Letter #815
Alfonso de VALDÉS to Ioannes DANTISCUSRegensburg, 1532-08-08
English register:
Since Dantiscus left, Valdés has had no letter from him. He wishes him to have a good trip, and not to forget those who miss him. Since Dantiscus cannot visit, Valdés asks that he write as often as possible. The emperor recovered while staying in the country and intended to come to Augsburg, but as soon as he arrived in the city he got an attack of fever so he has no intention of going back there. Valdés is well. He is angry with Dantiscus for leaving without introducing him to the other Polish envoy, who only came to him for help after long and unsuccessfully attempts to arrange matters on his own. Valdés helped him at once, but the issue was not successfully resolved – but perhaps this delay will bring in a better solution.
Valdés informs Dantiscus of the results of the Imperial Diet: all the estates of the realm are to place themselves under the emperor’s command for war against Turkey, everyone is to supply the required number of soldiers. The Saxon prince has promised the most, the landgrave of Hesse will also be there. The emperor has promised to procure the calling of a General Council within six months, and if the pope doesn’t agree – another Imperial Diet will resolve the religious matters; no changes should be made before then.
The emperor is preparing for war with Turkey, part of the army has already left for Vienna. The free cities have provided more soldiers than expected, and equipment and war machines as well. The Swiss have told the French that they refuse to fight as their mercenaries unless it is against the Turks. 8,000 Spanish soldiers and two Italian legions have come to Germany, not counting volunteers. The pope has sent the nuncio a latere, Cardinal Medici, with 400 horsemen and pay for 10,000 Hungarians. The duke of Medina Coeli, the count of Sancti Stephani have arrived from Spain, the counts of Benavente, the duke of Bagiaris, the margrave of Asturia, the count of Monteregale, a cousin of the archbishop of Toledo and numerous other aristocrats and nobles are also coming. French nobles are also expected. The fleet has set sail under Andrea Doria’s command. It includes 42 triremes, 6 carracks and 30 smaller ships, not counting pirate vessels. Apart from a crew for sea battle, there are 10,000 soldiers aboard the ships, sailing to Epirus to drive back the Turkish forces.
The Turks got wind of these preparations, have bypassed the Danube and gone off to plunder Styria and neighboring provinces. This will cause a change in the emperor’s plans.
Valdés thinks that if other Christian rulers joined the expedition, Christianity would be saved from danger. However, the emperor will do his duty. After the death of Cardinal Colonna the emperor appointed the marquis de Villafranca [Pedro de Toledo] to the office of viceroy of Naples, and the marquis left for Naples at once.
Valdés sends Dantiscus gloves of the kind the empress wears so that he can win favor with some girl thanks to this Spanish gift. Valdés passes on a request from Granvella – he wants to buy a good riding horse in Poland.
received Cracow (Kraków), 1532-08-20 Manuscript sources:
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Reverendissimo Domino, domino
Reverendissime Domine observandissime.
Ex quo a nobis discessisti, nihil litterarum abs te accepi. Iter tuum tibi feliciter successisse vehementer cupio, sed ita, ut isthaec felicitas te in oblivionem nostri non inducat. Vix credas, quanto tui desiderio tui omnes teneamur. A quo, si non expedit, ut tua nos praesentia liberes, praesta saltem, quod minimo incommodo praestare poteris, ut frequenter ad nos de rebus tuis scribas. Nullae enim litterae excipientur hic alacrius, nullae legentur avidius, quam tuae.
Quae hic agamus, paucis praescribam.
Quod ad religionem autem spectat,
Chirothecas ex his, quas
Iterum vale.
Tuus, quantus est,