» CORPUS of Ioannes Dantiscus' Texts & Correspondence
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Person or Institution #281

Paweł Dunin-Wolski (Paweł Wolski) (†1546), 1533-1543 Starost of Gostynin; 1532-1537 Castellan of Sochaczew; 1537-1539 Vice-Chancellor of the Crown; 1537-1546 Burgrave of Cracow; 1539-1544 Grand Chancellor of the Crown; 1539-1544 Castellan of Radom; 1544-1546 Bishop of Poznań (after the death of his wife) (Urzędnicy 10, p. 214)

Correspondence between Dantiscus and Paweł DUNIN-WOLSKI

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Results found: 24

preserved: 17 + lost: 7

1IDL 1595 [Ioannes DANTISCUS] to [Paweł DUNIN-WOLSKI], Löbau (Lubawa), 1537-03-16

Manuscript sources:
1rough draft in Latin, autograph, BCz, 244, p. 203 (b.p.)

1CEID 1/1 No. 18, p. 187 (in extenso; English register)


Text & apparatus & commentaryPlain textText & commentaryText & apparatus


BCz, 244, p. 203

Magnifice Domine, Amice carissime et honoran(de) or honoran(dissime)honoran(de)honoran(de) or honoran(dissime).

Salutem atque omnia fausta in hoc novae dignitatis officio Magnificentiae Vestrae precor ex animo, illique in ea fastigii accessione plurimum gratulor.

Dominus Deus eandem Magnificentiam Vestram Poland (Kingdom of Poland, Polonia)

Royal Prussia (Prussia Regalis), region, part of Prussia annexed to the Kingdom of Poland in 1466 under the provisions of the Second Peace of Thorn
reipublicae regni et nostraePoland (Kingdom of Poland, Polonia)

Royal Prussia (Prussia Regalis), region, part of Prussia annexed to the Kingdom of Poland in 1466 under the provisions of the Second Peace of Thorn
in eo munere et statu cum omnis felicitatis incremento quam diutissime augeat et conservet incolumem.

Et quamvis mihi cum Magnificentia Vestra on the marginmihi cum Magnificentia Vestramihi cum Magnificentia Vestra on the margin parva inter nos consuetudo et familiaritas intercessit, ob virtutes tamen et innumeras animi dotes, quibus Magnificentia Vestra nota est omnibus, atque ob sanguinis necessitudinem, quam Magnificentia Vestra cum illustri olim magnique et laudatissimi nominis Krzysztof Szydłowiecki (*1466 – †1532), one of the most trusted advisors of the King Sigismund I Jagiellon; 1497-1507 Marshal of the court of prince Sigismund Jagiellon, Cracow master of pantry; 1507-1510 court treasurer; 1509 castellan of Sandomierz; 1511 Vice-Chancellor of the Crown; 1515 - grand chancellor; 1515-1527 Voivode of Cracow; 1515 - Starost; 1527-1532 - Castellancastellano CracoviensiKrzysztof Szydłowiecki (*1466 – †1532), one of the most trusted advisors of the King Sigismund I Jagiellon; 1497-1507 Marshal of the court of prince Sigismund Jagiellon, Cracow master of pantry; 1507-1510 court treasurer; 1509 castellan of Sandomierz; 1511 Vice-Chancellor of the Crown; 1515 - grand chancellor; 1515-1527 Voivode of Cracow; 1515 - Starost; 1527-1532 - Castellan habuit Magnificentia Vestra, semper apud me Magnificentia Vestra on the marginMagnificentia VestraMagnificentia Vestra on the margin in summa fuit existimatione, quam ista honoris accessio non parum auxit amicumque mihi, ad quem de rebus Reipublicae superinscribedPoland (Kingdom of Poland, Polonia)ReipublicaePoland (Kingdom of Poland, Polonia)Reipublicae superinscribed nostrae written over isisaeae written over is non sine fiducia aliquando scribere possum, longe reddidit cariorem. Hanc animi mei erga Magnificentiam Vestram propensionem ut boni consulat atque in ea benevolentia mihi superinscribedmihimihi superinscribed respondeat, summopere rogo, Quam eandem Magnificentiam Vestram optime valere et ad multos bonos annos feliciter vivere sincera mente cupio.

2IDL 1609 Paweł DUNIN-WOLSKI to Ioannes DANTISCUS, Cracow (Kraków), 1537-03-28
            received [1537]-04-07

Manuscript sources:
1fair copy in Latin, in secretary's hand, author's signature, AAWO, AB, D. 4, f. 96

Auxiliary sources:
1register in Polish, 20th-century, B. PAU-PAN, 8248 (TK 10), f. 421


Text & apparatus & commentaryPlain textText & commentaryText & apparatus


AAWO, AB, D. 96, f. 96r Reverendissime Domine, domine amiceque honorandissime.

Salutem et mei commendationem.

Redditae sunt mihi cf. [Ioannes DANTISCUS] to [Paweł DUNIN-WOLSKI] Löbau (Lubawa), 1537-03-16, CIDTC IDL 1595litteraecf. [Ioannes DANTISCUS] to [Paweł DUNIN-WOLSKI] Löbau (Lubawa), 1537-03-16, CIDTC IDL 1595 ex Löbau (Lubawa, Lubavia), town in northern Poland, Kulm Land (Ziemia Chełmińska), ca. 67 km E of Graudenz (Grudziądz), the main seat of the bishops of Kulm (Chełmno)LubaviaLöbau (Lubawa, Lubavia), town in northern Poland, Kulm Land (Ziemia Chełmińska), ca. 67 km E of Graudenz (Grudziądz), the main seat of the bishops of Kulm (Chełmno) 1537-03-16XVI Martii1537-03-16 datae, in quibus (quae est eius erga omnes humanitas) gratulari mihi et quaeque felicissima optare dignetur ob accessionem novae dignitatis et officii. Ago et habeo Reverendissimae Dominationi Vestrae maximas gratias, quod me adeo humanissimis litteris invisere dignata est. Fecit hoc summa illa humanitas cum virtute coniuncta et in toto ferme orbe praedicata Vestrae Reverendissimae Dominationis.

Cum autem bene mihi constabat, quam amicissime Reverendissima Dominatio Vestra cum spectabili et magnifico domino Krzysztof Szydłowiecki (*1466 – †1532), one of the most trusted advisors of the King Sigismund I Jagiellon; 1497-1507 Marshal of the court of prince Sigismund Jagiellon, Cracow master of pantry; 1507-1510 court treasurer; 1509 castellan of Sandomierz; 1511 Vice-Chancellor of the Crown; 1515 - grand chancellor; 1515-1527 Voivode of Cracow; 1515 - Starost; 1527-1532 - CastellanChristoforo a SchidlowieczKrzysztof Szydłowiecki (*1466 – †1532), one of the most trusted advisors of the King Sigismund I Jagiellon; 1497-1507 Marshal of the court of prince Sigismund Jagiellon, Cracow master of pantry; 1507-1510 court treasurer; 1509 castellan of Sandomierz; 1511 Vice-Chancellor of the Crown; 1515 - grand chancellor; 1515-1527 Voivode of Cracow; 1515 - Starost; 1527-1532 - Castellan castellano Cracoviensi, regni Poloniae vice<can>llario etc., avunculo meo desideratissimo, vixit, ego etiam dabo operam, ut in omnibus, in quibus potero, votis Reverendissimae Dominationis Vestrae respondeam, Eandem quam plurimum rogans, velit deinceps, opera et studiis meis uti, nam inveniet me ad inserviendum Illi et amicis, ac familiaribus eius semper pro facultate mea paratum.

Opto Reverendissimam Dominationem Vestram felicissime valere.

Eiusdem Reverendissimae Dominationis Vestrae servitor Paweł Dunin-Wolski (Paweł Wolski) (†1546), 1533-1543 Starost of Gostynin; 1532-1537 Castellan of Sochaczew; 1537-1539 Vice-Chancellor of the Crown; 1537-1546 Burgrave of Cracow; 1539-1544 Grand Chancellor of the Crown; 1539-1544 Castellan of Radom; 1544-1546 Bishop of Poznań (after the death of his wife) (Urzędnicy 10, p. 214)Paulus de VoliaPaweł Dunin-Wolski (Paweł Wolski) (†1546), 1533-1543 Starost of Gostynin; 1532-1537 Castellan of Sochaczew; 1537-1539 Vice-Chancellor of the Crown; 1537-1546 Burgrave of Cracow; 1539-1544 Grand Chancellor of the Crown; 1539-1544 Castellan of Radom; 1544-1546 Bishop of Poznań (after the death of his wife) (Urzędnicy 10, p. 214) vicecancellarius Poland (Kingdom of Poland, Polonia)Regni PoloniaePoland (Kingdom of Poland, Polonia) subscripsit

3IDL 3859 [Ioannes DANTISCUS] to [Paweł DUNIN-WOLSKI], Löbau (Lubawa), 1537-04-17

Manuscript sources:
1rough draft in Latin, autograph, AAWO, AB, D. 7, f. 26v (c.p.)

1CEID 1/1 No. 27, p. 207-208 (in extenso; English register)


Text & apparatus & commentaryPlain textText & commentaryText & apparatus


AAWO, AB, D. 7, f. 26v

Magnifice Domine, Am hidden by binding[m]m hidden by bindingice carissime ac plurimum honoran(de). Sa hidden by binding[a]a hidden by bindinglutem et omnis felicitatis accessum M(agnificenciae) v(est)rae precor ex hidden by binding[ex]ex hidden by binding a(n)i(m)o.

Scribi nequit, quam gratae mihi fuerunt superinscribedfueruntfuerunt superinscribed cf. Paweł DUNIN-WOLSKI to Ioannes DANTISCUS Cracow, 1537-03-28, CIDTC IDL 1609litteraecf. Paweł DUNIN-WOLSKI to Ioannes DANTISCUS Cracow, 1537-03-28, CIDTC IDL 1609 Magnificentiae Vestrae, quas hidden by binding[uas]uas hidden by binding is nuntius meus mihi a Magnificentia Vestra retulit, quandoquidem superinscribed in place of crossed-out quaequaequandoquidemquandoquidem superinscribed in place of crossed-out quae singula hidden by binding[a]a hidden by bindingrem favorem et benevolentiam in me Magnificentiae Vestrae habunde hidden by binding[de]de hidden by binding declarabant. Pro qua amica propensione Magnificentiae Vestrae quas possum gratias habeo, vicissim superinscribedvicissimvicissim superinscribed omnem operam daturus hidden by binding[s]s hidden by binding, ut me semper amicum in omnibus obsequentem et, quantum praestare possum, non inutilem cognoscat atque experia hidden by binding[a]a hidden by bindingtur, habiturusque sum superinscribedsumsum superinscribed eandem Magnificentiam Vestram in ea observantia hidden by binding[ia]ia hidden by binding in posterum superinscribed in place of crossed-out ...... illegible...... illegiblein posterumin posterum superinscribed in place of crossed-out ..., qua olim Krzysztof Szydłowiecki (*1466 – †1532), one of the most trusted advisors of the King Sigismund I Jagiellon; 1497-1507 Marshal of the court of prince Sigismund Jagiellon, Cracow master of pantry; 1507-1510 court treasurer; 1509 castellan of Sandomierz; 1511 Vice-Chancellor of the Crown; 1515 - grand chancellor; 1515-1527 Voivode of Cracow; 1515 - Starost; 1527-1532 - Castellanillustrem on the marginillustremillustrem on the margin avunculum Magnificentiae VestraeKrzysztof Szydłowiecki (*1466 – †1532), one of the most trusted advisors of the King Sigismund I Jagiellon; 1497-1507 Marshal of the court of prince Sigismund Jagiellon, Cracow master of pantry; 1507-1510 court treasurer; 1509 castellan of Sandomierz; 1511 Vice-Chancellor of the Crown; 1515 - grand chancellor; 1515-1527 Voivode of Cracow; 1515 - Starost; 1527-1532 - Castellan, cui a domino Deo hidden by binding[eo]eo hidden by binding aeternam precor beatitudinem, prosecutus sum semper. Ceterum parvum hoc cancellarii mei superinscribed in place of crossed-out ...... illegible...... illegibleparvum hoc Baltazar of Lublin (†after 1543-05-20), from 1535 at the latest Canon of Kulm (Chełmno); 1538 Judicial Vicar in the Kulm Chapter; Chancellor to the Bishops of Kulm, Ioannes Dantiscus and then Tiedemmann Giese (MAŃKOWSKI 1928, p. 115)cancellarii(?)Baltazar of Lublin (†after 1543-05-20), from 1535 at the latest Canon of Kulm (Chełmno); 1538 Judicial Vicar in the Kulm Chapter; Chancellor to the Bishops of Kulm, Ioannes Dantiscus and then Tiedemmann Giese (MAŃKOWSKI 1928, p. 115)[1] meiparvum hoc cancellarii mei superinscribed in place of crossed-out ... negotiolum ad praesens se mihi offert hidden by binding[ert]ert hidden by binding ... illegible...... illegible, quemadmodum ex scheda intelliget inclusa, quae quae per Magnificentiam Vestram mihi apud serenissimam maiestatem regiam on the marginapud Sigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austriaserenissimam superinscribedserenissimamserenissimam superinscribed maiestatem regiamSigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austriaapud serenissimam maiestatem regiam on the margin sub sigillo regio mihi hidden by binding[i]i hidden by binding peto expediri, et cum hoc nuntio meo mitti Quod hidden by binding[od]od hidden by binding. Hoc ipsum on the marginHoc ipsumHoc ipsum on the margin initium gratificationis Magnificentiae Vestrae omni amico officio et studio et promereri, et respondere curabo sedulo. Quam diutissime feliciter valere cupio ex animo.

4IDL 4477 Paweł DUNIN-WOLSKI to Ioannes DANTISCUS, Cracow (Kraków), 1537-04-24
            received [1537]-05-07

Manuscript sources:
1fair copy in Latin, in secretary's hand, AAWO, AB, D. 5, f. 18

Auxiliary sources:
1register in Polish, 20th-century, B. PAU-PAN, 8248 (TK 10), f. 441


Text & apparatus & commentaryPlain textText & commentaryText & apparatus


AAWO, AB, D.5, f. 18r

Reverendissime in Christo pater, domine, domine et amice colendissime ac plurimum honorande. Salutem ac mei commendationem.

Non possum consequi verbis, quanta me voluptate affecerunt litterae Vestrae Reverendissimae Dominationis, quibus scribit se mirum in modum oblectasse in hac animi mei propensione et benevolentia, quam ego primoribus, ut scribit, Reverendissimae Dominationi Vestrae exposui et declaravi. Quod mihi non tam gratum quam gratissimum fuit intellexisse, quod Reverendissima Dominatio Vestra ita sibi de me persuadere incipiat, quippe quod nullum tale genus officiorum intercesserit, quo meam erga Vestram Dominationem Reverendissimam voluntatem et animum testari possem. Ceterum quicquid ego per auctoritatem meam qualisqualis illa sit, in hisce initiis Vestrae Reverendissimae Dominationis causa praestare possum et potero et occasio se offeret aliqua non indigna, paratissimum me semper offendet. Praeterea exemplum litterarum inclusum litteris Reverendissimae Dominationis Vestrae in negotio illius cancellarii accepi et perlegi, quod nihil discrepare videbatur a voluntate mea. Itaque iuxta eius tenorem a verbo ad verbum litterae regiae descriptae sunt et sigillo regio obsignatae, quas Reverendissimae Dominationi Vestrae his adiunctas per eius nuntium mitto: plurimumque fuit et gratum et iucundum, quod ea occasio morem gerendi votis Reverendissimae Dominationis Vestrae initio istius amicitiae nostrae ita se ultro obtulit, quod ut sedulo fiat, etiam atque etiam opto. Reverendissimam Dominationem Vestram, cui me et servitia mea iterum atque iterum commendo, et in multos annos sospitem ac felicem una cum suis omnibus diutissime esse cupio.

5IDL 1635 Paweł DUNIN-WOLSKI to Ioannes DANTISCUS, Cracow (Kraków), 1537-04-28

Manuscript sources:
1fair copy in Latin, in secretary's hand, AAWO, AB, D. 4, f. 114 + [1] missed in numbering

Auxiliary sources:
1register in Polish, 20th-century, B. PAU-PAN, 8248 (TK 10), f. 448


Text & apparatus & commentaryPlain textText & commentaryText & apparatus


AAWO, AB, D. 4, f. 114r

Reverendissime in Christo Pater Domine, domine mihi honorandissime.

Salutem et mei commendationem.

Scriba, qui proxime expediebat cf. Paweł DUNIN-WOLSKI to Ioannes DANTISCUS Cracow, 1537-04-24, CIDTC IDL 4477litterascf. Paweł DUNIN-WOLSKI to Ioannes DANTISCUS Cracow, 1537-04-24, CIDTC IDL 4477 ad Reverendissimam Dominationem Vestram, neglexit mittere litteras pro parte venerabilis domini probably Baltazar of Lublin (†after 1543-05-20), from 1535 at the latest Canon of Kulm (Chełmno); 1538 Judicial Vicar in the Kulm Chapter; Chancellor to the Bishops of Kulm, Ioannes Dantiscus and then Tiedemmann Giese (MAŃKOWSKI 1928, p. 115)Casparis de Lublinprobably Baltazar of Lublin (†after 1543-05-20), from 1535 at the latest Canon of Kulm (Chełmno); 1538 Judicial Vicar in the Kulm Chapter; Chancellor to the Bishops of Kulm, Ioannes Dantiscus and then Tiedemmann Giese (MAŃKOWSKI 1928, p. 115) canonici Culmensis ad Lublin Town Council consulatum oppidi LublinLublin Town Council datas. Eas ipsas litteras stain[litteras]litteras stain per dominum probably Kaspar Lysman (Kaspar Liszeman, Casparus Lisemannus) (†after 1547-05-20), son of Toruń Old Town alderman Bernhard Lysman and his wife Gertrud; rector of St. Jacob parish in Thorn; at least from 1533 supranumerary (not resident and out of profit) canon of Kulm (MAŃKOWSKI 1928, p. 117; TSB 7, p. 117-118)plebanum Thorunensemprobably Kaspar Lysman (Kaspar Liszeman, Casparus Lisemannus) (†after 1547-05-20), son of Toruń Old Town alderman Bernhard Lysman and his wife Gertrud; rector of St. Jacob parish in Thorn; at least from 1533 supranumerary (not resident and out of profit) canon of Kulm (MAŃKOWSKI 1928, p. 117; TSB 7, p. 117-118), quondam concionatorem stain[em]em stain Germanicum Cracoviensem, Vestrae Reverendissimae Dominationi mitto, orans, velit stain[t]t stain moram hanc benigno animo ferre et in omnibus rebus obsequiis meis pro voto uti.

Opto Reverendissimam Dominationem Vestram felicissime valere. Cui me rursus commendo.

Eiusdem Reverendissimae Dominationis Vestrae servitor Paweł Dunin-Wolski (Paweł Wolski) (†1546), 1533-1543 Starost of Gostynin; 1532-1537 Castellan of Sochaczew; 1537-1539 Vice-Chancellor of the Crown; 1537-1546 Burgrave of Cracow; 1539-1544 Grand Chancellor of the Crown; 1539-1544 Castellan of Radom; 1544-1546 Bishop of Poznań (after the death of his wife) (Urzędnicy 10, p. 214)Paulus de VoliiaPaweł Dunin-Wolski (Paweł Wolski) (†1546), 1533-1543 Starost of Gostynin; 1532-1537 Castellan of Sochaczew; 1537-1539 Vice-Chancellor of the Crown; 1537-1546 Burgrave of Cracow; 1539-1544 Grand Chancellor of the Crown; 1539-1544 Castellan of Radom; 1544-1546 Bishop of Poznań (after the death of his wife) (Urzędnicy 10, p. 214), Poland (Kingdom of Poland, Polonia)Regni PoloniaePoland (Kingdom of Poland, Polonia) vicecancellarius, burgrabius Cracoviensis et capitaneus Gostinensis

6IDL 6938     Ioannes DANTISCUS to Paweł DUNIN-WOLSKI, Löbau (Lubawa), 1537-08-12 Letter lost

Letter lost, reconstructed on the basis of IDL 1695
7IDL 1695 Paweł DUNIN-WOLSKI to Ioannes DANTISCUS, Lviv, 1537-08-30
            received [1537]-09-14

Manuscript sources:
1fair copy in Latin, in secretary's hand, author's signature, BK, 230, p. 23-26


Text & apparatus & commentaryPlain textText & commentaryText & apparatus


BK, 230, p. 23

Reverendissime Domine, domine mihi favorabilis et gratiosissime.

Redditae sunt mihi cf. Ioannes DANTISCUS to Paweł DUNIN-WOLSKI Löbau (Lubawa), 1537-08-12, CIDTC IDL 6938, letter lostlitteraecf. Ioannes DANTISCUS to Paweł DUNIN-WOLSKI Löbau (Lubawa), 1537-08-12, CIDTC IDL 6938, letter lost Vestrae Reverendissimae Dominationis ex Löbau (Lubawa, Lubavia), town in northern Poland, Kulm Land (Ziemia Chełmińska), ca. 67 km E of Graudenz (Grudziądz), the main seat of the bishops of Kulm (Chełmno)arce LubaviensiLöbau (Lubawa, Lubavia), town in northern Poland, Kulm Land (Ziemia Chełmińska), ca. 67 km E of Graudenz (Grudziądz), the main seat of the bishops of Kulm (Chełmno) 1537-08-1212 Augusti1537-08-12 datae, quibus mihi scribit in negotio suo Varmiensi, agens mihi gratias de studio et opera per me ea in re impensa, rogatque Vestra Reverendissima Dominatio, ut negotium ipsum ita promoveam, ut ad bonum finem perveniret. Id ego sane quam ms. lubentissime reg. libentissimelubentissimems. lubentissime reg. libentissime sine omnie mora feci, sollicitavi, ex cancellaria mea expedivi voto Vestrae Reverendissimae Dominationis satisfacturus, id quod ex nuntio domino Nikolaus Nibschitz (Mikołaj Nipszyc) (*ca. 1483 – †1541), royal courtier, diplomat in the service of Sigismund I and Albrecht von Hohenzollern-Ansbach, Dantiscus' friend; from 1525 until his death an official representative of Duke Albrecht at the Cracow royal court; from 1532 royal secretary; 1519 royal envoy to Albrecht von Hohenzollern, Grand Master of the Teutonic Order, 1525, 1526 envoy to Hungary, 1527 envoy to the Congress in Wrocław, 1531-1533, 1537 envoy to Ferdinand I of Habsburg, 1535-1537, 1540 envoy to Brandenburg, 1536 envoy to the estates of LivoniaNicolao NipssiczNikolaus Nibschitz (Mikołaj Nipszyc) (*ca. 1483 – †1541), royal courtier, diplomat in the service of Sigismund I and Albrecht von Hohenzollern-Ansbach, Dantiscus' friend; from 1525 until his death an official representative of Duke Albrecht at the Cracow royal court; from 1532 royal secretary; 1519 royal envoy to Albrecht von Hohenzollern, Grand Master of the Teutonic Order, 1525, 1526 envoy to Hungary, 1527 envoy to the Congress in Wrocław, 1531-1533, 1537 envoy to Ferdinand I of Habsburg, 1535-1537, 1540 envoy to Brandenburg, 1536 envoy to the estates of Livonia et instructione sibi data cognoscet.

In quibus porro Vestrae Reverendissimae Dominationi gratificari potero, habebit me pro voto. Cum his me favori et gratiae Vestrae Reverendissimae Dominationis commendo. Quam Dominus Deus incolumem et felicem in multos annos servet et omni bono augeat.

Vestrae Reverendissimae Dominationi obsequentissimus servitor Paweł Dunin-Wolski (Paweł Wolski) (†1546), 1533-1543 Starost of Gostynin; 1532-1537 Castellan of Sochaczew; 1537-1539 Vice-Chancellor of the Crown; 1537-1546 Burgrave of Cracow; 1539-1544 Grand Chancellor of the Crown; 1539-1544 Castellan of Radom; 1544-1546 Bishop of Poznań (after the death of his wife) (Urzędnicy 10, p. 214)Paulus de VoliaPaweł Dunin-Wolski (Paweł Wolski) (†1546), 1533-1543 Starost of Gostynin; 1532-1537 Castellan of Sochaczew; 1537-1539 Vice-Chancellor of the Crown; 1537-1546 Burgrave of Cracow; 1539-1544 Grand Chancellor of the Crown; 1539-1544 Castellan of Radom; 1544-1546 Bishop of Poznań (after the death of his wife) (Urzędnicy 10, p. 214) Poland (Kingdom of Poland, Polonia)regni PoloniaePoland (Kingdom of Poland, Polonia) vicecancellarius etc. manu sua

8IDL 1701 Paweł DUNIN-WOLSKI to Ioannes DANTISCUS, Lviv, 1537-09-04
            received [1537]-09-12

Manuscript sources:
1fair copy in Latin, in secretary's hand, author's signature, BK, 230, p. 33-36


Text & apparatus & commentaryPlain textText & commentaryText & apparatus


BK, 230, p. 33

Reverendissime Domine, domine et amice gratiosissime. Salutem plurimam meique ac servitiorum meorum promptissimam sedulamque commendationem.

Iterum redditae sunt mihi litterae Dominationis Vestrae Reverendissimae per Wolski, cubicularius WolskiWolski, cubicularius cubicularium regium, ex quibus dilucide cognovi negotii eiusdem rationem, a me obnixe etiam postulans, operam et diligentiam suam facerem, quod litterae regiae iuxta exemplum, quod hic sacrae Sigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austriamaiestati regiaeSigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austria misit ad Ermland Chapter cathedral chapter based in Frauenburg (Frombork, Varmia)capitulum VarmiensemErmland Chapter cathedral chapter based in Frauenburg (Frombork, Varmia) in re Reverendissimae Dominationis Vestrae conscriberentur ac ei quamprimum mitterentur. Litteris Vestrae Reverendissimae Dominationis primum sacrae Sigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austriaregiae maiestatiSigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austria perlectis, summa diligentia curavi apud illius maiestatem eiusmodi litteras, cuius maiestas gratiose annuere in hoc votis eius dignata est. Quare e vestigio effeci, quod litterae conscriberentur, quae tandem per eundem Wolski, cubicularius cubiculariumWolski, cubicularius Reverendissimae Dominationi Vestrae ita, ut voluit, scriptae mittuntur. Dominus Nikolaus Nibschitz (Mikołaj Nipszyc) (*ca. 1483 – †1541), royal courtier, diplomat in the service of Sigismund I and Albrecht von Hohenzollern-Ansbach, Dantiscus' friend; from 1525 until his death an official representative of Duke Albrecht at the Cracow royal court; from 1532 royal secretary; 1519 royal envoy to Albrecht von Hohenzollern, Grand Master of the Teutonic Order, 1525, 1526 envoy to Hungary, 1527 envoy to the Congress in Wrocław, 1531-1533, 1537 envoy to Ferdinand I of Habsburg, 1535-1537, 1540 envoy to Brandenburg, 1536 envoy to the estates of LivoniaNipcziczNikolaus Nibschitz (Mikołaj Nipszyc) (*ca. 1483 – †1541), royal courtier, diplomat in the service of Sigismund I and Albrecht von Hohenzollern-Ansbach, Dantiscus' friend; from 1525 until his death an official representative of Duke Albrecht at the Cracow royal court; from 1532 royal secretary; 1519 royal envoy to Albrecht von Hohenzollern, Grand Master of the Teutonic Order, 1525, 1526 envoy to Hungary, 1527 envoy to the Congress in Wrocław, 1531-1533, 1537 envoy to Ferdinand I of Habsburg, 1535-1537, 1540 envoy to Brandenburg, 1536 envoy to the estates of Livonia, aulicus regius, qui in negotio Reverendissimae Dominationis Vestrae ad Ermland Chapter cathedral chapter based in Frauenburg (Frombork, Varmia)capitulum VarmiensemErmland Chapter cathedral chapter based in Frauenburg (Frombork, Varmia) orator designatus est et qui electioni ipsi, ut non ambigo, tempori sit. Nikolaus Nibschitz (Mikołaj Nipszyc) (*ca. 1483 – †1541), royal courtier, diplomat in the service of Sigismund I and Albrecht von Hohenzollern-Ansbach, Dantiscus' friend; from 1525 until his death an official representative of Duke Albrecht at the Cracow royal court; from 1532 royal secretary; 1519 royal envoy to Albrecht von Hohenzollern, Grand Master of the Teutonic Order, 1525, 1526 envoy to Hungary, 1527 envoy to the Congress in Wrocław, 1531-1533, 1537 envoy to Ferdinand I of Habsburg, 1535-1537, 1540 envoy to Brandenburg, 1536 envoy to the estates of LivoniaIlleNikolaus Nibschitz (Mikołaj Nipszyc) (*ca. 1483 – †1541), royal courtier, diplomat in the service of Sigismund I and Albrecht von Hohenzollern-Ansbach, Dantiscus' friend; from 1525 until his death an official representative of Duke Albrecht at the Cracow royal court; from 1532 royal secretary; 1519 royal envoy to Albrecht von Hohenzollern, Grand Master of the Teutonic Order, 1525, 1526 envoy to Hungary, 1527 envoy to the Congress in Wrocław, 1531-1533, 1537 envoy to Ferdinand I of Habsburg, 1535-1537, 1540 envoy to Brandenburg, 1536 envoy to the estates of Livonia in hoc mentem et voluntatem regiam Dominationi Vestrae Reverendissimae fusius explicabit, qui et instructionem curandi negotium illius apud Ermland Chapter cathedral chapter based in Frauenburg (Frombork, Varmia)capitulum WarmiensemErmland Chapter cathedral chapter based in Frauenburg (Frombork, Varmia), ni fallor, a reverendissimo domino Jan Chojeński (*1486 – †1538), 1523 royal secretary, 1526-1537 Grand Secretary; 1531-1535 Bishop of Przemyśl, 1535-1537 Bishop of Płock, 1537-1538 Bishop of Cracow, 1537-1538 Grand Chancellor of the Crown (WYCZAŃSKI 1990, p. 248-249; PSB 3, p. 396-399)nominato CracoviensiJan Chojeński (*1486 – †1538), 1523 royal secretary, 1526-1537 Grand Secretary; 1531-1535 Bishop of Przemyśl, 1535-1537 Bishop of Płock, 1537-1538 Bishop of Cracow, 1537-1538 Grand Chancellor of the Crown (WYCZAŃSKI 1990, p. 248-249; PSB 3, p. 396-399) ei datam sufficientem habet. Tribuat Dominus Deus, ut negotium Reverendissimae Dominationis Vestrae in ipsa futura electione tandem perficiatur utque in hoc voluntati regiae et desiderio illius fiat satis. Sane nemo est hic, qui hanc dignitatem Reverendissimae Dominationis Vestrae ex animo non faveat, nam cum hoc sacrae Sigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austriaregiae maiestatiSigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austria et Poland (Kingdom of Poland, Polonia)huic regnoPoland (Kingdom of Poland, Polonia) plurimum meruit. Ita non videmus isti dignitati praeficiendae istic aptiorem quemquam. Qui<c>quid(?) ego hac in re praestiti et praestare possum, posthac causa Reverendissimae Dominationis Vestrae pro mea auctoritate ac benevolentissimo animo facturus sum ea non tam libenter, quam libentissime. In cuiu{i}s gratiam et amicitiam me et obsequia mea eidem Dominationis Vestrae Reverendissimae etiam atque etiam commendo BK, 230, p. 34 et opto, ut illam Deus optimus maximus in multos annos servet sospitem ac incolumem, eamque felicibus successibus adaugeat et voti faciat compotem.

Eiusdem Reverendissimae Dominationis Vestrae benevolentissimus servitor Paweł Dunin-Wolski (Paweł Wolski) (†1546), 1533-1543 Starost of Gostynin; 1532-1537 Castellan of Sochaczew; 1537-1539 Vice-Chancellor of the Crown; 1537-1546 Burgrave of Cracow; 1539-1544 Grand Chancellor of the Crown; 1539-1544 Castellan of Radom; 1544-1546 Bishop of Poznań (after the death of his wife) (Urzędnicy 10, p. 214)Paulus de VoliaPaweł Dunin-Wolski (Paweł Wolski) (†1546), 1533-1543 Starost of Gostynin; 1532-1537 Castellan of Sochaczew; 1537-1539 Vice-Chancellor of the Crown; 1537-1546 Burgrave of Cracow; 1539-1544 Grand Chancellor of the Crown; 1539-1544 Castellan of Radom; 1544-1546 Bishop of Poznań (after the death of his wife) (Urzędnicy 10, p. 214) vicecancellarius Poland (Kingdom of Poland, Polonia)regni PoloniaePoland (Kingdom of Poland, Polonia) manu sua

9IDL 1725 [Ioannes DANTISCUS] to [Paweł DUNIN-WOLSKI], Löbau (Lubawa), 1537-09-25

Manuscript sources:
1rough draft in Latin, autograph, BCz, 244, p. 251

1CEID 1/1 No. 40, p. 243 (in extenso; English register)


Text & apparatus & commentaryPlain textText & commentaryText & apparatus


BCz, 244, p. 251

Magnifice Domine, Amice carissime et honorandissime. Salutem et omnis felicitatis accessum.

Ex cf. Paweł DUNIN-WOLSKI to Ioannes DANTISCUS Lviv, 1537-09-04, CIDTC IDL 1701litteriscf. Paweł DUNIN-WOLSKI to Ioannes DANTISCUS Lviv, 1537-09-04, CIDTC IDL 1701 Magnificentiae Vestrae, quas Marcin Wolski, coat-of-arms Półkozic (†1548), 1519-1542 Cracow burgrave; 1525-1547 court treasurer; 1528-1538 Crown standard-bearer; 1531 starosta of Błonie and Zakroczym; 1537-1548 royal chamberlain (Urzędnicy 10, p. 214)regius iste cubiculariusMarcin Wolski, coat-of-arms Półkozic (†1548), 1519-1542 Cracow burgrave; 1525-1547 court treasurer; 1528-1538 Crown standard-bearer; 1531 starosta of Błonie and Zakroczym; 1537-1548 royal chamberlain (Urzędnicy 10, p. 214) mihi reddidit, singularem in me benevolentiam et ad commodandum rebus meis Magnificentiae Vestrae propensionem clare intellexi. Quam etiam ipse effectus in novissima Ermland Chapter cathedral chapter based in Frauenburg (Frombork, Varmia)venerabilis capituli VarmiensisErmland Chapter cathedral chapter based in Frauenburg (Frombork, Varmia) electione comprobavit, unde ex Dei immensa misericordia per Sigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austriaserenissimae maiestatis regiaeSigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austria assensum et gratiam in episcopum Varmiensem sum XX-a huius mensis suffragiis omnium paribus sum postulatus. Ob idque plurimum me superinscribedmeme superinscribed debere Magnificentiae Vestrae agnosco, cui si quando solvendo esse potero, transactis, quae adhuc restant, negotiis, sic me geram gratitudine erga Magnificentiam Vestram, quod se superinscribed in place of crossed-out illailla se se superinscribed in place of crossed-out illa beneficam mihi fuisse paenitudine duci non posse<t>. Qua de re, quemadmodum cepit me sua humanitate complecti, ut sic Magnificentia Vestra pergat, maiorem in modum rogo. Quam diutissime feliciter valere fortunisque et honoribus omnibus augeri ornatioremque in dies fieri summopere cupio.

10IDL 1772 [Ioannes DANTISCUS] to [Paweł DUNIN-WOLSKI?], Löbau (Lubawa), 1537-11-16

Manuscript sources:
1rough draft in Latin, autograph, BCz, 244, p. 296 (t.p.)

1CEID 1/1 No. 70, p. 319 (in extenso; English register)


Text & apparatus & commentaryPlain textText & commentaryText & apparatus


BCz, 244, p. 296

Magnifice Domine, amice carissime et honorand(issime). Salutem et omnis felicitatis Magnificentiae Vestrae precor accessum.

Cum iam Magnificentia Vestra praeter meum meritum, perquam amice rebus meis favere, easque apud Sigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austriaserenissimam maiestatem regiamSigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austria sua benevolentia prosequi promovereque coeperit, no text damaged[o]o text damagedn parum mihi crevit fiduciae, quin et hoc, quod reliquum est, ut tandem semel ex hac molestia, qua et Magnificentiae Vestrae molestus esse cogor, absolvar text damaged[ar]ar text damaged, non gravate praestabit on the marginnon gravate praestabitnon gravate praestabit on the margin. Iniunxi igitur superinscribedigiturigitur superinscribed huic Bernhard von Höfen (Bernhard Flachsbinder) (†after 1548), Ioannes Dantiscus' brother, stayed with Dantiscus in Spain, as a member of his mission's retinue, and was used as a trusted courier to Poland at least from 1526; after 1530 Starost of Löbaufratri meoBernhard von Höfen (Bernhard Flachsbinder) (†after 1548), Ioannes Dantiscus' brother, stayed with Dantiscus in Spain, as a member of his mission's retinue, and was used as a trusted courier to Poland at least from 1526; after 1530 Starost of Löbau, ut in iis, quae adhuc a Sigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austriaserenissima maiestate regiaSigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austria mihi sunt impetranda, opem Magnificentiae Vestrae imploret, cui ut superinscribedutut superinscribed fidem habeat written over ririatat written over ri et adminiculumque suum solita propensione superinscribed in place of crossed-out benevolentiabenevolentiapropensionepropensione superinscribed in place of crossed-out benevolentia accommodet, impense oro. Quod aliquando, cum ex iis negotiis quietem nactus fuero, omni gratitudine referre ac on the marginreferre acreferre ac on the margin compensare written over rerecompensarecompensare written over re studebo Magnificentiae Vestrae. Quam prosperrime multa aetatis superinscribedaetatisaetatis superinscribed diuturnitate cumulatam on the margincumulatamcumulatam on the margin valere ex animo cupio.

11IDL 7182     Ioannes DANTISCUS to Paweł DUNIN-WOLSKI, before 1538-05-31 Letter lost

Letter lost, reconstructed on the basis of IDL 5631: Quod me Vestra Reverendissima Dominatio litteris suis visere meique inter tantas occupationes suas meminisse dignata sit, ago illi gratias quas possum maiores.
12IDL 5631 Paweł DUNIN-WOLSKI to Ioannes DANTISCUS, Cracow (Kraków), 1538-05-31
            received [1538]-06-09

Manuscript sources:
1fair copy in Latin, in secretary's hand, author's signature, AAWO, AB, D. 68, f. 171


Text & apparatus & commentaryPlain textText & commentaryText & apparatus


AAWO, AB, D.68, f. 171r

Reverendissime in Christo Pater et Domine, domine mi honorandissime.

Quod me Vestra Reverendissima Dominatio cf. Ioannes DANTISCUS to Paweł DUNIN-WOLSKI before 1538-05-31, CIDTC IDL 7182, letter lostlitteriscf. Ioannes DANTISCUS to Paweł DUNIN-WOLSKI before 1538-05-31, CIDTC IDL 7182, letter lost suis visere meique inter tantas occupationes suas meminisse dignata sit, ago illi gratias quas possum maiores, nam non potest mihi non esse non gratissima ea favoris eius erga me significatio, quo ut me complecti non dedignetur Vestram Reverendissimam Dominationem obnixe oro.

Quod autem interea temporis litteras ad me nullas dederit, excusatione apud me non erat opus, neque enim ego talia officia ab illis exigere soleo, quos scio magnis negotiis occupatos esse. Utinam vero rebus istis omnibus feliciter confectis incolumis Cracow (Kraków, Cracovia), city in southern Poland, Małopolska, on the Vistula river, from 1038 capital of the Kingdom of PolandhucCracow (Kraków, Cracovia), city in southern Poland, Małopolska, on the Vistula river, from 1038 capital of the Kingdom of Poland adveniret, ut me praesens praesenti in gratiam illius commendarem. Quod quidem absens faciendum nunc censui rogans illam, quo me et in numero servitorum suorum habere, et in gratiam suam suscipere dignetur.

Cui interim felicissima ex corde praecor omnia.

13IDL 7194     Ioannes DANTISCUS to Paweł DUNIN-WOLSKI, 1538, August or beginning of September Letter lost

Letter lost, reconstructed on the basis of IDL 1919: Quemadmodum scripserat ad me Vestra Reverendissima Paternitas, interponerem partes meas ad maiestatem regiam, quo transponeretur conventus terrarum istarum Prussiae in aliud tempus.
14IDL 1919 Paweł DUNIN-WOLSKI to Ioannes DANTISCUS, Cracow (Kraków), 1538-09-14
            received [1538]-09-23

Manuscript sources:
1fair copy in Latin, BCz, 1597, p. 109-112


Text & apparatus & commentaryPlain textText & commentaryText & apparatus


BCz, 1597, p. 109

Reverendissime Domine, domine colendissime.

Post mei meorumque servitiorum commendationem.

Quemadmodum scripserat ad me Vestra Reverendissima Dominatio, interponerem partes meas ad Sigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austriamaiestatem regiamSigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austria, quo transponeretur conventus terrarum istarum Prussiae in aliud tempus. Id diligentissime fieri curavi, quod Sigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austriasua maiestasSigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austria non gravatim facere dignata est, quod hunc conventum in aliud tempus, ad quod Vestra Reverendissima Dominatio postulavit, transposuit. Cuius conventus transpositionis litteras regias Vestrae Reverendissimae Dominationi mitto.

Mitto praeterea litteras confirmationis articulorum per Council of Royal Prussia the most important local authority in Royal Prussia. It consisted of two bishops (of Ermland (Warmia), who served as the Council’s president, and of Kulm (Chełmno)), three voivodes (of Kulm, Marienburg (Malbork), and Pomerania), three castellans (of Kulm, Elbing (Elbląg), and Gdańsk (Danzig)), three chamberlains (of Kulm, Marienburg, and Pomerania), and representatives of the three Great Prussian Cities – Gdańsk, Thorn (Toruń), and Elbing (ACHREMCZYK 2016, p. 17-18)consiliarios terrarum PrussiaeCouncil of Royal Prussia the most important local authority in Royal Prussia. It consisted of two bishops (of Ermland (Warmia), who served as the Council’s president, and of Kulm (Chełmno)), three voivodes (of Kulm, Marienburg (Malbork), and Pomerania), three castellans (of Kulm, Elbing (Elbląg), and Gdańsk (Danzig)), three chamberlains (of Kulm, Marienburg, and Pomerania), and representatives of the three Great Prussian Cities – Gdańsk, Thorn (Toruń), and Elbing (ACHREMCZYK 2016, p. 17-18) factorum manu Sigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austriasuae maiestatisSigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austria subscriptas Vestrae Reverendissimae Dominationi. Nova, quae hic audiuntur, in praesentiarum nulla iucunda et bona sunt, praeter id quod Petru IV Raresh (Petrylo) (*ca. 1487 – †1546), 1527-1538 and 1541-1546 Hospodar of Moldaviapalatinus MoldaviaePetru IV Raresh (Petrylo) (*ca. 1487 – †1546), 1527-1538 and 1541-1546 Hospodar of Moldavia cum maiestate regia{m} in gratiam rediit. Ferunt enim Suleiman the Magnificent (*1494 – †1566), 1520-1566 Sultan of the Ottoman EmpireTurcarum imperatoremSuleiman the Magnificent (*1494 – †1566), 1520-1566 Sultan of the Ottoman Empire cum ingentibus copiis Duchy of Wal(l)achia (Valachia), country in central Europe stretching northwards from the lower Danube river, southern from the Duchy of Moldaviaterram ValachiaeDuchy of Wal(l)achia (Valachia), country in central Europe stretching northwards from the lower Danube river, southern from the Duchy of Moldavia intrare illamque velle occupare novumque voievodam cupere instituere. Quod profecto nobis omnibus est auditu acerbum. Avertat clementissimus Deus a nobis hostem improbum et potentissimum. Alia non sunt, quae digna scitu Dominationis Reverendissimae Vestrae iudicarem.

Commendo me iterum atque iterum gratiae Vestrae Reverendissimae Dominationis, quam diutissime valere ex animo desidero.

Datae Cracow (Kraków, Cracovia), city in southern Poland, Małopolska, on the Vistula river, from 1038 capital of the Kingdom of PolandCracoviaeCracow (Kraków, Cracovia), city in southern Poland, Małopolska, on the Vistula river, from 1038 capital of the Kingdom of Poland, die XIIII-a Septembris anno Domini M-o D-o XXXVIII-o.

Eiusdem Vestrae Reverendissime Dominationis servitor Paweł Dunin-Wolski (Paweł Wolski) (†1546), 1533-1543 Starost of Gostynin; 1532-1537 Castellan of Sochaczew; 1537-1539 Vice-Chancellor of the Crown; 1537-1546 Burgrave of Cracow; 1539-1544 Grand Chancellor of the Crown; 1539-1544 Castellan of Radom; 1544-1546 Bishop of Poznań (after the death of his wife) (Urzędnicy 10, p. 214)Paulus de VoliaPaweł Dunin-Wolski (Paweł Wolski) (†1546), 1533-1543 Starost of Gostynin; 1532-1537 Castellan of Sochaczew; 1537-1539 Vice-Chancellor of the Crown; 1537-1546 Burgrave of Cracow; 1539-1544 Grand Chancellor of the Crown; 1539-1544 Castellan of Radom; 1544-1546 Bishop of Poznań (after the death of his wife) (Urzędnicy 10, p. 214) Poland (Kingdom of Poland, Polonia)regni PoloniaePoland (Kingdom of Poland, Polonia) vicecancellarius manu sua

15IDL 7201     Ioannes DANTISCUS to Paweł DUNIN-WOLSKI, before 1538-11-11, most probably end of October Letter lost

Letter lost, mentioned in IDL 1979: Redditae sunt mihi litterae Reverendissimae Dominationis Vestrae humanitatis et gratitudinis plene pro meis exiguis nescio quibus officiis, quae commemorare nihil attinet.; cf. IDL IDL 1984, IDL 1986 which answer to letters of Dantiscus of the same expedition as IDL 7201
16IDL 1979 Paweł DUNIN-WOLSKI to Ioannes DANTISCUS, Cracow (Kraków), 1538-11-11
            received [1538]-11-21

Manuscript sources:
1fair copy in Latin, in secretary's hand, author's signature, BCz, 1597, p. 265-266


Text & apparatus & commentaryPlain textText & commentaryText & apparatus


BCz, 1597, p. 265

Reverendissime mi Domine, domine gratiose et honorandissime.

Officiosissimam mei et servitiorum meorum commendationem.

Redditae sunt mihi cf. Ioannes DANTISCUS to Paweł DUNIN-WOLSKI before 1538-11-11, most probably end of October, CIDTC IDL 7201, letter lostlitteraecf. Ioannes DANTISCUS to Paweł DUNIN-WOLSKI before 1538-11-11, most probably end of October, CIDTC IDL 7201, letter lost Reverendissimae Dominationis Vestrae humanitatis et gratitudinis plenae pro meis exiguis nescio quibus officiis, quae commemorare nihil attinet. Ego vicissim Reverendissimae Dominationi Vestrae magnas ago gratias, quod mea ista, qualiacumque sint, officia tantis gratiarum actionibus dignata sit, quantas ego neque promeruisse arbitrabar, neque umquam exspectabam. Offeroque me illi, si quid postea mihi iubere dignabitur, hominem, qui illius iussa omnia mihi factu possibilia non gravatim sit exsecuturus.

In novis hic in praesentia nihil habemus. Sacra Sigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austriaregia maiestaSigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austrias post aegrotationem suam Niepolomicensem etsi iam convaluerat, nunc tamen morbus recrudescens maiestati suae magnum dolorem in manibus pedibusque exhibet, ut quae iam videbatur esse libera, iterum decumbere cogatur. Sed tamen Reverendissima Dominatio Vestra novit morbum hunc Sigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austriamaiestati suaeSigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austria consuetum esse, ut non arbitretur aliquid subesse periculi remque multo aliter se habere sciat, quam sinistra fama increbuerat. Diet of Poland ConventusDiet of Poland noster iam propediem instat, qui fortasse necessario regiae valetudinis causa Cracow (Kraków, Cracovia), city in southern Poland, Małopolska, on the Vistula river, from 1038 capital of the Kingdom of PolandCracoviamCracow (Kraków, Cracovia), city in southern Poland, Małopolska, on the Vistula river, from 1038 capital of the Kingdom of Poland transferetur.

Commendo me gratiae Reverendissimae Dominationis Vestrae eandemque felicissime valere cupio.

17IDL 7211     Ioannes DANTISCUS to Paweł DUNIN-WOLSKI, before 1539-01-10, probably ca. 1538-12-23 Letter lost

Letter lost, reconstructed on the basis of IDL 2047: Reddidit mihi nuntius Reverendissimae Dominationis Vestrae litteras unacum munere strenae loco mihi ab illa data.; cf. IDL 2050
18IDL 2047 Paweł DUNIN-WOLSKI to Ioannes DANTISCUS, Cracow (Kraków), 1539-01-11
            received [1539]-01-26

Manuscript sources:
1fair copy in Latin, in secretary's hand, author's signature, BCz, 1597, p. 433-436


Text & apparatus & commentaryPlain textText & commentaryText & apparatus


BCz, 1597, p. 433

Reverendissme in Christo Pater et Domine, domine mi colendissime.

Post deditissimam mei et servitutis meae commendationem.

Reddidit mihi cf. Georg HEGEL to Ioannes DANTISCUS Cracow, 1539-01-13, CIDTC IDL 2050;
Georg HEGEL to Ioannes DANTISCUS s.l., 1539-02-26, CIDTC IDL 2078
Mauritius (Moritz), at least in 1537-1547 servant of Ioannes Dantiscus, often sent with letters and packages to the royal court (CIDTC, e.g. IDL 1630, IDL 4476, IDL 3266, IDL 3279)nuntiusMauritius (Moritz), at least in 1537-1547 servant of Ioannes Dantiscus, often sent with letters and packages to the royal court (CIDTC, e.g. IDL 1630, IDL 4476, IDL 3266, IDL 3279)cf. Georg HEGEL to Ioannes DANTISCUS Cracow, 1539-01-13, CIDTC IDL 2050;
Georg HEGEL to Ioannes DANTISCUS s.l., 1539-02-26, CIDTC IDL 2078
Reverendissimae Dominationis Vestrae cf. Ioannes DANTISCUS to Paweł DUNIN-WOLSKI before 1539-01-10, probably ca. 1538-12-23, CIDTC IDL 7211, letter lostlitterascf. Ioannes DANTISCUS to Paweł DUNIN-WOLSKI before 1539-01-10, probably ca. 1538-12-23, CIDTC IDL 7211, letter lost una cum munere strenae loco mihi ab illa misso, quod quamvis Reverendissima Dominatio Vestra pro modestia sua a paupere amico profectum esse scribat atque hoc nomine non minus eleganter, quam facete illud extenuat. Tamen ego aliter existimo. Nam et satis amplum atque honestum est, et dignum, quod a tanto praesule cuivis mittatur. Quod ego a Reverendissima Dominatione Vestra gratissimo animo accepi ingentesque illi pro eo ago gratias atque eidem promereri omnibus meis obsequiis contendam.

Ceterum, quod postulata Reverendisssimae Dominationis Vestrae attinet, quae apud s(acram) or s(erenissimam)s(acram)s(acram) or s(erenissimam) Sigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austriamaiestatem regiamSigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austria per me promoveri voluit, ex cf. Sigismund I Jagiellon to Ioannes DANTISCUS Cracow, 1539-01-11, CIDTC IDL 2043litteriscf. Sigismund I Jagiellon to Ioannes DANTISCUS Cracow, 1539-01-11, CIDTC IDL 2043 maiestatis suae intelliget illam votis eius non gravatim annuisse meamque in hoc operam Reverendissimae Dominationi Vestrae non defuisse certo persuasu habeat neque in aliis rebus defuturam, quoties illa uti dignabitur.

Cuius me gratiae unice commendo eandemque diu et felicissime valere cupio.

19IDL 2265 Paweł DUNIN-WOLSKI to Ioannes DANTISCUS, Cracow (Kraków), 1540-01-05
            received 1540-01-17

Manuscript sources:
1fair copy in Latin, in secretary's hand, author's signature, BCz, 1597, p. 911-914


Text & apparatus & commentaryPlain textText & commentaryText & apparatus


BCz, 1597, p. 911

Reverendissime in Christo Pater et domine colendissime.

Officiosam obsequiorum meorum commendationem.

Is Reverendissimae Dominationis Vestrae tabellarius hic existens, cum litteras a domino Paweł Płotowski (*ca. 1485 – †1547), in 1523, after the death of Fabian von Lusian (Luzjański), Płotowski was one of the King's four candidates for the post of the bishop of Ermland; in 1530 and 1537, after the death of Jan Konopacki (Johann von Konopat) Sr and Dantiscus' transfer to the bishopric of Ermland, he made an effort to obtain the dignity of bishop of Kulm; from 1522 Provost of the Ermland (Warmia) Chapter, and from 1523 Canon of Ermland; secretary to Crown Grand Chancellor Krzysztof Szydłowiecki, and from 1533 royal secretary and courtier; in the thirties and forties several times royal envoy to the Royal Prussian Estates (SBKW, p. 191; KOPICZKO 2, p. 249-250)praeposito WarmiensiPaweł Płotowski (*ca. 1485 – †1547), in 1523, after the death of Fabian von Lusian (Luzjański), Płotowski was one of the King's four candidates for the post of the bishop of Ermland; in 1530 and 1537, after the death of Jan Konopacki (Johann von Konopat) Sr and Dantiscus' transfer to the bishopric of Ermland, he made an effort to obtain the dignity of bishop of Kulm; from 1522 Provost of the Ermland (Warmia) Chapter, and from 1523 Canon of Ermland; secretary to Crown Grand Chancellor Krzysztof Szydłowiecki, and from 1533 royal secretary and courtier; in the thirties and forties several times royal envoy to the Royal Prussian Estates (SBKW, p. 191; KOPICZKO 2, p. 249-250) mihi redderet, servitorem Reverendissimae Dominationis Vestrae se esse retulisset. Itaque eum sine meis ad illam litteris dimittere nolui, quibus sanitatem Reverendissimae Dominationis Vestrae viso eamque illi a Deo Optimo Maximo in multos annos felicissimam precor et faustissimos quosque ex animi sententia successus.

Ceterum, quamvis non dubitem ea, quae hic aguntur quaeque in novis habentur, ab aliis Reverendissimae Dominationi Vestrae scribi, tamen et ipse pro mea erga illam observantia non praetermittendum putavi rerum scitu dignarum significationem. Imprimis vero de valetudine serenissimi Sigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of AustriaprincipisSigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austria nostri, de qua utinam optata scribere possem. Nam Sigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austriamaiestas suaSigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austria ex solito suo articulari morbo male quidem his diebus affecta erat et hactenus in lecto decumbit, sed gratia Deo tamen iam melius habere incipit dolorque in dies mitigatur, ut certa spes sit vim morbi maiestatem suam brevi remissuram esse. Quod quidem votis omnibus a Domino Deo nobis est implorandum.

His quoque diebus legati diversi in diversas orbis partes missi sunt: reverendissimus dominus Jan Wilamowski (*ca. 1500 – †1540), scribe to Vice-Chancellor Piotr Tomicki and his envoy to Rome; Canon of Poznań, Cracow and Kielce; 1536-1539 secretary to King Sigismund I, his envoy to Rome and to King Ferdinand I of Habsburg; 1539-1540 Bishop of Kamieniec (NITECKI, p. 222; WYCZAŃSKI 1990, p. 270)episcopus CamenecensisJan Wilamowski (*ca. 1500 – †1540), scribe to Vice-Chancellor Piotr Tomicki and his envoy to Rome; Canon of Poznań, Cracow and Kielce; 1536-1539 secretary to King Sigismund I, his envoy to Rome and to King Ferdinand I of Habsburg; 1539-1540 Bishop of Kamieniec (NITECKI, p. 222; WYCZAŃSKI 1990, p. 270) ad Paul III (Alessandro Farnese) (*1468 – †1549), 1493 elevated to cardinal; 1524 Cardinal-Bishop of Ostia; 1534-1549 Popesummum pontificemPaul III (Alessandro Farnese) (*1468 – †1549), 1493 elevated to cardinal; 1524 Cardinal-Bishop of Ostia; 1534-1549 Pope die proximo praeterito hinc discessit obiturus quoque legationis munus apud serenissimum Ferdinand I of Habsburg (*1503 – †1564), from 1521 Archduke of Austria, from 1526 King of Bohemia and Hungary, Croatia and Slavonia as Ferdinand I, 1531-1558 King of the Romans, 1558-1564 Holy Roman Emperor; son of Philip I the Handsome and Joanna the Mad of Castile, a younger brother of Charles V of HabsburgRomanorum regemFerdinand I of Habsburg (*1503 – †1564), from 1521 Archduke of Austria, from 1526 King of Bohemia and Hungary, Croatia and Slavonia as Ferdinand I, 1531-1558 King of the Romans, 1558-1564 Holy Roman Emperor; son of Philip I the Handsome and Joanna the Mad of Castile, a younger brother of Charles V of Habsburg, deinde magnificus dominus Piotr Kmita Sobieński (*1477 – †1553), 1512 starosta of Przemyśl; 1518 court marshal; 1523 starosta of Spiš; starosta of Koło; 1527 castellan of Wojnicz; 1529 Crown grand marshal; 1532 castellan of Sandomierz; 1533 starosta of Cracow; 1535 voivode of Sandomierz; 1536 voivode of Cracow (PSB 13, p. 97)palatinus CracoviensisPiotr Kmita Sobieński (*1477 – †1553), 1512 starosta of Przemyśl; 1518 court marshal; 1523 starosta of Spiš; starosta of Koło; 1527 castellan of Wojnicz; 1529 Crown grand marshal; 1532 castellan of Sandomierz; 1533 starosta of Cracow; 1535 voivode of Sandomierz; 1536 voivode of Cracow (PSB 13, p. 97) regni Poloniae marschalcus in Hungary (Kingdom of Hungary)HungariamHungary (Kingdom of Hungary) ad serenissimum John Zápolya (János Szapolyai) (*1487 – †1540), 1526-1540 King of Hungary; son of István Szapolyai and Jadwiga of Cieszyn in 1540 married Isabella, dauther of of King Sigismund Jagiellon of Poland. He fought against Ferdinand of Habsburg for the right to the title of King of Hungaryregem HungariaeJohn Zápolya (János Szapolyai) (*1487 – †1540), 1526-1540 King of Hungary; son of István Szapolyai and Jadwiga of Cieszyn in 1540 married Isabella, dauther of of King Sigismund Jagiellon of Poland. He fought against Ferdinand of Habsburg for the right to the title of King of Hungary legatus nuper itineri se dedit, dominus item Tomasz Sobocki (*ca. 1508 – †1547), 1539-1546 Polish King's Cup-Bearer1545 deputy cup-bearer of the court, 1545 Grand Chancellor of the Crown, 1545-1546 Burgrave of Cracow, 1535 royal envoy to John Zápolya to invite him to the wedding between Princess Jadwiga Jagiellon and Joachim, Margrave of Brandenburg, 1537 royal envoy to Duke Albrecht von Hohenzollern and to Rome, 1539/1540 - to Suleiman the Magnificent (PSB 39/4, p. 557-560)SoboczkiTomasz Sobocki (*ca. 1508 – †1547), 1539-1546 Polish King's Cup-Bearer1545 deputy cup-bearer of the court, 1545 Grand Chancellor of the Crown, 1545-1546 Burgrave of Cracow, 1535 royal envoy to John Zápolya to invite him to the wedding between Princess Jadwiga Jagiellon and Joachim, Margrave of Brandenburg, 1537 royal envoy to Duke Albrecht von Hohenzollern and to Rome, 1539/1540 - to Suleiman the Magnificent (PSB 39/4, p. 557-560) pincerna in aula regia ad Suleiman the Magnificent (*1494 – †1566), 1520-1566 Sultan of the Ottoman Empireimperatorem TurcarumSuleiman the Magnificent (*1494 – †1566), 1520-1566 Sultan of the Ottoman Empire profectus est missus eo, ut caeremoniis convivalibus interesset duorum scilicet filiorum imperatoris Turcici circumcisioni nuptisque filiae suae, ad quas honoris causa Sigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austriamaiestatem regiamSigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austria invitarat.

De The Ottoman Turks (Turcae) TurcarumThe Ottoman Turks (Turcae) expeditione et apparatibus ad proximam aestatem multa nuntiantur. In magno terrore est Hungary (Kingdom of Hungary)HungariaHungary (Kingdom of Hungary), in quam, uti referunt, haec procella imprimis est illisura.

BCz, 1597, p. 912

Ad nostra Diet of Poland comitiaDiet of Poland nulli adhuc ex dominis venere, quibus ad festum Epiphaniarum proximum dies est dictus. Dominus Deus et initia illorum fortunet, et eum, quem optamus, praestet exitum.

Commendo me postremo in gratiam Reverendissimae Dominationi Vestrae, quam Deus Optimus Maximus diutissime servet sospitem et semper felicem.

Eiusdem Reverendissimae Dominationis Vestrae servitor Paweł Dunin-Wolski (Paweł Wolski) (†1546), 1533-1543 Starost of Gostynin; 1532-1537 Castellan of Sochaczew; 1537-1539 Vice-Chancellor of the Crown; 1537-1546 Burgrave of Cracow; 1539-1544 Grand Chancellor of the Crown; 1539-1544 Castellan of Radom; 1544-1546 Bishop of Poznań (after the death of his wife) (Urzędnicy 10, p. 214)Paulus de Volia hidden by binding[Volia]Volia hidden by bindingPaweł Dunin-Wolski (Paweł Wolski) (†1546), 1533-1543 Starost of Gostynin; 1532-1537 Castellan of Sochaczew; 1537-1539 Vice-Chancellor of the Crown; 1537-1546 Burgrave of Cracow; 1539-1544 Grand Chancellor of the Crown; 1539-1544 Castellan of Radom; 1544-1546 Bishop of Poznań (after the death of his wife) (Urzędnicy 10, p. 214) regni cancellarius

20IDL 7293     Ioannes DANTISCUS to Paweł DUNIN-WOLSKI, shortly before 1540-03-09 Letter lost

Letter lost, mentioned in IDL 2284: Dominus Plothowski, Reverendissimae Dominationis Vestrae familiaris, litteras eius mihi reddit
21IDL 2284 Paweł DUNIN-WOLSKI to Ioannes DANTISCUS, Cracow (Kraków), 1540-03-09
            received Guttstadt (Dobre Miasto), 1540-03-23

Manuscript sources:
1fair copy in Latin, BCz, 1597, p. 977-980


Text & apparatus & commentaryPlain textText & commentaryText & apparatus


BCz, 1597, p. 977

Reverendissime in Christo Pater et Domine, domine colendissime.

Post obsequiorum meorum officiosam commendationem salutisque et perpetuae felicitatis precationem.

Dominus Mikołaj Płotowski (†after 1548-07-27), royal courtier and owner of estates in Vistula Lowlands (Żuławy Wiślane); burgrave of Seeburg (Zybork, today Jeziorany) (AT 18, p. 229)PlothowskiMikołaj Płotowski (†after 1548-07-27), royal courtier and owner of estates in Vistula Lowlands (Żuławy Wiślane); burgrave of Seeburg (Zybork, today Jeziorany) (AT 18, p. 229), Reverendissimae Dominationis Vestrae familiaris, cf. Ioannes DANTISCUS to Paweł DUNIN-WOLSKI shortly before 1540-03-09, CIDTC IDL 7293, letter lostlitterascf. Ioannes DANTISCUS to Paweł DUNIN-WOLSKI shortly before 1540-03-09, CIDTC IDL 7293, letter lost eius mihi reddit eaque, quae in mandatis ab illa habuit, verbis retulit. Quae statim, ut intellexi, omni studio et opera promovi et, quantum in me erat, suffragio quoque meo adiuvi, sed negotium non potuit alio, quam absolutum est, modo, scilicet quod Sigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austriaregia maiestasSigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austria ad suos sollicitatores Rome (Roma), city in central Italy, on the Tiber river, seat of the Holy SeeRomamRome (Roma), city in central Italy, on the Tiber river, seat of the Holy See litteras dare mandavit, ut illi diligenter in hoc invigilent, ne ipse Alexander Sculteti (Scholtcze) (*ca. 1485 – †1570), doctor of canon law, cartographer, historian and friend of Copernicus; accused by Dantiscus and Stanisław Hozjusz (Hosius) of Sacramentarian heresy, in 1540 banished by King Sigismund I Jagiellon; in 1541 imprisoned by the Inquisition in Rome; after release from prison in 1544 he stayed in Rome for the rest of his life; 1509-1516 notary at the Roman Curia; 1519-1541 Canon of Ermland (Warmia), 1530-1539 Chancellor of the Ermland Chapter; 1536-1538 administrator of the komornictwo of Mehlsack (Melzak, today Pieniężno) (KOPICZKO 2, p. 299; SBKW, p. 219-220)adversariusAlexander Sculteti (Scholtcze) (*ca. 1485 – †1570), doctor of canon law, cartographer, historian and friend of Copernicus; accused by Dantiscus and Stanisław Hozjusz (Hosius) of Sacramentarian heresy, in 1540 banished by King Sigismund I Jagiellon; in 1541 imprisoned by the Inquisition in Rome; after release from prison in 1544 he stayed in Rome for the rest of his life; 1509-1516 notary at the Roman Curia; 1519-1541 Canon of Ermland (Warmia), 1530-1539 Chancellor of the Ermland Chapter; 1536-1538 administrator of the komornictwo of Mehlsack (Melzak, today Pieniężno) (KOPICZKO 2, p. 299; SBKW, p. 219-220) Dominationis Vestrae Reverendissimae et eius Ermland (Warmia, Varmia), diocese and ecclesiastical principality in northeastern Poland, 1466-1772 within the Kingdom of Poland, Royal PrussiaecclesiaeErmland (Warmia, Varmia), diocese and ecclesiastical principality in northeastern Poland, 1466-1772 within the Kingdom of Poland, Royal Prussia aliquid tale et contra illam vel aliquos ex Ermland Chapter cathedral chapter based in Frauenburg (Frombork, Varmia)collegio canonicorumErmland Chapter cathedral chapter based in Frauenburg (Frombork, Varmia) eius impetret seu expediat. De quo quoque dominus Mikołaj Płotowski (†after 1548-07-27), royal courtier and owner of estates in Vistula Lowlands (Żuławy Wiślane); burgrave of Seeburg (Zybork, today Jeziorany) (AT 18, p. 229)PlothowskiMikołaj Płotowski (†after 1548-07-27), royal courtier and owner of estates in Vistula Lowlands (Żuławy Wiślane); burgrave of Seeburg (Zybork, today Jeziorany) (AT 18, p. 229) Dominationem Vestram Reverendissimam verbis certiorem faciet.

Munus per ipsum dominum Mikołaj Płotowski (†after 1548-07-27), royal courtier and owner of estates in Vistula Lowlands (Żuławy Wiślane); burgrave of Seeburg (Zybork, today Jeziorany) (AT 18, p. 229)PlothowskiMikołaj Płotowski (†after 1548-07-27), royal courtier and owner of estates in Vistula Lowlands (Żuławy Wiślane); burgrave of Seeburg (Zybork, today Jeziorany) (AT 18, p. 229) nomine Dominationis Vestrae Reverendissimae oblatum, ab optimo scilicet in me eius animo profectum, fuit valde gratum. Pro quo illi ago et habeo non vulgares gratiarum actiones et, ubi usus et occasio sese obtulerit, relaturus.

Novarum rerum in praesens aula ab exteris partibus nihil habet. Exspectamus earum aliquid, cum nuntius Sigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austriaregiae maiestatisSigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austria dominus Tomasz Sobocki (*ca. 1508 – †1547), 1539-1546 Polish King's Cup-Bearer1545 deputy cup-bearer of the court, 1545 Grand Chancellor of the Crown, 1545-1546 Burgrave of Cracow, 1535 royal envoy to John Zápolya to invite him to the wedding between Princess Jadwiga Jagiellon and Joachim, Margrave of Brandenburg, 1537 royal envoy to Duke Albrecht von Hohenzollern and to Rome, 1539/1540 - to Suleiman the Magnificent (PSB 39/4, p. 557-560)SoboczkiTomasz Sobocki (*ca. 1508 – †1547), 1539-1546 Polish King's Cup-Bearer1545 deputy cup-bearer of the court, 1545 Grand Chancellor of the Crown, 1545-1546 Burgrave of Cracow, 1535 royal envoy to John Zápolya to invite him to the wedding between Princess Jadwiga Jagiellon and Joachim, Margrave of Brandenburg, 1537 royal envoy to Duke Albrecht von Hohenzollern and to Rome, 1539/1540 - to Suleiman the Magnificent (PSB 39/4, p. 557-560) ex GreeceGraeciaGreece redierit. Quem on the marginQuemQuem on the margin brevi rediturum speramus.

Diet of Poland Comitia regniDiet of Poland solito more tractantur. Consultatur de defensione Poland (Kingdom of Poland, Polonia)regniPoland (Kingdom of Poland, Polonia), quem per varias res eam impedientes nondum est decreta. Dominus Hieronim Łaski (Jarosław Łaski, Hieronymus de Lasco) (*1496 – †1541), diplomat in the service of Sigismund I Jagiellon and John I Zápolya, representing them in diplomatic contacts with Ferdinand I of Habsburg and Sultan Suleiman I; 1520-1522 Crown Carver, 1522-1523 Voivode of Inowrocław, 1523-1541 Voivode of Sieradz, from 1528 Zupan of the Spiš district; from 1530 Voivode of Transylvania (PSB 18, p. 225-229)LaskiHieronim Łaski (Jarosław Łaski, Hieronymus de Lasco) (*1496 – †1541), diplomat in the service of Sigismund I Jagiellon and John I Zápolya, representing them in diplomatic contacts with Ferdinand I of Habsburg and Sultan Suleiman I; 1520-1522 Crown Carver, 1522-1523 Voivode of Inowrocław, 1523-1541 Voivode of Sieradz, from 1528 Zupan of the Spiš district; from 1530 Voivode of Transylvania (PSB 18, p. 225-229) quid de indutiis nomine Charles V of Habsburg (*1500 – †1558), ruler of the Burgundian territories (1506-1555), King of Spain as Charles I (1516-1556), King of Naples and Sicily, King of the Romans (1519-1530), Holy Roman Emperor of the German Nation (elected 1519, crowned 1530, abdicated 1556); son of Philip I the Handsome and Joanna the Mad of Castileimperatoris ChristianiCharles V of Habsburg (*1500 – †1558), ruler of the Burgundian territories (1506-1555), King of Spain as Charles I (1516-1556), King of Naples and Sicily, King of the Romans (1519-1530), Holy Roman Emperor of the German Nation (elected 1519, crowned 1530, abdicated 1556); son of Philip I the Handsome and Joanna the Mad of Castile et Ferdinand I of Habsburg (*1503 – †1564), from 1521 Archduke of Austria, from 1526 King of Bohemia and Hungary, Croatia and Slavonia as Ferdinand I, 1531-1558 King of the Romans, 1558-1564 Holy Roman Emperor; son of Philip I the Handsome and Joanna the Mad of Castile, a younger brother of Charles V of Habsburgregis RomanorumFerdinand I of Habsburg (*1503 – †1564), from 1521 Archduke of Austria, from 1526 King of Bohemia and Hungary, Croatia and Slavonia as Ferdinand I, 1531-1558 King of the Romans, 1558-1564 Holy Roman Emperor; son of Philip I the Handsome and Joanna the Mad of Castile, a younger brother of Charles V of Habsburg apud Suleiman the Magnificent (*1494 – †1566), 1520-1566 Sultan of the Ottoman EmpireThurcumSuleiman the Magnificent (*1494 – †1566), 1520-1566 Sultan of the Ottoman Empire obtinuit, credo Dominationem Vestram Reverendissimam iam non latere. BCz, 1597, p. 978 Vel si id ad illam nihildum pervolavit, dominus Soboczki wife of Mikołaj PŁOTOWSKI Plothowskiwife of Mikołaj PŁOTOWSKI omnia illi dicet.

Interim autem me et obsequia mea Dominationi Vestrae Reverendissimae superinscribedReverendissimaeReverendissimae superinscribed commendo. Quam sanam et felicissimam vivere precor.

Dominationis Vestrae Reverendissimae servitor Paweł Dunin-Wolski (Paweł Wolski) (†1546), 1533-1543 Starost of Gostynin; 1532-1537 Castellan of Sochaczew; 1537-1539 Vice-Chancellor of the Crown; 1537-1546 Burgrave of Cracow; 1539-1544 Grand Chancellor of the Crown; 1539-1544 Castellan of Radom; 1544-1546 Bishop of Poznań (after the death of his wife) (Urzędnicy 10, p. 214)Paulus de Volia hidden by binding[lia]lia hidden by bindingPaweł Dunin-Wolski (Paweł Wolski) (†1546), 1533-1543 Starost of Gostynin; 1532-1537 Castellan of Sochaczew; 1537-1539 Vice-Chancellor of the Crown; 1537-1546 Burgrave of Cracow; 1539-1544 Grand Chancellor of the Crown; 1539-1544 Castellan of Radom; 1544-1546 Bishop of Poznań (after the death of his wife) (Urzędnicy 10, p. 214) regni cancellarius

22IDL 7297     Ioannes DANTISCUS to Paweł DUNIN-WOLSKI, before 1540-04-11 Letter lost

Letter lost, mentioned in IDL 2303 Reddidit mihi puer iste illustrissimi domini ducis Prussiae litteras Reverendissimae Dominationis Vestrae multo gratissimas, quibus et me servitorem suum visere dignatur, et meminit gratitudinis meae verbis utcumque expressae pro munere mihi ab illa misso.
23IDL 2303 Paweł DUNIN-WOLSKI to Ioannes DANTISCUS, Cracow (Kraków), 1540-04-11
            received Heilsberg (Lidzbark Warmiński), 1540-04-22

Manuscript sources:
1fair copy in Latin, BCz, 1597, p. 1007-1010


Text & apparatus & commentaryPlain textText & commentaryText & apparatus


BCz, 1597, p. 1007

Reverendissime in Christo Pater et Domine, domine colendissime.

Officiosissimam obsequiorum meorum in gratiam Reverendissimae Dominationis Vestrae commendationem.

Reddidit mihi puer iste illustrissimi domini Albrecht I von Hohenzollern-Ansbach (Albrecht von Brandenburg) (*1490 – †1568), 1511-1525 Grand Master of the Teutonic Order; from 1525 to his death Duke in Prussia as a liegeman of the Polish king; son of Friedrich V of Brandenburg der Ältere and Sophia Jagiellon (daughter of Casimir IV Jagiellon), nephew of Sigismund I, King of Poland; founder of the university in Königsberg (1544)ducis PrussiaeAlbrecht I von Hohenzollern-Ansbach (Albrecht von Brandenburg) (*1490 – †1568), 1511-1525 Grand Master of the Teutonic Order; from 1525 to his death Duke in Prussia as a liegeman of the Polish king; son of Friedrich V of Brandenburg der Ältere and Sophia Jagiellon (daughter of Casimir IV Jagiellon), nephew of Sigismund I, King of Poland; founder of the university in Königsberg (1544) cf. Ioannes DANTISCUS to Paweł DUNIN-WOLSKI before 1540-04-11, CIDTC IDL 7297, letter lostlitterascf. Ioannes DANTISCUS to Paweł DUNIN-WOLSKI before 1540-04-11, CIDTC IDL 7297, letter lost Reverendissimae Dominationis Vestrae multo gratissimas, quibus et me servitorem suum visere dignatur, et meminit gratitudinis meae verbis utcumque expressae pro munere mihi ab illa misso. Animus quidem, mi Reverendissime Domine, gratus est, sed id mihi ipsi non satisfacit, nisi eam ipsam animi mei gratitudinem re ipsa ac obsequiis meis quibuscumque Reverendissimae Dominationi Vestrae testatam fecero. Cuius rei cum data aliquando fuerit oportunitas, non committam, ut semen istud illius erga me officiorum ab optimo agro profectum, in deteriorem cecidisse videatur.

Ceterum, quod attinet congressum illustrissimi domini Albrecht I von Hohenzollern-Ansbach (Albrecht von Brandenburg) (*1490 – †1568), 1511-1525 Grand Master of the Teutonic Order; from 1525 to his death Duke in Prussia as a liegeman of the Polish king; son of Friedrich V of Brandenburg der Ältere and Sophia Jagiellon (daughter of Casimir IV Jagiellon), nephew of Sigismund I, King of Poland; founder of the university in Königsberg (1544)ducisAlbrecht I von Hohenzollern-Ansbach (Albrecht von Brandenburg) (*1490 – †1568), 1511-1525 Grand Master of the Teutonic Order; from 1525 to his death Duke in Prussia as a liegeman of the Polish king; son of Friedrich V of Brandenburg der Ältere and Sophia Jagiellon (daughter of Casimir IV Jagiellon), nephew of Sigismund I, King of Poland; founder of the university in Königsberg (1544) cum sacra regia maiestate on the marginmaiestatemaiestate on the margin inter proficiscendum in LithuaniaMagnum Ducatum LithuaniaeLithuania, rettuli maiestati suae ea, quae mihi Reverendissima Dominatio Vestra scribere dignata est. De quo iam Sigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austriamaiestas suaSigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austria non ignorabat fortasse ex Samuel Maciejowski (*1499 – †1550), humanist and diplomat, one of the most trusted advisors to King Sigismund I and then to his son Sigismund II Augustus; from 1521 Canon of the Collegiate Chapter in Sandomierz, and from 1530 in Kielce; from 1531 Canon of Gniezno; from 1532 or 1533 to 1537 royal secretary (previously scribe at the royal chancellery); 1537-1539 Grand Secretary; 1539-1547 Crown Vice-Chancellor; 1539-1541 Bishop of Chełm; 1541-1545 Bishop of Płock; 1545-1550 Bishop of Cracow; 1547-1550 Crown Grand Chancellor; in 1532 royal envoy to Rome; in 1534 and 1538 royal envoy to the local diets (WYCZAŃSKI 1990, p. 257-258; Urzędnicy 10, p. 184; PSB 19 Machowski - Maria Kazimiera, p. 64-69)reverendissimi domini ChelmensisSamuel Maciejowski (*1499 – †1550), humanist and diplomat, one of the most trusted advisors to King Sigismund I and then to his son Sigismund II Augustus; from 1521 Canon of the Collegiate Chapter in Sandomierz, and from 1530 in Kielce; from 1531 Canon of Gniezno; from 1532 or 1533 to 1537 royal secretary (previously scribe at the royal chancellery); 1537-1539 Grand Secretary; 1539-1547 Crown Vice-Chancellor; 1539-1541 Bishop of Chełm; 1541-1545 Bishop of Płock; 1545-1550 Bishop of Cracow; 1547-1550 Crown Grand Chancellor; in 1532 royal envoy to Rome; in 1534 and 1538 royal envoy to the local diets (WYCZAŃSKI 1990, p. 257-258; Urzędnicy 10, p. 184; PSB 19 Machowski - Maria Kazimiera, p. 64-69) cf. Samuel MACIEJOWSKI to Ioannes DANTISCUS Cracow, 1540-04-11, CIDTC IDL 2304relationecf. Samuel MACIEJOWSKI to Ioannes DANTISCUS Cracow, 1540-04-11, CIDTC IDL 2304 et, quantum ego ex sermone regiae maiestatis colligere poteram, non alienam illam esse video ab eiusmodi cum illustrissimo domino Albrecht I von Hohenzollern-Ansbach (Albrecht von Brandenburg) (*1490 – †1568), 1511-1525 Grand Master of the Teutonic Order; from 1525 to his death Duke in Prussia as a liegeman of the Polish king; son of Friedrich V of Brandenburg der Ältere and Sophia Jagiellon (daughter of Casimir IV Jagiellon), nephew of Sigismund I, King of Poland; founder of the university in Königsberg (1544)duceAlbrecht I von Hohenzollern-Ansbach (Albrecht von Brandenburg) (*1490 – †1568), 1511-1525 Grand Master of the Teutonic Order; from 1525 to his death Duke in Prussia as a liegeman of the Polish king; son of Friedrich V of Brandenburg der Ältere and Sophia Jagiellon (daughter of Casimir IV Jagiellon), nephew of Sigismund I, King of Poland; founder of the university in Königsberg (1544) congressu et colloquio, quod non temere neque sine causa ab illustrissima dominatione sua desiderari arbitror. Verum Sigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austriamaiestas suaSigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austria non satis se BCz, 1597, p. 1008 scire referebat locum ad id aptum et domino Albrecht I von Hohenzollern-Ansbach (Albrecht von Brandenburg) (*1490 – †1568), 1511-1525 Grand Master of the Teutonic Order; from 1525 to his death Duke in Prussia as a liegeman of the Polish king; son of Friedrich V of Brandenburg der Ältere and Sophia Jagiellon (daughter of Casimir IV Jagiellon), nephew of Sigismund I, King of Poland; founder of the university in Königsberg (1544)duciAlbrecht I von Hohenzollern-Ansbach (Albrecht von Brandenburg) (*1490 – †1568), 1511-1525 Grand Master of the Teutonic Order; from 1525 to his death Duke in Prussia as a liegeman of the Polish king; son of Friedrich V of Brandenburg der Ältere and Sophia Jagiellon (daughter of Casimir IV Jagiellon), nephew of Sigismund I, King of Poland; founder of the university in Königsberg (1544) vicinum, sed illustrissimus tamen dominus dux illum pro suo arbitrio illum deliget, qui illustrissimae dominationi suae videbitur esse commodior, praesertim si illustritati illius ea res ita menti insederit, ut colloquium istud cum maiestate regia non praetermittendum putet. De quo fortasse Samuel Maciejowski (*1499 – †1550), humanist and diplomat, one of the most trusted advisors to King Sigismund I and then to his son Sigismund II Augustus; from 1521 Canon of the Collegiate Chapter in Sandomierz, and from 1530 in Kielce; from 1531 Canon of Gniezno; from 1532 or 1533 to 1537 royal secretary (previously scribe at the royal chancellery); 1537-1539 Grand Secretary; 1539-1547 Crown Vice-Chancellor; 1539-1541 Bishop of Chełm; 1541-1545 Bishop of Płock; 1545-1550 Bishop of Cracow; 1547-1550 Crown Grand Chancellor; in 1532 royal envoy to Rome; in 1534 and 1538 royal envoy to the local diets (WYCZAŃSKI 1990, p. 257-258; Urzędnicy 10, p. 184; PSB 19 Machowski - Maria Kazimiera, p. 64-69)reverendissimus dominus ChelmensisSamuel Maciejowski (*1499 – †1550), humanist and diplomat, one of the most trusted advisors to King Sigismund I and then to his son Sigismund II Augustus; from 1521 Canon of the Collegiate Chapter in Sandomierz, and from 1530 in Kielce; from 1531 Canon of Gniezno; from 1532 or 1533 to 1537 royal secretary (previously scribe at the royal chancellery); 1537-1539 Grand Secretary; 1539-1547 Crown Vice-Chancellor; 1539-1541 Bishop of Chełm; 1541-1545 Bishop of Płock; 1545-1550 Bishop of Cracow; 1547-1550 Crown Grand Chancellor; in 1532 royal envoy to Rome; in 1534 and 1538 royal envoy to the local diets (WYCZAŃSKI 1990, p. 257-258; Urzędnicy 10, p. 184; PSB 19 Machowski - Maria Kazimiera, p. 64-69) plura cf. Samuel MACIEJOWSKI to Ioannes DANTISCUS Cracow, 1540-04-11, CIDTC IDL 2304scribetcf. Samuel MACIEJOWSKI to Ioannes DANTISCUS Cracow, 1540-04-11, CIDTC IDL 2304 Reverendissimae Dominationi Vestrae.

Cui me meamque servitutem etiam atque etiam commendo optans ex animo, ut illam Deus Optimus Maximus diutissime servet sospitem et semper felicem.

Eiusdem Reverendissimae Dominationis Vestrae perpetuo addictissimus servitor Paweł Dunin-Wolski (Paweł Wolski) (†1546), 1533-1543 Starost of Gostynin; 1532-1537 Castellan of Sochaczew; 1537-1539 Vice-Chancellor of the Crown; 1537-1546 Burgrave of Cracow; 1539-1544 Grand Chancellor of the Crown; 1539-1544 Castellan of Radom; 1544-1546 Bishop of Poznań (after the death of his wife) (Urzędnicy 10, p. 214)Paulus de Volia hidden by binding[Volia]Volia hidden by binding Regni cancellariusPaweł Dunin-Wolski (Paweł Wolski) (†1546), 1533-1543 Starost of Gostynin; 1532-1537 Castellan of Sochaczew; 1537-1539 Vice-Chancellor of the Crown; 1537-1546 Burgrave of Cracow; 1539-1544 Grand Chancellor of the Crown; 1539-1544 Castellan of Radom; 1544-1546 Bishop of Poznań (after the death of his wife) (Urzędnicy 10, p. 214)

24IDL 2707 Paweł DUNIN-WOLSKI to Ioannes DANTISCUS, Olita, 1544-02-29
            received Heilsberg (Lidzbark Warmiński), 1544-03-28

Manuscript sources:
1fair copy in Latin, in secretary's hand, author's signature, BCz, 1599, p. 395-398


Text & apparatus & commentaryPlain textText & commentaryText & apparatus


BCz, 1599, p. 395

Reverendissime Domine, domine praesul amplissime et amice perpetuo honorandissime.

Commendata officiosissima voluntate Reverendissimam Dominationem Vestram plurima salute impartior.

Cum is dominus Krzysztof Konarski (*before 1526 – †ca. 1574), in 1557-1565, as a royal secretary, he undertook several diplomatic missions; 1543 scribe at the royal chancellery, later royal secretary, 1568 member of the Maritime Commission, before 1568 starost of Jurborg (KOROLKO, p. 210)ConarskiKrzysztof Konarski (*before 1526 – †ca. 1574), in 1557-1565, as a royal secretary, he undertook several diplomatic missions; 1543 scribe at the royal chancellery, later royal secretary, 1568 member of the Maritime Commission, before 1568 starost of Jurborg (KOROLKO, p. 210), serenissimi domini Sigismund II Augustus Jagiellon (Zygmunt II August) (*1520 – †1572), 1529-1572 Grand Duke of Lithuania (ruled from 1544); 1530-1572 King of Poland (crowned vivente rege (ruled from 1548, after the death of his father); son of Sigismund I Jagiellon and Bona Sforzaregis mei iuniorisSigismund II Augustus Jagiellon (Zygmunt II August) (*1520 – †1572), 1529-1572 Grand Duke of Lithuania (ruled from 1544); 1530-1572 King of Poland (crowned vivente rege (ruled from 1548, after the death of his father); son of Sigismund I Jagiellon and Bona Sforza latero, hinc ad Prussia, region in central Europe, bordered by Pomerania, Poland, Lithuania and Livonia. From 1466 Prussia was divided into Royal Prussia (Prussia Regalis), which was a part of the Kingdom of Poland, and Teutonic Prussia (Prussia Ordinis Theutonici) – covering the remnants of the former territory of the Teutonic Order’s state in Prussia. In 1525, the Order’s last Grand Master, Albrecht von Hohenzollern, converted to Lutheranism and became the first lay duke in former Teutonic Prussia (dux in Prussia), which from then on was called Ducal Prussia (Prussia Ducalis). At that time, as a result of the treaty of Cracow, Ducal Prussia became a fief of the kings of PolandPrussiamPrussia, region in central Europe, bordered by Pomerania, Poland, Lithuania and Livonia. From 1466 Prussia was divided into Royal Prussia (Prussia Regalis), which was a part of the Kingdom of Poland, and Teutonic Prussia (Prussia Ordinis Theutonici) – covering the remnants of the former territory of the Teutonic Order’s state in Prussia. In 1525, the Order’s last Grand Master, Albrecht von Hohenzollern, converted to Lutheranism and became the first lay duke in former Teutonic Prussia (dux in Prussia), which from then on was called Ducal Prussia (Prussia Ducalis). At that time, as a result of the treaty of Cracow, Ducal Prussia became a fief of the kings of Poland iret et Reverendissimam Dominationem Vestram se quoque illlac, quo iturus esset, aditurum aiebat, quamquam nihil esset ad scribendum, quo aures simul et animum illius demulcere queam, non praetermittendum tamen putavi, quin his meis Reverendissimam Dominationem Vestram salutarem viseremque, ne, quod praesens nequeam hoc litterario officio praestare, se tanta commoditate offerente negligerem.

Imprimis autem nuntio Reverendissimae Dominationi Vestrae serenissimum dominum Sigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of AustriaregemSigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austria, dominum meum clementissimum, commoda frui valetudine, quod suae maiestati Altissimus faciat perpetuum, precamur. Usa est Sigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austriaillius maiestasSigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austria ante hoc tempus Quadragesimae varii ms. u(!) ii ms. u(!) s ferarum venationibus, iam bisontum, quos plus minus XL venata est, iam etiam ursorum, ut suum animum recrearet et taedium hoc temporis, quod hic vitando aeris insalubritatem tantisper absumere necesse est, saltem falleret.

Ceterum novarum rerum hic plane habemus nihil, quorum Reverendissimae Dominationi Vestrae copiam facere praestitisset, cum optime norit omnia, quibus necesse esset in tam perdito et miserrimo toties afflictae reipublicae Christianae atque iam plane tot bellis et principum Christianorum dissidio perditae tempore.

Ex Diet of Poland comitiisDiet of Poland insuper Piotrcoviensis certi adhuc nihil habemus, verum brevi posteaque cubicularius regiae <maiesta>tis, quem hinc Sigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austriamaiestas suaSigismund I Jagiellon (Zygmunt I) (*1467 – †1548), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1506-1548); Duke of Głogów (Glogau) (1499-1506), Duke of Opava (1501-1506), Governor of Silesia (1504-1506); son of King Kazimierz IV Jagiellon and Elisabeth of Austria Piotrków (Petricovia), city in central Poland, in the 15th-16th century the location of the assemblies of the Diet (Sejm) of the Kingdom of Poland, today Piotrków TrybunalskiPiotrcoviamPiotrków (Petricovia), city in central Poland, in the 15th-16th century the location of the assemblies of the Diet (Sejm) of the Kingdom of Poland, today Piotrków Trybunalski hodie ablegare decrevit, redibit, omnium rerum certiores efficiemur. Quarum inde, ni fallor, Reverendissima Dominatio Vestra prius, quam nos hic, fiet certior, quid decretum constitutumve in ipsa dieta esset. Faxit Deus, ut quicquid decerneretur, id Poland (Kingdom of Poland, Polonia)reipublicaePoland (Kingdom of Poland, Polonia) salutiferum foret.

Interim autem me et obsequia mea Reverendissimae Dominationi Vestrae quam diligentissime commendo. Cui Deus Omnipotens optatam valetudinem in plurimos annos tribuat ac optatissimis successibus semper adaugeat tueaturque.

Eiusdem Reverendissimae Dominationis Vestrae servitor Paweł Dunin-Wolski (Paweł Wolski) (†1546), 1533-1543 Starost of Gostynin; 1532-1537 Castellan of Sochaczew; 1537-1539 Vice-Chancellor of the Crown; 1537-1546 Burgrave of Cracow; 1539-1544 Grand Chancellor of the Crown; 1539-1544 Castellan of Radom; 1544-1546 Bishop of Poznań (after the death of his wife) (Urzędnicy 10, p. 214)Paulus de VolaPaweł Dunin-Wolski (Paweł Wolski) (†1546), 1533-1543 Starost of Gostynin; 1532-1537 Castellan of Sochaczew; 1537-1539 Vice-Chancellor of the Crown; 1537-1546 Burgrave of Cracow; 1539-1544 Grand Chancellor of the Crown; 1539-1544 Castellan of Radom; 1544-1546 Bishop of Poznań (after the death of his wife) (Urzędnicy 10, p. 214) Poland (Kingdom of Poland, Polonia)regni PoloniaePoland (Kingdom of Poland, Polonia) cancellarius etc. manu sua subscripsit

Texts regarding Paweł DUNIN-WOLSKI

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Results found: 1

preserved: 1 + lost: 0

1 IDT  330 Sigismund I Jagiellon to Paweł DUNIN-WOLSKI?    Lviv    ca. 1537-08-30

Manuscript sources:
1copy, BK, 230, p. 305

Texts where mentioned Paweł DUNIN-WOLSKI

Results found: 22 IDL, 0 IDP, 0 IDT

1IDL 1579 [Ioannes DANTISCUS] to [Mauritius FERBER], Cracow (Kraków), 1537-02-11
2IDL 1580 Fabian WOJANOWSKI (DAMERAU) to Ioannes DANTISCUS, Cracow (Kraków), 1537-02-18
3IDL 1586 [Ioannes DANTISCUS] to [Mauritius FERBER], Löbau (Lubawa), 1537-03-10
4IDL 3991 Ioannes DANTISCUS to Nikolaus NIBSCHITZ (NIPSZYC), Löbau (Lubawa), 1537-04-17
5IDL 1630 Fabian WOJANOWSKI (DAMERAU) to Ioannes DANTISCUS, Cracow (Kraków), 1537-04-26
6IDL 4726 Tiedemann GIESE to Ioannes DANTISCUS, Frauenburg (Frombork), 1537-08-22
7IDL  451 Ioannes DANTISCUS to Tiedemann GIESE, Löbau (Lubawa), 1537-09-05
8IDL 4729 Tiedemann GIESE to Ioannes DANTISCUS, Frauenburg (Frombork), 1537-09-15
9IDL 1762 Ioannes DANTISCUS to [Tiedemann GIESE], Löbau (Lubawa), 1537-11-03
10IDL 1886 Ioannes DANTISCUS to Tiedemann GIESE, Heilsberg (Lidzbark Warmiński), 1538-07-30
11IDL 3866 Ioannes DANTISCUS to [Samuel MACIEJOWSKI], Heilsberg (Lidzbark Warmiński), 1539-03-04
12IDL 2095 Valentinus RAWENSIS to Ioannes DANTISCUS, Cracow (Kraków), 1539-03-09
13IDL 2194 Tiedemann GIESE to Ioannes DANTISCUS, Löbau (Lubawa), 1539-07-18
14IDL 2203 Baltazar of Lublin to Ioannes DANTISCUS, Löbau (Lubawa), 1539-07-28
15IDL 5239 Ioannes DANTISCUS to Albrecht I von Hohenzollern-Ansbach, Heilsberg (Lidzbark Warmiński), 1540-04-23
16IDL 4995 Albrecht I von Hohenzollern-Ansbach to Ioannes DANTISCUS, Neuhausen, 1540-04-27
17IDL 2600 Stanisław HOZJUSZ (HOSIUS) to Ioannes DANTISCUS, Cracow (Kraków), 1542-11-09
18IDL 2748 Stanisław GÓRSKI to Ioannes DANTISCUS, Brest-Litovsk, 1544-08-17
19IDL 5318 Ioannes DANTISCUS to Albrecht I von Hohenzollern-Ansbach, Heilsberg (Lidzbark Warmiński), 1544-08-19
20IDL 4029 [Ioannes DANTISCUS] to Georg SCHEWECKE, [Heilsberg (Lidzbark Warmiński)], 1545-03-30
21IDL 2871 Stanisław GÓRSKI to Ioannes DANTISCUS, Cracow (Kraków), 1545-10-02
22IDL 2887 Olaus MAGNUS to Ioannes DANTISCUS, Trent, 1545-11-18