Ex litteris tuis te salvum conductum a ⌊rege Galliae⌋ habuisse intelleximus et pro his, quae de tua opera nobis polliceris, gratiam habemus non vulgarem. Scimus enim te pro singulari tua in nos fide ac devotione nullo in loco rebus nostris defuturum, sed cum superinscribed⌈cumcum superinscribed⌉ verea superinscribed⌈aa superinscribed⌉mur, ne ex re tua neque forsan ms. m(!)
⌈nn ms. m(!)
⌉ nostram sit, ut superinscribed, in the hand of other⌈utut superinscribed, in the hand of other⌉ Gallicae te committas fidei te etiam atque ... superinscribed, in the hand of other⌈... illegible⌈...... illegible⌉... superinscribed, in the hand of other⌉ etiam hortamur, ut mature tibi in the other hand, superinscribed in place of crossed-out quid sit boni⌈quid sit boni tibi tibi in the other hand, superinscribed in place of crossed-out quid sit boni⌉ consulas etsi male metuas, novisti enim mores et ⌊hominum⌋ genus, aut in the other hand, superinscribed in place of crossed-out ut⌈ut aut aut in the other hand, superinscribed in place of crossed-out ut⌉ alio iter tuum convertas teque mari potius committas. Quodsi per ⌊Italiam⌋ nobicum fortassis aut cum classe nostra transire volueris, experieris semper nostram in te humanitatem, neque credimus serenissimum ⌊regem Poloniae⌋ fratrem nostrum carissimum mol in the other hand, written over d⌈dll in the other hand, written over d⌉este habiturum, quicquid in hac re, etiam si ad eius serenitatem redditus in the other hand, adscribed in place of crossed-out m⌈mss in the other hand, adscribed in place of crossed-out m⌉ protrahatur, consulte egeris, cum ex re utriusque nostrum sit.