Texts regarding ecclesiastical judges of Roman Catholic Church
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Results found: 1 preserved: 1 + lost: 0 1 | IDT 160 | Testimony for ecclesiastical judges of Roman Catholic Church Löbau (Lubawa) 1536-01-07 | Manuscript sources: 1 | rough draft in Latin, autograph, BCz, 244, p. 55 (b.p.)
| Text & apparatus & commentaryPlain textText & commentaryText & apparatus
BCz 244, p. 55
Ioannes Dantiscus (Johannes von Höfen, Ioannes de Curiis, Jan Dantyszek, Johannes Flachsbinder) (*1485 – †1548), diplomat, neo-Latin poet and traveller; 1504 royal scribe; 1507 referendary for Prussian affairs at the court of Sigismund Jagiellon; 1508-1513 royal envoy to Prussian towns and to the Prussian assemblies; 1515 secretary of the Polish legation at the imperial court; in 1516-1532 envoy in the service of the king of Poland Sigismund Jagiellon and emperors Maximilian and Charles V of Habsburg; 1529 Kulm canon; 1530-1537 bishop of Kulm; 1537-1548 bishop of Ermland⌊IoannesIoannes Dantiscus (Johannes von Höfen, Ioannes de Curiis, Jan Dantyszek, Johannes Flachsbinder) (*1485 – †1548), diplomat, neo-Latin poet and traveller; 1504 royal scribe; 1507 referendary for Prussian affairs at the court of Sigismund Jagiellon; 1508-1513 royal envoy to Prussian towns and to the Prussian assemblies; 1515 secretary of the Polish legation at the imperial court; in 1516-1532 envoy in the service of the king of Poland Sigismund Jagiellon and emperors Maximilian and Charles V of Habsburg; 1529 Kulm canon; 1530-1537 bishop of Kulm; 1537-1548 bishop of Ermland⌋ Dei gratia etc. manifestum facimus et superinscribed⌈manifestum facimus etmanifestum facimus et superinscribed⌉
fatemur per has nostras litteras coram omnibus cuiuscumque status
aut dignitatis ecclesiastical judges of Roman Catholic Church ⌊iudicibus in spiritualibus ecclesiastical judges of Roman Catholic Church ⌋ constitutis superinscribed⌈constitutisconstitutis superinscribed⌉
nos penitus ignorasse nobilem olim Iacobus Rokoss (Jakub Rokusz) (†1534-1536), nobleman from Kulm district, an owner of Ostrowo (AT 16/1, p. 8, footnote 2; HOSZOWSKI 1961, p. 158)⌊Iacobum RokossIacobus Rokoss (Jakub Rokusz) (†1534-1536), nobleman from Kulm district, an owner of Ostrowo (AT 16/1, p. 8, footnote 2; HOSZOWSKI 1961, p. 158)⌋ publicum homicidam fuisse on the margin⌈publicum homicidam fuissepublicum homicidam fuisse on the margin⌉ antequam superinscribed in place of crossed-outquo tempore⌈quo tempore antequam antequam superinscribed in place of crossed-outquo tempore⌉
ius quoddam praetensum expectativae ad ecclesiam nostram a
Jan Konopacki Sr (Ioannes de Conopat) (†1530), before 1500 Provost and Treasurer of Marienburg; 1508-1530 Bishop of Kulm (NITECKI)⌊praedecessoreJan Konopacki Sr (Ioannes de Conopat) (†1530), before 1500 Provost and Treasurer of Marienburg; 1508-1530 Bishop of Kulm (NITECKI)⌋ nostro illi collatum
assecutus fuerat
, quod quidem nullius vigoris ius ab ipso Iacobo
resignatum, cuidam sacerdoti text damaged⌈[ti]ti text damaged⌉ Thoronensi Kaspar Lysman (Kaspar Liszeman, Casparus Lisemannus) (†after 1547-05-20), son of Toruń Old Town alderman Bernhard Lysman and his wife Gertrud; rector of St. Jacob parish in Thorn; at least from 1533 supranumerary (not resident and out of profit) canon of Kulm (MAŃKOWSKI 1928, p. 117; TSB 7, p. 117-118)⌊Casparo LismanKaspar Lysman (Kaspar Liszeman, Casparus Lisemannus) (†after 1547-05-20), son of Toruń Old Town alderman Bernhard Lysman and his wife Gertrud; rector of St. Jacob parish in Thorn; at least from 1533 supranumerary (not resident and out of profit) canon of Kulm (MAŃKOWSKI 1928, p. 117; TSB 7, p. 117-118)⌋, sub
eadem ignorantia text damaged⌈[tia]tia text damaged⌉ confirmavimus illumque in eccelesiam nostram induci prae text damaged⌈[rae]rae text damaged⌉misimus. Cum autem certiores facti essemus
Iacobus Rokoss (Jakub Rokusz) (†1534-1536), nobleman from Kulm district, an owner of Ostrowo (AT 16/1, p. 8, footnote 2; HOSZOWSKI 1961, p. 158)⌊resigna text damaged⌈[na]na text damaged⌉toremIacobus Rokoss (Jakub Rokusz) (†1534-1536), nobleman from Kulm district, an owner of Ostrowo (AT 16/1, p. 8, footnote 2; HOSZOWSKI 1961, p. 158)⌋ illum superinscribed⌈illumillum superinscribed⌉
priusquam a Jan Konopacki Sr (Ioannes de Conopat) (†1530), before 1500 Provost and Treasurer of Marienburg; 1508-1530 Bishop of Kulm (NITECKI)⌊praedecessoreJan Konopacki Sr (Ioannes de Conopat) (†1530), before 1500 Provost and Treasurer of Marienburg; 1508-1530 Bishop of Kulm (NITECKI)⌋ nostro superinscribed⌈nostronostro superinscribed⌉
exspectativam written over...⌈... illegible⌈...... illegible⌉ivamivam written over...⌉ obtinuisse text damaged⌈[e]e text damaged⌉, quam tamen praeter Romanum pontificem nemo superinscribed⌈nemonemo superinscribed⌉ nisi privilegiati paper damaged⌈[iati]iati paper damaged⌉ episcopi on the margin⌈episcopiepiscopi on the margin⌉ dare possunt, homicidam publicum fuisse, ius illud praedecessoris nostri et confirmationem nostram cassavimus, quae ea in re vigorem habere non potuit, cassavimus. Cum
nemo etiam potest plus iuris conferre in alium, quam sibi competere, dinoscatur, unde on the margin⌈ius illud praedecessoris nostri et confirmationem nostram cassavimus, quae ea in re vigorem habere non potuit, cassavimus. Cum superinscribed⌈CumCum superinscribed⌉
nemo etiam potest plus iuris conferre in alium, quam sibi competere, dinoscatur, undeius illud praedecessoris nostri et confirmationem nostram cassavimus, quae ea in re vigorem habere non potuit, cassavimus. Cum
nemo etiam potest plus iuris conferre in alium, quam sibi competere, dinoscatur, unde on the margin⌉ ius
canonicatum superinscribed in place of crossed-outs⌈smm superinscribed in place of crossed-outs⌉ eccelsiae nostrae proxime vacantiae, post mortem paper damaged⌈[ortem]ortem paper damaged⌉ venerabilis Jan Meckler (Jan Mekeler) (†1534), Kulm canon (MAŃKOWSKI 1928, p. 125)⌊Ioannis MeklerJan Meckler (Jan Mekeler) (†1534), Kulm canon (MAŃKOWSKI 1928, p. 125)⌋,
venerabili domino Baltazar of Lublin (†after 1543-05-20), from 1535 at the latest Canon of Kulm (Chełmno); 1538 Judicial Vicar in the Kulm Chapter; Chancellor to the Bishops of Kulm, Ioannes Dantiscus and then Tiedemmann Giese (MAŃKOWSKI 1928, p. 115)⌊Baltasari can paper damaged⌈[can]can paper damaged⌉cellario a LublinBaltazar of Lublin (†after 1543-05-20), from 1535 at the latest Canon of Kulm (Chełmno); 1538 Judicial Vicar in the Kulm Chapter; Chancellor to the Bishops of Kulm, Ioannes Dantiscus and then Tiedemmann Giese (MAŃKOWSKI 1928, p. 115)⌋ artium magistro et cancellario nostro contulimus, cuius et ad praesens et supra anni spatium superinscribed⌈supra anni spatiumsupra anni spatium superinscribed⌉ habet possessionem text damaged⌈[nem]nem text damaged⌉ et ex eaque superinscribed⌈queque superinscribed⌉ ipsum Kaspar Lysman (Kaspar Liszeman, Casparus Lisemannus) (†after 1547-05-20), son of Toruń Old Town alderman Bernhard Lysman and his wife Gertrud; rector of St. Jacob parish in Thorn; at least from 1533 supranumerary (not resident and out of profit) canon of Kulm (MAŃKOWSKI 1928, p. 117; TSB 7, p. 117-118)⌊Casparem LismanKaspar Lysman (Kaspar Liszeman, Casparus Lisemannus) (†after 1547-05-20), son of Toruń Old Town alderman Bernhard Lysman and his wife Gertrud; rector of St. Jacob parish in Thorn; at least from 1533 supranumerary (not resident and out of profit) canon of Kulm (MAŃKOWSKI 1928, p. 117; TSB 7, p. 117-118)⌋, cum in illa numquam paper damaged⌈[numquam]numquam paper damaged⌉ fuerit, minime detrusit, vel ut superinscribed⌈utut superinscribed⌉ ipse falso superinscribed⌈falsofalso superinscribed⌉ conqueritur, spolia text damaged⌈[a]a text damaged⌉vit.
Datum paper damaged⌈[um]um paper damaged⌉ ex Löbau (Lubawa, Lubavia), town in northern Poland, Kulm Land (Ziemia Chełmińska), ca. 67 km E of Graudenz (Grudziądz), the main seat of the bishops of Kulm (Chełmno)⌊castro nostro LubaviensiLöbau (Lubawa, Lubavia), town in northern Poland, Kulm Land (Ziemia Chełmińska), ca. 67 km E of Graudenz (Grudziądz), the main seat of the bishops of Kulm (Chełmno)⌋, VI Ianuarii
MDXXXVI paper damaged⌈[VI]VI paper damaged⌉.