» CORPUS of Ioannes Dantiscus' Texts & Correspondence
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Person or Institution #418

Jan Lubodzieski (*ca. 1523 – †1562), studied in Wittenberg; in 1548 inscribed in metrica of Cracow University; 1547 Ermland canon; 1551 bishop of Kulm (KOPICZKO 2, p. 202-203)

Correspondence between Dantiscus and Jan LUBODZIESKI

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Results found: 2

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1IDL 3355 Jan LUBODZIESKI to Ioannes DANTISCUS, Frauenburg (Frombork), 1548-03-25
            received Heilsberg (Lidzbark Warmiński), 1548-04-03

Manuscript sources:
1fair copy in Latin, BCz, 1599, p. 1047-1050


Text & apparatus & commentaryPlain textText & commentaryText & apparatus


BCz, 1599, p. 1047

Reverendissime in Christo Pater et Domine, domine mihi observandissime colendissimeque. Mea humillima servitia Reverendissimae Paternitati Vestrae imprimis commendata esse cupio.

Litteras Reverendissimae Paternitatis Vestrae ad venerabiles dominos Ermland Chapter cathedral chapter based in Frauenburg (Frombork, Varmia)canonicosErmland Chapter cathedral chapter based in Frauenburg (Frombork, Varmia) per me missas summa cum diligentia reddidi, quibus lectis mihi per venerabilem dominum Achatius Trenck (†1551), in the thirties Trenck was one of Dantiscus’ friends and supported his efforts to obtain the Ermland bishopric after the death of Mauritius Ferber; from 1523 Canon of Ermland (Warmia); 1544-1545 Chancellor of the Ermland Chapter; from 1545 its Dean; 1533-1546 administrator of the Chapter’s estates in Allenstein (Olsztyn); in 1548 and 1550 General Administrator of the Ermland bishopric (after the deaths of Ioannes Dantiscus and Tiedemann Giese) (KOPICZKO 2, p. 332; SBKW, p. 255-256)AchaciumAchatius Trenck (†1551), in the thirties Trenck was one of Dantiscus’ friends and supported his efforts to obtain the Ermland bishopric after the death of Mauritius Ferber; from 1523 Canon of Ermland (Warmia); 1544-1545 Chancellor of the Ermland Chapter; from 1545 its Dean; 1533-1546 administrator of the Chapter’s estates in Allenstein (Olsztyn); in 1548 and 1550 General Administrator of the Ermland bishopric (after the deaths of Ioannes Dantiscus and Tiedemann Giese) (KOPICZKO 2, p. 332; SBKW, p. 255-256) decanum ecclesiae Varmiensis nomine totius Ermland Chapter cathedral chapter based in Frauenburg (Frombork, Varmia)capituliErmland Chapter cathedral chapter based in Frauenburg (Frombork, Varmia) responsum est: „Ex litteris a reverendissimo Ioannes Dantiscus (Johannes von Höfen, Ioannes de Curiis, Jan Dantyszek, Johannes Flachsbinder) (*1485 – †1548), eminent diplomat and humanist in the service of the Jagiellons, neo-Latin poet; 1530-1537 Bishop of Kulm; 1537-1548 Bishop of ErmlanddominoIoannes Dantiscus (Johannes von Höfen, Ioannes de Curiis, Jan Dantyszek, Johannes Flachsbinder) (*1485 – †1548), eminent diplomat and humanist in the service of the Jagiellons, neo-Latin poet; 1530-1537 Bishop of Kulm; 1537-1548 Bishop of Ermland allatis venerabile Ermland Chapter cathedral chapter based in Frauenburg (Frombork, Varmia)capitulumErmland Chapter cathedral chapter based in Frauenburg (Frombork, Varmia) eius reverendissimam paternitatem tuum biennale in schola Wittenbergensi studium approbasse et suscepisse facile perspexit eamque reverendissimam paternitatem a venerabili capitulo, ne tibi (completo tertio anno) participationem negaremus, iisdem in litteris postulasse. Nos itaque, volentes scriptis et voluntati eius reverendissimae paternitatis satisfacere, illud quoque (etiamsi iura et statuta nostra id non admittunt) approbamus, nobis enim cum eius reverendissima paternitate hac de re contendere non licet, verum eam omnem causam, quomodo sese habeat, in librum nostrum capitularem inscribi curabimus.” Quid autem haec inscriptio praeseferat, non plane intellig{i}o, sed magis Reverendissimae Paternitatis domini mei clementissimi iudicio id committo humiliter deprecando, Reverendissima Vestra Paternitas pro sua excellenti prudentia providere velit, ne inde aliquid novi, quod mihi impedimento esse posset, oriatur. Meum erit Deum Optimum Maximum orare, ut Vestram Reverendissimam Paternitatem, cuius gratia me humiliter committo, salvam atque incolumem conservet in multos annos. De absolutione loci suspecti nulla mentio facta testimoniumque studiorum meorum ... illegible...... illegible in schola BCz, 1599, p. 1048 privilegiata a me minime est exquisitum. Ea hidden by binding[Ea]Ea hidden by binding omnia, quae hic in causa mea gerebantur, Reverendissimam Paternitatem Vestram dominum meum colendissimum scire volo hidden by binding[olo]olo hidden by binding.

2IDL 3433 Jan LUBODZIESKI to Ioannes DANTISCUS, Cracow (Kraków), 1548-08-21
            received Heilsberg (Lidzbark Warmiński), 1548-09-03

Manuscript sources:
1fair copy in Latin, BCz, 1599, p. 1165-1168


Text & apparatus & commentaryPlain textText & commentaryText & apparatus


Reverendissime in Christo Pater ac Domine, domine et maecenas mihi observandissime colendissimeque. Mea humillima servitia in gratiam Reverendissimae P(aternitatis) Vestrae in primis commendo.

Quaerenti mihi iam diu, quid potissimum ad Reverendissimam Paternitatem Vestram scriberem, non modo certa res, sed ne argumentum quidem veniebat in mentem. Vereor autem, ne Reverendissima Paternitas Vestra a me officium litterarum requirat, neve aliquis me beneficiorum Reverendissimae Paternitatis Vestrae in me collatorum, (quorum memoriam, cf. Verg. A. IV 336 dum memor ipse mei, dum spiritus hos regit artus dum spiritus meos reget artuscf. Verg. A. IV 336 dum memor ipse mei, dum spiritus hos regit artus , conservabo), omnino oblitum atque ingratum esse iudicet, eo quod nihil litterarum quam diu hic versatus ad Reverendissimam Paternitatem Vestram dederim. Statui igitur Reverendissimam Paternitatem Vestram dominum ac patronum meum colendissimum his meis breviusculis hoc tempore adire. Spero Reverendissima Paternitas eas benigno suscipiat animo.

Cum nuper ante discessum meum apud Reverendissimam Paternitatem Vestram fuissem, litteras testimoniales meorum studiorum una cum litteris apostolicis, quae mihi ex Rome (Roma), city in central Italy, on the Tiber river, seat of the Holy SeeurbeRome (Roma), city in central Italy, on the Tiber river, seat of the Holy See missae fuerant, mecum attuli. Quibus lectis Reverendissima Paternitas Vestra illas, quae a Wittenberg (Vittemberga), city in east-central Germany, Saxony, on the Elbe river, 70 km NE of LeipzigWittenbergaWittenberg (Vittemberga), city in east-central Germany, Saxony, on the Elbe river, 70 km NE of Leipzig proven{en}erant, approbavit, illas vero, quas ex Rome (Roma), city in central Italy, on the Tiber river, seat of the Holy SeeurbeRome (Roma), city in central Italy, on the Tiber river, seat of the Holy See accepi, mihi parum utiles fore eadem Reverendissima Paternitas Vestra censuit, praesertim cum absolutio de cf. Leo X, pope , "Bulla Leonis Papae decimi, in octaua Concilii Lateranen(sis) sessione publicata. De animae immortalitate. De studio philosophiae & Poetice modera(n)do", in: Hieronymus Gebwiler, Sermo ad iuvenes, qui sacris ordinibus iniciari & examini se submittere petunt cum epistolio I(acobi) Vu(imphelingii) ad Hiero(nymum) Gebuileru(m) & responso eiusdem, p. [27-29], Strassburg, 1514 , The bull was issued in Rome, 1513-12-19bullacf. Leo X, pope , "Bulla Leonis Papae decimi, in octaua Concilii Lateranen(sis) sessione publicata. De animae immortalitate. De studio philosophiae & Poetice modera(n)do", in: Hieronymus Gebwiler, Sermo ad iuvenes, qui sacris ordinibus iniciari & examini se submittere petunt cum epistolio I(acobi) Vu(imphelingii) ad Hiero(nymum) Gebuileru(m) & responso eiusdem, p. [27-29], Strassburg, 1514 , The bull was issued in Rome, 1513-12-19 Leo X (Giovanni di Lorenzo de' Medici) (*1475 – †1521), 1513-1521 popeLeonis papaeLeo X (Giovanni di Lorenzo de' Medici) (*1475 – †1521), 1513-1521 pope, quae omnes, quicumque se in locis suspectis studiorum causa continent sive hactenus continebant, damnat eosque ab omnibus ecclesiasticis ordinibus excludit, in eis desideratur. Idcirco orig. iccircoIdcircoIdcirco orig. iccirco Reverendissima Paternitas Vestra me pro sua erga me clementia, ut mihi per nuntios h{i}uiusmodi absolutionem a Paul III (Alessandro Farnese) (*1468 – †1549), 1493 elevated to cardinal; 1524 Cardinal-Bishop of Ostia; 1534-1549 Popesummo pontificePaul III (Alessandro Farnese) (*1468 – †1549), 1493 elevated to cardinal; 1524 Cardinal-Bishop of Ostia; 1534-1549 Pope adferre curarem, diligentissime monuit. Adven[iente] vero venerabili et eximio domino Kaspar Hannau (Gasparus Hannovius, Kacper Hannow) (*1519 – †1571), Dantiscus' nephew (son of Anna), doctor of both canon and civil law, friend of Marcin Kromer, Bishop of Ermland; his studies in Cracow (1536-1538), and later in Rome (1539-1548), were financed by his uncle; from 1545 Canon of Ermland (Warmia) and Dean of Guttstadt (Dobre Miasto) Collegiate Chapter; from 1547 Canon of Włocławek (ORACKI 1984, p. 84; KOPICZKO 2, p. 108-109)doctore [Gas]paroKaspar Hannau (Gasparus Hannovius, Kacper Hannow) (*1519 – †1571), Dantiscus' nephew (son of Anna), doctor of both canon and civil law, friend of Marcin Kromer, Bishop of Ermland; his studies in Cracow (1536-1538), and later in Rome (1539-1548), were financed by his uncle; from 1545 Canon of Ermland (Warmia) and Dean of Guttstadt (Dobre Miasto) Collegiate Chapter; from 1547 Canon of Włocławek (ORACKI 1984, p. 84; KOPICZKO 2, p. 108-109) confratre plurimum honorando, c{i}uius ego superinscribedegoego superinscribed fide[m et] amorem erga me perspexeram, eius venerabilitati omni[a] mea negotia, quoquo modo se habeant, diligentissi[me] exposui. Etsi Ioannes Dantiscus (Johannes von Höfen, Ioannes de Curiis, Jan Dantyszek, Johannes Flachsbinder) (*1485 – †1548), eminent diplomat and humanist in the service of the Jagiellons, neo-Latin poet; 1530-1537 Bishop of Kulm; 1537-1548 Bishop of ErmlandEius VenerabilitasIoannes Dantiscus (Johannes von Höfen, Ioannes de Curiis, Jan Dantyszek, Johannes Flachsbinder) (*1485 – †1548), eminent diplomat and humanist in the service of the Jagiellons, neo-Latin poet; 1530-1537 Bishop of Kulm; 1537-1548 Bishop of Ermland mihi ante parum [notus] fuerat, tamen omnibus in rebus se mihi amicis[sim]mum praebuit statimque litteras ad suos Rome (Roma), city in central Italy, on the Tiber river, seat of the Holy SeeRom[ae]Rome (Roma), city in central Italy, on the Tiber river, seat of the Holy See pro impetranda huiusmodi absolutione conscrip[sit]. Id ego Reverenedissimae Paternitati Vestrae, domino ac patrono suo [sig]nificare volui, quod numquam per me ipsum […?] fuissem assecutus, ut ea, quae mihi in pos[te]rum nocere possint, providerem, nisi Reverendissima Paternitas Vestra, dominus meus clementissimus, mihi auxiliis et opera succurisset. Hisce ego superinscribedegoego superinscribed me [in] gratiam Reverendissimae Paternitatis Vestrae, quam Deus Om[ni]potens salvam atque incolumem conservet in […] annos multos, commendo.

Texts regarding Jan LUBODZIESKI

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Results found: 1

preserved: 1 + lost: 0

1 IDT  139 Appointment on canonry issued by Ioannes DANTISCUS & Achatius TRENCK & Johann HANNAU Jr & Johann TYMMERMANN & Ermland (Warmia) Chapter for Jan LUBODZIESKI    Frauenburg (Frombork)    1547-[07-21]

Manuscript sources:
1rough draft in Latin, in secretary's hand, AAWO, AB, D. 70, f. 289v


Text & apparatus & commentaryPlain textText & commentaryText & apparatus


AAWO, AB, D.70, f. 289v

Ioannes Dantiscus (Johannes von Höfen, Ioannes de Curiis, Jan Dantyszek, Johannes Flachsbinder) (*1485 – †1548), diplomat, neo-Latin poet and traveller; 1504 royal scribe; 1507 referendary for Prussian affairs at the court of Sigismund Jagiellon; 1508-1513 royal envoy to Prussian towns and to the Prussian assemblies; 1515 secretary of the Polish legation at the imperial court; in 1516-1532 envoy in the service of the king of Poland Sigismund Jagiellon and emperors Maximilian and Charles V of Habsburg; 1529 Kulm canon; 1530-1537 bishop of Kulm; 1537-1548 bishop of ErmlandIoannesIoannes Dantiscus (Johannes von Höfen, Ioannes de Curiis, Jan Dantyszek, Johannes Flachsbinder) (*1485 – †1548), diplomat, neo-Latin poet and traveller; 1504 royal scribe; 1507 referendary for Prussian affairs at the court of Sigismund Jagiellon; 1508-1513 royal envoy to Prussian towns and to the Prussian assemblies; 1515 secretary of the Polish legation at the imperial court; in 1516-1532 envoy in the service of the king of Poland Sigismund Jagiellon and emperors Maximilian and Charles V of Habsburg; 1529 Kulm canon; 1530-1537 bishop of Kulm; 1537-1548 bishop of Ermland Dei gratia episcopus Varmiensis, Achatius Trenck (†1551), in the thirties Trenck was one of Dantiscus’ friends and supported his efforts to obtain the Ermland bishopric after the death of Mauritius Ferber; from 1523 Canon of Ermland (Warmia); 1544-1545 Chancellor of the Ermland Chapter; from 1545 its Dean; 1533-1546 administrator of the Chapter’s estates in Allenstein (Olsztyn); in 1548 and 1550 General Administrator of the Ermland bishopric (after the deaths of Ioannes Dantiscus and Tiedemann Giese) (KOPICZKO 2, p. 332; SBKW, p. 255-256)Achatius a TrenckaAchatius Trenck (†1551), in the thirties Trenck was one of Dantiscus’ friends and supported his efforts to obtain the Ermland bishopric after the death of Mauritius Ferber; from 1523 Canon of Ermland (Warmia); 1544-1545 Chancellor of the Ermland Chapter; from 1545 its Dean; 1533-1546 administrator of the Chapter’s estates in Allenstein (Olsztyn); in 1548 and 1550 General Administrator of the Ermland bishopric (after the deaths of Ioannes Dantiscus and Tiedemann Giese) (KOPICZKO 2, p. 332; SBKW, p. 255-256) decanus Johann Tymmermann (Johann Zimmermann) (*1492 – †1564), nephew of Mauritius Ferber, Bishop of Ermland; studied in Cracow (1505) and in Rome (1517); 1519-1564 Canon of Ermland (Warmia); 1525-1528 administrator of the Chapter's estates in Allenstein (Olsztyn) and in 1538 in Frauenburg (Frombork); 1527-1539 Cantor of Ermland; 1537 General Administrator of the bishopric of Ermland (after Mauritius Ferber's death); 1539-1552 Custos of Ermland; 1547-1552 General Vicar of the diocese of Ermland (SBKW, p. 261; KOPICZKO 2, p. 336)Ioannes TimmermanJohann Tymmermann (Johann Zimmermann) (*1492 – †1564), nephew of Mauritius Ferber, Bishop of Ermland; studied in Cracow (1505) and in Rome (1517); 1519-1564 Canon of Ermland (Warmia); 1525-1528 administrator of the Chapter's estates in Allenstein (Olsztyn) and in 1538 in Frauenburg (Frombork); 1527-1539 Cantor of Ermland; 1537 General Administrator of the bishopric of Ermland (after Mauritius Ferber's death); 1539-1552 Custos of Ermland; 1547-1552 General Vicar of the diocese of Ermland (SBKW, p. 261; KOPICZKO 2, p. 336) custos Johann Hannau Jr (Johann Hannow, Ioannes Hannovius) (*ca. 1524 – †1575), nephew of Ioannes Dantiscus (son of Anna), who financed his education in Kulm; in 1541 immatriculated at the Cracow University; probably worked at the royal chancellery; 1546 Ermland canon (KOPICZKO 2, p. 108)Ioannes HannowJohann Hannau Jr (Johann Hannow, Ioannes Hannovius) (*ca. 1524 – †1575), nephew of Ioannes Dantiscus (son of Anna), who financed his education in Kulm; in 1541 immatriculated at the Cracow University; probably worked at the royal chancellery; 1546 Ermland canon (KOPICZKO 2, p. 108) Eustachius Knobelsdorf et Fabianus Emerich on the marginEustathius Knobelsdorf (Constans Alliopagus) (*1519 – †1571), neo-Latin poet, studied at the universities in Frankfurt an der Oder (1534-1544), Wittenberg (1538), Leipzig, Louvain (1540), Paris, and Orleans; from 1533 Dantiscus provided financial support for his education; 1544 secretary of the Ermland (Warmia) Chapter; 1546 Canon of Ermland; 1546 Canon of Wrocław (Breslau); 1546-1548 Chancellor of the Ermland Chapter; 1548-1551 administrator of the Chapter's estate in Allenstein (Olsztyn); 1552 Custos of Ermland; 1553 Vicar General of the bishopric of Ermland; 1558-1564 administrator of the diocese of Ermland in the absence of Bishop Stanisław Hozjusz; 1559 Chancellor of the Wrocław Chapter; 1565 Dean of the Wrocław Chapter; 1567 General Judicial Vicar of the diocese of Wrocław (BORAWSKA 1996 Życie, p. 70, 103; KOPICZKO 2, p. 152; SBKW, p. 152; KNOBELSDORF)Eustachius KnobelsdorfEustathius Knobelsdorf (Constans Alliopagus) (*1519 – †1571), neo-Latin poet, studied at the universities in Frankfurt an der Oder (1534-1544), Wittenberg (1538), Leipzig, Louvain (1540), Paris, and Orleans; from 1533 Dantiscus provided financial support for his education; 1544 secretary of the Ermland (Warmia) Chapter; 1546 Canon of Ermland; 1546 Canon of Wrocław (Breslau); 1546-1548 Chancellor of the Ermland Chapter; 1548-1551 administrator of the Chapter's estate in Allenstein (Olsztyn); 1552 Custos of Ermland; 1553 Vicar General of the bishopric of Ermland; 1558-1564 administrator of the diocese of Ermland in the absence of Bishop Stanisław Hozjusz; 1559 Chancellor of the Wrocław Chapter; 1565 Dean of the Wrocław Chapter; 1567 General Judicial Vicar of the diocese of Wrocław (BORAWSKA 1996 Życie, p. 70, 103; KOPICZKO 2, p. 152; SBKW, p. 152; KNOBELSDORF) et Fabianus Emmerich (*1477 – †1559), physician of Ermland bishops and canons, owner of seizeable library; built a hospital in Mehlsack; 1509 priest of archipresbyterial church in Heilsberg (Lidzbark Warmiński); 1511-1513 chaplain of Allenstein (Olsztyn) castle; 1515 priest in Sątopy; 1520-1529 Guttstadt (Dobre Miasto) canon; 1532 archipresbiter in Mehlsack (Pieniężno); since the thirties cathedral vicar in Frauenburg (Frombork); 1537-1543 secretary of Ermland chapter; 1547 Ermland canon (KOPICZKO 2, p. 64-65; SBKW, p. 53-54)Fabianus EmerichFabianus Emmerich (*1477 – †1559), physician of Ermland bishops and canons, owner of seizeable library; built a hospital in Mehlsack; 1509 priest of archipresbyterial church in Heilsberg (Lidzbark Warmiński); 1511-1513 chaplain of Allenstein (Olsztyn) castle; 1515 priest in Sątopy; 1520-1529 Guttstadt (Dobre Miasto) canon; 1532 archipresbiter in Mehlsack (Pieniężno); since the thirties cathedral vicar in Frauenburg (Frombork); 1537-1543 secretary of Ermland chapter; 1547 Ermland canon (KOPICZKO 2, p. 64-65; SBKW, p. 53-54)Eustachius Knobelsdorf et Fabianus Emerich on the margin ceterique canonici Ermland (Warmia, Varmia), diocese and ecclesiastical principality in northeastern Poland, 1466-1772 within the Kingdom of Poland, Royal Prussiaecclesiae VarmiensisErmland (Warmia, Varmia), diocese and ecclesiastical principality in northeastern Poland, 1466-1772 within the Kingdom of Poland, Royal Prussia Ermland Chapter cathedral chapter based in Frauenburg (Frombork, Varmia)capitulumErmland Chapter cathedral chapter based in Frauenburg (Frombork, Varmia) eiusdem ecclesiae repraesentantes omnibus et singulis, ad quos praesentes nostrae litterae pervenerint, notum facimus et significamus, quod cum hodie venerabilis Rafał Konopacki (Raphael von Konopat) (*ca. 1510 – †ca. 1570), son of Jerzy Konopacki (Georg von Konopat) and Anna Peckau, younger brother of Jan Konopacki, Canon of Ermland; converted to Protestantism in the last years of his life; 1533-1537 courtier of Vice-Chancellor Piotr Tomicki, 1539-1547 Canon of Ermland (Warmia) (nominated in 1537 by Queen Bona Sforza), 1547-1549 Chamberlain of Marienburg (Malbork), 1549-1551 Chamberlain of Kulm (Chełmno), 1551-1570 Castellan of Elbing (Elbląg) (SBPN 2, p. 438; NOWOSAD 2014, p. 74-80; SBKW, p. 121; KOPICZKO 2, p. 161)Raphael a ConopatRafał Konopacki (Raphael von Konopat) (*ca. 1510 – †ca. 1570), son of Jerzy Konopacki (Georg von Konopat) and Anna Peckau, younger brother of Jan Konopacki, Canon of Ermland; converted to Protestantism in the last years of his life; 1533-1537 courtier of Vice-Chancellor Piotr Tomicki, 1539-1547 Canon of Ermland (Warmia) (nominated in 1537 by Queen Bona Sforza), 1547-1549 Chamberlain of Marienburg (Malbork), 1549-1551 Chamberlain of Kulm (Chełmno), 1551-1570 Castellan of Elbing (Elbląg) (SBPN 2, p. 438; NOWOSAD 2014, p. 74-80; SBKW, p. 121; KOPICZKO 2, p. 161) canonicus Varmiensis in propria persona canonicatui et praebendae, quos in dicta nostra Varmiensi ecclesia obtinebat et possidebat ac omni iure sibi in eis written overaaisis written overadem quomodolibet competenti, coram notario et Błażej Krakau at least in 1544 Ermland vicar (KOPICZKO 2, p. 167)

Simon Hecht because of illness, he did not take the canonry of Guttstadt (Dobre Miasto) designated for him by Dantiscus in 1538, cf. Tiedemann Giese to Ioannes Dantiscus, Löbau (Lubawa), 1539-01-30 (CIDTC IDL 2065); parish priest in Dietrichswalde (Gietrzwałd); from 1547 Vicar of Ermland (Warmia) (KOPICZKO 2, p. 112)
testibusBłażej Krakau at least in 1544 Ermland vicar (KOPICZKO 2, p. 167)

Simon Hecht because of illness, he did not take the canonry of Guttstadt (Dobre Miasto) designated for him by Dantiscus in 1538, cf. Tiedemann Giese to Ioannes Dantiscus, Löbau (Lubawa), 1539-01-30 (CIDTC IDL 2065); parish priest in Dietrichswalde (Gietrzwałd); from 1547 Vicar of Ermland (Warmia) (KOPICZKO 2, p. 112)
infrascriptis in nostra capitulari congregatione sponte cesserit eosque in manibus nostris libere et simpliciter resignaverit, nos Ioannes episcopus per praefatum fratrem nostrum Achatium a Trencka decanum speciali written overeeii written overe a nobis super hoc facultate suffultum ac capitulum supradicti resignationem ipsam recepimus et admisimus et ad laudabilem honestatis et probitatis indolem venerabilis nobis dilecti Jan Lubodzieski (*ca. 1523 – †1562), studied in Wittenberg; in 1548 inscribed in metrica of Cracow University; 1547 Ermland canon; 1551 bishop of Kulm (KOPICZKO 2, p. 202-203)Ioanni written overeeii written overes a LobennJan Lubodzieski (*ca. 1523 – †1562), studied in Wittenberg; in 1548 inscribed in metrica of Cracow University; 1547 Ermland canon; 1551 bishop of Kulm (KOPICZKO 2, p. 202-203) clerici Włocławek dioceseVladislaviensis diocesisWłocławek diocese benignae considerationis habentes respectum eidem Mauritio Ioanni praesent[...] leaf deeply bound[...][...] leaf deeply bound canonicatum et praebendam praedictos per resignationem huiusmodi seu alio quovis modo vacantes et ad nostram collationem seu dispositionem communiter pertinentes cum omnibus iuribus et pertinentiis ipsorum ac plenitudine iuris canonici auctoritate nostra ordinaria praesentium tenore conferimus et assignamus ac de eis etiam providemus instituentes ipsum in eisdem canonicatu et praebenda ac decernentes ipsum in eadem ecclesia in canonicum recipi et in fratrem ac in ipsorum canonicatus et praebendae iuriumque et pertinentiarum omnium eorundem possessionem induci debere stallaeque sibi in choro et loco in capitulo cum plenitudine iuris canonici assignatur praestit[...] leaf deeply bound[...][...] leaf deeply bound prius per eum vel procuratorem ipsius superinscribed in place of crossed-outvel procuratorem ipsiusvel procuratorem ipsiusvel procuratorem ipsiusvel procuratorem ipsius superinscribed in place of crossed-outvel procuratorem ipsius de observandis statutis et consuetudinibus ecclesiae nostrae solito iuramento.

In quorum omnium fidem et testimonium praesentes nostras litteras super his confici et per notarium publicum infrascriptum subscribi ac nostrorum sigillorum episcopali et capitulari iussimus appensione communiri.

Praesentibus honorabilibus Błażej Krakau at least in 1544 Ermland vicar (KOPICZKO 2, p. 167)Blasio <> Crakow superinscribedCrakowCrakow superinscribedBłażej Krakau at least in 1544 Ermland vicar (KOPICZKO 2, p. 167) vica et Simon Hecht because of illness, he did not take the canonry of Guttstadt (Dobre Miasto) designated for him by Dantiscus in 1538, cf. Tiedemann Giese to Ioannes Dantiscus, Löbau (Lubawa), 1539-01-30 (CIDTC IDL 2065); parish priest in Dietrichswalde (Gietrzwałd); from 1547 Vicar of Ermland (Warmia) (KOPICZKO 2, p. 112)Simone HechtSimon Hecht because of illness, he did not take the canonry of Guttstadt (Dobre Miasto) designated for him by Dantiscus in 1538, cf. Tiedemann Giese to Ioannes Dantiscus, Löbau (Lubawa), 1539-01-30 (CIDTC IDL 2065); parish priest in Dietrichswalde (Gietrzwałd); from 1547 Vicar of Ermland (Warmia) (KOPICZKO 2, p. 112) vicariis et presbyteris eiusdem Ermland (Warmia, Varmia), diocese and ecclesiastical principality in northeastern Poland, 1466-1772 within the Kingdom of Poland, Royal Prussiaecclesiae VarmiensisErmland (Warmia, Varmia), diocese and ecclesiastical principality in northeastern Poland, 1466-1772 within the Kingdom of Poland, Royal Prussia testibus ad ea vocatis et rogatis.

Texts where mentioned Jan LUBODZIESKI

Results found: 2 IDL, 0 IDP, 0 IDT

1IDL 3133 Ioannes DANTISCUS to Stanisław KOSTKA, Heilsberg (Lidzbark Warmiński), 1547-06-20
2IDL 3279 Ioannes DANTISCUS to Stanisław KOSTKA, Heilsberg (Lidzbark Warmiński), 1547-12-09