» Korpus Tekstów i Korespondencji Jana Dantyszka
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List #5781

Alfonso de VALDÉS do Ioannes DANTISCUS
s.l., [second half of 1528, not later than 1528-11-28?]

Regest polski: Valdes żałuje, że nie może przyjść do Dantyszka [na obiad], ale już trzy dni temu obiecał zjeść u Ioannes'a Burgundus'a w towarzystwie Granvelli i żon. Jeśli zdoła, przyjdzie do Dantyszka po obiedzie.

Rękopiśmienne podstawy źródłowe:
1kopia język: łacina, XVIII w., BK, 222, Nr 47, s. 187 (c.p. 1)
2kopia język: łacina, XVIII w., BCz, 40 (TN), Nr 254, s. 979 (c.p.2)
3lost czystopis język: łacina, AAWO, AB, D.130, Nr 37
4regest z ekscerptami język: łacina, angielski, XX w., CBKUL, R.III, 31, Nr 302.37

1CEID 2/3 (Letter No. 21) s. 178 (in extenso; angielski regest; polski regest)


Tekst + aparat krytyczny + komentarzZwykły tekstTekst + komentarzTekst + aparat krytyczny


Doleo, quod ante tres dies pollicitus sum probably Jean Lalemand (Ioannes Alemanus) (*1470 – †1560), friend of Erasmus of Rotterdam, adherent of Charles de Lannoy, Viceroy of Naples, personal enemy of Alfonso de Valdés, whom he charged with Lutheranism on the basis of his work "Dialogo de las cosas ocurridas en Roma"; secretary to Charles V, in December 1528 accused of betrayal and imprisoned, never regained the Emperor's favourIoanni Burgundoprobably Jean Lalemand (Ioannes Alemanus) (*1470 – †1560), friend of Erasmus of Rotterdam, adherent of Charles de Lannoy, Viceroy of Naples, personal enemy of Alfonso de Valdés, whom he charged with Lutheranism on the basis of his work "Dialogo de las cosas ocurridas en Roma"; secretary to Charles V, in December 1528 accused of betrayal and imprisoned, never regained the Emperor's favour, strenuo illi faeneratori, me una cum domino Nicolas Perrenot de Granvelle (*1484 – †1550), doctor of both canon and civil law, one of the most trusted advisors of Emperor Charles V, in 1519 entered the service of Charles V, in 1521 took part in the Habsburg-French negotiations in Calais, in 1529 in peace negotiations with the Roman Curia and the Italian states, and later, in 1538, in the conference of Nice between Charles V and Francis I; prominent official and advisor of Charles V and of Margaret of Austria in the administration of the County of Burgundy and of the Habsburg Netherlands, collaborator of Chancellor Gattinara, 1530 secretary of State for German and Netherlandish affairs and Chancellor of the Kingdom of Sicily and Naples (he replaced Gattinara after his death in the position of Grand Chancellor, although not using the title); imperial envoy to France (several times up to 1528) (CE, vol. 3, p. 68-70; DURME 1964; ANTONY 2006)GranvillaNicolas Perrenot de Granvelle (*1484 – †1550), doctor of both canon and civil law, one of the most trusted advisors of Emperor Charles V, in 1519 entered the service of Charles V, in 1521 took part in the Habsburg-French negotiations in Calais, in 1529 in peace negotiations with the Roman Curia and the Italian states, and later, in 1538, in the conference of Nice between Charles V and Francis I; prominent official and advisor of Charles V and of Margaret of Austria in the administration of the County of Burgundy and of the Habsburg Netherlands, collaborator of Chancellor Gattinara, 1530 secretary of State for German and Netherlandish affairs and Chancellor of the Kingdom of Sicily and Naples (he replaced Gattinara after his death in the position of Grand Chancellor, although not using the title); imperial envoy to France (several times up to 1528) (CE, vol. 3, p. 68-70; DURME 1964; ANTONY 2006) et Nicole Bonvalot (*1490 – †1570), from 1513 wife of Nicolas Perrenot de Granvelle (ANTONY 2003)

Anne Hanneton countess of Ascot in 1524 married Jean Lalemand (ANTONY 1983, p. 156)
uxoribusNicole Bonvalot (*1490 – †1570), from 1513 wife of Nicolas Perrenot de Granvelle (ANTONY 2003)

Anne Hanneton countess of Ascot in 1524 married Jean Lalemand (ANTONY 1983, p. 156)
pransurum hodie apud se, nam alias libentissime venissem ad te. Veniam tamen, si potero, post prandium.
