» Korpus Tekstów i Korespondencji Jana Dantyszka
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Znaleziono: 1

zachowanych: 1 + zaginionych: 0

1IDL 2418 Michał GŁOWA do Ioannes DANTISCUS, Cracow, 1541-04-26
            odebrano Marienburg (Malbork), 1541-05-12

Rękopiśmienne podstawy źródłowe:
1czystopis język: łacina, AAWO, AB, D. 6, k. 43

Pomocnicze podstawy źródłowe:
1regest język: niemiecki, XX w., B. PAU-PAN, 8249 (TK 11), k. 315
2regest język: angielski, XX w., CBKUL, R.III, 31, Nr 339

1HIPLER 1891 Nr 56, s. 561 (in extenso; niemiecki regest)


Tekst + aparat krytyczny + komentarzZwykły tekstTekst + komentarzTekst + aparat krytyczny


AAWO, AB, D. 6, f. 43r

Salutem, Reverendissime Domine.

Tametsi Reverendissimae Paternitati Vestrae minus cognitus sum nullamque occasionem habeam scribendi opportunam, praeterquam quod nepotes Reverendissimae Paternitatis Vestrae Augustin Reisen (Augustin Reisze), Dantiscus' relative, perhaps his nephew (a son of Ursula and Johann Reise) (NOWAK 1982, p. 45)AgustinusAugustin Reisen (Augustin Reisze), Dantiscus' relative, perhaps his nephew (a son of Ursula and Johann Reise) (NOWAK 1982, p. 45) et Johann Hannau Jr (Johann Hannow, Ioannes Hannovius) (*ca. 1524 – †1575), nephew of Ioannes Dantiscus (son of Anna), who financed his education in Kulm; in 1541 immatriculated at the Cracow University; probably worked at the royal chancellery; 1546 Ermland canon (KOPICZKO 2, p. 108)IoannesJohann Hannau Jr (Johann Hannow, Ioannes Hannovius) (*ca. 1524 – †1575), nephew of Ioannes Dantiscus (son of Anna), who financed his education in Kulm; in 1541 immatriculated at the Cracow University; probably worked at the royal chancellery; 1546 Ermland canon (KOPICZKO 2, p. 108) voluntate spectabilis domini Georg Hegel (†1547), the Thurzons' and later the Fuggers' factor in Cracow (worked for the Fuggers at least from 1521); supplier to the royal court in Cracow (PSB 9, p. 336)Georgii HegelGeorg Hegel (†1547), the Thurzons' and later the Fuggers' factor in Cracow (worked for the Fuggers at least from 1521); supplier to the royal court in Cracow (PSB 9, p. 336), civis Cracoviensis, de re publica optime meriti, gratia perdiscendarum bonarum litterarum et praeceptis philosophiae capessendis adhaeserunt. Idne voluntate illorum factum sit, affectu vel amore, aut spe cumulatioris eruditionis, quam in me inesse sibi ipsis persuaserant, aut voluntate Dei Omnipotentis? Quod suspicari et concredere, magis cohaerens et consonum mihi apparet. Cuius ineffabilis benignitas, misericordia incredibilis id nunc ordinat atque efficit, ut in gratiam tanti antistitis tamque consultissimi primatis, quo fere uno clerus Poland (Kingdom of Poland, Polonia)imperii PoloniciPoland (Kingdom of Poland, Polonia) gloriatur palmamque plebs promiscua in ferendis consiliis prae ceteris tribuit, recipi dicique clientulus merear. Faxit Deus, ut dignus oculis Reverendissimae Paternitatis Vestrae videar, quo gratiam assequar; verum eam assequi neutiquam puto, nisi dum nepotes Reverendissimae Paternitatis Vestrae carissimos et moribus et scientiis cultiores efficiam, quod mihi factu quoque facillimum inde videtur, dum illos probatissimos, moratos et virtutum amatores perspexi, talesque tamque dignissimos, in quibus iusta causa ferendi cumulatioris commodi Reverendissima Paternitas Vestra sumptus tantos collocat. Nec spe frustrabitur diis propitiis de illis concepta; etenim illos peculiariter Reverendissimae Paternitati Vestrae ornamento futuros, amicis patriaeque suae non parvum honorem confido suis vigiliis ac studiis allaturos. Utrum alteri praeferam, praeterit me sane, cum utrique ferventissimus in studiis adsit animus. Cum his me committo gratiae et benignitati Reverendissimae Paternitatis Vestrae longamque salutem a domino Deo Christo Iesu humillime comprecor, quam Reverendissimae Paternitati Vestrae longam tribuat in nostrarum omnium consolationem.

Michał Głowa Michael GlovnitianusMichał Głowa , disciplinarum liberalium magister et collega Almae Universitatis Cracoviensis, Reverendissimae Paternitatis Vestrae clientulus obsequentissimus scripsit