» CORPUS of Ioannes Dantiscus' Texts & Correspondence
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Letter #35

s.l., [1531-08]

Manuscript sources:
1fair copy in Latin, autograph, BK, 230, p. 285-288

1POCIECHA 4 p. 408-409 (excerpt)


Text & apparatus & commentaryPlain textText & commentaryText & apparatus


Reverendissime Domine, domine et patrone gratiose, post mei commendationem.

Non scripsi Dominationi Vestrae Reverendissimae per aliquod tempus. Causa est haec, quia per totum Ianuarium, Februarium, Martium et Aprilem, obnoxius fui malis fluxibus (quos hoc tempore morbum Gallicum vocant), quos tandem secunda et fortiori unctione superavi sumque per 4 menses ita sanus, uti umquam fui. Utinam diu duret. Mirum, quam multi hic huic malo obnoxii sunt quique negligunt in tempore curam sui, aliqui moriuntur, multi salutem in dubio habent. Dominus Petrus von Andorff perhaps identical with Peter Warrast von Andorff (near Passau), who in 1516 accepted the Cracow municipal laws (PIETRUSIŃSKI 2000, p. 169, footnote 14)Petrus von AndorffPetrus von Andorff perhaps identical with Peter Warrast von Andorff (near Passau), who in 1516 accepted the Cracow municipal laws (PIETRUSIŃSKI 2000, p. 169, footnote 14), qui filiam domini Cossmus habuit hoc malo periit, similiter Cossmus, etiam hoc malo, dominus Gotthardus Rossczysyewsky in Prussia, region in central Europe, bordered by Pomerania, Poland, Lithuania and Livonia. From 1466 Prussia was divided into Royal Prussia (Prussia Regalis), which was a part of the Kingdom of Poland, and Teutonic Prussia (Prussia Ordinis Theutonici) – covering the remnants of the former territory of the Teutonic Order’s state in Prussia. In 1525, the Order’s last Grand Master, Albrecht von Hohenzollern, converted to Lutheranism and became the first lay duke in former Teutonic Prussia (dux in Prussia), which from then on was called Ducal Prussia (Prussia Ducalis). At that time, as a result of the treaty of Cracow, Ducal Prussia became a fief of the kings of PolandPrussiaPrussia, region in central Europe, bordered by Pomerania, Poland, Lithuania and Livonia. From 1466 Prussia was divided into Royal Prussia (Prussia Regalis), which was a part of the Kingdom of Poland, and Teutonic Prussia (Prussia Ordinis Theutonici) – covering the remnants of the former territory of the Teutonic Order’s state in Prussia. In 1525, the Order’s last Grand Master, Albrecht von Hohenzollern, converted to Lutheranism and became the first lay duke in former Teutonic Prussia (dux in Prussia), which from then on was called Ducal Prussia (Prussia Ducalis). At that time, as a result of the treaty of Cracow, Ducal Prussia became a fief of the kings of Poland Gdańsk (Danzig, Dantiscum), city in northern Poland, on the Bay of Gdańsk at the mouth of the Vistula, on the Baltic, the biggest and wealthiest of the three Great Prussian Cities (Gdańsk, Thorn (Toruń), and Elbing (Elbląg)) with representation in the Council of Royal Prussia; a member of the Hanseatic LeagueGdaniGdańsk (Danzig, Dantiscum), city in northern Poland, on the Bay of Gdańsk at the mouth of the Vistula, on the Baltic, the biggest and wealthiest of the three Great Prussian Cities (Gdańsk, Thorn (Toruń), and Elbing (Elbląg)) with representation in the Council of Royal Prussia; a member of the Hanseatic League, super eodem malo in stubella periit.

Sunt etiam aliquot matronae nobiles huic malo datae. In summa dicunt multi numquam in nostris partibus adeo saevisse hunc morbum sicut nunc, qua causa moti domini consules novum hospitale struxerunt inter Cracow (Kraków, Cracovia), city in southern Poland, Małopolska, on the Vistula river, from 1038 capital of the Kingdom of PolandCracoviamCracow (Kraków, Cracovia), city in southern Poland, Małopolska, on the Vistula river, from 1038 capital of the Kingdom of Poland et Vistula (Wisła), river in PolandVistulamVistula (Wisła), river in Poland, versus latus The Jews IudaeorumThe Jews . In eoque huic malo obnoxii curantur pauperes. Habentque illic proprium cirurgicum. Sed nunc relinquam France (Gallia, Francia), the kingdomGalliamFrance (Gallia, Francia), the kingdom, de Poland (Kingdom of Poland, Polonia)PoloniaPoland (Kingdom of Poland, Polonia) reliqua, serenissimus Sigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austriadominus noster seniorSigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austria a duabus fere septimanis male habuit ex pede, in quo, uti dominus Jan Benedyktowicz Solfa (Ioannes Benedicti de Trebul, Ioannes Benedicti Solpha) (*1483 – †1564), physician, lawyer, poet and historian; in 1541 ennobled by Emperor Charles V of Habsburg; from 1521 Canon of the Collegiate Chapter in Glogau (Głogów); from 1522 court physician of King Sigismund I Jagiellon; from 1526 Canon of Ermland (Warmia); from ca. 1528 Canon of Vilnius; from 1529 Canon of St. John’s Collegiate Church in Warsaw; from 1531 Custos of Łowicz; from 1538 Canon of Wrocław (Breslau); from 1539 Canon of Sandomierz; from 1547 Canon of Cracow and Provost of Ermland (KOŻUSZEK, passim)Ioannes BenedictiJan Benedyktowicz Solfa (Ioannes Benedicti de Trebul, Ioannes Benedicti Solpha) (*1483 – †1564), physician, lawyer, poet and historian; in 1541 ennobled by Emperor Charles V of Habsburg; from 1521 Canon of the Collegiate Chapter in Glogau (Głogów); from 1522 court physician of King Sigismund I Jagiellon; from 1526 Canon of Ermland (Warmia); from ca. 1528 Canon of Vilnius; from 1529 Canon of St. John’s Collegiate Church in Warsaw; from 1531 Custos of Łowicz; from 1538 Canon of Wrocław (Breslau); from 1539 Canon of Sandomierz; from 1547 Canon of Cracow and Provost of Ermland (KOŻUSZEK, passim) mihi dixit, a semet ipso nata erat inflatio cum rubore. Sed iam a tribus diebus vel a 4 nullum periculum habent, immo pro voto sanatur, quare Sigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austriamaiestas suaSigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austria hactenus non obambulavit multum, parcendo pedi.

Serenissimus Sigismund II Augustus Jagiellon (Zygmunt II August) (*1520 – †1572), 1529-1572 Grand Duke of Lithuania (ruled from 1544); 1530-1572 King of Poland (crowned vivente rege (ruled from 1548, after the death of his father); son of Sigismund I Jagiellon and Bona Sforzarex iuvenisSigismund II Augustus Jagiellon (Zygmunt II August) (*1520 – †1572), 1529-1572 Grand Duke of Lithuania (ruled from 1544); 1530-1572 King of Poland (crowned vivente rege (ruled from 1548, after the death of his father); son of Sigismund I Jagiellon and Bona Sforza, Bona Sforza (*1494 – †1557), Queen of Poland and Grand Duchess of Lithuania (1518-1557); the second wife of Sigismund I Jagiellon; Duchess of Bari and Rossano; daughter of Gian Galeazzo Sforza of Milan and Isabella of Aragonmaiestas reginalisBona Sforza (*1494 – †1557), Queen of Poland and Grand Duchess of Lithuania (1518-1557); the second wife of Sigismund I Jagiellon; Duchess of Bari and Rossano; daughter of Gian Galeazzo Sforza of Milan and Isabella of Aragon et reginulae om<n>es, deo gratia incolumes sunt. Saltem dominus Piotr Opaliński (Piotr Opaleński, Piotr Opalenicki) (*ca. 1480 – †1551), 1507-1528 royal secretary, 1528 castellan of Międzyrzec, 1529 - of Ląd, 1535 - of Gniezno, 1530 tutor of young Sigismund II Augustus Jagiellon, 1537 steward of his court, 1532-1533 royal envoy to Turkey, 1536 - to Rome, Roman King Ferdinand and Emperor Charles V, 1539 - to John Zápolya (WYCZAŃSKI 1990, p. 260)Petrus OpalinskiPiotr Opaliński (Piotr Opaleński, Piotr Opalenicki) (*ca. 1480 – †1551), 1507-1528 royal secretary, 1528 castellan of Międzyrzec, 1529 - of Ląd, 1535 - of Gniezno, 1530 tutor of young Sigismund II Augustus Jagiellon, 1537 steward of his court, 1532-1533 royal envoy to Turkey, 1536 - to Rome, Roman King Ferdinand and Emperor Charles V, 1539 - to John Zápolya (WYCZAŃSKI 1990, p. 260), magister curiae Sigismund II Augustus Jagiellon (Zygmunt II August) (*1520 – †1572), 1529-1572 Grand Duke of Lithuania (ruled from 1544); 1530-1572 King of Poland (crowned vivente rege (ruled from 1548, after the death of his father); son of Sigismund I Jagiellon and Bona Sforzamaiestatis regiae iuniorisSigismund II Augustus Jagiellon (Zygmunt II August) (*1520 – †1572), 1529-1572 Grand Duke of Lithuania (ruled from 1544); 1530-1572 King of Poland (crowned vivente rege (ruled from 1548, after the death of his father); son of Sigismund I Jagiellon and Bona Sforza, febricula et catarro laborat. In Piotr Opaliński (Piotr Opaleński, Piotr Opalenicki) (*ca. 1480 – †1551), 1507-1528 royal secretary, 1528 castellan of Międzyrzec, 1529 - of Ląd, 1535 - of Gniezno, 1530 tutor of young Sigismund II Augustus Jagiellon, 1537 steward of his court, 1532-1533 royal envoy to Turkey, 1536 - to Rome, Roman King Ferdinand and Emperor Charles V, 1539 - to John Zápolya (WYCZAŃSKI 1990, p. 260)cuiusPiotr Opaliński (Piotr Opaleński, Piotr Opalenicki) (*ca. 1480 – †1551), 1507-1528 royal secretary, 1528 castellan of Międzyrzec, 1529 - of Ląd, 1535 - of Gniezno, 1530 tutor of young Sigismund II Augustus Jagiellon, 1537 steward of his court, 1532-1533 royal envoy to Turkey, 1536 - to Rome, Roman King Ferdinand and Emperor Charles V, 1539 - to John Zápolya (WYCZAŃSKI 1990, p. 260) absentia mihi iniunctum est docere Sigismund II Augustus Jagiellon (Zygmunt II August) (*1520 – †1572), 1529-1572 Grand Duke of Lithuania (ruled from 1544); 1530-1572 King of Poland (crowned vivente rege (ruled from 1548, after the death of his father); son of Sigismund I Jagiellon and Bona Sforzaillius maiestatemSigismund II Augustus Jagiellon (Zygmunt II August) (*1520 – †1572), 1529-1572 Grand Duke of Lithuania (ruled from 1544); 1530-1572 King of Poland (crowned vivente rege (ruled from 1548, after the death of his father); son of Sigismund I Jagiellon and Bona Sforza Allemanice iamque intelligit non pauca et legit satis bene. Sed loqui nihil scit, quia nondum colloquia ordinata sunt, ex quibus potissimum disceret, verum Latine loqui et intelligere, tantum didicit a domino doctore Giovanni Silvio de Mathio (Silvius Ioannes Siculus, Jan Sylwiusz Amatus) (*ca. 1470 – †1537), doctor of both canon and civil law, professor at the University of Vienna, from 1499 a lecturer of ancient Greek literature in Cracow; from ca. 1511 scribe at the royal court in Cracow; 1529 appointed a teacher of young Sigismund August Jagiellon (SUCHENI-GRABOWSKA 1996, p. 19, 25)SiculoGiovanni Silvio de Mathio (Silvius Ioannes Siculus, Jan Sylwiusz Amatus) (*ca. 1470 – †1537), doctor of both canon and civil law, professor at the University of Vienna, from 1499 a lecturer of ancient Greek literature in Cracow; from ca. 1511 scribe at the royal court in Cracow; 1529 appointed a teacher of young Sigismund August Jagiellon (SUCHENI-GRABOWSKA 1996, p. 19, 25) et audiendo parentes et alio crebro loqui, adiuvante etiam ad hoc idiomate Italo uti omnes, qui illius maiestatem audiunt, censent alias puerum vix tantum discere posse in scholis in 5 vel 6 annis, multa sunt, quae de singularissimo ingenio Sigismund II Augustus Jagiellon (Zygmunt II August) (*1520 – †1572), 1529-1572 Grand Duke of Lithuania (ruled from 1544); 1530-1572 King of Poland (crowned vivente rege (ruled from 1548, after the death of his father); son of Sigismund I Jagiellon and Bona Sforzaistius principisSigismund II Augustus Jagiellon (Zygmunt II August) (*1520 – †1572), 1529-1572 Grand Duke of Lithuania (ruled from 1544); 1530-1572 King of Poland (crowned vivente rege (ruled from 1548, after the death of his father); son of Sigismund I Jagiellon and Bona Sforza et sororis eius Isabella Jagiellon (*1519 – †1559), 1539-1559 Queen of Hungary; from 1539 wife of John Zápolya, King of Hungary, mother of John II Sigismund Zápolya; daughter of Sigismund Jagiellon, King of Poland, and Bona Sforzareginulae IsabellaeIsabella Jagiellon (*1519 – †1559), 1539-1559 Queen of Hungary; from 1539 wife of John Zápolya, King of Hungary, mother of John II Sigismund Zápolya; daughter of Sigismund Jagiellon, King of Poland, and Bona Sforza scribi possent, sed requirunt scriptorem perfectiorem me.

Cum essem Gdańsk (Danzig, Dantiscum), city in northern Poland, on the Bay of Gdańsk at the mouth of the Vistula, on the Baltic, the biggest and wealthiest of the three Great Prussian Cities (Gdańsk, Thorn (Toruń), and Elbing (Elbląg)) with representation in the Council of Royal Prussia; a member of the Hanseatic LeagueGdaniGdańsk (Danzig, Dantiscum), city in northern Poland, on the Bay of Gdańsk at the mouth of the Vistula, on the Baltic, the biggest and wealthiest of the three Great Prussian Cities (Gdańsk, Thorn (Toruń), and Elbing (Elbląg)) with representation in the Council of Royal Prussia; a member of the Hanseatic League in Iulio, omnes amicos Dominationis Vestrae Reverendissimae sanos vidi, qui summopere cupiunt reditum Dominationis Vestrae, tota praeterea patria desiderat idipsum omnes sperantes Dominationem Vestram Reverendissimam non minus facturam pro patria , quam dominum Mauritius Ferber (*1471 – †1537), doctor of both canon and civil law; from 1507 Canon of Ermland (Warmia) and Lübeck; from 1514 Canon of Trier; 1512-1515 parish priest of the Church of Saints Peter and Paul in Gdańsk (Danzig); from 1516 Custos of Ermland and parish priest of the Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Gdańsk; from 1519 Canon of Dorpat; from 1523 Canon of Revel; 1523-1537 Bishop of Ermland (KOPICZKO 2, p. 71-72; SBKW, p. 59-60)episcopum VarmiensemMauritius Ferber (*1471 – †1537), doctor of both canon and civil law; from 1507 Canon of Ermland (Warmia) and Lübeck; from 1514 Canon of Trier; 1512-1515 parish priest of the Church of Saints Peter and Paul in Gdańsk (Danzig); from 1516 Custos of Ermland and parish priest of the Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Gdańsk; from 1519 Canon of Dorpat; from 1523 Canon of Revel; 1523-1537 Bishop of Ermland (KOPICZKO 2, p. 71-72; SBKW, p. 59-60), de quo multa dicunt, quantum prosit reipublicae isti. Nec est hoc tempore alius, qui illam provinciam fulciat, nisi ipse dominus de Bayssen, et dominus Achatius von Zehmen (Achacy Cema) (*ca. 1485 – †1565), 1517-1531 Chamberlain of Pomerania, 1531-1546 Castellan of Gdańsk (Danzig), 1545-1546 Voivode of Kulm (Chełmno), 1546-1565 Voivode of Marienburg (Malbork) (SBPN 1, p. 194-195; ORACKI 1984, p. 38-39; Urzędnicy 5/2, p. 198; PSB 4, p. 325-326)CzemaAchatius von Zehmen (Achacy Cema) (*ca. 1485 – †1565), 1517-1531 Chamberlain of Pomerania, 1531-1546 Castellan of Gdańsk (Danzig), 1545-1546 Voivode of Kulm (Chełmno), 1546-1565 Voivode of Marienburg (Malbork) (SBPN 1, p. 194-195; ORACKI 1984, p. 38-39; Urzędnicy 5/2, p. 198; PSB 4, p. 325-326), cum civitatibus tamen quamvis etiam non undique cum civitatibus conveniunt, irrepserunt aliquot domini aliunde illuc, qui omnia fortissime trahunt in consuetudines insolitas et contra etc. Non ausim multa scribere.

In Augusto praeterito mortuus est dominus Jan Baliński (†1531), he held the office of Prussian senator, although he did not have Prussian indigene and did not even know German; 1506 clerk of Dobrzyń Land; 1512-1518 Castellan of Rippin (Rypin); 1519 Castellan of Gdańsk (Danzig); 1517-1531 Subtreasurer of Prussian lands; clerk and steward (szafarz) of Marienburg (Malbork) (Urzędnicy 5/2, p. 194; ORACKI 1984, p. 9; Urzędnicy 6/2, p. 216)BalinskiJan Baliński (†1531), he held the office of Prussian senator, although he did not have Prussian indigene and did not even know German; 1506 clerk of Dobrzyń Land; 1512-1518 Castellan of Rippin (Rypin); 1519 Castellan of Gdańsk (Danzig); 1517-1531 Subtreasurer of Prussian lands; clerk and steward (szafarz) of Marienburg (Malbork) (Urzędnicy 5/2, p. 194; ORACKI 1984, p. 9; Urzędnicy 6/2, p. 216) castellanus Gdanensis, quare omnes Council of Royal Prussia the most important local authority in Royal Prussia. It consisted of two bishops (of Ermland (Warmia), who served as the Council’s president, and of Kulm (Chełmno)), three voivodes (of Kulm, Marienburg (Malbork), and Pomerania), three castellans (of Kulm, Elbing (Elbląg), and Gdańsk (Danzig)), three chamberlains (of Kulm, Marienburg, and Pomerania), and representatives of the three Great Prussian Cities – Gdańsk, Thorn (Toruń), and Elbing (ACHREMCZYK 2016, p. 17-18)domini PruteniCouncil of Royal Prussia the most important local authority in Royal Prussia. It consisted of two bishops (of Ermland (Warmia), who served as the Council’s president, and of Kulm (Chełmno)), three voivodes (of Kulm, Marienburg (Malbork), and Pomerania), three castellans (of Kulm, Elbing (Elbląg), and Gdańsk (Danzig)), three chamberlains (of Kulm, Marienburg, and Pomerania), and representatives of the three Great Prussian Cities – Gdańsk, Thorn (Toruń), and Elbing (ACHREMCZYK 2016, p. 17-18) proprio motu, pro me scripserunt Sigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austriamaiestati regiaeSigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austria, meque moverunt, ut instarem pro officio procuratoris castri Marienburgensis, sed victus sum a domino Stanisław Kostka (*1487 – †1555), as a leader of the so-called nobles' party active in Royal Prussia since 1536, Kostka stood in opposition to most of the members of the Council of Royal Prussia, who wanted to maintain the autonomy of the province and a "balance of power" in terms of governance. The tension between the Prussian Subtreasurer and the Council had been increasing since the Diet in Graudenz (Grudziądz) in 1533. Kostka, connected with the royal court since his youth, was sent to Graudenz as the King's deputy and, contrary to custom, decided to take part in the proceedings. In response to such a step, the Council members stopped the meeting. Kostka accused them of hostility towards the Poles and intervened on this matter at the court. In the absence of the then Bishop of Ermland (Mauritius Ferber) it was Dantiscus who chaired the Graudenz Diet. The incident badly harmed his future relationships with Kostka; 1531-1555 Treasurer of the Prussian lands and Treasurer of Marienburg (Malbork); 1544-1545 Castellan of Elbing (Elbląg), 1545-1546 Castellan of Kulm (Chełmno); 1546-1549 Vice-Voivode of Kulm; 1546-1551 Voivode of Pomerania; 1551-1555 Voivode of Kulm (PSB 14, p. 356; Urzędnicy 5/2, p. 216; MAŁŁEK 1976, p. 119-123)Stanislao CostkaStanisław Kostka (*1487 – †1555), as a leader of the so-called nobles' party active in Royal Prussia since 1536, Kostka stood in opposition to most of the members of the Council of Royal Prussia, who wanted to maintain the autonomy of the province and a "balance of power" in terms of governance. The tension between the Prussian Subtreasurer and the Council had been increasing since the Diet in Graudenz (Grudziądz) in 1533. Kostka, connected with the royal court since his youth, was sent to Graudenz as the King's deputy and, contrary to custom, decided to take part in the proceedings. In response to such a step, the Council members stopped the meeting. Kostka accused them of hostility towards the Poles and intervened on this matter at the court. In the absence of the then Bishop of Ermland (Mauritius Ferber) it was Dantiscus who chaired the Graudenz Diet. The incident badly harmed his future relationships with Kostka; 1531-1555 Treasurer of the Prussian lands and Treasurer of Marienburg (Malbork); 1544-1545 Castellan of Elbing (Elbląg), 1545-1546 Castellan of Kulm (Chełmno); 1546-1549 Vice-Voivode of Kulm; 1546-1551 Voivode of Pomerania; 1551-1555 Voivode of Kulm (PSB 14, p. 356; Urzędnicy 5/2, p. 216; MAŁŁEK 1976, p. 119-123). Ille obtinuit thesaurariatum et procuratoris officium castellanatus Gdanensis nondum cuique datus est. Rogamus hic pro domino Achatius von Zehmen (Achacy Cema) (*ca. 1485 – †1565), 1517-1531 Chamberlain of Pomerania, 1531-1546 Castellan of Gdańsk (Danzig), 1545-1546 Voivode of Kulm (Chełmno), 1546-1565 Voivode of Marienburg (Malbork) (SBPN 1, p. 194-195; ORACKI 1984, p. 38-39; Urzędnicy 5/2, p. 198; PSB 4, p. 325-326)Achacio CzemaAchatius von Zehmen (Achacy Cema) (*ca. 1485 – †1565), 1517-1531 Chamberlain of Pomerania, 1531-1546 Castellan of Gdańsk (Danzig), 1545-1546 Voivode of Kulm (Chełmno), 1546-1565 Voivode of Marienburg (Malbork) (SBPN 1, p. 194-195; ORACKI 1984, p. 38-39; Urzędnicy 5/2, p. 198; PSB 4, p. 325-326), alii rogant pro domino Michaele Czyelyslawsky in MiędzyłężMyedzylązMiędzyłęż, miramur omnes, causam more.

Itaque dominus Johann von Baysen (Jan Bażyński) (†1548), 1532-1546 Chamberlain of Marienburg; in 1546 Castellan of Gdańsk; 1546-1547 - of Elbing; 1546 Starost of Mewe, Schoneck, and Sobbowitz (PSB 1, p. 377; Urzędnicy 5/2, p. 195)Ioannes de BayssenJohann von Baysen (Jan Bażyński) (†1548), 1532-1546 Chamberlain of Marienburg; in 1546 Castellan of Gdańsk; 1546-1547 - of Elbing; 1546 Starost of Mewe, Schoneck, and Sobbowitz (PSB 1, p. 377; Urzędnicy 5/2, p. 195) filius domini Georg von Baysen (Jerzy Bażyński) (*1469 – †1546), 1503-1512 Chamberlain of Marienburg (Malbork); 1512-1546 Voivode of Marienburg (PSB 1, p. 377)palatini MarienburgensisGeorg von Baysen (Jerzy Bażyński) (*1469 – †1546), 1503-1512 Chamberlain of Marienburg (Malbork); 1512-1546 Voivode of Marienburg (PSB 1, p. 377) ducit daughter of Ludwig von MORTANGEN filiamdaughter of Ludwig von MORTANGEN domini Ludwig von Mortangen (Ludwik Mortęski) (†1539), 1512-1516 Castellan of Gdańsk (Danzig); 1516-1539 Castellan of Elbing (Elbląg) (SBPN 3, p. 256-257; PSB 22 Morsztyn Zbigniew - Mytkowicz, p. 9-11)Ludovici de MortangenLudwig von Mortangen (Ludwik Mortęski) (†1539), 1512-1516 Castellan of Gdańsk (Danzig); 1516-1539 Castellan of Elbing (Elbląg) (SBPN 3, p. 256-257; PSB 22 Morsztyn Zbigniew - Mytkowicz, p. 9-11), cuius filius Ludwig von Mortangen Jr son of Castellan of Elbing Ludwig von Mortangen SrLudovicusLudwig von Mortangen Jr son of Castellan of Elbing Ludwig von Mortangen Sr fuit apud Dominationem Vestram Reverendissimam. Ludwig von Mortangen Jr son of Castellan of Elbing Ludwig von Mortangen SrQuemLudwig von Mortangen Jr son of Castellan of Elbing Ludwig von Mortangen Sr missurus est (uti mihi dixit) ad Ludwig X von Wittelsbach (*1495 – †1545), from 1516 Duke of Bavaria-Landshut; son of Duke Albrecht IV of Bavaria and Kunegunde, daughter of Emperor Frederick IIIducem BavariaeLudwig X von Wittelsbach (*1495 – †1545), from 1516 Duke of Bavaria-Landshut; son of Duke Albrecht IV of Bavaria and Kunegunde, daughter of Emperor Frederick III cum falconibus et uno servitore, ut serviat, sed non cum equis, quia adhuc iuvenis est, nesciret forte se disponere cum equis.

Dominus Nikolaus Nibschitz (Mikołaj Nipszyc) (*ca. 1483 – †1541), royal courtier, diplomat in the service of Sigismund I and Albrecht von Hohenzollern-Ansbach, Dantiscus' friend; from 1525 until his death an official representative of Duke Albrecht at the Cracow royal court; from 1532 royal secretary; 1519 royal envoy to Albrecht von Hohenzollern, Grand Master of the Teutonic Order, 1525, 1526 envoy to Hungary, 1527 envoy to the Congress in Wrocław, 1531-1533, 1537 envoy to Ferdinand I of Habsburg, 1535-1537, 1540 envoy to Brandenburg, 1536 envoy to the estates of LivoniaNipschiczNikolaus Nibschitz (Mikołaj Nipszyc) (*ca. 1483 – †1541), royal courtier, diplomat in the service of Sigismund I and Albrecht von Hohenzollern-Ansbach, Dantiscus' friend; from 1525 until his death an official representative of Duke Albrecht at the Cracow royal court; from 1532 royal secretary; 1519 royal envoy to Albrecht von Hohenzollern, Grand Master of the Teutonic Order, 1525, 1526 envoy to Hungary, 1527 envoy to the Congress in Wrocław, 1531-1533, 1537 envoy to Ferdinand I of Habsburg, 1535-1537, 1540 envoy to Brandenburg, 1536 envoy to the estates of Livonia optime sanus est estque bonus mihi fautor, triumphat semper, bibit, ludit nec in ulla re mihi mutatus esse videtur, nisi quod ditior sit factus, non tamen victus divitiis in moribus, dominus Gotz GotzGotz , dominus Fabian von Zehmen (Fabian Cema) (*ca. 1500 – †1580), brother of Achatius von Zehmen; 1530 royal courtier; 1531-1546 Chamberlain of Pomerania; 1546-1547 Chamberlain of Marienburg (Malbork); 1547-1549 Chamberlain of Kulm (Chełmno); 1549-1556 Castellan of Gdańsk (Danzig); 1556-1565 Voivode of Pomerania; 1566-1580 Voivode of Marienburg (ORACKI 1984, p. 39)Fabianus CzemaFabian von Zehmen (Fabian Cema) (*ca. 1500 – †1580), brother of Achatius von Zehmen; 1530 royal courtier; 1531-1546 Chamberlain of Pomerania; 1546-1547 Chamberlain of Marienburg (Malbork); 1547-1549 Chamberlain of Kulm (Chełmno); 1549-1556 Castellan of Gdańsk (Danzig); 1556-1565 Voivode of Pomerania; 1566-1580 Voivode of Marienburg (ORACKI 1984, p. 39) etiam bene sani sunt, et saepe precantur felicitatem Dominationi Vestrae Reverendissimae.

Heri mihi redditae sunt litterae domini Martin von Zehmen (Marcin Cema) (†ca. 1542), 1504 Kulm vicar general and judicial vicar; 1530-1532 administrator of Kulm bishopric (after the death of Jan Konopacki, and during Dantiscus' absence) (BISKUP 1992, p. 219-220)Martini CzeymaMartin von Zehmen (Marcin Cema) (†ca. 1542), 1504 Kulm vicar general and judicial vicar; 1530-1532 administrator of Kulm bishopric (after the death of Jan Konopacki, and during Dantiscus' absence) (BISKUP 1992, p. 219-220) canonici Culmensis et administratoris episcopatus Dominationis Vestrae Reverendissimae, quibus mihi scribit de exustione oppidi Kulmsee (Chełmża, Culmense), town in northern Poland, Kulm Lake District, between Kulm and Thorn, 1251-1824 the seat of the Kulm bishops, with a cathedral and a collegiate churchCulmensheKulmsee (Chełmża, Culmense), town in northern Poland, Kulm Lake District, between Kulm and Thorn, 1251-1824 the seat of the Kulm bishops, with a cathedral and a collegiate church, post aliquot horas his inclusas litteras ad Dominationem Vestram Reverendissimam mihi quidam cubicularius Jadwiga (Hedwig) Jagiellon (*1513 – †1573), 1535–1571 Electress of Brandenburg; wife of Joachim II Hektor von Hohenzollern, Elector of Brandenburg, daughter of Sigismund I Jagiellon, King of Poland, and Queen Barbara Zápolyareginulae HedwigisJadwiga (Hedwig) Jagiellon (*1513 – †1573), 1535–1571 Electress of Brandenburg; wife of Joachim II Hektor von Hohenzollern, Elector of Brandenburg, daughter of Sigismund I Jagiellon, King of Poland, and Queen Barbara Zápolya, Kamieński CamyenskiKamieński , misit, sic, uti Dominatio Vestra Reverendissima videbit, rupta aut violata custodia, dixitque non voluntarie ruptam esse, nec dubito verum esse. Ego habens eas, istis inclusi, non legi, quia scio non decere, dixique de eis domino Nikolaus Nibschitz (Mikołaj Nipszyc) (*ca. 1483 – †1541), royal courtier, diplomat in the service of Sigismund I and Albrecht von Hohenzollern-Ansbach, Dantiscus' friend; from 1525 until his death an official representative of Duke Albrecht at the Cracow royal court; from 1532 royal secretary; 1519 royal envoy to Albrecht von Hohenzollern, Grand Master of the Teutonic Order, 1525, 1526 envoy to Hungary, 1527 envoy to the Congress in Wrocław, 1531-1533, 1537 envoy to Ferdinand I of Habsburg, 1535-1537, 1540 envoy to Brandenburg, 1536 envoy to the estates of LivoniaNipschiczNikolaus Nibschitz (Mikołaj Nipszyc) (*ca. 1483 – †1541), royal courtier, diplomat in the service of Sigismund I and Albrecht von Hohenzollern-Ansbach, Dantiscus' friend; from 1525 until his death an official representative of Duke Albrecht at the Cracow royal court; from 1532 royal secretary; 1519 royal envoy to Albrecht von Hohenzollern, Grand Master of the Teutonic Order, 1525, 1526 envoy to Hungary, 1527 envoy to the Congress in Wrocław, 1531-1533, 1537 envoy to Ferdinand I of Habsburg, 1535-1537, 1540 envoy to Brandenburg, 1536 envoy to the estates of Livonia. Cum Bona Sforza (*1494 – †1557), Queen of Poland and Grand Duchess of Lithuania (1518-1557); the second wife of Sigismund I Jagiellon; Duchess of Bari and Rossano; daughter of Gian Galeazzo Sforza of Milan and Isabella of Aragonmaiestas reginalisBona Sforza (*1494 – †1557), Queen of Poland and Grand Duchess of Lithuania (1518-1557); the second wife of Sigismund I Jagiellon; Duchess of Bari and Rossano; daughter of Gian Galeazzo Sforza of Milan and Isabella of Aragon obambularet in horto suo novo super feriali, dixi illius maiestati de illa exustione illius oppidi, quod illius maiestas non libenter audivit interrogavitque me tunc, quantum reddat annuatim ille episcopatus. Respondi, uti verum est, me certe nescire saltem audivisse circa 3000 florenos inde habe[re] posse, respondit Bona Sforza (*1494 – †1557), Queen of Poland and Grand Duchess of Lithuania (1518-1557); the second wife of Sigismund I Jagiellon; Duchess of Bari and Rossano; daughter of Gian Galeazzo Sforza of Milan and Isabella of Aragonsua maiestasBona Sforza (*1494 – †1557), Queen of Poland and Grand Duchess of Lithuania (1518-1557); the second wife of Sigismund I Jagiellon; Duchess of Bari and Rossano; daughter of Gian Galeazzo Sforza of Milan and Isabella of Aragon: “An sine victu?” Dixi: “Forsan ex omnibus collectis vix tantum facit, tamen ita aliqui dicunt de 3000 florenis.” Nil aliud tunc de Dominatione Vestra Reverendissima, verum alias crebro mentio bon[a] fit de Dominatione Vestra Reverendissima, sed cum de reditu incipimus ”Nondu[m] advenisse tempus” - dicit.

Cum in Iunio praeterito appulissem in episcopatum Dominationis Vestrae Reverendissimae, omnia intellexi esse in bono ordine. Equos meos inde tunc recepi habeoque eos apud me, nec adhuc intelligo, si consultum sit, ut eos in Gołąb (Columba), village in Poland, 11 km NW of Puławy, 56 km NW of Lublin, Dantiscus was a parish-priest there in the years 1521-1537GoląbyeGołąb (Columba), village in Poland, 11 km NW of Puławy, 56 km NW of Lublin, Dantiscus was a parish-priest there in the years 1521-1537 mittam, praesertim hoc tempore, quo pauci aulici sunt in curia. Maior enim pars eorum missi sunt in Podolia (Podole), region in the south-eastern part of the Kingdom of Poland, between the Dniester and Boh rivers, with its capital in Kamieniec Podolski; today part of Ukraine and of MoldovaPodoliamPodolia (Podole), region in the south-eastern part of the Kingdom of Poland, between the Dniester and Boh rivers, with its capital in Kamieniec Podolski; today part of Ukraine and of Moldova contra Petru IV Raresh (Petrylo) (*ca. 1487 – †1546), 1527-1538 and 1541-1546 Hospodar of MoldaviaVallachumPetru IV Raresh (Petrylo) (*ca. 1487 – †1546), 1527-1538 and 1541-1546 Hospodar of Moldavia, de cuius insolentia et protervitate forsan alii omnia perscripserunt, quare pauca tamen repetam. Cum enim iste Petru IV Raresh (Petrylo) (*ca. 1487 – †1546), 1527-1538 and 1541-1546 Hospodar of Moldaviapalatinus VallachiaePetru IV Raresh (Petrylo) (*ca. 1487 – †1546), 1527-1538 and 1541-1546 Hospodar of Moldavia occupasset districtum Pokwczye v[erum] Sigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austriamaiestas regiaSigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austria misit contra ipsum exercitum 3000 hominum, qui aliquoties in Pokwczye triumphavit de The Valachs VallachisThe Valachs , proxima autem vice, cum Petru IV Raresh (Petrylo) (*ca. 1487 – †1546), 1527-1538 and 1541-1546 Hospodar of MoldaviaVallachusPetru IV Raresh (Petrylo) (*ca. 1487 – †1546), 1527-1538 and 1541-1546 Hospodar of Moldavia in propria persona cum viginti millibus, uti dicunt, et 30 tormentis aggressus fuisset nostros in der WagenburgWagenburgkWagenburg, ubi nostri strenue omnes profligarunt, multos interemerunt, dicunt 3000 [non pau]cos captivarunt et huc miserunt. Ipse etiam Petru IV Raresh (Petrylo) (*ca. 1487 – †1546), 1527-1538 and 1541-1546 Hospodar of MoldaviapalatinusPetru IV Raresh (Petrylo) (*ca. 1487 – †1546), 1527-1538 and 1541-1546 Hospodar of Moldavia non sine vulnere dicitur aufugisse, nescitur tamen certe.