» Skróty
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Pozostałe skróty

Znaleziono: 32

1AB Archiwum Biskupie, fond in the Ermland Archdiocesan Archives, Olsztyn (AAWO)
2AK Archiwum Kapituły (Chapter's Archives), fond in the Ermland Archdiocesan Archives, Olsztyn (AAWO)
3AS Autographensammlung, from the former Prussian State Library in Berlin, preserved at present in the Jagiellonian Library
4b.p. bottom of page
5BOZ Biblioteka Ordynacji Zamojskiej (Zamość Estate Library), fond in the Warsaw National Library (BNW)
6c.p. centre of page
7ca. circa
8cf. confer
9d. died
10e.g. exempli gratia
11ed. edited
12f. folio, folios
13ff. and following
14HBA Herzoglisches Briefarchiv, archives in the Secret State Archives Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation, Berlin, (GStA PK)
15IDL identification number of letter
16IDP identification number of poem
17IDS identification number of source
18IDT identification number of source text other than letter or poem
19l. line, lines
20ms manuscript
21No. number
22Ostpr. Fol. Ostpreußische Folianten, archives in the Secret State Archives Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation, Berlin, (GStA PK)
23p. page, pages
24r recto
25s.a. sine anno
26s.d. sine data
27s.l. sine loco
28t.p. top of page
29TG Teki Górskiego (Górski Files), archives in the Warsaw National Library (BNW)
30TK Teki Kurpiela (Kurpiel Files), archives in the Scientific Library of PAU & PAN (B.PAU-PAN)
31v verso
32vol. volume