» Korpus Tekstów i Korespondencji Jana Dantyszka
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List #1602

[Ioannes DANTISCUS] do [Sigismund I Jagiellon]
Löbau (Lubawa), 1537-03-16

Rękopiśmienne podstawy źródłowe:
1kopia kancelaryjna język: łacina, ręką pisarza, BCz, 244, s. 201-202
2brulion język: łacina, autograf, BCz, 244, s. 202 (b.p.)
3kopia język: łacina, XVIII w., BK, 232, s. 206-207
4kopia język: łacina, XVIII w., B. Ossol., 151/II, k. 153r-154r
5kopia, XVIII w., BCz, 55 (TN), Nr 17, s. 67-70
6regest z ekscerptami język: łacina, polski, XX w., B. PAU-PAN, 8243 (TK 5), a.1537, k. 18r-v

Pomocnicze podstawy źródłowe:
1regest język: polski, XX w., B. PAU-PAN, 8248 (TK 10), k. 313

1CEID 1/1 Nr 15, p. 178-181 (in extenso; angielski regest)


Tekst + aparat krytyczny + komentarzZwykły tekstTekst + komentarzTekst + aparat krytyczny


Serenissima Regia Maiestas et Domine, Domine clementissime. Humillimam perpetuae meae servitutis commendationem.

Post reditum Löbau (Lubawa, Lubavia), town in northern Poland, Kulm Land (Ziemia Chełmińska), ca. 67 km E of Graudenz (Grudziądz), the main seat of the bishops of Kulm (Chełmno)hucLöbau (Lubawa, Lubavia), town in northern Poland, Kulm Land (Ziemia Chełmińska), ca. 67 km E of Graudenz (Grudziądz), the main seat of the bishops of Kulm (Chełmno) meum quidam Royal Prussia (Prussia Regalis), region, part of Prussia annexed to the Kingdom of Poland in 1466 under the provisions of the Second Peace of Thornharum terrarumRoyal Prussia (Prussia Regalis), region, part of Prussia annexed to the Kingdom of Poland in 1466 under the provisions of the Second Peace of Thorn Serenissimae Maiestatis Vestrae consiliarii[1] litteris suis mihi significarunt ea, quae de Provincial Diet of Royal Prussia futuro hic conventuProvincial Diet of Royal Prussia Serenissimae Maiestati Vestrae suggerenda et consulenda essent, de loco in primis, qui eis videtur aptior et commodior Thorn (Toruń, Thorunium), city in northern Poland, on the Vistula river in its lower reaches, main residence of the bishops of Kulm (Chełmno); one of the three Great Prussian Cities (along with Gdańsk and Elbing) which had representatives in the Council of Royal Prussia; a member of the Hanseatic LeagueThoroniaeThorn (Toruń, Thorunium), city in northern Poland, on the Vistula river in its lower reaches, main residence of the bishops of Kulm (Chełmno); one of the three Great Prussian Cities (along with Gdańsk and Elbing) which had representatives in the Council of Royal Prussia; a member of the Hanseatic League, quam Marienburg (Malbork), town and castle in northern Poland, Pomeranian Voivodeship, on the Nogat river, a branch of the Vistula at its delta, the capital of the Grand Masters of the Teutonic Order in Prussia (1309-1457), a voivodeship capital in Royal Prussia, which belonged to the Kingdom of Poland (1466-1772). Marienburg (taking turns with Graudenz (Grudziądz)) was the venue for the Provincial Diets of Royal Prussia, which were chaired by the bishop of Ermland (Warmia)MarienburgiMarienburg (Malbork), town and castle in northern Poland, Pomeranian Voivodeship, on the Nogat river, a branch of the Vistula at its delta, the capital of the Grand Masters of the Teutonic Order in Prussia (1309-1457), a voivodeship capital in Royal Prussia, which belonged to the Kingdom of Poland (1466-1772). Marienburg (taking turns with Graudenz (Grudziądz)) was the venue for the Provincial Diets of Royal Prussia, which were chaired by the bishop of Ermland (Warmia), propter eos dominos, quos Serenissima Maiestas Vestra ad nos est missura[2]. Et, cum tempus breve est pro 1537-05-08divi Stanislai festo VIII-a Maii1537-05-08 praemittendaeque sint Serenissimae Maiestatis Vestrae litterae et mandata, quibus trium districtuum nobilitas maioresque et minores civitates sunt ad Provincial Diet of Royal Prussia conventumProvincial Diet of Royal Prussia vocandae, oportunum illis visum est, ut tempus et dies conventus transferretur in 1537-05-24quintam1537-05-24 aut 1537-05-25sextam1537-05-25 feriam post 1537-05-20Penthecosten1537-05-20[3], quodque per nobilitatem districtuum ad eos nuntios[4], qui nuper apud Serenissimam Maiestatem Vestram fuerant Cracow (Kraków, Cracovia), city in southern Poland, Małopolska, on the Vistula river, from 1038 capital of the Kingdom of PolandCracoviaeCracow (Kraków, Cracovia), city in southern Poland, Małopolska, on the Vistula river, from 1038 capital of the Kingdom of Poland, quidam alii eligerentur ac mitterentur.

Praeterea, ut tandem Serenissima Maiestas Vestra serio exactoribus prioris contributionis mandaret, quod iam a Serenissima Maiestate factum est aliquotie{n}s, quo rationem Council of Royal Prussia the most important local authority in Royal Prussia. It consisted of two bishops (of Ermland (Warmia), who served as the Council’s president, and of Kulm (Chełmno)), three voivodes (of Kulm, Marienburg (Malbork), and Pomerania), three castellans (of Kulm, Elbing (Elbląg), and Gdańsk (Danzig)), three chamberlains (of Kulm, Marienburg, and Pomerania), and representatives of the three Great Prussian Cities – Gdańsk, Thorn (Toruń), and Elbing (ACHREMCZYK 2016, p. 17-18)dominis consiliariisCouncil of Royal Prussia the most important local authority in Royal Prussia. It consisted of two bishops (of Ermland (Warmia), who served as the Council’s president, and of Kulm (Chełmno)), three voivodes (of Kulm, Marienburg (Malbork), and Pomerania), three castellans (of Kulm, Elbing (Elbląg), and Gdańsk (Danzig)), three chamberlains (of Kulm, Marienburg, and Pomerania), and representatives of the three Great Prussian Cities – Gdańsk, Thorn (Toruń), and Elbing (ACHREMCZYK 2016, p. 17-18) in Provincial Diet of Royal Prussia futuro conventuProvincial Diet of Royal Prussia de perceptis redderent, unde certo sciri possit, qui contribuerint et qui omissi aut qui contribuere neglexerint, ut in contributione instituenda iustior ordo, quam in priori, servaretur.

Consulunt item et humillime rogant, dominis ex Poland (Kingdom of Poland, Polonia)RegnoPoland (Kingdom of Poland, Polonia) ad nos venturis Serenissima Maiestas Vestra velit iniungere, quemadmodum nuntiis nobilitatis nuper Cracow (Kraków, Cracovia), city in southern Poland, Małopolska, on the Vistula river, from 1038 capital of the Kingdom of PolandCracoviaeCracow (Kraków, Cracovia), city in southern Poland, Małopolska, on the Vistula river, from 1038 capital of the Kingdom of Poland a Serenissima Maiestate Vestra fuerat responsum, ut diligenter inquirerent, qui sint isti ex nomine, per quos hic apud nos factiones, conuenticula atque dissensiones ac odia inter nobilitatem et civitates, contraque Council of Royal Prussia the most important local authority in Royal Prussia. It consisted of two bishops (of Ermland (Warmia), who served as the Council’s president, and of Kulm (Chełmno)), three voivodes (of Kulm, Marienburg (Malbork), and Pomerania), three castellans (of Kulm, Elbing (Elbląg), and Gdańsk (Danzig)), three chamberlains (of Kulm, Marienburg, and Pomerania), and representatives of the three Great Prussian Cities – Gdańsk, Thorn (Toruń), and Elbing (ACHREMCZYK 2016, p. 17-18)dominos consiliariosCouncil of Royal Prussia the most important local authority in Royal Prussia. It consisted of two bishops (of Ermland (Warmia), who served as the Council’s president, and of Kulm (Chełmno)), three voivodes (of Kulm, Marienburg (Malbork), and Pomerania), three castellans (of Kulm, Elbing (Elbląg), and Gdańsk (Danzig)), three chamberlains (of Kulm, Marienburg, and Pomerania), and representatives of the three Great Prussian Cities – Gdańsk, Thorn (Toruń), and Elbing (ACHREMCZYK 2016, p. 17-18) simultates exerceantur et excitentur, compertique voluntati et iudicio Serenissimae Maiestatis Vestrae deferantur, sicque tractentur, ut aliis sint exemplo, ne istiusmodi turbulentos et sediciosos sibi animos assumere praesumant.

Petunt insuper a Serenissima Maiestate Vestra suppliciter, dignetur etiam eisdem ex Poland (Kingdom of Poland, Polonia)RegnoPoland (Kingdom of Poland, Polonia) dominis committere causam violentiarum, quibus usus est Sigismundus Grudziński Sigismundus GrudzinskiSigismundus Grudziński ex Poland (Kingdom of Poland, Polonia)RegniPoland (Kingdom of Poland, Polonia) districtu Krajna, province on the right bank of the Noteć river and the left bank of the Gwda, historical territory, in the 15th-18th centuries comprised Nakło district in Kalisz provinceCraynoKrajna, province on the right bank of the Noteć river and the left bank of the Gwda, historical territory, in the 15th-18th centuries comprised Nakło district in Kalisz province in Pomeraniadistrictum PomeraniaePomerania, ubi nobili Mathias Pyschinski (Maciej Pisiński, Mathias de Renglyn), nobleman from PomeraniaMathiae PyschinskiMathias Pyschinski (Maciej Pisiński, Mathias de Renglyn), nobleman from Pomerania sine iure aut aliqua praemonitione, nocturno tempore, multis comitatus in bona eius irruens violenter rusticum cum pecoribus et omnibus, quae habuit, abduxit. Cuius rei querelae, quamvis saepius sint ad Serenissimam Maiestatem Vestram perlatae, tamen hucusque Sigismundus Grudziński idem GrudzinskiSigismundus Grudziński ad standum iuri numquam compelli potuit, verendumque est, nisi causa ista per dominos mittendos sopiatur, ne iterum novae grassationes utrimque suboriantur.

Petunt et hoc, quod potissimum est, Serenissima Maiestas Vestra dignetur venturis dominis dare in mandatis, ut se cum aliis hic Serenissimae Maiestatis Vestrae consiliariis in omnibus conforment mutuoque de rebus tractandis habito consilio sic se gerant, ne Serenissimae Maiestatis Vestrae auctoritas in suis hic consiliariis elevetur, sed contra rebelles et novare omnia contendentes magis atque magis firmetur. Sic demum hic sperandum erit inoboedientes Serenissimae Maiestati Vestrae auctoresque seditionum in ordinem redigi posse , cunctaque in posterum tranquilliora futura. Haec quorundam Council of Royal Prussia the most important local authority in Royal Prussia. It consisted of two bishops (of Ermland (Warmia), who served as the Council’s president, and of Kulm (Chełmno)), three voivodes (of Kulm, Marienburg (Malbork), and Pomerania), three castellans (of Kulm, Elbing (Elbląg), and Gdańsk (Danzig)), three chamberlains (of Kulm, Marienburg, and Pomerania), and representatives of the three Great Prussian Cities – Gdańsk, Thorn (Toruń), and Elbing (ACHREMCZYK 2016, p. 17-18)hic dominorum consiliariorumCouncil of Royal Prussia the most important local authority in Royal Prussia. It consisted of two bishops (of Ermland (Warmia), who served as the Council’s president, and of Kulm (Chełmno)), three voivodes (of Kulm, Marienburg (Malbork), and Pomerania), three castellans (of Kulm, Elbing (Elbląg), and Gdańsk (Danzig)), three chamberlains (of Kulm, Marienburg, and Pomerania), and representatives of the three Great Prussian Cities – Gdańsk, Thorn (Toruń), and Elbing (ACHREMCZYK 2016, p. 17-18) bene perpensa consilia, cum et mihi, pro rudi meo iudicio, his temporibus et rebus videantur satis commoda, quemadmodum a me postulatum est, in notitiam Serenissimae Maiestatis Vestrae humillime deducenda existimavi. Cui me ut domino meo clementissimo suppliciter commendo, Deumque precor, ut nobis eandem Serenissimam Maiestatem Vestram quam diutissime in valetudine atque omnis felicitatis prosperrima accessione conservet.


Postquam has absolvissem, in ipsa obsignatione misit ad me reverendissimus dominus Mauritius Ferber (*1471 – †1537), doctor of both canon and civil law; from 1507 Canon of Ermland (Warmia) and Lübeck; from 1514 Canon of Trier; 1512-1515 parish priest of the Church of Saints Peter and Paul in Gdańsk (Danzig); from 1516 Custos of Ermland and parish priest of the Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Gdańsk; from 1519 Canon of Dorpat; from 1523 Canon of Revel; 1523-1537 Bishop of Ermland (KOPICZKO 2, p. 71-72; SBKW, p. 59-60)episcopus VarmiensisMauritius Ferber (*1471 – †1537), doctor of both canon and civil law; from 1507 Canon of Ermland (Warmia) and Lübeck; from 1514 Canon of Trier; 1512-1515 parish priest of the Church of Saints Peter and Paul in Gdańsk (Danzig); from 1516 Custos of Ermland and parish priest of the Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Gdańsk; from 1519 Canon of Dorpat; from 1523 Canon of Revel; 1523-1537 Bishop of Ermland (KOPICZKO 2, p. 71-72; SBKW, p. 59-60) sigillum suum, a quo ea omnia, quae ex mea et aliorum consiliariorum Serenissimae Maiestati Vestrae sententia rescripsi, rata habet, addens, quod si ipse ut valitudinarius forte proximo conventui interesse non posset, se duos ex Ermland Chapter cathedral chapter based in Frauenburg (Frombork, Varmia)capituloErmland Chapter cathedral chapter based in Frauenburg (Frombork, Varmia) suo canonicos[5], qui vices suas gerant, missurum, seque humillime Serenissimae Maiestati Vestrae commendat.

[1 ] We know that Dantiscus consulted Johann von Werden (Constellatus, cf. HE, No. 148, p. 150, footnote No. 12) (*1495 – †1554), 1526 Mayor of Gdańsk (Danzig), from 1527 Starost of Neuenburg (Nowe), 1532-1535, 1538, 1539, 1546, 1551 Burgrave of Gdańsk, from 1535 Starost of Preußisch Mark (Przezmark) (1535-1540 together with Achatius von Zehmen (Cema)), 1536/1537 envoy of the Council of Royal Prussia to the Diet of the Kingdom of Poland held in Cracow (SBPN 4, p. 433-435; ZDRENKA 2, p. 368-369; MAŁŁEK 1976, p. 93, 161)Johann von WerdenJohann von Werden (Constellatus, cf. HE, No. 148, p. 150, footnote No. 12) (*1495 – †1554), 1526 Mayor of Gdańsk (Danzig), from 1527 Starost of Neuenburg (Nowe), 1532-1535, 1538, 1539, 1546, 1551 Burgrave of Gdańsk, from 1535 Starost of Preußisch Mark (Przezmark) (1535-1540 together with Achatius von Zehmen (Cema)), 1536/1537 envoy of the Council of Royal Prussia to the Diet of the Kingdom of Poland held in Cracow (SBPN 4, p. 433-435; ZDRENKA 2, p. 368-369; MAŁŁEK 1976, p. 93, 161) on these issues, and exchanged correspondence with Mauritius Ferber (*1471 – †1537), doctor of both canon and civil law; from 1507 Canon of Ermland (Warmia) and Lübeck; from 1514 Canon of Trier; 1512-1515 parish priest of the Church of Saints Peter and Paul in Gdańsk (Danzig); from 1516 Custos of Ermland and parish priest of the Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Gdańsk; from 1519 Canon of Dorpat; from 1523 Canon of Revel; 1523-1537 Bishop of Ermland (KOPICZKO 2, p. 71-72; SBKW, p. 59-60)Maurycy FerberMauritius Ferber (*1471 – †1537), doctor of both canon and civil law; from 1507 Canon of Ermland (Warmia) and Lübeck; from 1514 Canon of Trier; 1512-1515 parish priest of the Church of Saints Peter and Paul in Gdańsk (Danzig); from 1516 Custos of Ermland and parish priest of the Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Gdańsk; from 1519 Canon of Dorpat; from 1523 Canon of Revel; 1523-1537 Bishop of Ermland (KOPICZKO 2, p. 71-72; SBKW, p. 59-60) and Georg von Baysen (Jerzy Bażyński) (*1469 – †1546), 1503-1512 Chamberlain of Marienburg (Malbork); 1512-1546 Voivode of Marienburg (PSB 1, p. 377)Jerzy BażyńskiGeorg von Baysen (Jerzy Bażyński) (*1469 – †1546), 1503-1512 Chamberlain of Marienburg (Malbork); 1512-1546 Voivode of Marienburg (PSB 1, p. 377) (cf. cf. [Ioannes DANTISCUS] to [Georg von BAYSEN (BAŻYŃSKI)] Löbau (Lubawa), 1537-03-12, CIDTC IDL 1588IDL 1588cf. [Ioannes DANTISCUS] to [Georg von BAYSEN (BAŻYŃSKI)] Löbau (Lubawa), 1537-03-12, CIDTC IDL 1588, cf. [Ioannes DANTISCUS] to [Jan CHOJEŃSKI] Löbau (Lubawa), 1537-03-16, CIDTC IDL 1594IDL 1594cf. [Ioannes DANTISCUS] to [Jan CHOJEŃSKI] Löbau (Lubawa), 1537-03-16, CIDTC IDL 1594)

[2 ] When the Diet in Cracow was still in session, the king appointed the royal commissioners who would attend the springtime Prussian assembly in 1537 – Łukasz Górka (Łukasz of Górka) (*1482 – †1542), 1499-1507 Castellan of Spycimierz; 1507-1511 Castellan of Ląd; 1508-1535 General Starost of Wielkopolska; 1511-1535 Castellan of Poznań; 1535-1537 Voivode of Poznań; 1538 Bishop of Włocławek (PSB 8, p. 409-412)Łukasz GórkaŁukasz Górka (Łukasz of Górka) (*1482 – †1542), 1499-1507 Castellan of Spycimierz; 1507-1511 Castellan of Ląd; 1508-1535 General Starost of Wielkopolska; 1511-1535 Castellan of Poznań; 1535-1537 Voivode of Poznań; 1538 Bishop of Włocławek (PSB 8, p. 409-412) or Andrzej Górka (Andrzej of Górka) (*ca. 1500 – †1551), 1533 castellan of Kalisz; 1535 - of Poznań; 1536 general-starosta of Wielkopolska; 1541 envoy of king Sigismund I Jagiellon to Vienna, to undertake mediation between Ferdinad I von Habsburg and Isabella Jagiellon, widow of János I Zápolya (PSB 8, p. 401-405)his son AndrzejAndrzej Górka (Andrzej of Górka) (*ca. 1500 – †1551), 1533 castellan of Kalisz; 1535 - of Poznań; 1536 general-starosta of Wielkopolska; 1541 envoy of king Sigismund I Jagiellon to Vienna, to undertake mediation between Ferdinad I von Habsburg and Isabella Jagiellon, widow of János I Zápolya (PSB 8, p. 401-405), and Janusz Latalski (†1557), brother of Jan Latalski, Archbishop of Gniezno; 1520-1529 Castellan of Ląd; 1529-1535 Castellan of Gniezno; 1535-1538 Voivode of Inowrocław; 1538-1557 Voivode of Poznań (PSB 16, p. 563; Urzędnicy 1/2, p. 211)Janusz LatalskiJanusz Latalski (†1557), brother of Jan Latalski, Archbishop of Gniezno; 1520-1529 Castellan of Ląd; 1529-1535 Castellan of Gniezno; 1535-1538 Voivode of Inowrocław; 1538-1557 Voivode of Poznań (PSB 16, p. 563; Urzędnicy 1/2, p. 211) (cf. cf. [Ioannes DANTISCUS] to [Mauritius FERBER] Cracow, 153[7]-02-02, CIDTC IDL 1577IDL 1577cf. [Ioannes DANTISCUS] to [Mauritius FERBER] Cracow, 153[7]-02-02, CIDTC IDL 1577 and cf. [Ioannes DANTISCUS] to [Mauritius FERBER] Cracow, 1537-02-11, CIDTC IDL 1579IDL 1579cf. [Ioannes DANTISCUS] to [Mauritius FERBER] Cracow, 1537-02-11, CIDTC IDL 1579. This demand, that royal commissioners take part in the Prussian springtime assembly in 1537, to help resolve disputes, was contained both in the gravamina submitted at the 1536/37 Diet and in the opinion about them issued by the Prussian Council (see cf. [Ioannes DANTISCUS] to [Mauritius FERBER] Cracow, 1537-01-22, CIDTC IDL 1575IDL 1575cf. [Ioannes DANTISCUS] to [Mauritius FERBER] Cracow, 1537-01-22, CIDTC IDL 1575)

[3 ] The springtime Prussian assembly usually started more than two weeks earlier – on St. Stanislaus’ Day (May 8)

[4 ] The Royal Prussian gentry’s legation to the 1536/37 Diet included: Chełmno district judge Jerzy Plemięcki and aldermen Fabian Wolski and Maciej Mgowski (cf. e.g. cf. MAŁŁEK 1976 p. 131 Małłek, 1976, p.131cf. MAŁŁEK 1976 p. 131 ). Prussian gentry’s legation presented the king with gravamina containing about 20 objections, mainly against the Prussian Council and against the domination of the great cities (especially Gdańsk) over the region. The gravamina concerned economic matters (taxes, commerce, customs duty, measures and weights, minting of coins),legal issues (court procedure, court fine amounts, interpretation of the law on indigenousness, codification of Chełmno law, attacks by noblemen from neighboring voivodeships, accusations against Johann von Werden), administrative matters (the procedure of convoking general and particular assemblies, marking of territorial borders in Prussia), and defense (vetting) (print: cf. LENGNICH doc. No. 73, p. 173-183 Lengnich, doc. No. 73, p. 173-183cf. LENGNICH doc. No. 73, p. 173-183 )

[5 ] Maurycy Ferber’s representatives at the springtime Prussian assembly in 1537 were Warmia canonsTiedemann Giese (Tidemannus Gisius) (*1480 – †1550), in 1519 ennobled by King Sigismund I; 1504-1538 Canon of Ermland (Warmia); 1516-1527, 1533-1537 Judicial Vicar and Vicar General of Ermland; 1523-1538 Custos of Ermland; 1537-1549 Bishop of Kulm (Chełmno); 1549-1550 Bishop of Ermland (BORAWSKA 1984, passim) Tiedemann GieseTiedemann Giese (Tidemannus Gisius) (*1480 – †1550), in 1519 ennobled by King Sigismund I; 1504-1538 Canon of Ermland (Warmia); 1516-1527, 1533-1537 Judicial Vicar and Vicar General of Ermland; 1523-1538 Custos of Ermland; 1537-1549 Bishop of Kulm (Chełmno); 1549-1550 Bishop of Ermland (BORAWSKA 1984, passim) and Felix Reich (*ca. 1475 – †1539), secretary to Łukasz Watzenrode, Bishop of Ermland (Warmia), and his chaplain; from 1518 Chancellor to succeeding Bishops of Ermland: Fabian von Lusian (Luzjański) and Mauritius Ferber; 1518-1525 Provost of Guttstadt (Dobre Miasto) Collegiate Chapter; 1526-1539 Canon of Ermland; 1528 Chancellor of the Ermland Chapter; 1529-1532 administrator of the Chapter's estates in Allenstein (Olsztyn), and in 1538 in Tolkemit (Tolkmicko); 1538-1539 Vicar General of the diocese of Ermland, and Custos of Ermland; 1528-1530 envoy of the Ermland Chapter to the Provincial Diet of Royal Prussia (KOPICZKO 2, p. 265-266; BORAWSKA 1984, p. 176-177; SBKW, p. 200-201)Felix ReichFelix Reich (*ca. 1475 – †1539), secretary to Łukasz Watzenrode, Bishop of Ermland (Warmia), and his chaplain; from 1518 Chancellor to succeeding Bishops of Ermland: Fabian von Lusian (Luzjański) and Mauritius Ferber; 1518-1525 Provost of Guttstadt (Dobre Miasto) Collegiate Chapter; 1526-1539 Canon of Ermland; 1528 Chancellor of the Ermland Chapter; 1529-1532 administrator of the Chapter's estates in Allenstein (Olsztyn), and in 1538 in Tolkemit (Tolkmicko); 1538-1539 Vicar General of the diocese of Ermland, and Custos of Ermland; 1528-1530 envoy of the Ermland Chapter to the Provincial Diet of Royal Prussia (KOPICZKO 2, p. 265-266; BORAWSKA 1984, p. 176-177; SBKW, p. 200-201)