» CORPUS of Ioannes Dantiscus' Texts & Correspondence
Copyright © Laboratory for Source Editing and Digital Humanities AL UW

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__ select letters.*, max(letter_d_nadania.end) as data_nadania, min(replace(o_p.sorting_form, " UNKNOWN", "ZZZZZUNK")) as first_addressee, min(letter_publications.number)as ceid_number, (select min(ls.idd) from letter_sources as ls where ls.idl=letters.id and ls.`primary`="1") as primary_source from letters left join letter_publications on letter_publications.idl=letters.id left join letter_from_date_interval as letter_d_nadania on letter_d_nadania.idl=letters.id left join text_person as letter_t on letter_t.text_id=letters.id left join objects_persons as o_p on letter_t.person=o_p.id where 1 and date_format(letter_d_nadania.end, "%Y")="1514" and letter_t.text_type="letter" and letter_t.role="2" group by letters.id order by data_nadania , first_addressee, ceid_number __
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