Letter #429
Cornelis DE SCHEPPER to Ioannes DANTISCUSBrussels, 1529-05-23
English register:
De Schepper refutes Dantiscus' complaint that he does not write. He points out that Dantiscus having left the court, now has plenty of time for his friends, while he as a married man has other priorities. He ensured that Dantiscus' brother [Bernhard von Höfen] received a commission as an envoy from the Mechelen court. Yesterday he departed for Germany.
De Schepper sent several letters to Dantiscus through Jean Lallemand, assuming that he still held his position. Now this is no longer the case, he will no longer rely on Lalemand as intermediary. At the moment the messenger [from the court of Margaret of Austria to Spain] should travel in the greatest secrecy. De Schepper wants to be recommended to [Alfonso de] Valdés.
He is not sure what his next commission or destination will be. He confirms his commitment to Dantiscus and condones his unjustified allegations of neglect. De Schepper's wife [Elisabeth Donche] sends her greetings.
received Barcelona, [1529]-06-06 Manuscript sources:
Text & apparatus & commentaryPlain textText & commentaryText & apparatus
A Monsigneur lambas[sad]eur du
Mecum expostulas, quod ad te non scripserim. Scripsi autem et frequenter, tibi vero nihil negotii est, ideoque potes libere cum amicis expostulare. Secessisti enim, ut audio,
Citra iocum tibi dico me et plures, et frequenter ad te dedisse litteras, sed quarum partem inscripsi
Tuus ex animo frater amicus et inservitor
Commendat se Magnificentiae Vestrae