» Korpus Tekstów i Korespondencji Jana Dantyszka
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1IDL  778 Ioachimus CAMERARIUS do Ioannes DANTISCUS, Nuremberg, 1532-04-25

Rękopiśmienne podstawy źródłowe:
1czystopis język: łacina, UUB, H. 154, k. 81
2kopia język: łacina, XVIII w., SUB, Sup. Ep. 4-o 41, Nr 3, k. 4r-v
3kopia język: łacina, XVIII w., SBB, MS Lat. Quart. 101, Nr 3, k. 10v-11v
4kopia język: łacina, XVIII w., SLUB, C 110, k. 12v-13v
5kopia język: łacina, XVIII w., BCz, 1366, s. 63-64
6kopia język: łacina, XVIII w., B. Ossol., 151/II, k. 5v - 6r
7kopia język: łacina, XVIII w., BCz, 46 (TN), Nr 93, s. 393-394
8kopia język: łacina, XX w., B. PAU-PAN, 8242 (TK 4), a.1531, k. 28

Pomocnicze podstawy źródłowe:
1regest język: polski, XX w., B. PAU-PAN, 8246 (TK 8), k. 321
2regest język: polski, XX w., B. PAU-PAN, 8247 (TK 9), k. 56
3regest język: angielski, XX w., CBKUL, R.III, 30, Nr 58

1AT 14 Nr 205, s. 322-323 (in extenso; polski regest)
2DE VOCHT 1961 Nr DE, 212, s. 139 (angielski regest)


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Etsi non ignorabam cum tuas occupationes maiores esse, quam ut nostris litteris vacare posses, tum illo has ineptiores, quam ut libenter legere velles, tamen nos written over (ost)ri(ost)riosos written over (ost)ri officii nostri recordatio impulit, ut significaremus tibi gratitudinem animi nostri onerati a te maximis beneficiis humanitatis et benevolentiae, quod recte sic duxi, cum solicitudine non mediocri premar, quomodo, non dico, aliquid retulisse gratiae videamur, cf. TER. Ph. 338 immo enim nemo sati pro merito gratiam regi refert quis enim – inquit ille – pro merito gratiam regi refertcf. TER. Ph. 338 immo enim nemo sati pro merito gratiam regi refert , sed ne indigni testimonio significationemque voluntatis tuae ha existimemur. Tu igitur, maxime clarissimeque atque etiam doctissime vir, velim tibi persuadeas, nos pro studio tuo benignitateque erga nos Tua sic gratos esse, ut qui maxime et subsu possit et debeat, cupereque tuae magnificentiae honoris nominis causa pro viribus nostris facere omnia, quod – ut confido – acceptum erit tibi perpendenti non facultatem sed promptitudinem voluntatis nostrae. Has etiam scito ad te litteras me scripsisse impulsu tuorum, hoc est Helius Eobanus Hessus (Eobanus Koch, Helius Coccius) (*1488 – †1540), neo Latin poet, humanist and writer, since 1509 secretary of bishop of Pomesania Hiob Dobeneck, lecturer of law at the University of Erfurt, 1526-1533 lecturer in the Nuremberg Gymnasium, 1530 visited Augsburg during the Imperial Diet, since 1536 professor of history at the University of Marburg; in 1512 attended the wedding of Sigismund I Jagiellon and Barbara Zápolya at Cracow (NDB, Bd. 4, s. 543-545; CE, vol. 1, p. 434-436)EobaniHelius Eobanus Hessus (Eobanus Koch, Helius Coccius) (*1488 – †1540), neo Latin poet, humanist and writer, since 1509 secretary of bishop of Pomesania Hiob Dobeneck, lecturer of law at the University of Erfurt, 1526-1533 lecturer in the Nuremberg Gymnasium, 1530 visited Augsburg during the Imperial Diet, since 1536 professor of history at the University of Marburg; in 1512 attended the wedding of Sigismund I Jagiellon and Barbara Zápolya at Cracow (NDB, Bd. 4, s. 543-545; CE, vol. 1, p. 434-436) et Ioannes Campensis (Jan van Campen, Ioannes de Campo) (*1491 – †1538), Netherlandish classical philologist and Hebraist, author of a paraphrase of the Book of Psalms from Hebrew to Latin and a Hebrew grammar, in 1531 lecturer at the Collegium Trilingue of Louvain University (CE, vol. 1, p. 255-256)CampensisIoannes Campensis (Jan van Campen, Ioannes de Campo) (*1491 – †1538), Netherlandish classical philologist and Hebraist, author of a paraphrase of the Book of Psalms from Hebrew to Latin and a Hebrew grammar, in 1531 lecturer at the Collegium Trilingue of Louvain University (CE, vol. 1, p. 255-256), quorum sententiam cum te improbare non posse sciam, minus metui, ne factum nostrum a te non in optimam partem accipiatur. Vale, excellentissime antistes.