» CORPUS of Ioannes Dantiscus' Texts & Correspondence
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Jakub · STRASZYŃSKI Jan · STRAUBING Hans · STRAUBING Hans, daughter of · STRAUBING Hans, son of · STRAUBING Hans, wife of · STRAUS Jacob · STRAUSZ Jörgen · STROZZI · STROZZI Filippo · STRÒZZI Piero · STROZZI Reynaldus · STUBES Peter · STULPAWITZ Caspar · STURM Arendt · STURM Arendt, wife of · STURM Johannes · STURTZ · STUTTE Ioannes · SUÁREZ Cristóbal · SUÁREZ, physician of Madrid · SUCHTEN Alexander von · SUCHTEN Georg von Jr · SUCHTEN Georg von Sr · SUCHTEN Konrad von · SUETONIUS TRANQUILLUS Gaius · Suleiman the Magnificent · SULPICIUS RUFUS Servius Lemonia · Sunderland, Zofia · Susanna · SVAVE Peder · Swabian League · Swedes · Swiss · SYELENBURGER Paulus · Sylvester I · SYLVIUS Iacobus · SZAFRANIEC Hieronim · SZAFRANIEC Mikołaj · SZAKMÁRY Georgius · SZCZAWIŃSKI Mikołaj · SZCZAWIŃSKI Stanisław · SZCZEPANOWSKI Erazm · SZCZEPANOWSKI Filip · SZCZEPAŃSKI Jan · SZYDŁOWIECKA Elżbieta · SZYDŁOWIECKI Krzysztof · SZYDŁOWIECKI Krzysztof, sister of · SZYDŁOWIECKI Mikołaj · SZYDŁÓW Bartłomiej of · Szymon, sołtys of Kokocko


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1IDL 4546 Adolphus de SCORNACO to Ioannes DANTISCUS, Rome, 1535-06-03
            received [1535]-07-22

Manuscript sources:
1fair copy in Latin, AAWO, AB, D. 5, f. 117-118
2register with excerpt in Latin, English, 20th-century, CBKUL, R.III, 31, No. 399

1DE VOCHT 1961 No. DE, 303, p. 242-243, 304 (English register; excerpt)
2AT 17 No. 318, p. 417-419 (in extenso; Polish register)


Text & apparatus & commentaryPlain textText & commentaryText & apparatus


AAWO, AB, D. 5, f. 117r

Salutem plurimam. Reverendissime Domine et Patrone incomparabilis.

Non dubito, qui paper damaged[i]i paper damagedn Paternitati Tuae mirum videatur, quod ego tam insolens audeam scribere ad eum, qui in summa dignitate et rerum administratione sit constitutus, nempe qui talibus levibus naeniis non deberet praepediri, sed sese exhibuit tanta nuntii commoditas atque eadem argumenti ubertas, quae facile persuasit, ut Tuam Paternitatem a seriis aliquantisper avocarem. Credebam praeterea non insuavia futura, nisi omnino a pristina morum ac vitae ratione sit alienata.

Primum sane Paternitatem Tuam latere nolui, quamvis suspicor eam famam ad vos pervenisse, dominum meum ac patronum singularem, dominum Cornelis De Schepper (Cornelius Scepperus, Cornelis De Dobbele, Cornelius Duplicius) (*1503 – †1555), erudite, diplomat in the Habsburgs' service; close friend of Ioannes Dantiscus; initially in the service of Christian II of Oldenburg, King of Denmark; 1526 secretary and councillor to Emperor Charles V of Habsburg (CE, vol. 3, p. 218-220; DE VOCHT 1961, p. 15-24)Cornelium ScepperumCornelis De Schepper (Cornelius Scepperus, Cornelis De Dobbele, Cornelius Duplicius) (*1503 – †1555), erudite, diplomat in the Habsburgs' service; close friend of Ioannes Dantiscus; initially in the service of Christian II of Oldenburg, King of Denmark; 1526 secretary and councillor to Emperor Charles V of Habsburg (CE, vol. 3, p. 218-220; DE VOCHT 1961, p. 15-24) iam variis legationibus, eisdemque periculosis, defunctum, quas terra ac mari passim obivit, quasi ex dubia tempestate sese in tutum portum contulisse, vivit enim Brussels (Bruxellae), city in the Low Countries, Duchy of Brabant, since the regency of Mary of Hungary the capital of the Habsburg Netherlands, today the capital of BelgiumBruxellisBrussels (Bruxellae), city in the Low Countries, Duchy of Brabant, since the regency of Mary of Hungary the capital of the Habsburg Netherlands, today the capital of Belgium apud reginam a consiliis secreti concilii, ut vocant, summae auctoritatis apud omnes. Nullum tractatur consilium, ad quod non vocetur, praeterea in financiis plurimum illius opera utuntur. Interim sese intra suos penates cum uxore ac familia oblectat. Invisit illum nonnumquam decanus Mark Laurijn (Marcus Laurinus) (*1488 – †1540), humanist, studied at Louvain University (1502) and in Bologna (1507), friend of Erasmus of Rotterdam and Juan Luis Vives, brother-in-law of Cornelis De Schepper's wife Elisabeth Donche, the widow of his brother Pieter Laurijn; 1512 Canon of St. Donat in Bruges, 1519 - Dean of. St. Donatian (DE VOCHT 1961, p. 85-86)Marcus LaurinusMark Laurijn (Marcus Laurinus) (*1488 – †1540), humanist, studied at Louvain University (1502) and in Bologna (1507), friend of Erasmus of Rotterdam and Juan Luis Vives, brother-in-law of Cornelis De Schepper's wife Elisabeth Donche, the widow of his brother Pieter Laurijn; 1512 Canon of St. Donat in Bruges, 1519 - Dean of. St. Donatian (DE VOCHT 1961, p. 85-86), summo omnium applausu et congratulatione. Haec scribit mihi Levinus Panagathus, meus contubernalis quondam, nunc familiaris regineus.

Habui proximis diebus ex Barcelona (Barcinona, Barcino), city in northeastern Spain, CataloniaBarchinonaBarcelona (Barcinona, Barcino), city in northeastern Spain, Catalonia litteras a Petro Mirabili, servitore Paternitatis Vestrae, qui scribit caesaream maiestatem ad diem XXIIII mensis Maii conscensuram naves, ut solvat ex Spain (Hispania)HispaniaSpain (Hispania), profecturus primum, ut ipsi suspicantur et ut est communis vox, AAWO, AB, D. 5, f. 117v et fama in Siciliam, a qua ablegabit armatam universam versus barbariam, ipse vero recta contendet Neapolim ac deinde Rhomam, ut negotium futuri generalis concilii cum sanctissimo domino nostro componat, a quo non videtur abhorrere hic noster vetulus pontifex. Numerus autem navium, quem descripsi ex quadam epistula nostri fabulosi poetae Mariangeli est huiusmodi. Ex Neapoli, Sicilia et Genua: galerae 43, galeoni quinque, carackae totidem, naves 40. Ex Malaga: naves grossae 54. Ex Portugallia: caravellae 20, galion uno, navis unica. Ex Piscaya: azabirae 20 et aliae plures aptae ferendis equis. Sunt omnium vela trecenta et ultra. Erat praeterea ascriptus numerus paene infinitus ducum, comitum, baronum, nobilium, qui suam maiestatem esse<n>t comitaturi. Narravit nobis dominus Christophorus Mullinck ex Neapoli navigaturam infinitam cohortem nobilium et principum virorum. Fortunet omnia Christus.

Pontifex creavit sex cardinales in 4-or temporibus Spiritus, quorum sex tres sunt praesentes in curia Rhomana, reliqui tres absunt et sunt nomina haec: Capuanus, is est frater Nicolaus Germanus Misnensis, Giacomo Simonetta (*1475 – †1539)Symonetta MediolanensisGiacomo Simonetta (*1475 – †1539), auditor camerae, absentes: John Fisher (Ioannes Roffensis) (*1459 – †1535), tutor to prince Henry (afterwards Henry VIII Tudor), repeatedly elected chancellor of Cambridge University, fervent opponent of royal divorce and trusted counsellor to queen Catherine of Aragon, arrested in 1533 and two years later beheaded; since 1935 saint of the Catholic Church; 1504 Bishop of Rochester, 1535 Cardinal Priest of San VitaleRoffensis AnglusJohn Fisher (Ioannes Roffensis) (*1459 – †1535), tutor to prince Henry (afterwards Henry VIII Tudor), repeatedly elected chancellor of Cambridge University, fervent opponent of royal divorce and trusted counsellor to queen Catherine of Aragon, arrested in 1533 and two years later beheaded; since 1935 saint of the Catholic Church; 1504 Bishop of Rochester, 1535 Cardinal Priest of San Vitale, episcopus Parisiensis, Gasparo Contarini (*1483 – †1542), philosopher and theologian, Venetian diplomat; member of papal commission for church reform in years 1536-1540, withdrawn from its work under suspition of supporting the Reformation; 1515 Venetian avogador del comun; 1521-1525 ambassador to emperor Charles V; 1525 captain of Brescia; 1530 head of the Venetian Council of Ten; 1535 elevated to cardinal; 1541 papal legate to the diet of Regensburg (CE, vol. 1, p. 334-335)Gasper ContarenusGasparo Contarini (*1483 – †1542), philosopher and theologian, Venetian diplomat; member of papal commission for church reform in years 1536-1540, withdrawn from its work under suspition of supporting the Reformation; 1515 Venetian avogador del comun; 1521-1525 ambassador to emperor Charles V; 1525 captain of Brescia; 1530 head of the Venetian Council of Ten; 1535 elevated to cardinal; 1541 papal legate to the diet of Regensburg (CE, vol. 1, p. 334-335) Venetus.

AAWO, AB, D. 5, f. 118r

Monasterienses de deditione tractant, sunt enim ad extremam penuriam redacti et desperati. Gubernator Frisiae his proximis diebus VI-c anabaptistas, qui in partibus Frisiae locum cuiusdam monasterii fortificaverant obsidione inclusit et violenta manu occupavit omnesque gladio ultore delevit.

Nondum effluxis octo diebus, in Ambsterdam, munitissimo oppido Hollandiae, quidam anabaptistae noctu omnes vigiles, in domo consulari excubias servantes, interemerunt et domum violenter occuparunt, burgimagistrum interfecerunt, sed illico facta bonorum Christianorum irruptione, omnes interempti fuerunt, nisi nimium festinassent in exsecutionem sui sceleris anabaptistae exspectassentque ad unam horam habuissentque sui sceleris complices VIII-c viros, qui reliquos omnes interfecissent, oppidum vi occupassent. Sed prospexit Omnipotens Aeternus Deus.


Haec sunt, quae nolui Paternitatem Tuam ignorare, sic est turbulentus reipublicae Christianae status.

Quod ad me attinet, reliqui caesarem ante duos annos in Hispanias navigaturum, uno altero anno vixi meis apud Flandros, secundo contuli me Rome (Roma), city in central Italy, on the Tiber river, seat of the Holy SeeRhomamRome (Roma), city in central Italy, on the Tiber river, seat of the Holy See, quo omine vivo apud dominum praepositum Hoetfilter et Dietrich von Rheden (Teodoryk Reden) (*1492 – †1556), doctor of both canon and civil law. Rheden spent most of his life in Rome where he was dealing with, among other things, the affairs of the Ermland Chapter; 1532-1551 Canon of Ermland (Warmia); Canon of Mainz and Lübeck; in 1551 he was appointed Bishop of Lübeck, but he did not accept the dignity (KOPICZKO 2, p. 263; SBKW, p. 200)Theodericum de RhedenDietrich von Rheden (Teodoryk Reden) (*1492 – †1556), doctor of both canon and civil law. Rheden spent most of his life in Rome where he was dealing with, among other things, the affairs of the Ermland Chapter; 1532-1551 Canon of Ermland (Warmia); Canon of Mainz and Lübeck; in 1551 he was appointed Bishop of Lübeck, but he did not accept the dignity (KOPICZKO 2, p. 263; SBKW, p. 200) in domo Teutonic Order (Order of Brothers of the German House of Saint Mary in Jerusalem, Ordo domus Sanctae Mariae Theutonicorum Hierosolymitanorum), military order founded at the end of the 12th centuryordinis TheutonicorumTeutonic Order (Order of Brothers of the German House of Saint Mary in Jerusalem, Ordo domus Sanctae Mariae Theutonicorum Hierosolymitanorum), military order founded at the end of the 12th century alias marchionum Brandeburgensium, qui me nomine veteris amicitiae iam annum domi suae humanissime ac liberalissime aluerunt. Interim exspecto redemptionem per nostrum Messiam Charles V of Habsburg (*1500 – †1558), ruler of the Burgundian territories (1506-1555), King of Spain as Charles I (1516-1556), King of Naples and Sicily, King of the Romans (1519-1530), Holy Roman Emperor of the German Nation (elected 1519, crowned 1530, abdicated 1556); son of Philip I the Handsome and Joanna the Mad of CastileCarolum quintumCharles V of Habsburg (*1500 – †1558), ruler of the Burgundian territories (1506-1555), King of Spain as Charles I (1516-1556), King of Naples and Sicily, King of the Romans (1519-1530), Holy Roman Emperor of the German Nation (elected 1519, crowned 1530, abdicated 1556); son of Philip I the Handsome and Joanna the Mad of Castile, cuius curiae magis assuevi quam ad hanc Rhomanam.

Si quid est in quo Paternitati Vestrae possim inservire, inveniet me ad quidvis paratissimum. Hoc unum deprecor, ne aegre ferat, quod tam audenter te a seriis negotiis interpellarim. AAWO, AB, D. 5, f. 118v Federicus dux Bavariae fuit apud caesarem in Hispaniis. Fama est illi nuptui datam iri principem Daniae natu maiorem.

Bene valeat Reverendissima Paternitas Vestra, quam Deus Optimus Maximus diu conservet incolumem.

Ex urbe Rome (Roma), city in central Italy, on the Tiber river, seat of the Holy SeeRhomaRome (Roma), city in central Italy, on the Tiber river, seat of the Holy See, tertio Iunii anno domini MDXXXV.

2IDL 6906     Ioannes DANTISCUS to Adolphus de SCORNACO, shortly before 1541-01-10 Letter lost

Letter lost, mentioned in IDL 2268