» CORPUS of Ioannes Dantiscus' Texts & Correspondence
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Letter #330

Fraga, 1527-04-12

English register:

De Schepper reassures Dantiscus that he is looking after the Chancellor [Mercurino Gattinara] during the journey. He caught up with the Chancellor [who left court for Italy at the end of March]. The Chancellor is generally lauded by the Spanish and their confidence in him is so great that some even blame De Schepper for advising his journey to Italy.

De Schepper comments on political and diplomatic issues, and on the career of some persons at the imperial court.

They have been in Zaragoza and they have now reached the place that witnessed the Battle of Lerida which took place between the armies of Caesar and Pompey. They will celebrate Palm Sunday in Lerida, from where De Schepper will write a more copious letter.

He asks Dantiscus to keep him informed about the situation at court.

            received Valladolid, [1527]-04-28

Manuscript sources:
1fair copy in Latin, autograph, BCz, 243, p. 75-76

Auxiliary sources:
1register in Polish, 20th-century, B. PAU-PAN, 8245 (TK 7), f. 432

1AT 9 (2nd ed.) No. 123, p. 126-127 (in extenso)
2CEID 2/2 (Letter No. 6) p. 64-66 (in extenso; English register)


Text & apparatus & commentaryPlain textText & commentaryText & apparatus


BCz, 243 p. 76

Magnifico et exc(ellentissimo) or exc(ellenti)exc(ellentissimo)exc(ellentissimo) or exc(ellenti) Domino Ioanni Dantisco, regiae maiestatis Poloniae ad sacram caesaream maiestatem oratori etc., domino et patri meo observandissimo

BCz, 243 p. 75


Credere potes me nihil operae diligentiaeque omisissem, quo meum ass written over eess written over eequerer plus quam ms. plusquam(!) plus quamplus quam ms. plusquam(!) parentem. Quarto die ab incepto itinere prehendi iam lassatum itineratione, vegetum tamen senem. Mirari orig. MyrariMirariMirari orig. Myrari possis, quantis omnium plausibus excipiatur. In eo omnem et totam Hispaniarum spem positam locatamque esse uno passim omnes ore conclamant. Equidem misereor huius candoris eo provecti, ut non desint, qui illius prudentiae, cum alias nequeant, hoc modo detrahant tamquam orig. tanquamtamquamtamquam orig. tanquam meis ille consiliis iter hoc inchoarit. Sed ego quidem facile patiar hanc in me fabam coniectam esse, quippe qui adversus tales insultus animo sum plus quam ms. plusquam(!) plus quamplus quam ms. plusquam(!) intrepido.

Vicecancellarius encrypted VicecancellariusVicecancellarius encrypted ,[1] quem semper habuit, tandem animum explicavit. Mirabere et hoc, quanto ille apparatu ostentationeque hactenus occultarit virus id, virulentissimus homo. Dabitur id saeculo orig. seculosaeculosaeculo orig. seculo huic saneque infelici orig. infoeliciinfeliciinfelici orig. infoelici. Lalmant encrypted LalmantLalmant encrypted [2] apud caesarem encrypted caesaremcaesarem encrypted [3] instetit encrypted instetitinstetit encrypted , ut ait, pro revocatione encrypted pro revocationepro revocatione encrypted , sed extra animum, neque adimplebit autem cupiditatem hanc malam. Nescio ominari successum harum rerum, adeo mihi videntur mirabiles. Italiae encrypted ItaliaeItaliae encrypted [4] passim multa T encrypted T undeciphered[T]T undecipheredT encrypted facturum, modo caesari encrypted caesaricaesari encrypted [5] visum ita fuerit. Sunt et istic orig. isthicisticistic orig. isthic, qui res regis Angliae encrypted regis Angliaeregis Angliae encrypted [6] strenue agunt, sed, ut audio, minime successuris conatibus. Pontifex encrypted Pontifex(?)Pontifex encrypted [7] fertur praeclara quaedam orig. quedamquaedamquaedam orig. quedam adversus viceregem encrypted viceregemviceregem encrypted [8] gessisse. Nescio, an vobis id quoque constet.

Caesarea est Augusta ad Hiberum flumen, quae nos humanissime excepit. Iam ad loca ea pervenimus, in quibus olim Caesar Petreium, Afranium et Marcum Varronem, Pompeii duces, sibi in potestatem redegit, inter Sincam scilicet et Sycorim satis celebrem Lucani etiam carminibus, tribus tantum leucis ab Ilerda. Quo postquam pervenerimus, videbis me copiosius scripturum esse, quandoquidem diem illic Palmarum celebrabimus. Tu interea scribe ad me, quae facies rerum sit istic orig. isthicisticistic orig. isthic. Plurimum enim id ego scire desidero orig. desyderodesiderodesidero orig. desydero. Commendabis autem me imprimis tibi, deinde illustri domino comiti et magnificis dominis comitibus palatinis, confratribus meis, quos omnes iubeo tecum rectissime valere.

Ex Fraga ad Sincam, XII-o die mensis Aprilis anno Domini M D XXVII-o.

Tuus, quem nosti, C(ornelius) D(uplicius) Sc(epperus)

[1 ] Vicecancellarius symbol [S1] (double gibbet) used for Baltasar Merklin von Waldkirch; the solution of the cipher based on Dantiscus’ solution of De Schepper’s use of this symbol preserved together with the fair copy of IDL 427

[2 ] Lalmant (arrow right symbol): the solution of the cipher is based on Dantiscus’ solution of De Schepper’s use of this symbol, as preserved together with the fair copy of IDL 427

[3 ] caesarem (symbol A): the solution of the cipher is based on Dantiscus’ solution of De Schepper’s use of this symbol, as preserved together with the fair copies of IDL 355 and IDL 427

[4 ] Italiae (symbol X): the solution of the cipher is based on Dantiscus’ solution of De Schepper’s use of this symbol, as preserved together with the fair copies of IDL 355 and IDL 427

[5 ] caesari (symbol A): the solution of the cipher is based on Dantiscus’ solution of De Schepper’s use of this symbol, as preserved together with the fair copies of IDL 355 and IDL 427

[6 ] regis Angliae (symbol Q): the solution of the cipher is based on Dantiscus’ solution of De Schepper’s use of this symbol, as preserved together with the fair copy of IDL 355

[7 ] Pontifex(?) encrypted with the symbol B, which appears also in IDL 355 and IDL 2974. In the last case it surely stands for pontifex (the Pope). This meaning of the symbol B is also possible in both the earlier letters. However, such a solution is not certain and the cipher used in the letter IDL 2974 differs from that used in the other letters

[8 ] viceregem (symbol S): the solution of the cipher is based on Dantiscus’ solution of De Schepper’s use of this symbol, as preserved together with the fair copy of IDL 355