» Korpus Tekstów i Korespondencji Jana Dantyszka
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KALECKI Maciej of Mąkolin · Kalkstein inhabitants of · KAMIENIECKA Elżbieta · KAMIENIECKI Klemens · KAMIEŃSKI · KAMIEŃSKI Dominik · KAMMERMANN Gregor · KAMMERMANN Gregor, wife of · KAMPE(N) Jacob · KAMPE(N) Jacob, concubine of · KAMPE(N) Jacob, wife of · KAMPE(N) Ursula, spurious daughter of Jacob KAMPE(N) · KAMYN Hans · KARNKOWSKI Jan · Karolus, oeconomus of Mercurino Arborio di GATTINARA · KARSTEN Hans · Kartuzy Carthusian convent in · Kartuzy Carthusian convent in, prior of · Kashubians · KASPROWICZ · Katarina, Abbess of the Benedictine monastery in Kulm · Katharina of Austria · Katherina, wife of Lucas van TELGHEN · KATZIANER Hans · Kazanice, parish priest · Kazimierz IV Jagiellon · KELLER Ludwig · KEMPEN Eggert van · KEMPSCHE Barbara · KERGER Vincencius · KESLERIUS Michael · KETING Hans · KETTING Lucas · KEULER Jacob · KEUTSCHER Jakob · Khasseki Khurrem Sultan · KIEGELSZ Iheronimus · KIERDEJ Jan · KIEŻGAJŁO Stanisław · KIEŻGAJŁO Stanisław Mikołajewicz · KIJEWSKI Stanisław · KIJEWSKI Wojciech · KIKOL GARDYUSKI Iacobus · KINWANG Georg · Kirchdorff a parish priest in · KIRDEY · KIRSZA Lucas · KITTLITZ Georg von · Klamm, Castle stewart · Klein Macz · Klein Macz, wife of · KLEMME Pancratius, Dominican monk · KLETZ Andrzej · KLEWOISCH Stentzel · KLINGENBECK Georg · KMITA Piotr of Wiśnicz · KMITA Piotr Sobieński · Kneiphof, Town Council · KNIPPERDOLLING Bernhard · KNOBELSDORF Eustathius · KNOBELSDORF Georg von · KNOBELSDORF Georg von, children of · KNOBELSDORF Mauritius · KNOBELSDORF Sebastianus · KNOBELSDORFF Felix · KNOR Barbara · KNOR Bonaventura · KNOR Valten · KOBERSEHE Peter · KOCZER Karl · KOCZER Karl, servant of · Kohelet · KOLA Jan · KOLBEN Simon · KOLBITZ Brosie von · KOLBITZ Daniel von · KOLBITZ Georg von · Köln Citizens of · KOŁODZIEJSKI · KOMORSKI Bartłomiej · KONARSKI Jan · KONARSKI Krzysztof · KONARSKI Piotr · KONFFTICK Martinus · Königsberg, Town Council · Konitz magister from · Konitz young man from · KONOPACKI Jan Jr · KONOPACKI Jan Sr · KONOPACKI Jerzy Jr · KONOPACKI Jerzy Sr · KONOPACKI Jerzy Sr, wife of · KONOPACKI Rafał · KONOPCZYŃSKI · KONOPNICKI Tomasz · Konrad I of Mazovia · KOP Ioannes · KOPEĆ Jakub · KOPZAW Dignatz · KORCHE Antonius · KORCHE Antonius, father of · Koronowo Prior in · KOS · KOS Paweł · KOS Rafał · KOSTKA Andrzej · KOSTKA Stanisław · KOSTKA Stanisław, messenger of · KOSTKA Stanisław, Servant of · KOŚCIELECKA Barbara · KOŚCIELECKA Beata · KOŚCIELECKI Andrzej · KOŚCIELECKI Jan · KOŚCIELECKI Stanisław · KOTOMSKY Sasszin · KOWALEWSKI Jakub · KOZIELSKI Jakub · KRAFT Barthel · KRAKAU Błażej · KRANCH Hans · KRANCH Michael · KRANZ Albert · KRAPITZ Mikołaj Jr · KRAPITZ Mikołaj Sr · KRASSOWSKI Paweł Sebastian · KRAUS Elisabeth · KRAUTSSCHULT Simon · KRECHTINCK Bernhard · KRENDNERUS Gregorius · KRETKOWSKI Erazm · KREUTZ Till von · KREYTZEN Christoph von · KREYTZEN Elisabeth von · KREYTZEN Johann von · KREYTZEN Melchior von · KROMER Marcin · KRON Jodok · KRUGER Urban · KRUMPEN Stygge · KRUPKA Anna · KRYSCHKER Caspar · KRZIWKOWSZKI Andreas · KRZYCKI Andrzej · Krzysztof, notary of Georg von BAYSEN · KUCHLER Lorenz · KUCHLINSKI Stentzel · KUHNEN Hans Tripmacher · KUHSCHMALZ Franz · KULKE Gabriel · KULKE Gabriel, wife of · Kulm Benedictine convent in · Kulm Citizens of · Kulm diocese inhabitants of · Kulm District · Kulm Franciscans in · Kulm Land, nobility · Kulm owner of a horse mill in · Kulm school in · Kulm, Chapter · Kulm, clergy · Kulm, Town Council · KUNHEIM Georg von · KUNICKI Jan · KUNIGK Franz · KUPPENER Christoph · KUREK Marcin of Proszowice · KUROZWĘCKI Krzesław · KURTZ Christof · KURTZ Joachim · KURTZ Sebastian · KŸRSTEN Jakob · KYRSTEN Mathias · KŸRSTEN Michel · KYSZEWETER Martinus


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Znaleziono: 1

zachowanych: 1 + zaginionych: 0

1 IDT  103 Mandate issued by Ioannes DANTISCUS & Tiedemann GIESE & Johann von LUSIAN (LUZJAŃSKI) & Georg von BAYSEN (BAŻYŃSKI) & Jerzy KONOPACKI (von KONOPAT) sr & Mikołaj DZIAŁYŃSKI (von DZIALIN) dla Stanisław KOSTKA & Mikołaj SZCZAWIŃSKI     s.l.    [1539-07-31 or shortly after]

Rękopiśmienne podstawy źródłowe:
1brulion język: łacina, autograf, AAWO, AB, D. 7, k. 95v (b.p.)


Tekst + aparat krytyczny + komentarzZwykły tekstTekst + komentarzTekst + aparat krytyczny


AAWO, AB, D.7, f. 95v

Nos Ioannes Dei gratia Varmiensis Tidemannus Culmensis Ioannes de Lusian Culmensis et in Reden Georgius a Baysen Marienburgensis in Mewe Georgius a Canopat Pomeraniae in Swecz[...] leaf deeply bound[...][...] leaf deeply bound palatini et capitanei Nicolaus a Dzyalin Culmensis castellanus capitaneus in Bratian significamus horum tenore vobis Generoso et Nobilibus Domino Stanislao Kostka terrarum Marienburgensi et terrarum Prussiae thesaurario Nicolaoque Schzawinski nobilis olim Stanislai Schzawinski filio, quod ad nos delata est nomine famatorum dominorum praeconsulum et consulum civitatis Thoronensis nomine superinscribednominenomine superinscribed serenissimae regiae maiestatis domini nostri clementissimi commissio, cuius tenor sequitur et est talis:

Sig(ismundus) ... [1]

Hanc a nobis cum debita reverentia on the margincum debita reverentiacum debita reverentia on the margin visam lectamque commissionem exsecutioni ... superinscribed...... superinscribed iuxta serenissimae maiestatis regiae mandatum tradere volentes vos ambos et quemlibet seorsum et in solidum ad nostram omniumque ordinum harum terrarum consiliariorum praesentiam in superinscribed in place of crossed-out adadinin superinscribed in place of crossed-out ad futurum quocumque in loco celebrabitur conventum ex auctoritate superinscribed in place of crossed-out mandatomandatoauctoritateauctoritate superinscribed in place of crossed-out mandato serenissimae maiestatis regiae nobis impartitae harum litterarum nostrarum vigore peremptorie atque uno edicto pro tribus ut coram nobis post tertio written over umumoo written over um conventus nostri diem modo iuridicus fuerit, sin vero proxime subsequenti personaliter on the marginpersonaliterpersonaliter on the margin compareatis auctoritate serenissimae maiestatis regiae [...] paper damaged[...][...] paper damaged, qua ea in causa superinscribedea in causaea in causa superinscribed fungimur, citamus ad reponendum et cum effectu [...] paper damaged[...][...] paper damaged omnes et singulas litteras inscriptiones docume[...] paper damaged[...][...] paper damaged quas quivis vestrum met supe[...] paper damaged[...][...] paper damagedlla G[...] paper damaged[...][...] paper damaged praetendit et nobis re[...] paper damaged[...][...] paper damagedibus a[...] paper damaged[...][...] paper damaged tribus quibusd[...] paper damaged[...][...] paper damaged [...]ratus on the margin[...] paper damaged[...][...] paper damagedratus[...]ratus on the margin nuncios [...] paper damaged[...][...] paper damaged.

[1 ] inserted text omitted in rouhg draft