» CORPUS of Ioannes Dantiscus' Texts & Correspondence
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Letter #888

Friedeck (Wąbrzeźno), 1533-01-26

Manuscript sources:
1fair copy in Latin, autograph, BNW, BOZ, 2053, TG 15, No. 1779, f. 152-153
2copy in Latin, 16th-century, BJ, 6557, f. 360r-v
3copy in Latin, 16th-century, BK, 217, No. 268, f. 250v-251r
4copy in Latin, 16th-century, BCz, 271, f. 255v-256r
5copy in Latin, 17th-century, BCz, 270, p. 377-378
6copy in Latin, 18th-century, BCz, 49 (TN), No. 20, p. 49-51
7copy in Latin, 18th-century, BCz, 274, No. 221, p. 454

Auxiliary sources:
1register in Polish, 20th-century, B. PAU-PAN, 8247 (TK 9), f. 215

1AT 15 No. 36, p. 55-56 (in extenso; Polish register)


Text & apparatus & commentaryPlain textText & commentaryText & apparatus


Reverendissimo in Christo Patri et domino, Piotr Tomicki (*1464 – †1535), humanist, statesman, diplomat, one of the most trusted collaborators of King Sigismund I of Poland; 1500-1503 Chancellor of Cardinal Fryderyk Jagiellon, 1502 Gniezno Cantor, Archdeacon of Cracow, 1503-1505 servant of Jan Lubrański, Bishop of Poznań, 1504-1510 Canon of Poznań, 1506 royal scribe, 1507-1519 Grand(?) Secretary, 1509 Canon of Włocławek, 1510-1514 - of Gniezno, 1511 Custos in Kielce and Sandomierz, 1514 Bishop of Przemyśl; 1515 Crown Vice-Chancellor, 1520 Bishop of Poznań, 1523 - of Cracow; from 1524 (at least) General Collector of świętopietrze (Peter's pence), 1509 royal envoy to the Dukes of Pomerania and to Mecklenburg, 1510 - to Wallachia, 1510, 1511, 1512, 1513 - to Hungary (WYCZAŃSKI 1990, p. 268)domino Petro Dei gratia episcopo Cracoviensi etc. et Regni Poloniae [c]ancellario supremoPiotr Tomicki (*1464 – †1535), humanist, statesman, diplomat, one of the most trusted collaborators of King Sigismund I of Poland; 1500-1503 Chancellor of Cardinal Fryderyk Jagiellon, 1502 Gniezno Cantor, Archdeacon of Cracow, 1503-1505 servant of Jan Lubrański, Bishop of Poznań, 1504-1510 Canon of Poznań, 1506 royal scribe, 1507-1519 Grand(?) Secretary, 1509 Canon of Włocławek, 1510-1514 - of Gniezno, 1511 Custos in Kielce and Sandomierz, 1514 Bishop of Przemyśl; 1515 Crown Vice-Chancellor, 1520 Bishop of Poznań, 1523 - of Cracow; from 1524 (at least) General Collector of świętopietrze (Peter's pence), 1509 royal envoy to the Dukes of Pomerania and to Mecklenburg, 1510 - to Wallachia, 1510, 1511, 1512, 1513 - to Hungary (WYCZAŃSKI 1990, p. 268), domino meo colendissimo.

Reverendissime in Christo Pater et Domine, domine gratiosissime. Obsequiorum meorum atque mei ipsius plurimam commendationem.

Rediens pridie ex Piotrków (Petricovia), city in central Poland, in the 15th-16th century the location of the assemblies of the Diet (Sejm) of the Kingdom of Poland, today Piotrków TrybunalskiPetricoviaPiotrków (Petricovia), city in central Poland, in the 15th-16th century the location of the assemblies of the Diet (Sejm) of the Kingdom of Poland, today Piotrków Trybunalski nuntius meus attulit mihi gratiae Dominationis Vestrae Reverendissimae in me plenas cf. Piotr TOMICKI to Ioannes DANTISCUS Piotrków, 1533-01-18, CIDTC IDL 3553litterascf. Piotr TOMICKI to Ioannes DANTISCUS Piotrków, 1533-01-18, CIDTC IDL 3553, quas non sine lacrimis exosculatas cum ad calcem usque legissem, cogitavi intra me: “bone Deus, qui fit, quod tantus praesul, cum quo nulla sanguinis mihi coniunctio et de quo etiam numquam bene sum meritus et cui etiam nulla in re usui esse possum, tantum mihi afficiatur” rogavique ex animo, ut istiusmodi Dominationis Vestrae Reverendissimae propensionem velit mihi esse perpetuam, ille Dominationi Vestrae Reverendissimae rependat. Accepi non sine gaudio 200 marcas Prutenicales (eas dumtaxat contribuere debebam), quas mihi Sigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austriaserenissima maiestas regiaSigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austria ad intercessionem Dominationis Vestrae Reverendissimae clementer remisit. Neque hoc me male habuit, quod priusquam litterae Sigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austriamaiestatis regiaeSigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austria, quae me exactorem contributionis statuebant, redditae mihi fuissent, iam exactores in dicione mea officium suum exercuerant; sic ea in re a malorum liberatus sum suspicione. Quod consecrationem meam spectat, nollem Dominationem Vestram Reverendissimam esse in dubio. Decrevi omnimode, Deo bene favente, in 1533-02-26 – 1533-04-05Quadragesima futura1533-02-26 – 1533-04-05 suscipere ordines cum sacerdotio ab aliquo suffraganeorum, si forsan ipse convenire episcopum aliquem ob pedis valetudinem non possem. Sacerdos a nemine quam a Dominatione Vestra Reverendissima consecrari in episcopum velim, ut qui episcopatum mihi contulit, is etiam munus consecrationis mihi impenderet. De his paulo post latius. Is Tiedemann Giese Jr (*1491 – †1556), 1525, 1526, 1531 alderman in Gdańsk; 1533 - consenior; 1536 - senior; 1539 - councillor; 1540-1556 mayor; 1547, 1555 - burgrave; nephew of the Ermland bishop Tiedemann Giese (ZDRENKA 2, p. 114)Tidemannus GiseTiedemann Giese Jr (*1491 – †1556), 1525, 1526, 1531 alderman in Gdańsk; 1533 - consenior; 1536 - senior; 1539 - councillor; 1540-1556 mayor; 1547, 1555 - burgrave; nephew of the Ermland bishop Tiedemann Giese (ZDRENKA 2, p. 114) petiit se commendari Dominationi Vestrae Reverendissimae, quem contra procuratorem Nicolaus Holsten Nicolaum HolstenNicolaus Holsten et in causa, quam habet cum Sebaldus Becherer Gdańsk bourgher; 1525-1533 starosta of Lignowy (PSB 15, 54-55; CZAPLEWSKI 1937, p. ; ZINS 1951, p. 129)vitricoSebaldus Becherer Gdańsk bourgher; 1525-1533 starosta of Lignowy (PSB 15, 54-55; CZAPLEWSKI 1937, p. ; ZINS 1951, p. 129), quantum aequitas expostulat, commendatum esse Dominationi Vestrae Reverendissimae rogo. Cui me etiam atque omnia mea ex corde commendo.