» CORPUS of Ioannes Dantiscus' Texts & Correspondence
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GAASBEEK · GABLENTZ Hans von der · Gabriel, head of the school in Graudenz · GADDI Niccolò · GALANDIUS Petrus · GALENUS Aelius · GALLARATI Bianca · GALLER Quirinus · GALLO Bernardino · Gamaliel · GAMICZ Ioannes Alfonsus · GAMRAT Piotr · GANDUCIUS Emanuel · Garamantes · GARCÍA DE LOAYSA Y MENDOZA Juan · GARCÍA Gonzalo de Villadiego · GARCÍA Pedro Jr · GARCÍA Pedro Sr · GARDINER Stephen · GÄRTNER Barthel · GÄRTNER Christina · Gaspar, a parish priest in Frauenburg · GASZTOŁD Olbracht · GATICUS Marcus Antonius · GATTENHOFER Christoph · GATTINARA Giorgio di · GATTINARA Giovanni Bartolomeo di · GATTINARA Hieronymus di · GATTINARA Iacobus di · GATTINARA Ioannes di · GATTINARA Mercurino Arborio di · Gauls · GAWERTSSZ Arndt · GAWERTSSZ Staes · GĄDKOWSKI Bartłomiej · Gdańsk aldermen of · Gdańsk Citizens of · Gdańsk, Town Council · Gdańsk, Town Council, Envoys of · Gdańsk, Town Council, messenger of · Gdańsk, town court · GEBOR Dorota · GELDERN Karl von · GELLIUS Aulus · GELWALT Georg · Gemma Frisius · Gemma Frisius, son of · Genovese · Georg I Greif von Pommern · Georg II of Brieg · Georg III Landgrave of Leuchtenberg · Georg of Austria · Georg of Saxony der Bärtige · Georg von Hohenzollern der Fromme · Georg von Rhein, Count Palatine of the Rhine · Georgiani, supporters of Georg UTJEŠENOVIĆ · Georgius de Szamotuły · GERKE Bartholomeus · Gerko · Gerko de Brezgi · Germaine de FOIX · Germans · GERSDORFF Krzysztof · GERTNER Mertenn · Gertrudis · Geryon · Gestas, the bad thief · Getae · Ghent A parish priest of St. Michael's Church in · Ghent bailiff of · Ghent Citizens of · Ghent, Chapter · GHILINO Camillo · GHINUCCI Girolamo · GIBERTI Gian Matteo · GIESE Georg · GIESE Małgorzata · GIESE Tiedemann · GIESE Tiedemann Jr · GIESE Tiedemann, Commissioner to · GIESE Tiedemann, messenger of · GIESE Tiedemann, subject of · GILLIS Gillis · GILLIS Pieter · GINDLEWSKI Kilian · GIORAVINSCHI · Giovanni Bernardino SANSEVERINO · GIOVIO Paolo · GIRLACH Mathias · Giulia of Naples · GLANDAU Michel · GLASER Georg · GLASER Paul · GLASNOTZKY Jakob · GLASNOWSKI Han(n)s · GLAUBICZ Melchior · GLAUBITZ Hans · GLAUBITZ Nicolaus · Glaukos · GLESER Melchiar · GLINNTZEN Georgius · GLOCKENER Mathias · GLOGHER Nickel · GLOSOW Hans · Glottau parisch church in · GLYMES Anna van · GLYMES Antoon III van van Bergen · GLYMES Cornelis van van Bergen · GLYMES Jan III van van Bergen · GLYMES Jan IV van van Bergen · GLYMES Ludwig van · GLYMES Maria van · GLYMES Mencía van · GLYMES Robert van van Bergen · GŁOWA Michał · GŁUCHOWSKA Anastazja · GŁUCHOWSKA Jadwiga · GŁUCHOWSKI · GŁUCHOWSKI Jan · GŁUCHOWSKI Jerzy · GŁUCHOWSKI Łukasz · GŁUCHOWSKI Mikołaj · GNAPHEUS Gulielmus · Gnatho · GOCLENIUS Conradus · Goliath · GOLINSKI Ioannes · Gołąb Community of · GONZAGA Luigi da Bozzolo Rodomonte · GONZAGA Ercole · GONZAGA Federico da Bozzolo · GONZAGA Federico II · GONZAGA Ferrante · GONZAGA Ippolito · Gordian III · Gordias · GORREVOD Laurent de · GOSSAERT Jan · GOSSLAWSKY Simon · GOSTYŃSKI Jan · Goths · GOTZ · GÓMEZ Álvar de Ciudad Real · GÓRKA Andrzej · GÓRKA Łukasz · GÓRSKI Piotr · GÓRSKI Stanisław · GRABAU Walenty · GRABAW Bartholomeus de · GRABIA Mikołaj · GRABKOWSKI Stanisław · GRABOW Achatius · GRACHT Frans van der · GRACHT Frans van der · GRACHT Wouter IV van der · GRACIÁN Diego de Alderete · GRACIÁN Diego de Alderete, sister of · GRAMONT Gabriel de · GRAP(E) Andrea · GRASSI Achille de · GRASWEIN Helena von · GRASWEIN Wolfgang · Graudenz Citizens of · Graudenz Clergy of · Graudenz, Town Council · GRAVE Bartholomeus de · Greeks · Gregorgius, Dominican monk · Gregorius, organist at Vilnius Cathedral · Gregory I · GREIFFENCLAU Richard von Vollrads · GRESDORFORS Martinus · GREUSING Anna · GREUSING Philip · GRIMALDI Agostino · GRIMALDI Girolamo · GRIMALDUS Stephanus · Grindelwald Citizens of · GRITTI Alvise · GRITTI Andrea · GRÖBEL Christoff · GRÖBEL Donathus · GROPPER Johann · GROS Francz · GROS Johann le · GROSS Tomasz · GROSS Vincentius · Grosser Werder (Żuławy Wielkie), dike association of · GROSSYNNE, wife of Vincentius GROSZ · GRÖTHNIGSCHE · GRUDIUS Nicolaus · GRUDZIŃSKI Sigismundus · GRUNDEMANSCHE Clara · GRUSZCZYŃSKI Bartłomiej Kośmider · GRUSZCZYŃSKI Jan · GRUTERE Anna de · GRYNAEUS Simon · Grynea · GUALANDI Alfonso · GUALANDI Isabella · GUEVARA Fernando de · GUIDANO Ottaviano · GUIDICCIONI Bartolomeo · GUIDICCIONI Giovanni · GUNDELFINGER Joachim · GÜRTLER Barbara · GÜRTLER Ioannes · Gustav I Vasa · GUT, administrator of Gołąb · GUTIÉRREZ Alonso · GUTSLEF Kersten · GUTSLEF Kersten, servant of · GUTTETER Friedrich · GUTTETER Friedrich, wife of · Guttstadt Collegiate Church in · Guttstadt vicars of · Guttstadt, Chapter · Guttstadt, town court · GUTZLEF Reinhold · GYLDENSTIERNE Knud Henriksen · GYRLACH Lazarus


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1IDL  547 Bartłomiej GĄDKOWSKI to Ioannes DANTISCUS, Rome, 1530-09-17
            received Augsburg, [1530]-10-08

Manuscript sources:
1fair copy in Latin, BCz, 243, p. 139-142


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Reverendissimo in Christo Patri et Domino, domino Ioannes Dantiscus (Johannes von Höfen, Ioannes de Curiis, Jan Dantyszek, Johannes Flachsbinder) (*1485 – †1548), eminent diplomat and humanist in the service of the Jagiellons, neo-Latin poet; 1530-1537 Bishop of Kulm; 1537-1548 Bishop of ErmlandIoanni DantiscoIoannes Dantiscus (Johannes von Höfen, Ioannes de Curiis, Jan Dantyszek, Johannes Flachsbinder) (*1485 – †1548), eminent diplomat and humanist in the service of the Jagiellons, neo-Latin poet; 1530-1537 Bishop of Kulm; 1537-1548 Bishop of Ermland [Dei] gratia electo confirmato [Culm]ensi, apud Charles V of Habsburg (*1500 – †1558), ruler of the Burgundian territories (1506-1555), King of Spain as Charles I (1516-1556), King of Naples and Sicily, King of the Romans (1519-1530), Holy Roman Emperor of the German Nation (elected 1519, crowned 1530, abdicated 1556); son of Philip I the Handsome and Joanna the Mad of Castilecaesaream maiestatemCharles V of Habsburg (*1500 – †1558), ruler of the Burgundian territories (1506-1555), King of Spain as Charles I (1516-1556), King of Naples and Sicily, King of the Romans (1519-1530), Holy Roman Emperor of the German Nation (elected 1519, crowned 1530, abdicated 1556); son of Philip I the Handsome and Joanna the Mad of Castile serenissimi Sigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austriaregis PoloniaeSigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austria oratori dignissimo etc., domino observandissimo

Augsburg (Augusta Vindelicorum), city in Germany, BavariaAugustaeAugsburg (Augusta Vindelicorum), city in Germany, Bavaria

Reverendissime in Christo Pater Domine, domine observandissime. Post servitiorum meorum humilem in gratiam Dominationis Tuae Reverendissimae commendationem.

Scio, quod dominus paenitentiarius noster, bonus et fidelis servitor Dominationis Tuae Reverendissimae, ea scribit, quae ad expeditionem episcopatus pertinent. In qua re meum etiam illi non defuit officium, testimonium enim virtutis et eruditionis Dominationis Tuae Reverendissimae, quam ego omnium semper iudicio praecipuam in omni genere agnovi et expertus fueram, hic dedi valde libenter, ad reliqua etiam obsequia, si quae ego praestare potuissem, me ultro offerendo. At confecit dominus paenitentiarius omnia cum reliquis, quibus id negotii a Dominatione Tua Reverendissima fuerat demandatum, ut propterea illa missa facio, deos certe immortales deprecor sedulo, ut qui pro sua pietate Dominationem Tuam Reverendissimam in eam dignitatem evehere dignati fuerint, quam diutissime eandem salvam atque incolumem conservent.

Reverendissimo etiam domino meo episcopo Cracoviensi ingentes gratias habeo et ago, quae ea occasione interveniente opportunam virtutis et meritorum Dominationis Tuae Reverendissimae apud maiestatem regiam fecerit recordationem. Quae tantae et adeo eximiae semper exstiterunt, ut nemine etiam interpellante umquam oblivisci possint. Accidit certe Reverendissimae Dominationi Tuae, quod haud scio an nostris temporibus alteri nemini. Unde De<o> Optimo Maximo laus sit et gloria, quod si pari semper ratione ceteri, qui ad eiusmodi dignitates vocarentur. Minus profecto res nostra ecclesiastica, minus, inquam, laboraret et pacatiora essent omnia. Sed haec illi viderint. Ego me Dominationi Tuae Reverendissimae commendo et rogo, ut me servitoris loco habere velit et per occasionem reverendissimo domino meo cardinali Sanctorum Quattuor et domino episcopo Cracoviensi commendare. Ea etenim est Dominationis Tuae Reverendissimae ubique auctoritas et opinio , ut plurimum ego res meas apud eos principes commendatione Dominationis Tuae Reverendissimae adiuvari censerem. Honestum praeterea videretur, ut qui ad vanam et mendacem illius sycophantae relationem Dominatio Tua Reverendissima ignara rerum omnium apud reverendissimum dominum cardinalem de me queri voluit, aliquam innocentiae meae et Dominationis Tuae Reverendissimae in me animi significationem faceret. Mitto Dominationi Tuae Reverendissimae chirographum quendam illius, nescio, an eum militem Terentianum vel parasitum appellem, ut esset, quod aliquando otiosus rideret. Vir bonus et apprime disertus scribit, agens, at verius patiens scripsisset, nam si eorum, quae aetate sua iuvenili hic admiserat, non meminit, certe quod paulo ante Cracow (Kraków, Cracovia), city in southern Poland, Małopolska, on the Vistula river, from 1038 capital of the Kingdom of PolandCracoviaeCracow (Kraków, Cracovia), city in southern Poland, Małopolska, on the Vistula river, from 1038 capital of the Kingdom of Poland a domina nostra, pugnis in os inverecunde et mendaciter caesus fuerit, recordari debuisset. Ego me iterum atque iterum Dominationi Tuae Reverendissimae commendo, quam diutissime valere desidero.

Eiusdem Dominationis Tuae Reverendissimae servitor Bartłomiej Gądkowski (Bartłomiej Gandkowski) (†1554), 1531 canon at the collegiate chapter of St. Michael at the Cracow castle; 1531 chacellor of the Poznań chapter; at least since 1532 assistant of Stanisław Rzeczyca (minor penitentiary of Slavic language in St. Peter's Basilica in Rome and Piotr Tomicki's agent in Rome); 1540 Cracow canon; 1542 - Gniezno; at least in 1546-1548 Cracow archdeacon; 1546 chancellor of the Gniezno chapter; 1551 Cracow vicar general and judicial vicar (AT 13, s. 200, 379; AT 14, p. 362; AT 18, p. 39, 85)Bartholomaeus GanthkowskiBartłomiej Gądkowski (Bartłomiej Gandkowski) (†1554), 1531 canon at the collegiate chapter of St. Michael at the Cracow castle; 1531 chacellor of the Poznań chapter; at least since 1532 assistant of Stanisław Rzeczyca (minor penitentiary of Slavic language in St. Peter's Basilica in Rome and Piotr Tomicki's agent in Rome); 1540 Cracow canon; 1542 - Gniezno; at least in 1546-1548 Cracow archdeacon; 1546 chancellor of the Gniezno chapter; 1551 Cracow vicar general and judicial vicar (AT 13, s. 200, 379; AT 14, p. 362; AT 18, p. 39, 85)