» CORPUS of Ioannes Dantiscus' Texts & Correspondence
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Results found: 488

preserved: 488 + lost: 0

1 IDT  156 Charles V of Habsburg to Ioannes DANTISCUS    Toledo    
2 IDT  185 UNKNOWN to UNKNOWN     s.l.    [1541]-10
3 IDT  191 UNKNOWN to UNKNOWN     s.l.    ?
4 IDT  192 UNKNOWN to UNKNOWN     s.l.    ?
5 IDT  194 UNKNOWN to UNKNOWN     s.l.    
6 IDT  257 UNKNOWN to UNKNOWN     s.l.    
7 IDT  267 UNKNOWN to Georg von ELDITTEN?        
8 IDT  304 Piotr KMITA Sobieński? to UNKNOWN     s.l.    ?
9 IDT  319 Sigismund I Jagiellon to UNKNOWN     s.l.    
10 IDT  327 UNKNOWN        after 1715
11 IDT  346 Albrecht I von Hohenzollern-Ansbach to Christoph von KREYTZEN        ?
12 IDT  365 Sigismund I Jagiellon & Bona Sforza to Provincial Diet of Royal Prussia        before 8 May
13 IDT  367 Sigmund von HERBERSTEIN to Ioannes DANTISCUS        
14 IDT  389 Citizens of the Republic of Venice to Ioannes DANTISCUS?    [Venice?]    s.a.-10-09
15 IDT  397 Council of Royal Prussia to Sigismund I Jagiellon    Marienburg (Malbork)    
16 IDT  399 Sigismund I Jagiellon to Graudenz Town Council & Citizens of Graudenz        []
17 IDT  401 UNKNOWN        
18 IDT   48 Council of Royal Prussia? to Sigismund I Jagiellon?     s.l.    
19 IDT   59 [Ioannes DANTISCUS] about the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Body and Blood of Christ        
20 IDT   61 Instruction given by Ioannes DANTISCUS to Martin ALLEXWANGEN, envoy to Elbing town council        
21 IDT  442         1565
22 IDT  440 Stanislaus, vicar of St. Mary's church in Gdańsk to Gdańsk Town Council        1504?, 1530?
23 IDT  508 Frederick Jagiellon        
24 IDT  521 Sigismund I Jagiellon & Bona Sforza        
25 IDT  549 Andreas Cricius ad Dantiscum de amore suo        
26 IDT  550 De Ioanne Dantisco (author unknown)        
27 IDT  554 Vaticinium ruiturae Poloniae (author unknown)        
28 IDT  624 Statuta Ecclesiae Varmiensis        
29 IDT  659 Gregorius LUDOVICI to [Stanisław HOZJUSZ (HOSIUS)?]     s.l.    1553
30 IDT  696 Johann Maier of ECK, liminary epigram to De victoria Sigismundi contra Moschos sylvula        
31 IDT  741 Sigismund II Augustus Jagiellon        1550 Sabbato post festum Purificationis Divae Virginis Mariae
32 IDT  752         
33 IDT  753 Jan Stefan WYDŻGA        
34 IDT  754 Sigismund I Jagiellon to Mikołaj SZYDŁOWIECKI        
35 IDT  755 Piotr TOMICKI to Georg HEGEL        [1528-1529?]
36 IDT  768 Jan TARNOWSKI to Tiedemann GIESE        
37 IDT  657 Niclis WOLKAW to Łukasz WATZENRODE    Dirschau    1497-12-04
38 IDT  745 Jan ROTH to Gdańsk Town Council    Neisse (Nysa)    1499-05-22
39 IDT  746 Neisse Town Council to Gdańsk Town Council    [Neisse (Nysa)]    1499-05-23
40 IDT  486 Frederick Jagiellon & Royal Council of Poland to all and each    Marienburg (Malbork)    1501-07-08
41 IDT  452 Alexander Jagiellon to Gdańsk Town Council    Lublin    1503-11-26
42 IDT  577 Alexander Jagiellon to Johann von HÖFEN    Piotrków    1504-02-28
43 IDT  453 Alexander Jagiellon    Marienburg (Malbork)    1504-06-15
44 IDT  454 Record of Provincial Diet of Royal Prussia    Marienburg (Malbork)    1504-09-29 — 1504-10-03
45 IDT  455 Alexander Jagiellon to Gdańsk Town Council    Cracow    1505-08-07
46 IDT  456 Alexander Jagiellon to Gdańsk Town Council    Cracow    1505-09-12
47 IDT  519 Alexander Jagiellon to Gdańsk Town Council    Cracow    1505-09-12
48 IDT  457 Alexander Jagiellon to Gdańsk Town Council    Grodna    1505-12-13
49 IDT  458 Record of Provincial Diet of Royal Prussia    Marienburg (Malbork)    1506-01-11 — 1506-01-14
50 IDT  460 Record of the negotiations between the envoys of Alexander Jagiellon: Paweł Koło and Wojciech Górski and the envoys of Gdańsk town council        1506-04-26 — 1506-05-02
51 IDT  462 Sigismund I Jagiellon to Gdańsk Town Council    Cracow    1507-02-19
52 IDT  513 Sigismund I Jagiellon to Łukasz WATZENRODE    Vilnius    1508-11-07 or 1508-11-14
53 IDT  638 Sigismund I Jagiellon to Gdańsk Town Council    Vilnius    1508-11-17
54 IDT  463 Sigismund I Jagiellon to Gdańsk Town Council    Piotrków    1509-04-15
55 IDT  464 Hans von der DAMERAU (DĄBROWSKI) to Gdańsk Town Council    Rheden (Radzyn)    1509-05-01
56 IDT  465 Record of the negotiations between Dantiscus and Gdańsk town council    Gdańsk (Danzig)    1509-05-04
57 IDT  466 Record of negotiations in Elbing concerning the Brigidettine monastery in Elbing    Elbing (Elbląg)    1509-05-21 — 1509-05-23
58 IDT  467 Gdańsk Town Council    Gdańsk (Danzig)    1509-05-01 — 1509-06-01
59 IDT  468 Record of Provincial Diet of Royal Prussia in Marienburg (Malbork)        1509-06-01 — 1509-06-06
60 IDT  469 Gdańsk Town Council to Sigismund I Jagiellon & [Ioannes DANTISCUS]    Gdańsk (Danzig)    1509-06-06
61 IDT  470 Sigismund I Jagiellon to Gdańsk Town Council    Cracow    1509-07-13
62 IDT  472 Johann SCHEWECKE Sr to Ioannes DANTISCUS    Gdańsk (Danzig)    1509-08-17
63 IDT  473 Record of negotiations between envoys of Lukas Watzenrode and Gdańsk town council    Marienburg (Malbork)    1509-08-25
64 IDT  474 Record of Provincial Diet of Royal Prussia    Marienburg (Malbork)    1509-09-29 — 1509-10-02
65 IDT  475 Record of negotiations between envoys of Elbing town council and Gdańsk town council    Elbing (Elbląg)    1509-10-16
66 IDT  695 Giovanni Silvio de MATHIO (AMATUS), liminary epigram to De virtutis et fortunae differentia somnium        before 1510-12-24
67 IDT  476 Sigismund I Jagiellon to Gdańsk Town Council    Piotrków    1511-02-14
68 IDT  207 Sigismund I Jagiellon to Ioannes DANTISCUS        1511-07-30
69 IDT  477 Sigismund I Jagiellon to Provincial Diet of Royal Prussia    Brest-Litovsk    1511-08-02
70 IDT  479 Sigismund I Jagiellon to Jan KONOPACKI Sr    [Brest-Litovsk?]    1511-08-05
71 IDT  480 Record of Provincial Diet of Royal Prussia    Marienburg (Malbork)    1511-08-24 — 1511-08-29
72 IDT  481 Record of Provincial Diet of Royal Prussia    Graudenz (Grudziądz)    1511-09-21 — 1511-09-23
73 IDT  662 [Provincial Diet of Royal Prussia?] to Ioannes DANTISCUS        [1511-09-23?]
74 IDT  482 Sigismund I Jagiellon to Provincial Diet of Royal Prussia        [1511-12-29 or shortly before]
75 IDT  483 Record of Provincial Diet of Royal Prussia    Marienburg (Malbork)    1512-01-25 — 1512-01-29
76 IDT  484 Record of Provincial Diet of Royal Prussia    Marienburg (Malbork)    1512-02-10 — 1512-02-16
77 IDT  648 Sigismund I Jagiellon to Gdańsk Town Council    Cracow    1512-03-20
78 IDT  647 Sigismund I Jagiellon to Gdańsk Town Council & Dethardt BRANDIS & aldermen of Gdańsk    Cracow    1512-06-08
79 IDT  485 Record of Royal Prussia's envoys to Sigismund I Jagiellon    Cracow    1512-06-11 — 1512-07-08
80 IDT  487 Sigismund I Jagiellon to Gdańsk Town Council    Cracow    1512-08-13
81 IDT  488 Gdańsk Town Council to Elbing Town Council    Gdańsk (Danzig)    1512-09-09
82 IDT  489 Elbing Town Council to Gdańsk Town Council    Elbing (Elbląg)    1512-09-11
83 IDT  490 Gdańsk Town Council to Sigismund I Jagiellon    [Gdańsk (Danzig)]    1512-09-28 — 1512-10-28
84 IDT  646 Sigismund I Jagiellon to Gdańsk Town Council    Piotrków    1512-12-08
85 IDT  491 Record of the Mission of Envoys of Royal Prussian Estates to Royal Diet in Piotrków        1512-11-06 — 1512-12-10
86 IDT  661 Gdańsk Town Council to [Maciej DRZEWICKI?]    [Gdańsk (Danzig)]    1512-12-24
87 IDT  461 Nicolaus COPERNICUS, Epigram on Epithalamium Sigismundi et Barbarae by Ioannes DANTISCUS        1512
88 IDT  645 Sigismund I Jagiellon to Gdańsk Town Council    Poznań (Posen)    1513-01-28
89 IDT  621 Sigismund I Jagiellon to Gdańsk Town Council    Poznań (Posen)    1513-02-10
90 IDT  641 Sigismund I Jagiellon to Gdańsk Town Council    Poznań (Posen)    1513-03-05
91 IDT  637 Paweł Sebastian KRASSOWSKI to Ambrosius STORM    Poznań (Posen)    1513-05-08
92 IDT  492 Sigismund I Jagiellon to Provincial Diet of Royal Prussia    Vilnius    1513-08-30
93 IDT  512 Sigismund I Jagiellon to Jan LUBRAŃSKI    Vilnius    1513-09-09
94 IDT  493 Record of Provincial Diet of Royal Prussia    Graudenz (Grudziądz)    1513-09-14 — 1513-09-19
95 IDT  494 Record of Provincial Diet of Royal Prussia    Marienburg (Malbork)    1513-11-20 — 1513-11-25
96 IDT  748 Sigismund I Jagiellon to Jan ŁASKI    Vilnius    1514-07-01
97 IDT  640 Sigismund I Jagiellon to Gdańsk Town Council    Vilnius    1514-07-13
98 IDT  541 Löbau Town Council & Löbau Town Council to all and each        1515-09-11
99 IDT  763 Riccardi Bartholini Odeporicon    Vienna    1515-09-13
100 IDT  540 Alberto III PIO Prince of Carpi to Maximilian I of Habsburg    Bologna    1515-12-16
101 IDT  316 [Mauritius FERBER]     s.l.    [1515?]
102 IDT   83 Ulrich MÖRINGER to UNKNOWN     s.l.    1516-01-06
103 IDT  529 Payment confirmation for Ioannes DANTISCUS in the service of Maximilian I of Habsburg        1516-06-16
104 IDT  495 Record of Gdańsk town council's envoys' mission to Sigismund I Jagiellon    Vilnius    1516-04-02 — 1516-06-22
105 IDT  358 Council of Ten to Ioannes DANTISCUS    Venice    1516-07-04
106 IDT  530 Payment confirmation for Ioannes DANTISCUS in the service of Maximilian I of Habsburg         1516-07-23
107 IDT  531 Payment confirmation for Ioannes DANTISCUS in the service of Maximilian I of Habsburg        1516-09-11
108 IDT  532 Payment confirmation for Ioannes DANTISCUS in the service of Maximilian I of Habsburg        1516-11-04
109 IDT  538 Ad Divum Carolum Maximum Regem Catholicum, Mercurini Arboriensis de Gattinaria, Burgundiae Praesidis Iuris utriusque Doctoris, et Militis oratio supplicatoria somnium interserens de novissima orbis monarchia, ac futuro Christianorum triumpho, late enuntians, quibus mediis ad id perveniri possit    Brussels    1516-12-08
110 IDT  566 Crisostomo COLONNA        1516, end of the year
111 IDT  375 Maximilian I of Habsburg to Sigismund I Jagiellon        [1516/1517]
112 IDT  522 Sigismund I Jagiellon to Jan BONER    Vilnius    1517-01-02
113 IDT  534 Payment confirmation for Ioannes DANTISCUS in the service of Maximilian I of Habsburg        1517-01-16
114 IDT  533 Payment confirmation for Ioannes DANTISCUS in the service of Maximilian I of Habsburg        1517-01-22
115 IDT  535 Payment confirmation for Ioannes DANTISCUS in the service of Maximilian I of Habsburg        1517-02-06
116 IDT  536 Payment confirmation for Ioannes DANTISCUS in the service of Maximilian I of Habsburg        1517-02-07
117 IDT  514 Sigismund I Jagiellon to Sigmund von HERBERSTEIN    Vilnius     1517-03-[04] — 1517-03-[14]
118 IDT   84 Ferdinand I of Habsburg to Regiment in Innsbruck    Aalst    1517-03-18
119 IDT  507 Sigismund I Jagiellon to all and each    Vilnius    1517-05-19
120 IDT  515 Sigismund I Jagiellon to Leo X    Vilnius    [1517, before August 1]
121 IDT  516 Sigismund I Jagiellon to College of Cardinals    Vilnius    [1517, before August 1]
122 IDT  709 Officers of the Teutonic Order to Dietrich von BABENHAUSEN     s.l.?    1517-11-16
123 IDT  708 Dietrich von BABENHAUSEN to Georg TRUCHSES von Wetzhause     s.l.?    1517-11-20
124 IDT  542 Rudolf AGRICOLA Jr to Ladislaus de BOZKOWICZ        1517
125 IDT  517 Iustus Lodvicus DECIUS (DECJUSZ, DIETZ) to Piotr TOMICKI    Cracow    1518-05-10
126 IDT  685 Passport issued by Maximilian I of Habsburg to Ioannes Dantiscus    Gmunden    1518-11-17
127 IDT  210 Sigismund I Jagiellon to Ioannes DANTISCUS        1518
128 IDT  212 Sigismund I Jagiellon to Ioannes DANTISCUS        1518
129 IDT  284 Charles V of Habsburg to Ioannes DANTISCUS     s.l.    1519-02-21
130 IDT  248 Charles V of Habsburg to Juan DALBION    Barcelona    1519-09-05
131 IDT  290 Charles V of Habsburg to UNKNOWN    Barcelona    1519-09-14
132 IDT  217 Charles V of Habsburg to UNKNOWN    Barcelona    1519-09-15
133 IDT  337 Charles V of Habsburg to Sigismund I Jagiellon    [Barcelona]    [1519-09-15]
134 IDT  712 Sigismund I Jagiellon to [Adolf of Burgundy?]        [1519?]
135 IDT  649 Sigismund I Jagiellon to Officials of Royal Prussia & Gdańsk Town Council & aldermen of Gdańsk        1520-01-25
136 IDT  650 Sigismund I Jagiellon to Officials of Royal Prussia & Gdańsk Town Council & aldermen of Gdańsk    Thorn (Toruń)    1520-02-09
137 IDT  691 Sigismund I Jagiellon to Gdańsk Town Council    [Thorn (Toruń)]    1520-03-16
138 IDT  655 Sigismund I Jagiellon to Gdańsk Town Council & aldermen of Gdańsk    Thorn (Toruń)    1520-03-31
139 IDT  518 Sigismund I Jagiellon to Hieronim ŁASKI    Thorn (Toruń)    1520-04-10
140 IDT  656 Sigismund I Jagiellon to Gdańsk Town Council    Thorn (Toruń)    1520-04-13
141 IDT  343 Fabian von LUSIAN (LUZJAŃSKI) to Ioannes DANTISCUS     s.l.    1520-10 or 1520-11
142 IDT  652 Sigismund I Jagiellon to Gdańsk Town Council    Thorn (Toruń)    1521-04-19
143 IDT  496 Record of truce negotiations between Sigismung I Jagiellon and Albrecht von Hohenzollern-Ansbach with participation of Royal Prussian estates    Thorn (Toruń)    1521-01-27 — 1521-04-24
144 IDT  653 Sigismund I Jagiellon to Gdańsk Town Council    Służewo    1521-04-25
145 IDT   35 Gdańsk Town Council to Sigismund I Jagiellon        1521
146 IDT  524 Sigismund I Jagiellon to Ioannes DANTISCUS        1522-03-17
147 IDT   93 Sigismund I Jagiellon to Charles V of Habsburg     s.l.    shortly before [1522-05-16]
148 IDT  588 Passport issued by Sigismund I Jagiellon for Ioannes DANTISCUS    Vilnius    1522-05-15
149 IDT  114 Ferdinand I of Habsburg to Henry VIII Tudor    Wiener Neustadt    1522-06-30
150 IDT  526 Caspar KRYSCHKER    Cracow    1522-07-04
151 IDT  219 Passport issued by Charles V of Habsburg for Ioannes DANTISCUS    Antwerp    1522-09-13
152 IDT  587 Letter from Sigismund I Jagiellon to Bona Sforza        [1522]
153 IDT   88 Reply to the speech, delivered by the Polish Envoy Ioannes DANTISCUS in Valladolid, 1522-12-27, given by Mercurino Arborio di GATTINARA on behalf of the Emperor Charles V von Habsburg    [Valladolid]    [1522-12-27 — 1523-01-04]
154 IDT  221 Charles V of Habsburg to UNKNOWN    Valladolid    1523-02-20
155 IDT  154 Charles V of Habsburg to Ioannes DANTISCUS    Valladolid    1523-02-29(!)
156 IDT  113 Adolf de CLEVES to Johan III van Kleef Vredebereide    Valladolid    1523-03-19
157 IDT   86 Instruction given by Margaret of Austria and Christian II of Oldenburg to Ioannes DANTISCUS, envoy to King Sigismund I Jagiellon     Mechelen    1523-05-29
158 IDT  654 Sigismund I Jagiellon to Gdańsk Town Council    Cracow    1523-06-10
159 IDT  525 Sigismund I Jagiellon to Ioannes DANTISCUS    Cracow    1523-09-14
160 IDT  497 Record of Provincial Diet of Royal Prussia    Graudenz (Grudziądz)    1523-09-29 — 1523-10-03
161 IDT  651 Sigismund I Jagiellon to Gdańsk Town Council    Cracow    1523-10-13
162 IDT  278 Sigismund I Jagiellon to Council of Royal Prussia    [Cracow?]    [1523-10?]
163 IDT  279 Sigismund I Jagiellon to Kulm District & Marienburg District & Elbing District    [Cracow?]    [1523-10?]
164 IDT  498 Ambrosius STORM    Piotrków    1523-11-16 — 1523-12-18
165 IDT  544 Sigismund I Jagiellon        [ca. 1524-02-04]
166 IDT  555 UNKNOWN to [Sigismund I Jagiellon?]    Cracow    1524-02-28
167 IDT  318 Record of power of attorney of Sigismund I and Bona for Ludovico ALIFIO and Ioannes DANTISCUS to take over the inheritance of Isabella of Aragon    Cracow    1524-03-13
168 IDT  658 Sigismund I Jagiellon to Gdańsk Town Council    Cracow    1524-03-14
169 IDT   16 Sigismund I Jagiellon to Ioannes DANTISCUS    Cracow    1524-03-15 or shortly before
170 IDT   92 Sigismund I Jagiellon & Bona Sforza to Nobility of Bari     s.l.    [1524-03-24]
171 IDT  115 Sanitary certificate issued by the officials of Ancona for Ioannes DANTISCUS    Ancona    1524-06-29
172 IDT  116 Sanitary certificate from the officials of city Senigallia for Ioannes DANTISCUS    Senigallia    1524-06-30
173 IDT  117 Sanitary certificate from the officials of city Rimini for Ioannes DANTISCUS    Rimini    1524-07-01
174 IDT  118 Sanitary certificate from the officials of city Savignano for Ioannes DANTISCUS    Savignano sul Rubicone    1524-07-02
175 IDT  119 Sanitary certificate from the officials of city Forli for Ioannes DANTISCUS    Forli    1524-07-03
176 IDT  390 Sanitary certificate from the officials of city Mantua for Ioannes DANTISCUS    Mantua    1524-07-09
177 IDT  643 Sanitary certificate from the officials of city Brescia for Ioannes DANTISCUS    Brescia    1524-07-11
178 IDT  644 Sanitary certificate from the officials of city Breno for Ioannes DANTISCUS    Breno    1524 Iuly 12 or 15
179 IDT  426 Charles V of Habsburg to Juan de AYALA    Tordesillas    1524-10-17
180 IDT  414 Reply to the speech delivered by the Polish Envoy Ioannes Dantiscus in Tordesillas, 1524-10-[11], given by Mercurino Arborio di Gattinara on behalf of the Emperor Charles V von Habsburg    [Valladolid]    1524 [after October 11]
181 IDT  315 Reply to the memorial submitted by the Polish Envoys Ioannes Dantiscus & Stanisław Borek, given by [Mercurino Arborio di Gattinara?] on behalf of the Emperor Charles V von Habsburg    [Tordesillas?]    [1524-11-02 — 1524-11-05]
182 IDT  276 Charles V of Habsburg to Charles de LANNOY & Collateral Council of the Emperor in Naples    Madrid    1524-12-17
183 IDT  451 Charles V of Habsburg to Bona Sforza & Sigismund I Jagiellon    Madrid    1524-12-17
184 IDT   64 Charles V of Habsburg to Charles de LANNOY & Collateral Council of the Emperor in Naples    Madrid    1524-12-17
185 IDT   15 Legatio data Ioanni Dantisco et Ludovico Aliphio        1524
186 IDT  155 Charles V of Habsburg & Joanna I of Castile the Mad to Ioannes DANTISCUS    Naples    1524
187 IDT  527 Sigismund I Jagiellon & Bona Sforza to all and each        [after 1524-03-13]
188 IDT  713 Sigismund I Jagiellon to Iustus Lodvicus DECIUS (DECJUSZ, DIETZ)        1524
189 IDT  714 Sigismund I Jagiellon & Bona Sforza to Clement VII        1524
190 IDT  715 Sigismund I Jagiellon to Lorenzo PUCCI        1524
191 IDT   90 Sigismund I Jagiellon to Lodovico ALIFIO    Cracow    1525-[03-13]
192 IDT  622 Sigismund I Jagiellon to all and each    Cracow    1525-04-30
193 IDT  443 Sigismund I Jagiellon to Lodovico ALIFIO    [Cracow]    ca. 1525-[06-12]
194 IDT  725 Bona Sforza to Mauritius FERBER    Niepołomice    1526-02-11
195 IDT  224 Clement VII to Ioannes DANTISCUS    Rome    1526-03-09
196 IDT  424 Clement VII to Bona Sforza    [Rome]    1526-03-09
197 IDT  724 Bona Sforza to Ermland (Warmia) Chapter    Cracow    1526-07-12
198 IDT  362 Charles V of Habsburg to Collateral Council of the Emperor in Naples    Granada    1526-08-20
199 IDT  764 Louis II Jagiellon to Simon BAKOCZ de Erdődy & Ferenc BATTHYÁNY & gentry of Slavonia        1526-08-25
200 IDT  620 Sigismund I Jagiellon to Ioannes DANTISCUS        1526
201 IDT  551 MALON & MALON     s.l.    1527-07-27
202 IDT  256 Charles V of Habsburg to [Jean de CALVIMONT] & [Gabriel de GRAMONT] & [Gilbert BAYARD]    [Burgos]    1528-01-01
203 IDT  312 Sigismund I Jagiellon to Mercurino Arborio di GATTINARA    Radom    [ca. 1528-02-28]
204 IDT  225 Sigismund I Jagiellon & Piotr TOMICKI to UNKNOWN    Radom    1528-03-01
205 IDT   37 Charles V of Habsburg to all and each    Monzón    1528-07-14
206 IDT  361 Charles V of Habsburg to Bona Sforza    Madrid    1528-10-02
207 IDT  111 Hendrik III of Nassau-Breda to Wilhelm I der Reiche of Nassau-Dillenburg der Reiche    Madrid    1528-10-14
208 IDT  250 Charles V of Habsburg to UNKNOWN    Toledo    1528-11-20
209 IDT  291 Charles V of Habsburg to UNKNOWN    Toledo    1528-11-28
210 IDT  309 Sigismund I Jagiellon to Francis I of Valois     s.l.    1528?
211 IDT  310 Sigismund I Jagiellon to Charles V of Habsburg     s.l.    1528?
212 IDT  311 Sigismund I Jagiellon to Francis I of Valois     s.l.    1528?
213 IDT  249 Passport issued by Charles V of Habsburg for Ioannes DANTISCUS    Zaragoza    1529-04-09
214 IDT  158 Marco CASELLI & Mattheo CASELLI & Pio CASELLI to Ioannes DANTISCUS    Piasola    1529-10-21
215 IDT  369 Scipione di SOMMA to Jan LEWICKI    Andria    1529-11-15
216 IDT   18 Jan LEWICKI to Jadwiga    Rome    1529-12-06
217 IDT   38 Charles V of Habsburg to Lorenzo PUCCI?    Trent    1530-04-28
218 IDT  744 Sigismund I Jagiellon to Ferdinand I of Habsburg        1530-06-01
219 IDT  556 Fabian WOJANOWSKI (DAMERAU) to Georg von HÖFEN (FLACHSBINDER)    Thorn (Toruń)    1530-06-15
220 IDT  391 Cornelis DE SCHEPPER to Erasmus of Rotterdam    Augsburg    1530-06-28
221 IDT  363 Charles V of Habsburg to Clement VII    Augsburg    1530-07-07
222 IDT  445 Charles V of Habsburg to Miguel MAI    Augsburg    1530-07-07
223 IDT   39 Georg KLINGENBECK to Charles V of Habsburg        1530-07-23
224 IDT  112 Jan DRZEWICKI to Ioannes DANTISCUS     s.l.    1529-12-19 — 1530-08-19
225 IDT  446 Juan de VALDÉS        1530-04-10 — 1530-08-30
226 IDT  364 Charles V of Habsburg to Ioannes DANTISCUS    Augsburg    1530-10-31
227 IDT  370 Charles V of Habsburg to Sigismund I Jagiellon    Augsburg    1530-11-22
228 IDT  179 UNKNOWN to Ioannes DANTISCUS     s.l.    1530?
229 IDT  434 Charles V of Habsburg to Bona Sforza    Cologne    1531-01-07
230 IDT  448 Sigismund I Jagiellon to Ferdinand I of Habsburg    Cracow    1531-01-24
231 IDT  123 Bernhard von HÖFEN (FLACHSBINDER) to UNKNOWN    Kulmsee (Chełmża)    1531-03-01
232 IDT  226 Charles V of Habsburg to Ioannes DANTISCUS        [1531]-03-05
233 IDT  435 Charles V of Habsburg to Sigismund I Jagiellon    Brussels    1531-03-05
234 IDT  730 Stephanus COMES        [1531-01 — 1531-03]
235 IDT  731 Stephanus COMES        [1531-01 — 1531-03]
236 IDT  732 Heinemann RODE        [1531-01 — 1531-03]
237 IDT  733 Sigismund I Jagiellon to Charles V of Habsburg    Cracow    1531-04-15
238 IDT  176 Elisabeth DONCHE to Michiel DE VRIENDT    Bruges    1531-07-01
239 IDT  381 Nicolaus COPERNICUS to Mauritius FERBER    Frauenburg (Frombork)    1531-07-27
240 IDT   40 Olbracht GASZTOŁD to Nikolaus NIBSCHITZ (NIPSZYC)    Vilnius    1531-07-28
241 IDT  436 Charles V of Habsburg to Bona Sforza    Brussels    1531-08-15
242 IDT  449 Sigismund I Jagiellon to Ferdinand I of Habsburg    Cracow    1531-09-03
243 IDT  418 Ioannes DANTISCUS, Victoria Sigismundi primi regis Poloniae contra Vayevodam Muldaviae    Brussels    1531-09-24
244 IDT  447 Charles V of Habsburg    Brussels    1531-10-17
245 IDT  411 Iacobus IASPARUS to Erasmus of Rotterdam    Brussels    1531-11-19
246 IDT  419 Henry VIII Tudor to Clement VII    Namphcourt    1531-12-02
247 IDT  420 Clement VII to Henry VIII Tudor    Rome    1531-12-10
248 IDT  439 Introductory letter from Hilarius BERTHOLF to the Reader of the “Epitaphia, Epigrammata et Elegiae aliquot illustrium virorum in funere Mercurini Cardinalis marchionis Gattinariae caesaris Caroli Quinti Augusti supremi cancellarii”, published in Antwerp, 1531    Antwerp    1531
249 IDT   94 Alfonso d' AVALOS d' Aquino to UNKNOWN     s.l.    1532-01-12
250 IDT  268 UNKNOWN to Ioannes DANTISCUS?        1532-02-02
251 IDT  380 Sigismund I Jagiellon to Cornelis DE SCHEPPER    Cracow    1532-02-17
252 IDT  377 Sigismund I Jagiellon to Charles V of Habsburg    Cracow    1532-02-18
253 IDT   91 Alfonso de VALDÉS to Sigismund I Jagiellon    Regensburg    1532-03-17
254 IDT  376 Helius EOBANUS Hessus (KOCH) to Ioannes CAMPENSIS (Jan van CAMPEN)    Nuremberg    1532-06-20
255 IDT  180 Ferdinand I of Habsburg to Ioannes DANTISCUS    Regensburg    1532-06-30
256 IDT  437 Charles V of Habsburg to Bona Sforza    Regensburg    1532-06-30
257 IDT  438 Charles V of Habsburg to Sigismund I Jagiellon    Regensburg    1532-07-03
258 IDT  157 Ferdinand I of Habsburg to Ioannes DANTISCUS    Regensburg    1532-07-28
259 IDT  663 Piotr TOMICKI to Jan KARNKOWSKI    Cracow    1532-07-28
260 IDT  553 Mariangelo ACCURSIO to Ioannes DANTISCUS     s.l.    [before 1532-07-29]
261 IDT  499 Record of Provincial Diet of Royal Prussia    Marienburg (Malbork)    1532-09-29 — 1532-10-07
262 IDT  501 Record of Provincial Diet of Royal Prussia    Graudenz (Grudziądz)    1533-01-01 — 1533-01-05
263 IDT  333 UNKNOWN to all and each        1533-01-10
264 IDT  379 Cornelis DE SCHEPPER to Sigismund I Jagiellon    Innsbruck    1533-01-13
265 IDT  177 Ermland (Warmia) Chapter to Mauritius FERBER    Frauenburg (Frombork)    1533-04-07
266 IDT  502 Record of Provincial Diet of Royal Prussia    Marienburg (Malbork)    1533-05-08 — 1533-05-14
267 IDT  235 Johan WEZE to Ioannes DANTISCUS?    Vienna    1533-06-03
268 IDT  433 Clement VII to Sigismund I Jagiellon    Rome    1533-08-03
269 IDT  352 Council of Royal Prussia to Sigismund I Jagiellon    Graudenz (Grudziądz)    1533-10-02
270 IDT  503 Record of Provincial Diet of Royal Prussia    Graudenz (Grudziądz)    1533-09-29 — 1533-10-05
271 IDT  537 Cornelis DE SCHEPPER to [Jan TARNOWSKI?]        1533-10-08
272 IDT  274 Albrecht I von Hohenzollern-Ansbach to Council of Royal Prussia    Königsberg    1533-10-21
273 IDT   65 Albrecht I von Hohenzollern-Ansbach to Ioannes DANTISCUS    Königsberg    1533-11-12?
274 IDT  272 Albrecht I von Hohenzollern-Ansbach to Ioannes DANTISCUS        1533-11-26
275 IDT  261 Ioannes CAMPENSIS (Jan van CAMPEN) to Piotr TOMICKI    Cracow    1534-02-19
276 IDT  699 Sigismund I Jagiellon to Council of Royal Prussia    Vilnius    1534-02-28
277 IDT  500 Record of Provincial Diet of Royal Prussia    Marienburg (Malbork)    1534-05-08 — 1534-05-16
278 IDT  350 Sigismund I Jagiellon to Council of Royal Prussia        1534-05-30
279 IDT  124 Albrecht I von Hohenzollern-Ansbach to Council of Royal Prussia    Königsberg    1534-06-05
280 IDT  262 Paul III to Ferdinand I of Habsburg    Rome    1534-07-22
281 IDT  698 Sigismund I Jagiellon to Council of Royal Prussia    Vilnius    1534-07-26
282 IDT  558 Hieronim ŁASKI to his friends    Buda    1534-09-12
283 IDT  504 Record of Provincial Diet of Royal Prussia    Nowe Miasto    1534-09-29 — 1534-10-06
284 IDT  559 Wojciech KIJEWSKI to [Mauritius FERBER]    Cracow    1534-10-23
285 IDT  743 Georg von BAYSEN (BAŻYŃSKI) to Mauritius FERBER        1534-12-26
286 IDT  314 Council of Royal Prussia to Piotr TOMICKI    Löbau (Lubawa)    1534-12-30
287 IDT  121 Instruction of Ioannes DANTISCUS for [Johann REYNECK?], envoy to Albrecht I von Hohenzollern-Ansbach     s.l.    1534?
288 IDT  372 Sigismund I Jagiellon to Gustav I Vasa    Vilnius    1535-01-17
289 IDT  373 Sigismund I Jagiellon to Thomas SCHÖNING & Wolter von PLETTENBERG    [Vilnius]    [1535-01-17]
290 IDT  505 Record of Provincial Diet of Royal Prussia    Marienburg (Malbork)    1535-03-14 — 1535-03-19
291 IDT  700 Sigismund I Jagiellon to Council of Royal Prussia    Vilnius    1535-03-26
292 IDT  368 Charles V of Habsburg to The Danes & Royal Council of Denmark    Barcelona    1535-04-10
293 IDT  238 Gdańsk Town Council to Ioannes DANTISCUS & Georg von BAYSEN (BAŻYŃSKI)    Gdańsk (Danzig)    [1535-04-22 or shortly after]
294 IDT  349 Council of Royal Prussia to Sigismund I Jagiellon    Althausen (Starogród)    1535-05-19
295 IDT  701 Sigismund I Jagiellon to Council of Royal Prussia    Vilnius    1535-06-13
296 IDT   50 Inventory of the Friedeck (Wąbrzeźno) Castle    Löbau (Lubawa)     1535-07-29 or 1535-04-01
297 IDT  130 Sigismund I Jagiellon to Paweł PŁOTOWSKI     s.l.    before 1535-10-18
298 IDT  506 Record of Provincial Diet of Royal Prussia    Elbing (Elbląg)    1535-10-18 — 1535-10-24
299 IDT  161 Instruction of Ioannes DANTISCUS for Georg von HÖFEN, envoy to Albrecht I von Hohenzollern-Ansbach    Löbau (Lubawa)    1535-12-31
300 IDT  742 Ioannes MAGNUS, Elegia in funere Reverendissimi Domini Petri Tomicii        [1535/1536]
301 IDT  282 Jan CHOJEŃSKI to Mauritius FERBER?    Vilnius    1536-04-22
302 IDT  560 [Mauritius FERBER] to [Jan CHOJEŃSKI]        1536-05-20
303 IDT  761 Mauritius FERBER to Jan CHOJEŃSKI        1536-05-31
304 IDT  374 Cornelis DE SCHEPPER to Sigismund I Jagiellon    Brussels    [1536]-06-25
305 IDT  702 Sigismund I Jagiellon to Council of Royal Prussia    Vilnius    1536-07-21
306 IDT  672 Record of Provincial Diet of Royal Prussia    Marienburg (Malbork)    1536-05-08 — 1536-08-13
307 IDT  673 Record of Provincial Diet of Royal Prussia    Elbing (Elbląg)    1536-09-29 — 1536-10-06
308 IDT  716 Sigismund I Jagiellon    Cracow    1537-02-14
309 IDT  674 Record of Provincial Diet of Royal Prussia    Thorn (Toruń)    1537-05-08 — 1537-05-22
310 IDT  125 Council of Royal Prussia to Sigismund I Jagiellon    Thorn (Toruń)    1537-05-28
311 IDT  264 Certificate of betrothal between Diego GRACIÁN de Alderete & Juana DANTISCA        1537-06-30
312 IDT  351 Krzysztof OSIECZKOWSKI to Georg von HÖFEN (FLACHSBINDER)     s.l.    1537-07-26
313 IDT  574 [Martinus NIBSCHITZ (NIPSZYC)?]    [Bologna?]    [1537]-08-19
314 IDT  689 Ermland (Warmia) Chapter to Sigismund I Jagiellon        1537-08-23
315 IDT  330 Sigismund I Jagiellon to Paweł DUNIN-WOLSKI?    Lviv    ca. 1537-08-30
316 IDT  298 Oath of Ioannes Dantiscus to Ermland (Warmia) Chapter (articuli iurati episcopi Ioannis)    Frauenburg (Frombork)    [1537-09-20]
317 IDT  162 Council of Royal Prussia to Sigismund I Jagiellon    Graudenz (Grudziądz)    [1537-10-04]
318 IDT  163 Council of Royal Prussia to Jan CHOJEŃSKI    Graudenz (Grudziądz)    1537-10-04
319 IDT  126 Council of Royal Prussia to Nikolaus NIBSCHITZ (NIPSZYC)    Graudenz (Grudziądz)    1537-10-05
320 IDT  675 Record of Provincial Diet of Royal Prussia    Graudenz (Grudziądz)    1537-09-29 — 1537-10-06
321 IDT  665 Council of Royal Prussia to Sigismund I Jagiellon    Graudenz (Grudziądz)    1537-10-07
322 IDT  666 [Council of Royal Prussia] to Sigismund I Jagiellon    Graudenz (Grudziądz)    1537-10-09
323 IDT  539 Ioannes DANTISCUS to Albrecht I von Hohenzollern-Ansbach    Löbau (Lubawa)    1537-10-21
324 IDT  586 Isabel DELGADA to Fabian WOJANOWSKI (DAMERAU)    Valladolid    1537-10-27
325 IDT  360 Diego GRACIÁN de Alderete to Fabian WOJANOWSKI (DAMERAU)    Valladolid    1537-10-30
326 IDT  765 Mikołaj RUSSOCKI to Albrecht I von Hohenzollern-Ansbach    Borysławice     1537-11-19, Polish version dated 1537-11-21
327 IDT  388 Iacobus de DIETRICHSDORF (SZCZEPAŃSKI) to Ioannes DANTISCUS?     s.l.    1537
328 IDT  635 Georg von HÖFEN (FLACHSBINDER)    Gdańsk (Danzig)    1538-01-31
329 IDT  723 Jan CHOJEŃSKI to Ferdinand I of Habsburg        [before 1538-03-11]
330 IDT  688 Sigismund I Jagiellon to Stanisław KOSTKA    Cracow    1538-03-24
331 IDT   52 Council of Royal Prussia to Ioannes DANTISCUS    Marienburg (Malbork)    1538-05-08
332 IDT  306 Sigismund I Jagiellon to Ioannes DANTISCUS & Janusz LATALSKI     s.l.    [ca. 1538-05-17]
333 IDT  320 Sigismund I Jagiellon & Sigismund II Augustus Jagiellon to Ioannes DANTISCUS & Janusz LATALSKI     s.l.    [ca. 1538-05-17]
334 IDT  721 Sigismund II Augustus Jagiellon to all and each    [Cracow]    ca. [1538-05-17]
335 IDT  722 Sigismund I Jagiellon to Janusz LATALSKI    [Cracow]    [ca. 1538-05-17]
336 IDT    1 Certificate of marriage between Diego GRACIÁN de Alderete & Juana DANTISCA    Pozaldez    1538-05-19
337 IDT  183 Thorn Town Council to Ioannes DANTISCUS        1538-05-31
338 IDT  523 Stanisław GÓRSKI to Klemens JANICKI    Cracow    1538-06-10
339 IDT   44 Ferdinand I of Habsburg to all and each    Wrocław (Breslau)    1538-06-16
340 IDT  736 Tiedemann GIESE to Sigismund I Jagiellon    Löbau (Lubawa)    1538-08-02
341 IDT   46 Novitates (letter of UNKNOWN to UNKNOWN)    Cracow    1538-11-07
342 IDT  266 Response of Ioannes DANTISCUS for a legation of Albrecht I von Hohenzollern-Ansbach     s.l.    1538-12-24
343 IDT  564 Nicolas PERRENOT de Granvelle        [1538]
344 IDT  720 [Sigismund I Jagiellon] to Ferdinand I of Habsburg    [Cracow]    [1538]
345 IDT  568 Stanisław GRABKOWSKI to UNKNOWN    Adrianople    1539-02-23
346 IDT  687 Tiedemann GIESE to Sigismund I Jagiellon        ca. 1539-03-04
347 IDT  129 Sigismund I Jagiellon to Council of Royal Prussia    Cracow    1539-03-18
348 IDT  692 Sigismund I Iagiellon to Tiedemann Giese     Cracow    1539-03-18
349 IDT  703 Instruction of Sigismund I Jagiellon for [Paweł PŁOTOWSKI], envoy to the Provincial Diet of Royal Prussia on St. Stanislaus’ Day        1539-04-14
350 IDT  707 Sigismund I informs Ioannes Dantiscus, and Tiedemann Giese about the date and place of approaching Prussian diet     Cracow    1539-04-15
351 IDT  705 Sigismund I Jagiellon to Paweł PŁOTOWSKI    Cracow    1539-04-16
352 IDT  734 Sigismund I Jagiellon to Provincial Diet of Royal Prussia    Cracow    1539-04-16
353 IDT   47 Stanisław HOZJUSZ (HOSIUS) to Kaspar HANNAU    Cracow    1539-05-09
354 IDT  670 Councillors of Royal Prussia to Sigismund I Jagiellon    Löbau (Lubawa)    1539-06-14
355 IDT  671 Councillors of Royal Prussia to Sigismund I Jagiellon    Löbau (Lubawa)    1539-06-14
356 IDT  697 [Sigismund I Jagiellon] to Council of Royal Prussia    Cracow    1539-07-06
357 IDT  288 Council of Royal Prussia to Stanisław KOSTKA & Mikołaj SZCZAWIŃSKI        1539-07-08
358 IDT  102 Instruction of Ioannes DANTISCUS for Georg von HÖFEN, envoy to Albrecht I von Hohenzollern-Ansbach    Heilsberg (Lidzbark Warmiński)    1539-07-25
359 IDT  690 Stanisław AICHLER, Two Epigrams to the Youth        ca. 1539-07
360 IDT  693 Hieronymus VIETOR, epigram to the Youth        ca. 1539-07
361 IDT  686 Stanisław AICHLER, Epigram on Carmen paraeneticum ad Constantem Alliopagum by Ioannes DANTISCUS        ca. 1539-07
362 IDT  694 Stanisław HOZJUSZ (HOSIUS) to Samuel MACIEJOWSKI    Cracow    1539-08-13
363 IDT  704 Sigismund I issues an expectative for Warsaw canonry for Baltazar of Lublin    Cracow    1539-08-20
364 IDT   95 Georg HEGEL to Ioannes DANTISCUS    Cracow    1539
365 IDT  331 Georg von KUNHEIM to Albrecht I von Hohenzollern-Ansbach    Königsberg    1540-02-17
366 IDT  717 Sigismund I Jagiellon to Jan WILAMOWSKI    Cracow    1540-03-03
367 IDT  718 Sigismund I Jagiellon to Jan WILAMOWSKI    [Cracow]    [1540-03-03]
368 IDT  142 Georg DONNER to UNKNOWN    Guttstadt (Dobre Miasto)    1540-04-10
369 IDT  739 Council of Royal Prussia & Royal Prussian Estates to Albrecht I von Hohenzollern-Ansbach    Marienburg (Malbork)    1540-05-14
370 IDT  740 Elbing Town Council to Albrecht I von Hohenzollern-Ansbach    Elbing (Elbląg)    1540-05-15
371 IDT  676 Record of Provincial Diet of Royal Prussia    Marienburg (Malbork)    1540-05-09 — 1540-05-21
372 IDT  133 Sigismund I Jagiellon to Council of Royal Prussia    Vilnius    1540-07-08
373 IDT  738 Sigismund I Jagiellon to Abbots of Royal Prussia    Vilnius    1540-07-08
374 IDT  431 [Ermland (Warmia) Chapter] to Albrecht II Alcibiades        1540-09-11
375 IDT  432 Ermland (Warmia) Chapter to Albrecht I von Hohenzollern-Ansbach        1540-09-12
376 IDT  667 Ioannes Thomas MUSCONIUS, De caesaris in Galliam adventu [1]        [1540]
377 IDT  668 Ioannes Thomas MUSCONIUS, [De caesaris in Galliam adventu 2]        [1540]
378 IDT  729 Kaspar HANNAU to Ermland (Warmia) Chapter    Rome    1540-09-26
379 IDT  756 Council of Royal Prussia to Paweł PŁOTOWSKI    Graudenz (Grudziądz)    1540-10-04
380 IDT  757 Paweł PŁOTOWSKI to Sigismund I Jagiellon    Graudenz (Grudziądz)    1540-10-04
381 IDT  444 Council of Royal Prussia    Graudenz (Grudziądz)    1540-10-06
382 IDT  677 Record of Provincial Diet of Royal Prussia    Graudenz (Grudziądz)    1540-09-29 — 1540-10-06
383 IDT  258 Report of a trial against Georg SCHWANBACH, vicar in Wormditt    Heilsberg (Lidzbark Warmiński)    1540-10-15
384 IDT  134 Sigismund I Jagiellon to Council of Royal Prussia    Vilnius    1540-11-16
385 IDT  735 Letter from Andrzej CZARNKOWSKI to Piotr GAMRAT    Buda    1540-11-23
386 IDT  429 [Ermland (Warmia) Chapter] to Jan Benedyktowicz SOLFA     s.l.    1540-10-19 — 1540-11-26
387 IDT  325 UNKNOWN to UNKNOWN    Strasbourg    1540-12-24
388 IDT  347 Supplication of [Kaspar HANNAU?] to UNKNOWN [official of the Holy See]     s.l.    [1540?]
389 IDT  751 Sigismund I Jagiellon to all and each    Vilnius    1541-01-01
390 IDT  719 Sigismund I Jagiellon to Elbing Town Council    [Vilnius]    [1541-02-12]
391 IDT  172 Instruction of Ioannes DANTISCUS for Vincent HOFFMAN, envoy to Braunsberg Mayor Thewes SCHISSENTEUBER and to Braunsberg town council    Heilsberg (Lidzbark Warmiński)    1541-03-15
392 IDT  758 Sigismund I Jagiellon to Antonio PUCCI    [Vilnius]    1541-03-22
393 IDT  760 Sigismund I Jagiellon to Paul III    Vilnius    1541-03-22
394 IDT  427 UNKNOWN to UNKNOWN     s.l.    1541-04-10
395 IDT  737 Instruction of Sigismund I Jagiellon for Paweł PŁOTOWSKI, envoy to the Provincial Diet of Royal Prussia on St. Stanislaus’ Day        1541-02-13, and ca. 1541-04-25
396 IDT  398 Council of Royal Prussia to Sigismund I Jagiellon    [Marienburg (Malbork)]    1541-05-15
397 IDT  678 Record of Provincial Diet of Royal Prussia    Marienburg (Malbork)    1541-05-08 — 1541-05-15
398 IDT  759 Sigismund I Jagiellon to Stanisław KOSTKA    Vilnius    1541-05-17
399 IDT  569 Alexius THURZÓ to UNKNOWN    Suceava?    1541-06-06
400 IDT  571 UNKNOWN to UNKNOWN    [Suceava?]    [ca. 1541-06-06]
401 IDT  270 UNKNOWN to Sigismund I Jagiellon    Rome    1541-06-11
402 IDT  570 UNKNOWN to UNKNOWN     s.l.    [1541-04-14 — 1541-07-06]
403 IDT  770 Sigismund I Jagiellon to Council of Royal Prussia    Vilnius    1541-08-21
404 IDT  552 UNKNOWN to UNKNOWN    Bártfa (Bardejov)    1541-10-07
405 IDT  173 Ioannes DANTISCUS to UNKNOWN     s.l.    1541-10-28
406 IDT  627 Receipt given by Wilchelm TRUCHSESS to Johann von LUZJAN (LUZJAŃSKI)    Heilsberg (Lidzbark Warmiński)    1541-11-12
407 IDT  633 Loan agreement between Martin and Else von LUSIAN and Johann GLAUBITZ        1541-11-14
408 IDT  628 Report of a trial between Jorg RUNAW and Fabian MARQUART    [Heilsberg (Lidzbark Warmiński)]    1541-12-17
409 IDT  269 Council of Royal Prussia to Sigismund I Jagiellon    Heilsberg (Lidzbark Warmiński)    1542-01-05
410 IDT  623 Report of a trial between Martinus GERTNERS, Petrus BARSON and their wives (daughters of Anna LEUCHSE), and Bartholomeus VOGT, Iacobus KONTER and Valentius PULKEYM    Heilsberg (Lidzbark Warmiński)    1542-03-01
411 IDT  359 Hungarian estates to Ioannes DANTISCUS    Neusohl    1542-03-07
412 IDT  572 Georg von LOGSCHAU (LOXANUS) to UNKNOWN    Speyer    1542-03-10
413 IDT  348 Council of Royal Prussia to Sigismund I Jagiellon        1542-04-07
414 IDT  396 Jan SOKOŁOWSKI to Council of Royal Prussia    Graudenz (Grudziądz)    1542-05-06
415 IDT  679 Record of Provincial Diet of Royal Prussia    Marienburg (Malbork)    1542-05-08 — 1542-05-16
416 IDT   56 UNKNOWN to UNKNOWN    Gdańsk (Danzig)    1542-09-13
417 IDT  345 [Tiedemann GIESE?] to [Wilhelm von Hohenzollern]     s.l.     before 1542-09-25
418 IDT  769 UNKNOWN to UNKNOWN    Cracow?    1542-08-27 — 1543-01-03
419 IDT  561 Ioannes CLERICI to Ioannes DANTISCUS & Piotr GAMRAT & Wilhelm von Hohenzollern & Mikołaj DZIERZGOWSKI & Samuel MACIEJOWSKI & Sigismund I Jagiellon    Rome    1543-04-09
420 IDT  152 Johann von LUSIAN (LUZJAŃSKI) to Council of Royal Prussia    Rheden (Radzyn)    1543-04-19
421 IDT  153 Johann von LUSIAN (LUZJAŃSKI) to Council of Royal Prussia    Rheden (Radzyn)    1543-04-28
422 IDT  186 UNKNOWN to UNKNOWN     s.l.    1543-06-29
423 IDT  184 UNKNOWN to Ioannes DANTISCUS     s.l.    1543-07-18?
424 IDT  187 Fabianus EMMERICH to UNKNOWN     s.l.    1543-07-20
425 IDT  387 Sebastian JIRMIEN to UNKNOWN    Pressburg (Bratislava)    1543-08-12
426 IDT  450 Instruction of Ioannes DANTISCUS for Vincent HOFFMAN, envoy to Gdańsk Mayor Joahnn von WERDEN and to Gdańsk town council    Heilsberg (Lidzbark Warmiński)    1543-08-25
427 IDT  634 Heilsberg Town Council to all and each & Gdańsk Town Council    Heilsberg (Lidzbark Warmiński)    1543-08-25
428 IDT  680 Record of Provincial Diet of Royal Prussia    Graudenz (Grudziądz)    1543-09-29 — 1543-10-03
429 IDT  292 Wilhelm TRUCHSESS to UNKNOWN     s.l.    [1542/1543?]
430 IDT  386 Piotr KONARSKI to UNKNOWN     s.l.    before 1543-06-17
431 IDT   53 UNKNOWN to Ioannes DANTISCUS?        1543
432 IDT  629 Statement of Jacob GRUNDEMANN     s.l.    [1543-02-12 — 1544-01-05]
433 IDT   54 Friedrich GUTTETER to Ioannes GOLINSKI    Wrocław (Breslau)    1544-03-08
434 IDT  188 UNKNOWN to UNKNOWN     s.l.    [before 1544-03-12]
435 IDT  563 [Stanisław GÓRSKI?] to UNKNOWN    Piotrków    1544-03-15
436 IDT  776 Record of Provincial Diet of Royal Prussia    Marienburg (Malbork)    1544-05-08 — 1544-05-12
437 IDT  190 Mikołaj MYSZKOWSKI to Bona Sforza    Speyer    1544-06-04
438 IDT  189 Antonius WIED to UNKNOWN    Antwerp    1544-06-24
439 IDT  562 [Someone from the court of King Ferdinand] to [Iustus Lodvicus DECIUS (DECJUSZ, DIETZ)?]    Vienna    1544-09-03
440 IDT  193 UNKNOWN to Ioannes DANTISCUS?    Nuremberg    1544-09-28
441 IDT  196 UNKNOWN to Ioannes DANTISCUS    [Vienna?]    1544-10-01
442 IDT  777 Record of Provincial Diet of Royal Prussia    Graudenz (Grudziądz)    1544-09-29 — 1544-10-04
443 IDT  344 Paul III to Charles V of Habsburg    Heilsberg (Lidzbark Warmiński)    [1544]
444 IDT  778 Record of Provincial Diet of Royal Prussia    Elbing (Elbląg)    1545-01-25
445 IDT  393 Kaspar HANNAU to [Ioannes DANTISCUS?]    Rome    1545-01-30
446 IDT    5 Georg UTJEŠENOVIĆ to UNKNOWN    Nagyvarad (Varadinum)    1545-02-22
447 IDT  520 Letter of Ursule REISEN (drafted with Ioannes DANTISCUS own hand) to Justine [REISEN]    Heilsberg (Lidzbark Warmiński)    1545-04-03
448 IDT  631 Albrecht I von Hohenzollern-Ansbach gives litterae libertatis to Ignatius KOPZKOW    Neuhausen    1545-04-21
449 IDT  394 Kaspar HANNAU to [Ioannes DANTISCUS?]    Rome    1545-05-20
450 IDT   73 Recognition given by Dirschau (Tczew) town council to the Confraternity of Saint Mary Magdalene in Old Town Elbing    Dirschau    1545-07-11
451 IDT  779 Record of Provincial Diet of Royal Prussia    Graudenz (Grudziądz)    1545-09-29 — 1545-10-02
452 IDT  395 Johann von HÖFEN (Jan HARTOWSKI) to [Ioannes DANTISCUS?]    Cracow    1545-10-05
453 IDT  430 [Council of Royal Prussia] to [Sigismund I Jagiellon]    Wormditt (Orneta)    1545-11-18
454 IDT  773 [Council of Royal Prussia] to [Georg SCHEWECKE?]    Wormditt (Orneta)    [ca. 1545-11-18]
455 IDT  630 Report of a trial between Clement IHON and Thomas UNGERMAN    Guttstadt (Dobre Miasto)    1545-11-24
456 IDT   57 UNKNOWN to Ioannes DANTISCUS?     s.l.    1545?
457 IDT  639 Georg HEGEL    Cracow    [1545/1546]
458 IDT  557 [Johann LEHMANN] to [UNKNOWN, Lübeck Canon?]    Gdańsk (Danzig)    [1546, before February 4]
459 IDT  573 UNKNOWN        [1545-01-01 — 1546-02-16?]
460 IDT  197 Wilhelm von Hohenzollern to Johann LOHMÜLLER    Riga    1546-03-01 — 1546-04-15
461 IDT  780 Record of Provincial Diet of Royal Prussia    Marienburg (Malbork)    1546-05-08 — 1546-05-20
462 IDT  510         1546-06-20
463 IDT  614 Tax rates imposed on Ermland diocese towns        [1546-06-10 — 1546-08-04]
464 IDT  781 Record of Provincial Diet of Royal Prussia    Graudenz (Grudziądz)    1546-09-29 — 1546-10-04
465 IDT  281 Council of Royal Prussia to Sigismund I Jagiellon        1546-10-17
466 IDT  567 Sigismund I Jagiellon to UNKNOWN    Cracow    1546-[10]-25
467 IDT  328 Sigismund II Augustus Jagiellon to Sigismund I Jagiellon    Vilnius    1547-02-25
468 IDT  342 Council of Royal Prussia to Sigismund I Jagiellon        1547-05-13
469 IDT  774 Record of Provincial Diet of Royal Prussia    Marienburg (Malbork)    1547-05-08 — 1547-05-13
470 IDT  766 Georg SCHEWECKE & Georg von HÖFEN (FLACHSBINDER) & Georg MANDT to Sigismund I Jagiellon        [1547, shortly before May 27]
471 IDT  585 Johann LANG to [Samuel MACIEJOWSKI?]    Świdnica    1547-06-02
472 IDT  767 Georg SCHULTZ    Heilsberg (Lidzbark Warmiński)    1547-06-02
473 IDT  584 Custos Cracoviensis, orator regis ad maiestatem caesaream to [Samuel MACIEJOWSKI?]        [1547, before June 17]
474 IDT  583 Statement of Officers, Mareschall and Nobility of bishop's court in Heilsberg    Heilsberg (Lidzbark Warmiński)    1547-06-30
475 IDT  632 Officers, Mareschall and Nobility of bishop's court in Heilsberg to Königsberg Town Council    Heilsberg (Lidzbark Warmiński)    1547-06-30
476 IDT  782 Record of Negotiations of the Royal Prussian Estates    Dietrichswalde (Gietrzwałd)    1547-07-11 — 1547-07-12
477 IDT  305 Maciej KALECKI of Mąkolin to UNKNOWN    Vilnius    1547-09-14
478 IDT  565 [Joachim II of Brandenburg Hector?] to [Sigismund I Jagiellon?]        [1547, after April 24]
479 IDT  141 UNKNOWN to UNKNOWN    [Graudenz (Grudziądz)?]    September/October 1547
480 IDT  783 Record of Provincial Diet of Royal Prussia    Wormditt (Orneta)    1547-11-19 — 1547-11-24
481 IDT  726 Instruction of Ioannes DANTISCUS for Paweł PŁOTOWSKI, envoy to Ermland (Warmia) Chapter     s.l.    [1539 — 1547]
482 IDT  589 Stanisław HOZJUSZ (HOSIUS) to Samuel MACIEJOWSKI    Cracow    1548-07-10
483 IDT  425 [Matthias SCHUMANNUS Thorunensis] to [Tiedemann GIESE]    [Leipzig]    1548-09-23
484 IDT  383 Bernhard von HÖFEN (FLACHSBINDER) & Georg von HÖFEN (FLACHSBINDER) & Ursula von HÖFEN (FLACHSBINDER) & Catherina von HÖFEN to Achatius TRENCK        [after 1548-10-27]
485 IDT  772 note about the death of IOANNES DANTISCUS    [Heilsberg (Lidzbark Warmiński)]    [1548]-10-27 or shortly after
486 IDT  727 Kaspar HANNAU    Frauenburg (Frombork)    1551-02-14
487 IDT  728 Eustathius KNOBELSDORF to Ermland (Warmia) Chapter    Rössel (Reszel)    1562-09-02
488 IDT  750 Philippus FRENCKING, Oratio de vita et moribus reverendi in Christo domini Iohannis Dantisci Episcopi Culmensis et Warmiensis        1605