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Results found: 33

1 IDS 25786 IDT 50    BCz, 1624, p. 87- 90 (fair copy)
2 IDS 25789 IDT 54    BCz, 1624, p. 211-212 (fair copy)
3 IDS 25554 IDT 196   BCz, 1624, p. 215-216 (fair copy)
4 IDS 25610 IDT 270   BCz, 1624, p. 161 (excerpt)
5 IDS 25790 IDT 56    BCz, 1624, p. 187-191 (copy)
6 IDS 25788 IDT 53    BCz, 1624, p. 197-198 (copy)
7 IDS 19223 IDL 893   BCz, 1624, p. 71-76 (German fair copy in secretary's hand, 16th-century)
8 IDS 19417 IDL 972   BCz, 1624, p. 77-78 (German fair copy in secretary's hand, 16th-century)
9 IDS 16771 IDL 5     BCz, 1624, p. 79-80 (German fair copy, 16th-century)
10 IDS 19797 IDL 1147  BCz, 1624, p. 81-82 (German fair copy in secretary's hand, 16th-century)
11 IDS 20229 IDL 1349  BCz, 1624, p. 91-94 (German fair copy in secretary's hand, 16th-century)
12 IDS 20235 IDL 1352  BCz, 1624, p. 105-112 (German fair copy, 16th-century)
13 IDS 20236 IDL 1353  BCz, 1624, p. 113-114 (German fair copy in secretary's hand, 16th-century)
14 IDS 23033 IDT 560   BCz, 1624, p. 124 (b.p.) (Latin office copy in secretary's hand)
15 IDS 21320 IDL 1974  BCz, 1624, p. 137-138 (German fair copy in secretary's hand, 16th-century)
16 IDS 21493 IDL 2118  BCz, 1624, p. 141-142 (German fair copy in secretary's hand, 16th-century)
17 IDS 21623 IDL 2201  BCz, 1624, p. 143-144 (German fair copy in secretary's hand, 16th-century)
18 IDS 21694 IDL 2257  BCz, 1624, p. 145-146 (German fair copy in secretary's hand, 16th-century)
19 IDS 21843 IDL 2385  BCz, 1624, p. 153-158 (German fair copy, 16th-century)
20 IDS 21860 IDL 2399  BCz, 1624, p. 159-160 (German fair copy, 16th-century)
21 IDS 22008 IDL 2517  BCz, 1624, p. 163-164 (German fair copy in secretary's hand, 16th-century)
22 IDS 22046 IDL 2550  BCz, 1624, p. 169-176 (German fair copy in secretary's hand, 16th-century)
23 IDS 22080 IDL 4835  BCz, 1624, p. 181-184 (German office copy in secretary's hand)
24 IDS 22146 IDL 2631  BCz, 1624, p. 193-196 (German fair copy, 16th-century)
25 IDS 22193 IDL 2668  BCz, 1624, p. 199-202 (German fair copy in secretary's hand, 16th-century)
26 IDS 22223 IDL 2694  BCz, 1624, p. 203-206 (German fair copy in secretary's hand, 16th-century)
27 IDS 22298 IDL 2757  BCz, 1624, p. 213-214 (German fair copy in secretary's hand, 16th-century)
28 IDS 22614 IDL 3002  BCz, 1624, p. 229-236 (German fair copy in secretary's hand, corrections in secretary's hand, 16th-century)
29 IDS 22621 IDL 3006  BCz, 1624, p. 237-240 (German fair copy, 16th-century)
30 IDS 11454 IDL 3191  BCz, 1624, p. 241-244 (German fair copy in secretary's hand, 16th-century)
31 IDS 25816 IDT 81    BCz, 1624, p. 97-100 (office copy)
32 IDS 25787 IDT 52    BCz, 1624, p. 129-132 (copy)
33 IDS 25785 IDT 49    BCz, 1624, p. 83- 86 (German fair copy in secretary's hand, corrections in author's hand, 16th-century)