Letter #612
Cornelis DE SCHEPPER to Ioannes DANTISCUSBruges, [1531]-04-13
English register:
De Schepper invites Dantiscus together with [Alfonso de] Valdés to his home in Bruges. He suggests they make a trip to the seaside, and he promises an interesting conversation with scholars. He also sent the invitation to Valdés because he did not know whether Dantiscus had returned yet from Antwerp to Ghent.
He sends his servant to Dantiscus in order be informed about the news at court, and to know whether Dantiscus is accepting the invitation. If the Emperor [Charles V] comes to Ghent, De Schepper will come there on the day after tomorrow. He was angry with Dantiscus' servant who left Ghent without calling.
The Count of Montfort is leaving for Brixen. De Schepper's wife [Elisabeth Donche] and her sister [Joanna] recommend themselves to Dantiscus, who is urgently expected in Bruges. From Ghent it is a ride of only 5 or 6 hours.
received Ghent (Gandavum), [1531]-04-13 Manuscript sources:
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Reverendissimo [in] Christo Patri et Domino, domino
Nunc, ut sciam, quid novi sit
Eiusdem Reverendissimae Dominationis Vestrae humilis inservitor
Iter est breve. Est enim horarum tantummodo sex aut expedito equiti quinque.