-1535 Bishop of Jaén, from 1526 member of the Council of State of Emperor Charles V and diplomat in his service, 1530-1535 Patriarch of the West Indies, 1533 elevated to cardinal in the consistory of February 21, 1533, received the red hat and the title of S. Vitale on March 3, 1533 (MIRANDA, http://www2.fiu.edu/~mirandas/bios1533.htm) archbishop of Bari (Barium, Status Barensis), duchy in southern Italy, on the Adriatic Sea, Bari was a hereditary country of Queen Bona of PolandBariBari (Barium, Status Barensis), duchy in southern Italy, on the Adriatic Sea, Bari was a hereditary country of Queen Bona of Poland