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Results found: 120

1 IDS 25589 IDT 248   BCz, 1601, p. 3-4 (fair copy)
2 IDS 25590 IDT 249   BCz, 1601, p. 5 (fair copy)
3 IDS 25568 IDT 217   BCz, 1601, p. 7 (fair copy)
4 IDS 25591 IDT 250   BCz, 1601, p. 9 (fair copy)
5 IDS 25570 IDT 219   BCz, 1601, p. 11 (fair copy)
6 IDS 25572 IDT 221   BCz, 1601, p. 13 (fair copy)
7 IDS 25575 IDT 225   BCz, 1601, p. 209 (fair copy)
8 IDS 25695 IDT 350   BCz, 1601, p. 287-288 (fair copy)
9 IDS 18017 IDL 432   BCz, 1601, p. 213-214 (Latin fair copy in secretary's hand, author's signature, 16th-century)
10 IDS 18125 IDL 479   BCz, 1601, p. 219-222, 224 (Latin fair copy in secretary's hand, author's signature, 16th-century)
11 IDS 13857 IDL 4799  BCz, 1601, p. 223-224 (Latin fair copy in secretary's hand, author's signature, 16th-century)
12 IDS 18129 IDL 481   BCz, 1601, p. 225-228 (Latin fair copy in secretary's hand, author's signature, 16th-century)
13 IDS 18134 IDL 483   BCz, 1601, p. 229-232 (Latin fair copy in secretary's hand, author's signature, 16th-century)
14 IDS 18155 IDL 490   BCz, 1601, p. 235-236 (Latin fair copy in secretary's hand, author's signature, 16th-century)
15 IDS 18170 IDL 497   BCz, 1601, p. 237-238 (Latin fair copy in secretary's hand, author's signature, 16th-century)
16 IDS 18187 IDL 504   BCz, 1601, p. 239-240 (Latin fair copy in secretary's hand, author's signature, 16th-century)
17 IDS 18200 IDL 511   BCz, 1601, p. 241-242 (Latin fair copy in secretary's hand, author's signature, 16th-century)
18 IDS 18244 IDL 528   BCz, 1601, p. 243-244 (Latin fair copy in secretary's hand, author's signature, 16th-century)
19 IDS 18378 IDL 583   BCz, 1601, p. 245-246 (Latin fair copy in secretary's hand, author's signature, 16th-century)
20 IDS 18456 IDL 613   BCz, 1601, p. 251-252 (Latin fair copy in secretary's hand, author's signature, 16th-century)
21 IDS 18634 IDL 680   BCz, 1601, p. 253-256 (Latin fair copy in secretary's hand, author's signature, 16th-century)
22 IDS 19051 IDL 830   BCz, 1601, p. 263-264 (Latin fair copy in secretary's hand, 16th-century)
23 IDS 19112 IDL 854   BCz, 1601, p. 265-266 (Latin fair copy in secretary's hand, 16th-century)
24 IDS 19218 IDL 889   BCz, 1601, p. 277-278 (Latin fair copy in secretary's hand, 16th-century)
25 IDS 19276 IDL 914   BCz, 1601, p. 279-280 (Latin fair copy in secretary's hand, 16th-century)
26 IDS 19268 IDL 912   BCz, 1601, p. 281-282 (Latin fair copy in secretary's hand, 16th-century)
27 IDS 19416 IDL 971   BCz, 1601, p. 283-284 (Latin fair copy in secretary's hand, 16th-century)
28 IDS 19493 IDL 1005  BCz, 1601, p. 285-286 (Latin fair copy in secretary's hand, 16th-century)
29 IDS 20109 IDL 1289  BCz, 1601, p. 291 (Latin copy in secretary's hand, 16th-century)
30 IDS 20238 IDL 1355  BCz, 1601, p. 297-298 (Latin fair copy in secretary's hand, 16th-century)
31 IDS 20864 IDL 1665  BCz, 1601, p. 303-304 (Latin fair copy in secretary's hand, author's signature, 16th-century)
32 IDS 21170 IDL 1832  BCz, 1601, p. 305-306 (Latin fair copy in secretary's hand, 16th-century)
33 IDS 21174 IDL 1834  BCz, 1601, p. 307-308 (Latin fair copy in secretary's hand, 16th-century)
34 IDS 21196 IDL 1854  BCz, 1601, p. 309-310 (Latin fair copy in secretary's hand, author's signature, 16th-century)
35 IDS 21201 IDL 1859  BCz, 1601, p. 311-312 (Latin fair copy in secretary's hand, 16th-century)
36 IDS 19249 IDL 901   BCz, 1601, p. 313-314 (Latin fair copy in secretary's hand, 16th-century)
37 IDS 21488 IDL 2113  BCz, 1601, p. 319-320 (Latin fair copy in secretary's hand, 16th-century)
38 IDS 21642 IDL 2218  BCz, 1601, p. 327-328 (Latin fair copy in secretary's hand, 16th-century)
39 IDS 21733 IDL 2287  BCz, 1601, p. 335-338 (Latin fair copy in secretary's hand, 16th-century)
40 IDS 21844 IDL 2386  BCz, 1601, p. 339-340 (Latin fair copy in secretary's hand, 16th-century)
41 IDS 21867 IDL 2405  BCz, 1601, p. 343-344 (Latin fair copy in secretary's hand, 16th-century)
42 IDS 22037 IDL 2541  BCz, 1601, p. 349-350 (Latin fair copy in secretary's hand, 16th-century)
43 IDS 22042 IDL 2546  BCz, 1601, p. 355-356 (Latin fair copy in secretary's hand, 16th-century)
44 IDS 22064 IDL 2565  BCz, 1601, p. 361-362 (Latin fair copy in secretary's hand, 16th-century)
45 IDS 22067 IDL 2568  BCz, 1601, p. 363-364 (Latin fair copy in secretary's hand, 16th-century)
46 IDS 22077 IDL 2578  BCz, 1601, p. 365-366 (Latin fair copy in secretary's hand, 16th-century)
47 IDS 22087 IDL 2587  BCz, 1601, p. 367-368 (Latin fair copy in secretary's hand, 16th-century)
48 IDS 13910 IDL 4840  BCz, 1601, p. 383-386 (Latin copy, 16th-century)
49 IDS 22196 IDL 2670  BCz, 1601, p. 481-482 (Latin fair copy in secretary's hand, 16th-century)
50 IDS 22187 IDL 2663  BCz, 1601, p. 483-484 (Latin fair copy in secretary's hand, 16th-century)
51 IDS 22198 IDL 2672  BCz, 1601, p. 485-486 (Latin fair copy in secretary's hand, 16th-century)
52 IDS 22200 IDL 2674  BCz, 1601, p. 487-488 (Latin fair copy in secretary's hand, 16th-century)
53 IDS 22217 IDL 2689  BCz, 1601, p. 489-490 (Latin fair copy in secretary's hand, 16th-century)
54 IDS 22265 IDL 2734  BCz, 1601, p. 491-492 (Latin fair copy in secretary's hand, 16th-century)
55 IDS 22270 IDL 2737  BCz, 1601, p. 493-494 (Latin fair copy in secretary's hand, 16th-century)
56 IDS 23444 IDL 6347  BCz, 1601, p. 495-496 (Latin fair copy in secretary's hand, 16th-century)
57 IDS 23445 IDL 6348  BCz, 1601, p. 497-498 (Latin fair copy in secretary's hand, 16th-century)
58 IDS 23446 IDL 2746  BCz, 1601, p. 499-502 (Latin copy, 16th-century)
59 IDS 23447 IDL 6349  BCz, 1601, p. 503-504 (Latin fair copy in secretary's hand, 16th-century)
60 IDS 23448 IDL 6350  BCz, 1601, p. 505-506 (Latin fair copy in secretary's hand, 16th-century)
61 IDS 23449 IDL 6351  BCz, 1601, p. 509-510 (Latin fair copy in secretary's hand, 16th-century)
62 IDS 23450 IDL 6352  BCz, 1601, p. 513-516 (Latin fair copy in secretary's hand, 16th-century)
63 IDS 23451 IDT 567   BCz, 1601, p. 517-518 (Latin copy in secretary's hand, 16th-century)
64 IDS 16040 IDL 5823  BCz, 1601, p. 537-538 (Latin fair copy in secretary's hand, author's signature, 16th-century)
65 IDS 16042 IDL 5824  BCz, 1601, p. 539-540 (Latin fair copy in secretary's hand, 16th-century)
66 IDS 17169 IDL 212   BCz, 1601, p. 541-544 (Latin fair copy in secretary's hand, 16th-century)
67 IDS 17254 IDL 234   BCz, 1601, p. 545-548 (Latin fair copy in secretary's hand, author's signature, 16th-century)
68 IDS 17257 IDL 236   BCz, 1601, p. 553-562 (Latin fair copy in secretary's hand, 16th-century)
69 IDS 17265 IDL 239   BCz, 1601, p. 563-564 (Latin fair copy in secretary's hand, 16th-century)
70 IDS 17276 IDL 243   BCz, 1601, p. 565-570 (Latin fair copy in secretary's hand, 16th-century)
71 IDS 17326 IDL 259   BCz, 1601, p. 571-576 (Latin fair copy in secretary's hand, author's signature, 16th-century)
72 IDS 17334 IDL 262   BCz, 1601, p. 577-584 (Latin fair copy in secretary's hand, author's signature, 16th-century)
73 IDS 17339 IDL 264   BCz, 1601, p. 587-594 (Latin fair copy in secretary's hand, author's signature, 16th-century)
74 IDS 17355 IDL 270   BCz, 1601, p. 595-598 (Latin fair copy in secretary's hand, author's signature, 16th-century)
75 IDS 17406 IDL 285   BCz, 1601, p. 603-606 (Latin fair copy in secretary's hand, author's signature, 16th-century)
76 IDS 18582 IDL 656   BCz, 1601, p. 607-610 (Latin fair copy in secretary's hand, author's signature, 16th-century)
77 IDS 18585 IDL 659   BCz, 1601, p. 611-614 (Latin fair copy in secretary's hand, author's signature, 16th-century)
78 IDS 18611 IDL 670   BCz, 1601, p. 615-618 (Latin fair copy in secretary's hand, author's signature, 16th-century)
79 IDS 19088 IDL 844   BCz, 1601, p. 619-622 (Latin fair copy in secretary's hand, 16th-century)
80 IDS 19148 IDL 869   BCz, 1601, p. 623-626 (Latin fair copy in secretary's hand, 16th-century)
81 IDS 19175 IDL 879   BCz, 1601, p. 627-630 (Latin fair copy in secretary's hand, 16th-century)
82 IDS 19246 IDL 899   BCz, 1601, p. 631-634 (Latin fair copy in secretary's hand, 16th-century)
83 IDS 19259 IDL 907   BCz, 1601, p. 635-636 (Latin fair copy in secretary's hand, 16th-century)
84 IDS 19353 IDL 945   BCz, 1601, p. 637-638 (Latin fair copy in secretary's hand, 16th-century)
85 IDS 19429 IDL 978   BCz, 1601, p. 639-640 (Latin fair copy in secretary's hand, 16th-century)
86 IDS 19512 IDL 1014  BCz, 1601, p. 641-642 (Latin fair copy in secretary's hand, 16th-century)
87 IDS 19543 IDL 1026  BCz, 1601, p. 643-644 (Latin fair copy in secretary's hand, 16th-century)
88 IDS 19597 IDL 1052  BCz, 1601, p. 645-646 (Latin fair copy in secretary's hand, 16th-century)
89 IDS 20089 IDL 1279  BCz, 1601, p. 647-648 (Latin fair copy in secretary's hand, 16th-century)
90 IDS 20144 IDL 1305  BCz, 1601, p. 651-652 (Latin fair copy in secretary's hand, 16th-century)
91 IDS 20161 IDL 1316  BCz, 1601, p. 653-654 (Latin fair copy in secretary's hand, 16th-century)
92 IDS 20541 IDL 1499  BCz, 1601, p. 655-656 (Latin fair copy in secretary's hand, 16th-century)
93 IDS 20614 IDL 1535  BCz, 1601, p. 657-660 (Latin fair copy in secretary's hand, 16th-century)
94 IDS 19101 IDL 849   BCz, 1601, p. 661-664 (Latin fair copy in secretary's hand, 16th-century)
95 IDS 21173 IDL 1833  BCz, 1601, p. 665-668 (Latin fair copy in secretary's hand, 16th-century)
96 IDS 21200 IDL 1858  BCz, 1601, p. 669-670 (Latin fair copy in secretary's hand, 16th-century)
97 IDS 21572 IDL 2166  BCz, 1601, p. 671-672 (Latin fair copy in secretary's hand, 16th-century)
98 IDS 21810 IDL 2355  BCz, 1601, p. 673-676 (Latin fair copy in secretary's hand, 16th-century)
99 IDS 21832 IDL 2375  BCz, 1601, p. 677-680 (Latin fair copy in secretary's hand, 16th-century)
100 IDS 21857 IDL 2397  BCz, 1601, p. 681-682 (Latin fair copy in secretary's hand, 16th-century)
101 IDS 21994 IDL 2504  BCz, 1601, p. 683-686 (Latin fair copy in secretary's hand, 16th-century)
102 IDS 21999 IDL 2509  BCz, 1601, p. 687-688 (Latin fair copy autograph, 16th-century)
103 IDS 22107 IDL 2604  BCz, 1601, p. 689-692 (Latin fair copy in secretary's hand, 16th-century)
104 IDS 22031 IDL 2535  BCz, 1601, p. 693-696 (Latin fair copy in secretary's hand, 16th-century)
105 IDS 22090 IDL 2590  BCz, 1601, p. 697-700 (Latin fair copy in secretary's hand, 16th-century)
106 IDS 22161 IDL 2641  BCz, 1601, p. 701-704 (Latin fair copy in secretary's hand, 16th-century)
107 IDS 22182 IDL 2659  BCz, 1601, p. 705-706 (Latin fair copy in secretary's hand, 16th-century)
108 IDS 22195 IDL 2669  BCz, 1601, p. 707-710 (Latin fair copy in secretary's hand, 16th-century)
109 IDS 22203 IDL 2677  BCz, 1601, p. 711-714 (Latin fair copy in secretary's hand, 16th-century)
110 IDS 22212 IDL 2684  BCz, 1601, p. 715-718 (Latin fair copy in secretary's hand, 16th-century)
111 IDS 22221 IDL 2692  BCz, 1601, p. 719-722 (Latin fair copy in secretary's hand, 16th-century)
112 IDS 22232 IDL 2702  BCz, 1601, p. 723-726 (Latin fair copy in secretary's hand, 16th-century)
113 IDS 22239 IDL 2709  BCz, 1601, p. 727-728 (Latin fair copy in secretary's hand, 16th-century)
114 IDS 22261 IDL 2730  BCz, 1601, p. 729-732 (Latin fair copy in secretary's hand, 16th-century)
115 IDS 22278 IDL 2744  BCz, 1601, p. 733-736 (Latin fair copy in secretary's hand, 16th-century)
116 IDS 22279 IDL 2745  BCz, 1601, p. 737-738 (Latin fair copy in secretary's hand, 16th-century)
117 IDS 22308 IDL 2764  BCz, 1601, p. 739-740 (Latin fair copy in secretary's hand, 16th-century)
118 IDS 22604 IDL 2996  BCz, 1601, p. 741-744 (Latin fair copy in secretary's hand, 16th-century)
119 IDS 11707 IDL 3340  BCz, 1601, p. 745-748 (Latin fair copy in secretary's hand, 16th-century)
120 IDS 26353 IDT 685   BCz, 1601, p. 1-2 (German fair copy in secretary's hand, 16th-century)