» Korpus Tekstów i Korespondencji Jana Dantyszka
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List #3729

Hieronymus SAILER do Ioannes DANTISCUS
Augsburg, 1533-09-16

Rękopiśmienne podstawy źródłowe:
1czystopis język: niemiecki, BCz, 1595, s. 601-604, 695

Pomocnicze podstawy źródłowe:
1regest język: polski, XX w., B. PAU-PAN, 8247 (TK 9), k. 366

1AT 15 Nr 456, s. 627-630 (in extenso; polski regest)


Tekst + aparat krytyczny + komentarzZwykły tekstTekst + komentarzTekst + aparat krytyczny


Hochwirdiger furst, genediger herr. / Ewer Furstlichen Gnaden sein mein unnderthanig, willig diennst allezeit zuvor. Genediger herr.

Ewer Furstlichen Gnaden zwen cf. Ioannes DANTISCUS to Hieronymus SAILER 1532-12-29, CIDTC IDL 6717, letter lost;
Ioannes DANTISCUS to Hieronymus SAILER 1533-07-17, CIDTC IDL 6716, letter lost
briefcf. Ioannes DANTISCUS to Hieronymus SAILER 1532-12-29, CIDTC IDL 6717, letter lost;
Ioannes DANTISCUS to Hieronymus SAILER 1533-07-17, CIDTC IDL 6716, letter lost
, / der dattum XXIX December / unnd XVII Iulÿ, / hab ich wol empfanngen, / unnd wie wol in sonnder der erst brief vast alt ist, / so volgt doch darauf, / sovil von notten, anntwurt. /

Erstlichen, sovil Ewer Furstliche Gnaden Juana Dantisca (*1527 – †1601), daughter of Ioannes Dantiscus and Isabel Delgada; wife of Diego Gracián de Alderete (SKOLIMOWSKA 2004, p. 52; LLAMAS 1995; LLAMAS 1999; LLAMAS 2001; LLAMAS, SKOLIMOWSKA; MELGAR, 37, ...)dochterJuana Dantisca (*1527 – †1601), daughter of Ioannes Dantiscus and Isabel Delgada; wife of Diego Gracián de Alderete (SKOLIMOWSKA 2004, p. 52; LLAMAS 1995; LLAMAS 1999; LLAMAS 2001; LLAMAS, SKOLIMOWSKA; MELGAR, 37, ...) unnd Isabel Delgada (†after 1546-06-15), Dantiscus' paramour during his stay in Spain, mother of his two children, Juana and Juan (Juan died in childhood)muetterIsabel Delgada (†after 1546-06-15), Dantiscus' paramour during his stay in Spain, mother of his two children, Juana and Juan (Juan died in childhood) halben betrifft, / hat Ewer Furstliche Gnaden selbs, / so hab ich auch vorlanngst / dem Albrecht Cuon (Kohn) (†after 1559), a German merchant from Nuremberg, and the Welsers' factor in Spain (Oberdeutsche Kaufleute, p. 36, footnote 122)Albrecht KhonenAlbrecht Cuon (Kohn) (†after 1559), a German merchant from Nuremberg, and the Welsers' factor in Spain (Oberdeutsche Kaufleute, p. 36, footnote 122) / der notturfft geschriben / und bevolhen, / in sonnder mit heraus sennden der señora oder dochter, / sonnder zweifel, / er werde derselben Ewer Furstlichen Gnaden begeren, / auch meinem schreiben, / volg gethan haben. Wa aber in dem oder annderm manngel sein / solt, / will Ewer Furstlichen Gnaden ich mich hiemit unnderthanigklichen bewilliget / unnd angebottenn haben, / demnach ich in kurtz von hÿnnen / mit der hilf Gottes in Spain (Hispania)HispanienSpain (Hispania) fur ain zeitlin zuraisen willens bin, / wil ich, sovil Albrecht Cuon (Kohn) (†after 1559), a German merchant from Nuremberg, and the Welsers' factor in Spain (Oberdeutsche Kaufleute, p. 36, footnote 122)AlbrechtAlbrecht Cuon (Kohn) (†after 1559), a German merchant from Nuremberg, and the Welsers' factor in Spain (Oberdeutsche Kaufleute, p. 36, footnote 122) nit volfuert, / alsdann noch fleiß thon, / auf das Ewer Furstliche Gnaden willen unnd bevelh on verzug volstreckht werdt. / Der vervolg soll Ewer Furstlichen Gnaden hernach unverhalten bleiben. /

Wie dann Ewer Furstlichen Gnaden mit wildbrad / unnd vischen / so reichlich / unnd wol versehen wasen, / also daz Ewer Furstlichen Gnaden dem Alfonso de Fonseca y Ulloa (*1475 – †1534)ertzbishove zu ToledoAlfonso de Fonseca y Ulloa (*1475 – †1534) / nichts in solhem bevor geben wolten, / derhalben Ewer Furstliche Gnaden mich unnd annder derselben lieb frundt / zuv[or] offtern mal zu sich wunshten, / welhs ich dann furwar mit sonnderm frölichen gemuet / von Ewer Furstlichen Gnaden wegen vernomen hab. / Wolte Got, / daz ic[h] möcht Ewer Furstliche Gnaden zu zeitten visitieren / und ha[im] suechen, / umb also die alte guette conntshaft zu ernewern / unnd lennger zuerhalten. / Es mag sich villeicht noch etwa seltzam shicken, / d[az] wir zusamen komen. /

Verier so hat Ewer Furstliche Gnaden sonnders zweifel vor disem vernomen, / wie ich mich in den stanndt der e[he] begeben / unnd die hochtzeit shon vor dreÿen mon[aten] gehalten hab. / Hat mich also herr Bartholomäus Welser (*1488 – †1561), German merchant and banker, head of the Augsburg based Welser merchant company, which granted large loans to Emperor Charles V, who ennobled Welser in 1532. In 1528 he received from the Spanish Crown the rights of supremacy in Venezuela. In the following years his company monopolised the import and export trade of this country. The property right to Venezuela was taken from the Welsers in 1556 and went to the Spanish Crown (ADB, Bd. 41, 684-686)Barthlome We[lser]Bartholomäus Welser (*1488 – †1561), German merchant and banker, head of the Augsburg based Welser merchant company, which granted large loans to Emperor Charles V, who ennobled Welser in 1532. In 1528 he received from the Spanish Crown the rights of supremacy in Venezuela. In the following years his company monopolised the import and export trade of this country. The property right to Venezuela was taken from the Welsers in 1556 and went to the Spanish Crown (ADB, Bd. 41, 684-686) mit seiner eltesten Felicitas Welser (*1513 – †1569)dochterFelicitas Welser (*1513 – †1569) versehen. / Got ver... mir zu solhem saligen stanndt, / was mir zu seel, / leib, / eer / unnd guet nutz seÿ, amen. / De[r] halben, wie Ewer Furstliche Gnaden sich genedigklichen zuer innern wissen, / das ain guetter hausman bil[ig] shuldig ist / sein haus mit guettem hausradt / unnd klaidung zuversehen, / so hat mich mein liebe Felicitas Welser (*1513 – †1569)hausfrawFelicitas Welser (*1513 – †1569) gebetten, ir ain guette, reichliche, praitte deckhin, von madrin shwenntzen gemac[ht], auf ain peet gehörig, / bestellen / unnd kauffen sol[t]. Dergleichen wolt ich fur mich selbs / auch geren ain guet pollnish madrins pellzlin, / in mas[s] unnd von der guette, / wie Ewer Furstliche Gnaden dem Ulrich Ehinger (*1485 – †1537), Augsburg banker, member of the Ehinger family of German merchants, one of the most important German merchants in Spain (probably as the Welsers' agent); brother of Heinrich Ehinger; counselor to Emperor Charles V’s (knighted by the Emperor in the Order of Santiago) (DE VOCHT 1961, p. 298; NDB 4 Ehinger, p. 344; ZELINSKY HANSON, p. 123 and footnote 46; EIRICH, p. 170)Ulrichen EhingerUlrich Ehinger (*1485 – †1537), Augsburg banker, member of the Ehinger family of German merchants, one of the most important German merchants in Spain (probably as the Welsers' agent); brother of Heinrich Ehinger; counselor to Emperor Charles V’s (knighted by the Emperor in the Order of Santiago) (DE VOCHT 1961, p. 298; NDB 4 Ehinger, p. 344; ZELINSKY HANSON, p. 123 and footnote 46; EIRICH, p. 170) zuegesannt haben, / unnd demnach man in sonnder solh ding in Poland (Kingdom of Poland, Polonia)PollenPoland (Kingdom of Poland, Polonia), / da sich dann Ewer Furstlichen Gnaden täglich befinden, / bas dann an anndern ortten / bekomen mag. / So ist an Ewer Furstliche Gnaden mein unnderthanig bitt, / die wellen von meintwegen / sovil bemuet sein / unnd durch ainen derselben unnderthanen, / der solher ding verstenndig, / meiner lieben Felicitas Welser (*1513 – †1569)hausfrawFelicitas Welser (*1513 – †1569) / unnd mir zu sonnderm gefallenn / mit erstem / solhs kauffen lassen. / Was solhs kossten wirt, / hab ich hie mit der The Fuggers German family of merchants and bankers that dominated European business during the 15th and 16th centuriesFuggerThe Fuggers German family of merchants and bankers that dominated European business during the 15th and 16th centuries factor, Konrad Maier Chonrat MairKonrad Maier genannt, / abgeredt. / Der shreibt dem Georg Hegel (†1547), the Thurzons' and later the Fuggers' factor in Cracow (worked for the Fuggers at least from 1521); supplier to the royal court in Cracow (PSB 9, p. 336)Jorg HeglinGeorg Hegel (†1547), the Thurzons' and later the Fuggers' factor in Cracow (worked for the Fuggers at least from 1521); supplier to the royal court in Cracow (PSB 9, p. 336) gen Cracow (Kraków, Cracovia), city in southern Poland, Małopolska, on the Vistula river, from 1038 capital of the Kingdom of PolandKrackhawCracow (Kraków, Cracovia), city in southern Poland, Małopolska, on the Vistula river, from 1038 capital of the Kingdom of Poland, / das er solhs zu danckh betzalen. / Dem mag es auch uber anntwurt werden. / Der wirt mirs alsdann wol zuezushickhen wissen. / Ewer Furstlichen Gnaden wellen also gemuet sein, / will ich allezeit in aller unnderthanigkait mit allem vleiß verdiennen. /

So hab ich auch die zehen guldin / umb das matzis öll, so Ewer Furstliche Gnaden ich vorlanngest gesannt, / empfangen. Wolte geren, das es Ewer Furstlichen Gnaden zu derselben lanngkwirigen gesundt wol diennte. / Möchte auch wol leiden, / das Ewer Furstlichen Gnaden mir antzaigte, / warzue solh öll diennte / oder was krafft es hette, / unnd ob es zu dem / auch furderlich unnd hilflich seÿ, / davon Ewer Furstliche Gnaden mir vorlanngst gesagt hat, / ob ich das mit der zeit auch brauchen muest. /

Hiemit am brief an Ewer Furstliche Gnaden ist mir verganngen tag / aus America, the continentŸnndiaAmerica, the continent von Hernán Cortés de Monroy e Pizarro (*1485 – †1547), Spanish conquistador and Dantiscus' friendHernando CortesHernán Cortés de Monroy e Pizarro (*1485 – †1547), Spanish conquistador and Dantiscus' friend zuekhomen. / Hab seider noch frisher brief von im, / deß auszug Ewer Furstlichen Gnaden ich hiemit zuesennde. / Die newen zeittung er shreibt, / daraus zuvornemen, / ist ain tapfer wonderlich mann, / aber Charles V of Habsburg (*1500 – †1558), ruler of the Burgundian territories (1506-1555), King of Spain as Charles I (1516-1556), King of Naples and Sicily, King of the Romans (1519-1530), Holy Roman Emperor of the German Nation (elected 1519, crowned 1530, abdicated 1556); son of Philip I the Handsome and Joanna the Mad of Castileir maiestetCharles V of Habsburg (*1500 – †1558), ruler of the Burgundian territories (1506-1555), King of Spain as Charles I (1516-1556), King of Naples and Sicily, King of the Romans (1519-1530), Holy Roman Emperor of the German Nation (elected 1519, crowned 1530, abdicated 1556); son of Philip I the Handsome and Joanna the Mad of Castile waist ni[t], was an im hat. / Er mueß seiner getrewen dienst..., wie ich unnd annder auch, entgelten, / bis zu seiner zeit, / das ain mal die warhait erkenn[en] wirt. / Das puntlin brief, so Ewer Furstliche Gnaden an gemelten Hernán Cortés de Monroy e Pizarro (*1485 – †1547), Spanish conquistador and Dantiscus' friendHernando CorttesHernán Cortés de Monroy e Pizarro (*1485 – †1547), Spanish conquistador and Dantiscus' friend mir zuegesannt, / h[ab] ich vorlanngst in Spain (Hispania)SpanienSpain (Hispania) gesannt, / also das i... hoff / im wol zuekomen werdt. /

Hiemit auszug ains briefs von Venice (Venezia, Venetiae), city in northeastern Italy, capital of the Republic of VeniceVinedigVenice (Venezia, Venetiae), city in northeastern Italy, capital of the Republic of Venice, / an me[inen] Bartholomäus Welser (*1488 – †1561), German merchant and banker, head of the Augsburg based Welser merchant company, which granted large loans to Emperor Charles V, who ennobled Welser in 1532. In 1528 he received from the Spanish Crown the rights of supremacy in Venezuela. In the following years his company monopolised the import and export trade of this country. The property right to Venezuela was taken from the Welsers in 1556 and went to the Spanish Crown (ADB, Bd. 41, 684-686)herrnBartholomäus Welser (*1488 – †1561), German merchant and banker, head of the Augsburg based Welser merchant company, which granted large loans to Emperor Charles V, who ennobled Welser in 1532. In 1528 he received from the Spanish Crown the rights of supremacy in Venezuela. In the following years his company monopolised the import and export trade of this country. The property right to Venezuela was taken from the Welsers in 1556 and went to the Spanish Crown (ADB, Bd. 41, 684-686) geshriben, / darinnen Ewer Furstliche Gnaden sechen werden, / was herr Andrea Doria (Andrea Auria, Andrea D' Oria) (*1466 – †1560), Italian condottiere and a famous seaman in the service of Genoa; 1512-1522 commander of the Genoan fleet, in 1522 he entered the service of Francis I of Valois, King of France, as a captain-general at sea; in 1526 (after the Battle of Pavia) he became commander of the League of Cognac's fleet; from 1528 imperial Chief Admiral on the Mediterranean, from 1531 Duke of Melfi, and from 1555 Censor of Genoa (actually a Genoan administrator) (JURIEN de la GRAVIÈRE, p. 203-205; CURREY, p. 87-98)Anndre DoriaAndrea Doria (Andrea Auria, Andrea D' Oria) (*1466 – †1560), Italian condottiere and a famous seaman in the service of Genoa; 1512-1522 commander of the Genoan fleet, in 1522 he entered the service of Francis I of Valois, King of France, as a captain-general at sea; in 1526 (after the Battle of Pavia) he became commander of the League of Cognac's fleet; from 1528 imperial Chief Admiral on the Mediterranean, from 1531 Duke of Melfi, and from 1555 Censor of Genoa (actually a Genoan administrator) (JURIEN de la GRAVIÈRE, p. 203-205; CURREY, p. 87-98) ze Corona (Corone, Koróni), town in Greece, on the Messenian GulfCoronCorona (Corone, Koróni), town in Greece, on the Messenian Gulf ausgericht hat. / Aber der friden, / so zwishen de[m] Ferdinand I of Habsburg (*1503 – †1564), from 1521 Archduke of Austria, from 1526 King of Bohemia and Hungary, Croatia and Slavonia as Ferdinand I, 1531-1558 King of the Romans, 1558-1564 Holy Roman Emperor; son of Philip I the Handsome and Joanna the Mad of Castile, a younger brother of Charles V of Habsburgromishen kunigFerdinand I of Habsburg (*1503 – †1564), from 1521 Archduke of Austria, from 1526 King of Bohemia and Hungary, Croatia and Slavonia as Ferdinand I, 1531-1558 King of the Romans, 1558-1564 Holy Roman Emperor; son of Philip I the Handsome and Joanna the Mad of Castile, a younger brother of Charles V of Habsburg / unnd Suleiman the Magnificent (*1494 – †1566), 1520-1566 Sultan of the Ottoman EmpireTurgkenSuleiman the Magnificent (*1494 – †1566), 1520-1566 Sultan of the Ottoman Empire solt beshlossenn werden, / wil meins achtens / noch nit recht von stat geen. / Das welh mir auch von wegen unsers guetten frunds Cornelis De Schepper (Cornelius Scepperus, Cornelis De Dobbele, Cornelius Duplicius) (*1503 – †1555), erudite, diplomat in the Habsburgs' service; close friend of Ioannes Dantiscus; initially in the service of Christian II of Oldenburg, King of Denmark; 1526 secretary and councillor to Emperor Charles V of Habsburg (CE, vol. 3, p. 218-220; DE VOCHT 1961, p. 15-24)Cornelius SceperusCornelis De Schepper (Cornelius Scepperus, Cornelis De Dobbele, Cornelius Duplicius) (*1503 – †1555), erudite, diplomat in the Habsburgs' service; close friend of Ioannes Dantiscus; initially in the service of Christian II of Oldenburg, King of Denmark; 1526 secretary and councillor to Emperor Charles V of Habsburg (CE, vol. 3, p. 218-220; DE VOCHT 1961, p. 15-24) nicht lieb. Ist demnach Cornelis De Schepper (Cornelius Scepperus, Cornelis De Dobbele, Cornelius Duplicius) (*1503 – †1555), erudite, diplomat in the Habsburgs' service; close friend of Ioannes Dantiscus; initially in the service of Christian II of Oldenburg, King of Denmark; 1526 secretary and councillor to Emperor Charles V of Habsburg (CE, vol. 3, p. 218-220; DE VOCHT 1961, p. 15-24)erCornelis De Schepper (Cornelius Scepperus, Cornelis De Dobbele, Cornelius Duplicius) (*1503 – †1555), erudite, diplomat in the Habsburgs' service; close friend of Ioannes Dantiscus; initially in the service of Christian II of Oldenburg, King of Denmark; 1526 secretary and councillor to Emperor Charles V of Habsburg (CE, vol. 3, p. 218-220; DE VOCHT 1961, p. 15-24), wie Ewer Furstliche Gnaden wissen, / in die The Ottoman Turks (Turcae) Turcke[n]The Ottoman Turks (Turcae) gesannt, / unnd noch nicht heraus komen ist. / Man hat auch seider seins abshids kain wissen von i[m]. Wolte furwar geren seinthalben wissen haben, wie es doch ein gestalt umb in het. / So bald ich aber waz erfar, / wie es ain gestalt umb in hat, will Ewer Furstliche Gnaden ich solhs auch nit verhalten. / Ewr Furstlichen Gnaden wellen mir auch antzaigen, / wa Ewer Furstlichen Gnaden sich yeder zeit befinden werden, / auf daz, wa ich new zeittung / oder annders Ewer Furstliche Gnaden zushreiben hab, / dieselben zufinden wiß, / dann ich allezeit Ewer Furstliche Gnaden unnderthaniger unnd guet williger dienner sein will. / Dergleichen will ich mich von Ewer Furstliche Gnaden aller gnaden unnd gunst versehen, / der ich mich hiemit / unnd alle zeit unnderthanigklichen bevelhen thue. /