» CORPUS of Ioannes Dantiscus' Texts & Correspondence
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Letter #1112

Górzno, 1534-01-30
            received [1534]-01-30

Manuscript sources:
1fair copy in Latin, autograph, AAWO, AB, D. 67, f. 271

Auxiliary sources:
1register in Polish, 20th-century, B. PAU-PAN, 8247 (TK 9), f. 484

1AT 16/1 No. 78, p. 168-169 (in extenso; Polish register)


Text & apparatus & commentaryPlain textText & commentaryText & apparatus


AAWO, AB, D. 67, f. 271r

Post servitiorum meorum commendationem.

Reverendissime Domine, domine et fautor mihi colendissime.

Postquam Górzno, town in north-central Poland, 16 km E of BrodnicahicGórzno, town in north-central Poland, 16 km E of Brodnica ad tenutam meam Gorsnensem veni, deliberaveram Dominationem Vestram Reverendissimam invisere, quemadmodum hoc Dominationi Vestrae Reverendissimae in Płock, town in central Poland, Masovia, on the Vistula River, since 1075 episcopal seePloczkoPłock, town in central Poland, Masovia, on the Vistula River, since 1075 episcopal see oretenus declarave written over ...... illegible...... illegibleveve written over ...ram, sed assiduae difficultates, quibus sum implicitus, non permittunt desiderio meo satisfacere.

Quare rogo boni consulere dignetur Reverendissima Dominatio Vestra et me servitorem suum gratia sua veteri et solita amplecti non postponat, qui summo studio in omnibus, quae grata fore Dominationi Vestrae Reverendissimae cognoverim, morem gerere et placere cuperem, ut tanto maiorem gratiam Dominationis Vestrae Reverendissimae promereri valeam.

Nova nulla habeo scriptu digna et quae antea Dominatio Vestra Reverendissima non cognovisset [...] paper damaged[...][...] paper damaged praesertim de morte Vasily III Ivanovich Rurikid (*1479 – †1533), 1505-1533 Grand Duke of Muscovy; son of Ivan III Vasiliyevich and Sophia PaleologueMosciVasily III Ivanovich Rurikid (*1479 – †1533), 1505-1533 Grand Duke of Muscovy; son of Ivan III Vasiliyevich and Sophia Paleologue et reverendissimi Jan Karnkowski (*ca. 1472 – †1537), at least from 1497 scribe at the royal chancellery; before 1500-02-29 Cracow Canon; at least in 1506-1527 royal secretary; between 1503 and 1509 Provost in Skalbmierz; 1510 Scholastic in Sandomierz; 1510 Poznań Canon; ca. 1513 parish priest in Piotrków; 1523 Canon of St. George at the Wawel; before 1525 Płock Canon; 1525 - of Gniezno; before 1535 - at the Cracow Cathedral; 1527 Bishop Elect of Przemyśl; 1531 Bishop of Włocławek; 1510,1514, 1516, 1517, 1518, 1524, 1525 royal envoy to Hungary; 1514, 1515,1523 - to local diets (WYCZAŃSKI 1990, p. 254)domini CuiaviensisJan Karnkowski (*ca. 1472 – †1537), at least from 1497 scribe at the royal chancellery; before 1500-02-29 Cracow Canon; at least in 1506-1527 royal secretary; between 1503 and 1509 Provost in Skalbmierz; 1510 Scholastic in Sandomierz; 1510 Poznań Canon; ca. 1513 parish priest in Piotrków; 1523 Canon of St. George at the Wawel; before 1525 Płock Canon; 1525 - of Gniezno; before 1535 - at the Cracow Cathedral; 1527 Bishop Elect of Przemyśl; 1531 Bishop of Włocławek; 1510,1514, 1516, 1517, 1518, 1524, 1525 royal envoy to Hungary; 1514, 1515,1523 - to local diets (WYCZAŃSKI 1990, p. 254) aegritudine, quem in medio consilii tactum aiunt ac absolutione moderni conventus.

Commendo me iterum et obsequentia mea Reverendissimae Dominationi Vestrae. Quam diu sanam et incolumem valere ex corde cupio.