Letter #614
Cornelis DE SCHEPPER to Ioannes DANTISCUSBruges, 1531-04-15
English register:
If De Schepper had known Dantiscus would come to Ghent before Easter, he would have postponed his departure to meet him there. But the Margave [Johann Albrecht of Brandenburg] had told him that Dantiscus would spend Easter in Antwerp.
The Emperor [Charles V] will not return to Ghent before Easter, so there is no reason why Dantiscus should not come and visit De Schepper tomorrow in Bruges. It is only a short journey. De Schepper will show him a gigantic and well-crafted globe. Whenever the Emperor returns, he will accompany Dantiscus back to Ghent.
All his acquaintances in Bruges insist that Dantiscus should come. There is a lot worth seeing; a crossing to Zeeland is easily possible. De Schepper will answer the Ciceronian letter [or: will answer in a more Ciceronian style?] (Ciceronianis litteris) when he is in the mood for it.
De Schepper’s wife [Elisabeth Donche] and her sister [Joanna] send Dantiscus greetings and wait impatiently for his visit.
received Ghent (Gandavum), [1531]-04-15 Manuscript sources:
Auxiliary sources:
Text & apparatus & commentaryPlain textText & commentaryText & apparatus
Reverendissimo in [Chris]to Patri et Domino, domino
Doleo vehementer, quod nescierim te
Visurus es, ut alia omittam, globum magnum[4] et quo nullum maiorem vidisti umquam neque tam bene depictum. Ego rursus te comitabor
Litteris Ciceronianis conabor respondere, si quando sese mihi facilem(!) praebiturus est
Commendat sese tibi
Eiusdem Dominationis Vestrae Reverendissimae humilis inservitor
[2 ] Easter 1531: 9 April
[3 ] This is the same invitation as in De Schepper’s letter of 13 April 1531 (cf.
[4 ] Probably the terrestrial globe constructed for Marcus Laurijn (person 163) (cf. also IDL ...) [Note to be elaborated]
[5 ] Note on Bruges humanist network around Marcus Laurijn to be elaborated