» CORPUS of Ioannes Dantiscus' Texts & Correspondence
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Letter #1426

Łowicz, 1536-03-06
            received [1536]-03-19

Manuscript sources:
1fair copy in Latin, in secretary's hand, author's signature, BCz, 247, p. 267-268
2register with excerpt in Latin, English, 20th-century, CBKUL, R.III, 32, No. 504

Auxiliary sources:
1register in Polish, 20th-century, B. PAU-PAN, 8248 (TK 10), f. 189

1AT 18 No. 96, p. 127 (Polish register)


Text & apparatus & commentaryPlain textText & commentaryText & apparatus


Reverendissime in Christo Pater et domine, frater et amice observande.

Obliti fuimus dare Baltazar of Lublin (†after 1543-05-20), from 1535 at the latest Canon of Kulm (Chełmno); 1538 Judicial Vicar in the Kulm Chapter; Chancellor to the Bishops of Kulm, Ioannes Dantiscus and then Tiedemmann Giese (MAŃKOWSKI 1928, p. 115)cancellarioBaltazar of Lublin (†after 1543-05-20), from 1535 at the latest Canon of Kulm (Chełmno); 1538 Judicial Vicar in the Kulm Chapter; Chancellor to the Bishops of Kulm, Ioannes Dantiscus and then Tiedemmann Giese (MAŃKOWSKI 1928, p. 115) Reverendissimae Dominationis Vestrae breve epicedion reverendissimi olim domini Piotr Tomicki (*1464 – †1535), humanist, statesman, diplomat, one of the most trusted collaborators of King Sigismund I of Poland; 1500-1503 Chancellor of Cardinal Fryderyk Jagiellon, 1502 Gniezno Cantor, Archdeacon of Cracow, 1503-1505 servant of Jan Lubrański, Bishop of Poznań, 1504-1510 Canon of Poznań, 1506 royal scribe, 1507-1519 Grand(?) Secretary, 1509 Canon of Włocławek, 1510-1514 - of Gniezno, 1511 Custos in Kielce and Sandomierz, 1514 Bishop of Przemyśl; 1515 Crown Vice-Chancellor, 1520 Bishop of Poznań, 1523 - of Cracow; from 1524 (at least) General Collector of świętopietrze (Peter's pence), 1509 royal envoy to the Dukes of Pomerania and to Mecklenburg, 1510 - to Wallachia, 1510, 1511, 1512, 1513 - to Hungary (WYCZAŃSKI 1990, p. 268)avunculiPiotr Tomicki (*1464 – †1535), humanist, statesman, diplomat, one of the most trusted collaborators of King Sigismund I of Poland; 1500-1503 Chancellor of Cardinal Fryderyk Jagiellon, 1502 Gniezno Cantor, Archdeacon of Cracow, 1503-1505 servant of Jan Lubrański, Bishop of Poznań, 1504-1510 Canon of Poznań, 1506 royal scribe, 1507-1519 Grand(?) Secretary, 1509 Canon of Włocławek, 1510-1514 - of Gniezno, 1511 Custos in Kielce and Sandomierz, 1514 Bishop of Przemyśl; 1515 Crown Vice-Chancellor, 1520 Bishop of Poznań, 1523 - of Cracow; from 1524 (at least) General Collector of świętopietrze (Peter's pence), 1509 royal envoy to the Dukes of Pomerania and to Mecklenburg, 1510 - to Wallachia, 1510, 1511, 1512, 1513 - to Hungary (WYCZAŃSKI 1990, p. 268) nostri. Ne enim prolixius esset, maeror ingens impedivit. Mittimus autem nunc, non ut illud ostentemus Reverendissimae Dominationi Vestrae, sed ut ab illa quippiam tale eliciamus, quod et Piotr Tomicki (*1464 – †1535), humanist, statesman, diplomat, one of the most trusted collaborators of King Sigismund I of Poland; 1500-1503 Chancellor of Cardinal Fryderyk Jagiellon, 1502 Gniezno Cantor, Archdeacon of Cracow, 1503-1505 servant of Jan Lubrański, Bishop of Poznań, 1504-1510 Canon of Poznań, 1506 royal scribe, 1507-1519 Grand(?) Secretary, 1509 Canon of Włocławek, 1510-1514 - of Gniezno, 1511 Custos in Kielce and Sandomierz, 1514 Bishop of Przemyśl; 1515 Crown Vice-Chancellor, 1520 Bishop of Poznań, 1523 - of Cracow; from 1524 (at least) General Collector of świętopietrze (Peter's pence), 1509 royal envoy to the Dukes of Pomerania and to Mecklenburg, 1510 - to Wallachia, 1510, 1511, 1512, 1513 - to Hungary (WYCZAŃSKI 1990, p. 268)viro illoPiotr Tomicki (*1464 – †1535), humanist, statesman, diplomat, one of the most trusted collaborators of King Sigismund I of Poland; 1500-1503 Chancellor of Cardinal Fryderyk Jagiellon, 1502 Gniezno Cantor, Archdeacon of Cracow, 1503-1505 servant of Jan Lubrański, Bishop of Poznań, 1504-1510 Canon of Poznań, 1506 royal scribe, 1507-1519 Grand(?) Secretary, 1509 Canon of Włocławek, 1510-1514 - of Gniezno, 1511 Custos in Kielce and Sandomierz, 1514 Bishop of Przemyśl; 1515 Crown Vice-Chancellor, 1520 Bishop of Poznań, 1523 - of Cracow; from 1524 (at least) General Collector of świętopietrze (Peter's pence), 1509 royal envoy to the Dukes of Pomerania and to Mecklenburg, 1510 - to Wallachia, 1510, 1511, 1512, 1513 - to Hungary (WYCZAŃSKI 1990, p. 268), et benevolentia Vestrae Dominationis Reverendissimae erga utrumque nostrum dignum esset. Habuimus et a reverendissimo domino Ioannes Magnus (Ioannes Store, Jöns Månsson, Ioannes Magni) (*1488 – †1544), doctor of theology, diplomat in the service of Pope Adrian VI and Gustav Vasa, King of Sweden. In the years 1526-1531 he was staying in Gdańsk as a royal envoy. After his banishment from Sweden by Protestants, he remained in this city until 1537; in this year he went to Italy, where he took part in the Council of Mantua; 1506 Canon of Linköping and Skara, 1523 Papal Nuncio to the new King of Sweden Gustav Vasa; in the same year Provost of the Strängnäs Chapter and Bishop of Västerås, 1523-1544 Archbishop of Uppsala (consecrated by the Pope in 1533) (MAGNUS 1992, p. 9-11; CE, vol. 2, p. 368)archiepiscopo UpsalensiIoannes Magnus (Ioannes Store, Jöns Månsson, Ioannes Magni) (*1488 – †1544), doctor of theology, diplomat in the service of Pope Adrian VI and Gustav Vasa, King of Sweden. In the years 1526-1531 he was staying in Gdańsk as a royal envoy. After his banishment from Sweden by Protestants, he remained in this city until 1537; in this year he went to Italy, where he took part in the Council of Mantua; 1506 Canon of Linköping and Skara, 1523 Papal Nuncio to the new King of Sweden Gustav Vasa; in the same year Provost of the Strängnäs Chapter and Bishop of Västerås, 1523-1544 Archbishop of Uppsala (consecrated by the Pope in 1533) (MAGNUS 1992, p. 9-11; CE, vol. 2, p. 368) elegiam, non brevem, sed nobis videtur refectorium olere. Proinde rogamus plurimum Vestram Dominationem Reverendissimam, dignetur aliquid ex incude sua nobis mittere, statuimus enim ad monumentum eius appendere, quicquid eiusmodi dignum habere poterimus.

Reliqua omnia dicet eius Baltazar of Lublin (†after 1543-05-20), from 1535 at the latest Canon of Kulm (Chełmno); 1538 Judicial Vicar in the Kulm Chapter; Chancellor to the Bishops of Kulm, Ioannes Dantiscus and then Tiedemmann Giese (MAŃKOWSKI 1928, p. 115)cancellariusBaltazar of Lublin (†after 1543-05-20), from 1535 at the latest Canon of Kulm (Chełmno); 1538 Judicial Vicar in the Kulm Chapter; Chancellor to the Bishops of Kulm, Ioannes Dantiscus and then Tiedemmann Giese (MAŃKOWSKI 1928, p. 115), quem hesterno die, ut voluit, absolvimus.

Commendamus nos solito amori Vestrae Reverendissimae Dominationis. Quae sit felix et incolumis.

Vestrae Reverendissimae Dominationis frater Andrzej Krzycki (Andreas Cricius) (*1482 – †1537), humanist, neo-Latin poet, diplomat, correspondent of Erasmus of Rotterdam; in 1525 he took part in the negotiations leading to the secularisation of the state of the Teutonic Order; from 1504 Canon of Poznań (from 1511 Scholastic, from 1519 Provost); from 1512 Canon of Cracow, Scholastic of Płock, and secretary to the first wife of Sigismund I Jagiellon, Barbara Zápolya; 1515-1523 royal secretary; 1518-1530 Provost of the Chapter of St. Florian in Cracow; 1522-1525 Bishop of Przemyśl; 1525-1527 Bishop of Poznań; 1527-1535 Bishop of Płock; 1535-1537 Archbishop of Gniezno, Primate of Poland (PSB 15, p.544-549)Andreas archiepiscopusAndrzej Krzycki (Andreas Cricius) (*1482 – †1537), humanist, neo-Latin poet, diplomat, correspondent of Erasmus of Rotterdam; in 1525 he took part in the negotiations leading to the secularisation of the state of the Teutonic Order; from 1504 Canon of Poznań (from 1511 Scholastic, from 1519 Provost); from 1512 Canon of Cracow, Scholastic of Płock, and secretary to the first wife of Sigismund I Jagiellon, Barbara Zápolya; 1515-1523 royal secretary; 1518-1530 Provost of the Chapter of St. Florian in Cracow; 1522-1525 Bishop of Przemyśl; 1525-1527 Bishop of Poznań; 1527-1535 Bishop of Płock; 1535-1537 Archbishop of Gniezno, Primate of Poland (PSB 15, p.544-549) subscripsit